• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Eternal Card Game A good sign that it's time to close Eternal for the day

    Eternal Card Game A good sign that it's time to close Eternal for the day

    A good sign that it's time to close Eternal for the day

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    Well, that was a profitable match for me!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Expedition should have its own practice mode

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Since Expedition became part of organised play and TOP 100 place at the end of the month matters, there should be a way to test Expedition decks and not risk losing ranks. Not having this option hurts deckbuilding and the diversity of the meta bacause the best players are discouraged from actually trying to build new decks or even playing the mode altogether in favor of camping.

    submitted by /u/b_skal
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    Announcing the November Expedition Challenge! Tuesday Night Eternal - 11/5 at 8:30p Eastern

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Announcing the November Expedition Challenge! Tuesday Night Eternal - 11/5 at 8:30p Eastern



    After the October challenge was such a huge hit, we are running it back in November with more Expedition! Also this will be perfect timing for practice right before the in-client Expedition event in mid-November. Join us at 8:30p Eastern on November 5th and bring your best Expedition deck in a winner-take-all brawl. Tuesday, November 5 @ 8:30pm ET! Minimum 75 cards, markets legal, Flame of Xulta Expedition legality (see below).

    • Tuesday, November 5 @ 8:30p Eastern
    • 100% Free to Enter
    • Coverage at www.twitch.tv/telemokos begins at 8:15p Eastern.
    • Minimum 75 card decks + legal markets
    • Maximum 4 copies of each non-sigil card in your deck
    • Decks must follow the Flame of Xulta Expedition legality (see official card list here)
    • Prize pool begins at $1 per player, will increase with any donations.
      • Donations are welcome at paypal.me/tuesdaynighteternal
      • All donations are welcome and will go directly to the pot
      • Winner-take-all
      • If 20+ competitors, runner-up will also receive $10
    • 4 rounds of swiss followed by top 4 playoff
    • Best-of-3 rounds, finals will be Best-of-5
    • Participants must allow spectating mode for coverage
    • EternalWarcry decklist links required
    • Select feature matches of the swiss rounds will be streamed, the playoff will be streamed in its entirety
    • Vods of previous events can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAjPKvwPRFaHl_SIXSASag
    • Congrats to previous champions!
      • October Expedition (FoX): TonyGeeeee
      • Ranked (FoX): Gold47
      • Expedition (ToG): Doc28
      • Ranked: Gold47
      • Singleton: MajorMajorMajor
      • Pauper: YurickYu
    • Register free here: https://battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal/november-expedition-challenge/5db9b10607e16a78e69f469f/info?infoTab=details
    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Achievements for hitting some rank in Expedition should count if you achieve a rank higher than that

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I just got the achievement for getting diamond in expedition, but I still don't have the achievements for getting silver or gold. For many people who regularly hit masters every month, the only way for them to get the silver or gold achievements would be to purposefully drop down to bronze.

    submitted by /u/diablo-solforge
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    Custom Card Creation - Teacher of Humility - The Spell!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:27 PM PDT

    Jekk-o-Lanterns: The Final Round

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    Expedition - Even more important to go first than usual?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    Played my first Expedition games today, and while fun for a while everything seems to boil down to who goes first so they can hit Mastery on some unit or other first. I haven't seen so many Jack's Knives ever I think.

    Perhaps (even probably) it's just me not getting Expedition so far, but is this race for Mastery what I can expect in most games?

    Going second in my fist seven expedition games didn't improve the experience either. ;)

    submitted by /u/TheDoomfarer
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    Overwhelmed returning player

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Hi, sorry if this has been covered alot before, but I would appreciate any help you could give me. I have played the game a lot some time ago. But my interest started to wane. To give you a short overview of my collection: I own almost all cards up to, and including, Fall of Argenport, and a good chunk of Defiance. I used to play a bit ,more or less (played to one pretty bad result in an ets invitational), competitiv, and am maybe looking to start that up again. Now, returning after that time I feel kind of lost. What I'm basically looking for are the „best" meta decks, if there are any, containing alot of the cards from those sets, to settle into the game again, start learning all the new cards, and work towards getting my current collection back up. Thanks for your time, and any help you can give me.

    Edit: I have about 21k gold and 50k shiftstone sitting around, any advice on where to invest those is also appreciated.

    submitted by /u/herad
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    Upgrade to budget mono fire

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I jumped into Eternal a few weeks ago and am having a blast. I built this budget fire aggro list (https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/-kJlbqMPm2M/true-budget-deck-for-new-players-no-rares-no-adventure-cards) and it's served me really well, but now I'm on gold rank I'm noticing the match ups are getting tougher and the deck, while still able to win, feels like it needs a little extra punch to compete with all the legendaries I'm now seeing.

    So I was just wondering, what would the upgrade path with this deck look like? Is there even a legit, competitive mono fire list? I'm guessing not and should think about moving into a different faction, but not sure of the best options? In your honest opinion, is this deck capable of getting to Master rank (either as is, or with just a few upgrades)? Or should I think about just building into an entirely different competitive list? If so, what are the most budget-friendly competitive decks?

    I appreciate eternalwarcry.com is a great resource but as I don't really know many of the cards in Eternal yet I often find looking at decklists there more confusing than helpful atm, so would be great to hear personally from players. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/pauperhouse5
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    FTJ - Kairos & Siraf Ramp - Expedition

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    So I threw this together yesterday morning and have won about 60% of the games since then.

    I was playing a Praxis Ramp version when I realized how strong of a combo Marisen and Kairos is and I looked at other cards that create creatures and found Siraf.

    I then realized I would have access to Rujins Choice, the only way I've found to draw specific cards out of your deck, using FJT.

    The basic idea is the same: ramp to get Kairos out. The added value of Siraf comes either from herself or the ability to create creatures once Kairos comes down (the creatures do damage from Kairos ability, which means all damage from Sirafs creations do double damage.)

    Siraf also does a lot better by herself in Expedition as removal is rarer and she is harmless by itself (blocking is huge too, helps stall the board while you get your power up)

    Don't remind the weird sigils/insignias, they are all being taken out and replaced with better options, I just haven't updated yet

    While it is still a little janky, the deck works really well surprising.

    Tips, tricks, comments, etc etc... would be much appreicated.


    submitted by /u/Delanorix
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    Made it to Masters for the first time!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    [New Player] I finished the tutorial but am not getting the Shadow deck or quest completion. Help?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    I recieved 4 of the starter decks, it says "The Empty Throne" campaign is complete but my quest to finish that campaign is stuck on 4/5 and I don't have the shadow starter deck. I've tried completing the campaign twice. Is there some way to show it I'm missing something in the tutorial? Help?

    Finished Campaign: https://imgur.com/DFk7Ciq

    Stuck Quest: https://imgur.com/a/YTPnoxk

    My Deck Collection (missing Shadowstrike): https://imgur.com/a/IKOkPzd

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/Tracaine2019
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    Should older cards have reduced shiftstone?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    So I was thinking about crafting some older legends, but thinking of other games eventually the cost of things decrease over time... except in Eternal.

    It is super nice that you can craft whatever you want, especially since coming across old packs is now more challenging. But then I thought why are these cards still the same cost, especially since we cant even use them in expedition!

    Should cards for non expedition cost less so you can collect and play older cards?

    Should older expedition cards cost less so you can craft them to push expedition further? Sure there is draft but trying to pull specifics from there, good luck.

    Should multicraft Legends receive a discount. Maybe for each copy you get a 200stone discount or something. So if you craft 4 and then pull one, you arent so unlucky, etc.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    Aegis Puzzle: Diamond - Help?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Returning player : expedition help

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    I put the game down 6 months ago. In that time I've down a stack of magic arena and some soul searching. I played a bunch of games last night and I can now say with confidence that Eternal is the most fun and best CCG I've ever played.

    I had some games that were so fluid with both of us really battling to win in a way that I just don't find with arena.

    Anyway, Can someone recommend me a budget expedition deck? I have about 12 k shift and am not sure whether to play expedition or throne. I have a bunch of tier 1 throne decks from when XO cMe out.

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Vara's Sanctum gives the player Deadly now.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    Why is Disjunction with empty void a thing?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    I don't get it. So many cards have player protection.... but then disjunction (Was it changed) now allows you to literally burn it for nothing.

    I am sure there are many chances where this would come in handy, but it goes against everything else in the game. Why doesn't this game have WARNINGS on stupid plays?

    Note: I was testing this in Forge because it kept lighting up like it had options. But having something like this could screw someone up in a game because so many other cards never had this option.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    I had a really nice expedition run today!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    My Consuming Greed didn't turn out too well

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Returning player, is taking Forge to Master rank still with it over draft?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Old advice was that getting Forge to Master was always really solid value and fairly simple in between resets. Is that still the case or should I spend my gold on drafts? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ShiftyMNM
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    Blocking/not blocking

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    I had a match this morning (sorry, no screenshot) where my opponent had a snowcrust yeti with several weapons on it so it had aegis and overwhelm (and was 12/12-ish, can't remember). They attacked with what would have been lethal since I only had a Kerendon merchant. But -- I blocked and after blocking used devour on my merchant which should have canceled his attack but somehow they attacked anyway and won.

    All I can think is that after blocking I didn't actually click to commit the blocks (although I feel sure that I had) before using devour. Has anyone had this happen before?

    It it was my mistake (likely) it seems like a poorly programmed interaction. Why would you have a unit you were purposefully sacrificing and didn't want to also cancel their attack?

    End of rant. I'm mostly salty because the opponent had been roping every turn and I felt like I had the game in hand (especially with them loading everything onto a single unit. And of course I got BM emotes after they won... :)

    submitted by /u/dsarchs
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    Removing effects?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    So I have a character hit with a curse, debuff, on going effect, etc etc.

    Eternal doesn't do a good job of informing me what will remove what.

    Okay so Stat ups seem to stay regardless of what happens to the character. Curses bail if the target dies but what happens if the card is returned to hand/deck? Silencing seems to miss some things but not others?

    Am I just going to have to build a graveyard deck as getting my stuff killed is the only way to remove effects in this game or just play full counter so they never happen in the first place? I have no idea what answers to play because I don't know if they are answers in the first place.

    Can someone give me a short run down what what happens with some of these effects? Mainly Bounce for one.

    submitted by /u/JxAxS
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    Expedition Kennadins by LordPerth | Eternal Decks | Eternal Warcry

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I tried to make a Kennadin deck in Expedition. It uses discard and sacrifice effects instead of Combustion Cell, which is not allowed in Expedition. The discard and sacrifice fodder comes mostly from Manufacture and Faceless ones. My winrate is only slightly above 50% right now (around 140 master), but the decklist is also still not fully defined. A more detailled explanation of the card choices can be fund on eternalwarcry.

    Link: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/exfVfoR87pY/expedition-kennadins

    edit: forgot the link

    submitted by /u/L0rdPerth
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