• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Finally made it into top 500. Feels good.

    Eternal Card Game Finally made it into top 500. Feels good.

    Finally made it into top 500. Feels good.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Open letter to DWD requesting weekly practice tournaments

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Dear DWD,

    Please enable weekly practice tournaments. We have no other way for new players to gain confidence with the tournament system (participation) or to build and encourage a competitive community (tournament-generated marketing.)

    The community may step up again, but it's honestly the company's responsibility to build and maintain this system. We love Eternal, but a commercial organization is the only thing capable of sustaining the needs of a commercial organization. Hoping for unpaid labor to show up and organize itself is not a reliable strategy for consistent growth or interest.



    1. Create weekly tournaments with no entry fee and no rewards.

    - This benefits DWD by permitting players who might otherwise shy from spending gold / gems on tournaments to gain sufficient confidence to enter.

    - This benefits the players by allowing them to get practice in the tournament format, test lists in advance, and get to know other competitive players.

    - This benefits the community by allowing them to get to know players who are not already community personalities, and become more invested in which players participate or win.

    - Which in turn benefits DWD by increasing your ability to use tournaments as a marketing tool.

    - Lack of rewards should limit participation to those genuinely interested in playing or trying a tournament; minimal rewards like points could be added if encouraging more people to become comfortable with the format seems a reasonable company goal.

    2. These weekly practice tournaments should follow your actual tournament format in terms of timing, time constraints, and overnight switch from Bo1 Closed -> Bo3 Open for the top X players.

    - This should help DWD as well as the players by providing opportunities to streamline automation of the tournaments and the swap from Day 1 Format to Day 2 Format.

    - It should also provide opportunity for the participants and community to become acclimated to some standardized place(s) for information about Day 2 Format, participants, pairings, and decklists--whether online or in-game--reducing both player and viewer confusion when official tournaments roll around.

    3. One event should be offered per ranked game-mode (Expedition, Throne.)

    - I.e. Presently, two practice tournament events should be offered per week, as is the case this weekend (Nov. 2, 2019.)

    4. Please allow pronoun setting from the in-game player profile page, using a drop-down for pronoun selection which includes a handful of the more common pronouns (at minimum: masculine, feminine, neutral, please default all profiles to neutral so people get used to using "they" / "them" if unsure.)

    - This would streamline the process for casting official tournaments.

    - This would be a really big deal to those of us who get tired of correcting assumptions about our gender, and help the game environment itself feel more inclusive.

    - This would allow you to start collecting some kind of statistics on the gender balance within the game community.

    5. Please allow players to verify whether they are able to participate in any tournaments for prize money (age, location) via a yes / no toggle in the player profile automatically set to "no".

    - This would allow your automated system to warn and disqualify players who were not eligible in advance of their participation in paid-entry tournaments and (again) give you an opportunity to test in advance of paid tournaments.

    - This would make disqualification of people who incorrectly report their age very easy to enforce and justify.

    6. Please post tournament expectations (format, rules, standardized consequences for breaking rules) in a static location.

    - This should help first-time players learn how to prepare and participate, generating more interest in paid tournaments.

    - This should help make clear what DWD considers cheating or collusion, making disqualification easy to justify and enforce, and causing consequences to appear transparent and equitable to the community.

    7. Please enable community casting of these tournaments.

    - A real time, updating, publicly-available bracket in a static location is necessary for community casting of practice tournaments, and is information both participants and viewers of official tournaments will expect to be provided.

    - A client mode which permits viewing both player hands on a 15-minute delay for any top-X game would permit community casting, generate more consistent viewer interest, and allow Eternal to begin gaining a real reputation as a spectator e-sport. This would also allow new competitors to acclimate to their matches being publicized.

    - Eternal could become one of the first companies to offer this way to consume content, a clear benefit that could be marketed to both viewers and entertainers.


    This effort would involve diverting resources to something that offers no direct benefit, but the indirect benefits cited should more than compensate for streamlining a system that is already required for the official tournaments.



    submitted by /u/Kaelos_The_Reckoning
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    Gauntlet bosses are awfully designed

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Gauntlet bosses are awfully designed

    Gauntlet bosses are heavily themed, which seems cool on surface. It makes a player have to make a very well rounded deck that can handle extreme aggro as well as massive value control. The problem is that it leads to games where most AI decks either destroy you no matter what you do or fall over without achieving anything. Has there ever been a close game against Skycrag blitz where the AI doesn't kill you on turn 5 or has been absolutely helpless after that when you play a 3+ health blocker down? When you beat this deck it doesn't feel like you did anything for it. When you lose to it, it feels terrible.

    This issue is massively magnified in final bosses, where their decks are equally heavily themed, but they reach a critical mass with the buffs that (very often) one-sidedly benefit them. This doesn't make them more challenging. It just puts the crush/get-crushed threshold from 1/99 from normal decks closer into 15/85. As an example I got Sudden death (in my opinion by far the worst balanced boss) twice in a row. The first time I won in 5 turns because it didn't draw any of it's "abuse" cards like ticking grenadins. The second time I lost to double Infernus turn 1. Neither of these games were fun.

    In my view decks in Gauntlet should be more well-rounded for two reasons. Firstly it would reduce the amount of lopsided games where it feels like you have no part in your win/loss. Secondly it would massively increase viable choices for gauntlet decks. Right now you basically can't play a deck without a critical mass of 1-2 drops and early removal because you fall over against Skycrag blitz. Then again you have to have a few late finishers against super value decks if you go slightly too far in turns. This means that almost all viable gauntlet decks have completely identical power curves and play patterns.

    I also believe that gauntlet boss buffs should be more generic and beneficial to both sides. For example both players drawing a card is a lot more interesting play altering buff than double damage on all units when your opponent has 4x Ticking grenadin and 4x Umbren reaper; total of 64 near-unconditional face damage. Frankly I believe gauntlet bosses would be excellent if they were just normal gauntlet bosses with vamped up card quality (more legendaries etc.) and one randomized semi-generic buff, such as "both players draw extra card per turn" or "all units and weapons have +1/+1, all spells deal +2 dmg" or "both players start at 50 life and take 1 damage per turn". These are wild but they're infinitely more interesting than... Double damage (which it might almost seem like I despise).

    Obviously there's always RNG in card games, double turn 1 Infernus isn't the norm. The problem arises when decks are extremely built around those peaks where it feels like AI decks are just rolling dice to hope to destroy you in 1/10 games and in turn just give up and fall over in the rest 9/10. Honestly I would rather play against a single well-rounded deck that fairly challenges me 7 times in a row in Gauntlet rather than 7 different decks with very narrow win conditions where it feels like AI decks are self-aware in that they just need to unfairly steal one game from you to deny the successful run.

    Would love to hear opinions from y'all though.

    450 gold lost due to strategic choice of rolling Sudden Death without perfect draw.

    submitted by /u/SmiguInReddit
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    anyone want eternaltournaments.com?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PDT

    anyone want to take over? lots of work, no pay.
    don't do it for money, because it'll cost you, not make anything
    don't do it for respect from the community, most of the community doesn't even acknowledge my existence
    don't do it for respect from the devs, cause they can't even be bothered to respond to my messages
    why should you? I don't know, i'm quitting.

    comes with mythtournaments.com (mythgard)

    software is designed for multiple games
    just needs some better templates and maybe people will stop whining about it being ugly. probably not but maybe. stranger things have happened i guess

    written in perl using mysql databases on the backend. runs on linux servers. server currently costs $20/m

    if you have interest message me

    submitted by /u/kaelari
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    [BUG] Card went missing after not being resolved and keeps blocking a place in my hand.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    No more expedition points?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    If the expedition melee events are going to be the core of competitive eternal, then what's going to happen with the card backs that require expedition points to upgrade? Are we only ever getting more expedition points from high profile tournaments?

    submitted by /u/IsochronEternal
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    Bug: Cannot cast Ark of Sol from the market on mobile

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Basically, hit an opponent with a cultist, get the flash on the market button, open it, and cannot cast the spell.

    It simply does nothing.

    On Android mobile app.

    submitted by /u/Aberosh1819
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    Expedition summarised

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    First league need help with deck building

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:37 AM PDT

    Stand Strong shouldn't be a fast spell?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Title basically. I don't really see use for it as a normal spell,or even make the change temporary. It should give permanent exalted skill or then changed to a fast spell.

    submitted by /u/StormShad87
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    Wondering about community store.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    I've seen that the community store used to have other cosmetics that are no longer available and am wondering if the currently available ones will become unobtainable and if so when. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/darkspectre05
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    Looking for coaching on my Nov League pool and possible decks

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    Here is my pool of cards.

    I am new to league. It seems like my best cards are in primal and justice. So I was able to come up with these two possible decks, primal/justice and fire(PJF) and time(PJT).

    Between those two, the PJT seems stronger. It contains more removal and flyers. But, it has 2 factions with 2 influence required. Looking at shiftstoned, I'm not sure about my power to run those cards. PJF is simpler, only 2J required. But the cards feel a bit weaker and a few less removal/flyers.

    Overall I don't feel like my cards are very strong this first week. I had to include some junk to get to 45 cards.


    • how strong/weak do you feel my week 1 cards are? I think I'm going to play each week no matter what, but should I expect to be about average or at a disadvantage this week?
    • is 3 color the best with these cards or should I consider running 4?
    • between my two decks, are either a good design? If so, please help me tune the one you like.

    All your feedback is welcome. I'm enjoying learning about sealed play. Last month I had some excellent help from this reddit and hoping to hear your ideas this time.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Only gain experience in one faction with multi-faction deck

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    Has anything changed the last few days where you only gain experience with one faction when you play a multi-faction deck? I've noticed it yesterday first but now again when I play ranked with a skycrag deck, I only gained experience for primal, none for fire. Am I overlooking something obvious or is this a bug? Can't find anything in patch notes.

    submitted by /u/Ydun
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    The draft oni dream

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    New ISP, constant disconnects, any advice?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I currently using a LTE based home internet service. Besides the unavailability of ANY wired ISP service and the 60gb monthly bandwidth limit, I was fine that it would at least let me play Eternal. I was mistaken. Seems to just randomly disconnect me from the game, not only from the game, but it seems to nuke my modem to the point where I would have to reset the connection. Does not happen when I'm using any other programs or apps. Youtube, Reddit, or Netflix. I work from home on a web-based platform. So far it's fine. Unfortunately I don't play any other online games atm. So I can't really pinpoint the cause. Was hoping if anyone else has experience with this or maybe know what's going on. Playing from The Philippines on a PC using Steam. Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/SpinningFailDriver
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    What is "throne format"?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    I am just coming back to the game after a while away. I saw the announcement for the new events that are Expedition and Throne formats. Expedition format is clear enough, but nowhere on DWs website or anywhere else can I find a definition of what "Throne format" or a "Throne deck" is. My *guess* is that it's just cards from anywhere in the card pool, but boy that is sure not stated anywhere...

    submitted by /u/cferejohn
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    I just went second the last 7 times in a row in Expedition. I only got to go first once out of 10 matches and in twice out of 14. AMA.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    New player - are there any guides to building a League deck?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    First time trying league, wondering if there are any guides or such for deck building?

    Here are the cards I got if that is any help.

    submitted by /u/Deddan
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    Help! I've not read this subreddit for days now, and I'm out of touch. Can someone please tell me (better yet, link to DWD's official comments) - what's the current state of Twitch drops now Droptember is over?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:13 PM PDT

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