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    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Eternal Card Game You guys helped me REALLY improve this deck when I was new. I have better cards and spare shiftstone - could I have optimization suggestions?

    Eternal Card Game You guys helped me REALLY improve this deck when I was new. I have better cards and spare shiftstone - could I have optimization suggestions?

    You guys helped me REALLY improve this deck when I was new. I have better cards and spare shiftstone - could I have optimization suggestions?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Vampire Knight Deck

    Tracaine's Collection

    That's the deck I'm building. Followed by my current collection. I have 6500 shifstone on hand for crafting. The deck has notes on what I'm trying to do and what my win conditions are. I was here with this deck a couple weeks ago asking for help learning to build it. Now I'd like help learning to improve it.

    Example questions:

    1) I've got 6 units that cost more than 5. I don't count Nahid since the goal is for her to be a freebie, but is that too many?

    2) Can I do anything to make Nahid playable if I draw her without diluting my color pool? I don't want to overcomplicate things by splashing time but it does feel bad when I pull her, knowing she's trashed.

    3) Sewer Sludge, Tinker apprentice, Hojan Crownbreaker, Kodosh Evangel and Vampire bat all seem like lackluster cards. They give lifesteal and the bats block enemy fliers but I feel like those spots could be filled with better things. I'm on the fence about Rolant's Honor Guard too.

    4) My market: The lost scroll is to tech against influence starvation. Sometimes I just get bad draw or need that extra green or black to play Rolant and Vara. Cast into Shadow and Stray into shadow are hard removal and soft sweeper for when I have a problem enemy or no answer for the enemy's board. Sleepless night is to help card draw if I run low, Argenport Ringmaster just seems fun but I have yet to get to play it. What could I change out Ringmaster and/or Lost scroll for more power or situational cards? Aggro and Quickdraw decks wipe the floor with me but I don't know how to tech against it.

    5) Should I craft Sediti? I can afford 2 of them and they seem like pretty chill dudes.

    submitted by /u/Tracaine2019
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    More time for throne duels on doubled up competitive weekends

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    It's pretty taxing to play 70 competitive games over the course of 2-4 days. For those that work on Friday/Monday and can't play that day the time crunch is even worse.

    Opening up the prelims of ECqs/ qcps to start on thursday evening would go a long way towards alleviating this problem. I'm sure I'm not the first to bring this up.

    submitted by /u/SasquatchBrah
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    Expedition Cultists Decklist (23-5 in ECQ)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    Hi all, I enjoyed my best ever run in an ECQ and thought I would share the decklist. I am happy that Cultists is the number 1 deck in Expedition: It is powerful, fun to pilot, the mirror match has a lot of interesting decision points, and there is room to tweak the deck to your own playstyle. This build is a little light on removal and card draw in favor of playing lots of threats and forcing your opponent to have answers.


    Good luck to all still competing in the ECQ!

    submitted by /u/camomilk
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    Magic Arena's a cesshole atm....advice for a noob?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:35 PM PST

    I've grown a bit nonplussed with Arena's various flaws and the "we print busted cards to sell packs" ethos of WotC.

    So...and I'm sure this question has been asked many times before, so I apologise - What's the best way to farm cards after I finish the intro missions?

    submitted by /u/Chundlebug
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    Great for New League Players: Sealed Helper tool recently updated to FoX

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:24 PM PST

    TLDR: Casey Hadden has updated his Sealed Helper tool to FoX. This tool helps you to analyze your sealed deck card pool to figure out which cards and factions are strongest. Great for players new to league like myself.

    Sorry if this is repeat. The tool seems very helpful, and the last post about it was one year ago. Wanted to make sure new league players like me knew about it, and everyone knew it was updated.

    This Sealed Helper tool helps me get a better feel for what more experienced players are seeing when they look at my cards. It helps analyze your league cards and show which cards are likely great and which cards are dregs. I'm learning a lot just looking at the low rated cards and trying to figure out why they are bad value or won't likely be useful in a deck.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Eternal Casual League Results Week 1

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

    Duocat vs Reprieve- duocat wins 2-1

    Miley vs Injulander- miley wins due to injulander leaving the server

    Killarbeez vs Molander- draw match didnt happen in time, rule change because of this

    Marvin the imp vs Crazytankster- crazytankster wins 2-1, match time extended

    rule change is that matches can hapen anytime during the week

    Also since injulander is gone, i need someone to join in, if interested please pm me

    submitted by /u/duocatisiankerr1
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    Can we seriously not pay for ECQ with Switch Gems?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:22 PM PST

    Event is not popping up on the Switch. Really hoping it get enabled soon as these Switch gems seem more and more like a mistake each time something is announced.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Zudokorn
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    Please Help Me with Deck Design for Week 3 League

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    Please help me with deck design for week 3 league. I'm new to sealed play and still finding deck decisions and design to be tough.

    Here's my total league card pool as of week 3.

    I used a draft list to go through my week 3 new cards. It looks like I have a few potential bombs: Cast into Shadow and Impending Doom. I also see some other playable cards in shadow and primal this week. So I'm wondering if this might be enough to change my deck away from the combrei deck I used the first two weeks.

    For reference, this is the deck I used for week 2. Here are only the new cards I got this week.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    I seriously regret entering the ToA qualifiers... So disappointing.

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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    Any Help With My Sealed Pool Would Be Amazing

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST


    I've bought in to most sealed pools since I started playing, but am admittedly usually too scared to actually play any of my games because I am not confident in my deckbuilding ability. This time around I managed to pull OG Siraf. I know she is a really strong card so I want to see if the rest if my pool is any good. I am hiping someone can give me pointers on what to do both for this pool and in general. I know two key things are that usually your 2 drops are some of the most important cards in your deck, and that you shouldn't get lured into making a bad deck just to fit a legendary if it means the rest of your cards are bad. Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/AlwaysUberTheSniper
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    When you draw just the right cards

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:01 PM PST

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