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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors

    Eternal Card Game Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors

    Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    [Twitch Clip][Trick or Treat] Kaleb, Uncrowned Prince, Plays Trick or Treat

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Sunyveil's Budget Decks for The Flame of Xulta

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:38 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    My budget deck article for The Flame of Xulta is up here: Budget Expedition Decks for The Flame of Xulta.

    This time around the line I set was 12 rares, plus cards available as part of a new account or preconstructed decks from the in-game store.

    Unfortunately with Eternal Titans going down, most of my previous work on budget decks have been lost, though I'm trying to salvage my article from Dark Frontier here.

    Here are EWC links to the decks featured in the article:

    Rakano Onis

    Skycrag Burn

    Xenan Cultists



    Twitter || Twitch

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    Blizzard and Wizards be like

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    [Throne] Leveraging Sodi to Masters

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Decklist: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/xvoPlTQX26U/throne-sodi-agro-control

    I used this Sodi agro control list to power my way into ranked masters last month. The list is a bit different than the Elysian list running around (and has a pretty good matchup against it).

    The primary gameplan for this deck is pretty straightforward -

    Turn 2 - Teacher of humility or Varret. Hitting with a teacher is almost always game over against some decks, but most of the time these 2 drops get a torch out of the opponents hand so we can play our Sodi with some safety later on.

    Turn 3 - Play your gnash. He is hard to remove, blocks well and hits for 8 on turn 4 with spellshaper. Most players don't remove him right away and will play a merchant down not expecting 8-11 face damage on turn 4. This damage is pretty important in some matchups where we can't win the long game.

    Turn 4 - Protect and punish. In some matchups where they play a lot of expensive removal, or in the harsh rule matchups, NEVER leave an opening for them to cast those spells. You have 4 unseal and 4 daring gryffyns to disrupt their gameplans. 2 drops and Unseal is one of your best turn 4 plays. I like to save gryffyns as closers because countering a seek power only to get your creature that you are putting the 3/2 weapon torched feels bad.

    Turn 5 and Beyond - If you have traded a lot of resources, we have Sodi + unseal on turn 5 to start getting resources. We want to have as many equivocates/unseals/ice bolts as possible to have our 2/3 drops finish the game out. We play 8 of the emblems, and turn 5 can be a good time to start decimating them. If you have a few Ila & Mizo's we can wait on that.

    Sodi is the best card in this deck. Getting her onto the battlefield early is a huge risk, but has a huge reward. I try to wait until I have at least one unseal up to get her down.

    Ila & Mizo is a great turn 5 play, because if htey can't remove it you are in great shape. Savagery out of the market on an Ila & Mizo is great. One of my favorite plays is to do this:

    Savagery on emblem of grodov earth elemental to kill a low drop. Put the weapon on Ila & Mizo, giving htem killer and overwhelm (even better if they have a spellshaper), kill one of their bigger creatures, then with the clone kill another creature.

    Black Market cards - I went with a black market here but go back and forth between that and just using a Jennev Merchant. Feedback here would be appreciated.

    Savagery - I get this one almost every game. It is amazing with Ila & Mizo and just a solid removal spell on Gnash. It can also trigger muster for Gnash and Sodi with permafrost or non spellcrafted spellshapers. Good against other midrange decks & praxis ramp decks.

    Royal Decree - This card is always good. Disrupts the opponents gameplan and can win the game by itself sometime. I think this card should be more expensive than it is. Good a against Palaladins, Praxis Ramp, Garden of Omens decks, Control decks in general.

    Unmake - This card is a lot more narrow and can probably be replaced. I was getting avigrafted a lot early and saw a lot of cards playing against a lot of relic decks. This can be extremely punishing against those plans. Good against relic rats deck, paladins, teacher of humility decks.

    Sandstorm Titan - I don't get this guy often because we usually have big enough creatures. Sometimes they die though and you need a big boi to hold the ground while Sodi refills your hand. Good against - Attrition matchups, hooru aegis decks, praxis ramp as a blocker (although you are probably dead already if that happens)

    Sodi, Wingbreaker -This card. I have almost taken her out of the market so many times, but she has come in clutch a lot lately. There is a Shadow/Primal harbringer deck running around that is a really tough matchup and she can punch down a harbringer for value. She is also really good against the unitless control dcks. They almost never chump block with a jennev merchant when going face and there is a garden out to protect. So you can go face for 4-8 damage, then play Sodi to kill their garden and draw a card. Its really hard for those decks to come back from that.

    I am running out of time but I can do some quick matchup guides for specific matchups down below and if anyone has questions I'm happy to answer.

    Praxis Ramp - This isn't a great matchup, but since the deck is so common I have added some maindeck hate against the deck. We run 3 Edict of Linrei and 3 Ice Bolt. These 6 additons have helped the matchup quite a bit. Killing their early mana ramp is incredibly important. I almost always edict/equivocate their 3 drops and SandstormTitans and save permafrost for their big cards. Ideally they are dead before they have 9 power, and if they play their 9 drop (don't have time to look up his name, sorry) the game is probably not in a great spot for you. I'd say my win rate against the deck is around 40-45% now, so not terrible.

    Unitless Control - The boogeyman of the format. The matchup aganst this deck is quite good. Teacher of Humility is amazing if you can hit just once. Saving her for turn 4 if you have an unseal can win you the game. I usually play her out on turn 2 and pray for no torch. Gnash is really hard for them to kill as well, playing him on turn 3 and then turn 4 gryffyn or spellshaper gives you a lot of tempo that is hard for them to deal with. The most common way this game ends is, they cast harsh rule, you cast unseal, they concede. Win rate is 75% + against this deck.

    Elysian Maul - This matchup is great too. We have bigger creatures and can save gryffyn + unseal for their maul turn. Unmake any disciplinary weights they play on you. This can sometimes comedown to whoever plays sodi's spellshaper first wins, but not always. Win rate against this deck is 60%-70%.

    Midrange - There are ton of other midrange (elysian, hooru) decks. Equivocate, spellshaper, Ila & Mizo are all really good in these matchups. Game plan is have a couple 2-3 drops pounding their face while you slow them down with your efficient spells and refilling your hand with Sodi and spellshaper. Win rates are good and losses always feel close against these decks. They are also the most fun decks to play against.

    Aggro - We have bigger creatures and can usually recover from their fast starts. We crush any deck that uses weapons or pump spells due to equivocate and unseal. Combrei is a great matchup. Stonescar can be tricky if they get off to a really fast start. Justice/Fire is a great matchup.

    Sorry for any grammar/ spelling. I was in a hurry at the end there.

    submitted by /u/freneticFanatic
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    Beginner question about trading units from a former HS player.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I can't fathom 100% how trading units on the board works.

    I searched for a possible answer or a similar thread but I couldn't find a clear answer on the matter so here it is.

    An example I attack with a 2/3 no stats unit and the opponent blocks with a 1/2 no stats unit and 1/1 deadly.

    My thinking is I will trade first the 1/2 and last the 1/1 deadly and since my unit is 2/3 it will take both out and die eventually because the deadly.

    What happens is my 2/3 trades with both but the 1/1 deadly of my opponent stays alive. What is that I don't get here?


    submitted by /u/cyberegox
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    Eternal Drafting Guide - Team Rankstar

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:12 AM PDT

    Me opening my Season End rewards this morning

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Wore my Crown of Possibilites to work for Halloween

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    This is a new card??? I dont see it in the game.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    State of the Expedition meta

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    So I'm just about ready to blow my shiftstones on a good expedition deck and climb that ladder. But before I commit to one deck, I want y'all to help me understand the meta better. Which decks are tier 1 (not in terms of popularity like in the Meta Monday articles, but in terms of how strong the deck is vs the rest of the meta)? Tier 1.5? Tier 2 or worse?

    Also, feel free to comment on any lopsided matchups between decks, cause I love knowing that stuff. Matchups where a deck is a 60% vs 40% favorite, but specially lopsided matchups that are 70-30 or worse (like Stonescar vs FTJ in favor of FTJ in Throne).

    I'm not 100% what all the decks are that compose the Expedition meta, since I haven't started playing yet. But I'm assuming it's decks like:

    • Cultists (Xenan)

    • Elysian

    • Onis (Rakano)

    • Decimating Paladins (Argenport)

    • Dragons (Stonescar, though I'm not sure if these decks typically play Primal as well)

    • Other aggro/tempo decks (Combrei, Stonescar, Feln, Mono Shadow, etc.)

    submitted by /u/Malarazz
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    Worlds 2020 - The Missing Pieces

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    Before reading this post, please read these two announcements as the post is in response to them:

    The information here clarifies some of the original topics covered in the preview article. However, we're getting the information piecemeal, much of it is still vague, and some of it is changing over time. I'd like to step in now while things are still not finalized and lay down some points that don't seem to be addressed by either of these articles but need to be known asap so people can make real decisions on how much they want to pursue Worlds 2020.

    1. What's the World's format, DWD? Is it Throne, Expedition, or both? Or neither? It seems like you haven't decided yet, but players need to know what format its going to be. It does them no good to practice Expedition for 9 months only to find out that Expedition isn't at Worlds.
    2. Perhaps QCP were always implied to be split, but why did you split QCP between formats? Far from letting players tailor their play, they now need to double down on the time investment to have the "best chance" of competing. Even if they don't, we come back to point #1 - somebody is going to play Expedition the whole year and whoops, World's is Throne. I understand the point of having a Quarterly Championship in both formats, but a far better system would have been to all QCP feed into the tournament, then have players pick which one they wanted to play in. Then they can focus on that format, everyone gets the same amount of chances at Worlds, and you're not preparing for major tournaments in two different formats back to back.
    3. Duel tournaments as announced in the latest article are not what anyone was looking for. Ladder is already the primary way to qualify for Quarterly Championships, so why are the "supplemental" tournament effectively ladder again? It's more a tax on players than an additional or alternative way to qualify - serious players now have to play 42 games and scrape up 15000 gold while also maintaining their double ladder top 100s.
    4. Players have no way to prepare themselves for major tournaments. Everything leading up to them is Best of One and can be played at your own pace - the Duel events are over the full weekend, Ladder you can play whenever. Then an ECQ rolls around and you suddenly have to play in a constrained time frame, and potentially even a whole other kind of Eternal with Best of Three matches and Open Decklists if those hold true from last year. That takes a whole other kind of mental stamina, resolve, and skills than they are otherwise able to develop.
    5. Two of the biggest complaints from last year were the long wait between tournaments and how regular tournament performance that did not involve winning an invite was not rewarded. Neither of these complaints have been addressed in the new system - Quarterly Championships are obviously quarterly, and while ECQs are monthly they're secretly bimonthly as they alternate formats. Additionally, ECQs are winner take all - they don't even award QCPs. QCPs themselves are just a point threshold, and so we look to Quarterly Championships to award any kind of consolation prize. You could come second in every ECQ and be no closer to worlds than someone who hasn't played a game of Eternal since 2016. That's not right.
    6. Next, who will think of the netdeckers? Like it or loathe it, tournaments have a HUGE impact on the metagame, and there are fewer and fewer sources of lists by the day. Currently we can expect coverage on ECQs and Quarterly Championships, which is essentially useless to the netdeckers - the next ECQ in that format is two months away, and the next Quarterly Championship is four months. Where do tournament players get their stock lists from if they don't have a team? Without regular tournaments, how do find out how decks actually perform in a tournament setting? Especially if the tournament setting is dramatically different from ladder (as best of three open decklist is already, even if its just single elimination).
    7. Finally, look to the tournament community. Fan run tournaments are essentially extinct, despite the efforts of a brave few to keep chugging along. There's nothing there to replace them. Regular tournaments brought people together - everyone was online at a set time, they chatted, watched, made friends, compared decklists, etc. It build a community - not the community, but certainly a community. The current system will only bring people together for the big tournaments, and that isn't nearly frequent enough to build the kind of relationships the foster a community. Even if it was, these kind of winner take all events make it very results oriented - its a lot harder to come out for fun. Obviously I am who I am and these kinds of tournaments were a big part of my life, but they mean a lot to other kinds of people too (netdeckers in particular, to tie it back to point 6).

    There are other points that will eventually need to be sorted out, but these, at least, are starting points that are required for people to make real value judgements about how their time and gems should be spent.

    submitted by /u/aReNGeeEternal
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    Profane Grenadin

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    "Impossible to cast" warning?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    I know that the deck builder currently only checks to ensure your decks follows the rules, ie no less than 1/3 power, no less than 1/3 non-power, no cards in market outside your merchant's colors, etc etc. But, it would be nice to have a feature when you save your deck that informs you "You have non-power cards in this deck that literally cannot be played with this power base".

    And yes, I did add Street Urchins and Lurking Sanguar into a mono F deck (for the event) by mistake. Why do you ask?

    EDIT: I'm not saying that these decks should be illegal to build. Just that the UI should warn you when you do build them.

    submitted by /u/slayerx1779
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    Dragon tribal in Expedition got me to master!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:11 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i just wanted to post the decklist i used this month.

    Since i love dragons, as soon as i saw the new synergies in the flame of Xulta i decided that i was going to build this deck. In the early version the list was super control with a lot of 7 and 8 mana dragons, but as the meta evolved i changed the deck and improve it costantly.


    I didn't want to write a deck-tech, so if you have any question about how the deck plays, any doubts about card choices, feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/Masne98
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    Expedition ladder is broken

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    Novicane here. Few hours left in the october ladder, and I am currently ranked #1. Just saying this to hopefully not sound like I am complaining about rank.

    Basically the top of expedition ladder seems to be frozen. For a few weeks MonoJ and I have been fighting for #1. We each would overtake it several times each day, but each time one of us would only be a few games ahead. If he overtook me, I just played a few games, and I would be the new #1. Went back and worth like this for a little while.

    Then something happen a few days ago. I took #1 Monday or Tuesday and played a few games (maybe 20) since? I did have a good win streak, but after talking to MonoJ & Erik9099 something seems wrong. I played a total of 20 games in the last few days, and MonoJ has played 100-150 with a 70-80 win%. He still cant take #1 from me. I have not played in the last 30 hours since he told me this...to eliminate a variable.

    Erick9099 is at #4 and experimenting with a new deck and went 10-30. He has not dropped ranked at all.

    Something is obviously wrong. I was gearing up to have to fight for #1 in the last few hours, but seems like its being handed to me due to a bug.

    submitted by /u/Novi1011
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    Praxis Ramp in Throne might be a problem...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    New Throne and Expedition QCP Events Begin Tomorrow!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    Newbie question.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys, fairly new to the game and was just wondering about the two new events that have appeared, Trick or Treat and The Time of the Ancestors. Are either of these worth doing for a new player or should I stay away from them as I continue to try and make better decks and understand the game?

    Thanks very much for reading :)

    submitted by /u/Scurvybones
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    Icaria at the moment Rolant used his gauntlet

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    I bought Chronicles of the Throne. No interest in the digital TCG.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    First person to DM me with a kind comment gets the pack in promo code (Curiox Totem, 10 packs, Draft Ticket)

    EDIT: A kind user gobbled it up. Enjoy the gaming and send kind comments to everyone. Even when no digital cards are on the line!!

    submitted by /u/cowabungabruce
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    Twitch Clip, PunsForAll - The "Unstoppable" 20/19 Vargo

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    Lol, This is my first season (ive start This game 3 weeks ago). Im really proud

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Let's chat about the new draft format...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    First, the disclaimer: I only have 10 or so drafts under my belt with the new format, so maybe I'm off the mark and just haven't adjusted to the new synergies and mechanics yet. With that out of the way, here is how I'm feeling so far... this seems like the most high variance format in quite some time. I've won roughly 60% of my matches (matched up almost entirely against ranked or platinum opponents), yet I have made little connection between my wins and losses and the quality of my deck. In fact, my best outcome (6-3) was with a deck that I'm still convinced was terrible.

    I always strive to learn from my losses rather than make excuses, but so far I haven't gotten much traction on the learning part. I guess I'm just writing to this to hear the thoughts of the broader community, and maybe hope for some insights from the top-ranked drafters into what I'm missing. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Cmdr_Salamander
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