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    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Dead Reckoning and Trials of Grodov in Expedition - first look

    Eternal Card Game Dead Reckoning and Trials of Grodov in Expedition - first look

    Dead Reckoning and Trials of Grodov in Expedition - first look

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST

    With two campaigns coming to Expedition next week, it seems prudent to look at what powerful new cards are going to shake up the format. I didn't see a quick reference sheet of everything relevant, so I decided to make one myself.



    Oni Dragonsmith

    Yeti Pioneer

    Aika, Whirling Death

    Have fun playing relics for the next four days, because Bore and Prideleader are coming to make you look dumb for playing them again next week. Dragonsmith and Pioneer give big boosts to Oni, Dragon, and Fire agro decks in general, and Aika is a fun combo piece with Honor the Fallen or Hero of the People.


    Saber-Tooth Prideleader

    Venom Rider

    We finally get some good 4 drops in Time (4 power Gnash? 'cmon), but I am baffled by Prideleader's inclusion. The card is just way too powerful for expedition and makes an entire class of cards look foolish to put in your deck. I'm not a fan, but play the card because it's busted.


    Icaria, Valkyrie Captain

    Tribe Craftsman

    Honor The Fallen

    Inquisitor's Blade

    Yisha, the Equalizer

    Justice got a TON of goodies, and I expect it to see tons more play even with In Cold Blood around. Icaria is a bit worse with only 8 duals, but Blade and Yisha are way stronger comparatively in expedition (Also Shard is legal for the meme dream). I'm not sure where Craftsman fits, but the card is incredibly powerful if there are decent Onis (there are) and a deck with them that wants to get to 5 power.



    I am not sure why they didn't give us Sodi - yes, she's good, but Primal sucks in expedition and could have used a good incentive. Throw the P players a bone, DWD!


    Ripknife Assassin

    In COld Blood

    Debtor's Shackles

    Uldra, Veilripper

    Ripknife is way better than most 2 drops in expedition, and along with Fenris makes Shadow excellent at developing early. ICB is on-rate removal in expedition, so it will see play in decks without Fell Ritual synergy. I don't expect anyone to actually put Debtor's Shackles in their deck, but it is a buff to Incarnus by existing in the format since it is a gross hit off the Invoke. Uldra is much weaker without Quake Titan and Remembrance, but maybe there's a deck.


    Hooru Pacifier

    Annointer of the Faithful

    Lethrai Skystrider

    There are aren't enough good Valkyries or yetis for Sower of Dissent or Pokpok, but there are lots of Paladins and Elves. Pacfifier is nutty, but keep in mind the non-bo with Daring Gryffyn.

    submitted by /u/LightsOutAce1
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    Are Relic Weapons Capped?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Are Relic Weapons Capped?

    I am currently playing around with a pretty meme-y [[Hatecleaver]]/[[Stronghold Visage]] deck. However, after reaching 40 attack, the weapons attack refused to grow any larger. Not that it really matters in the majority of games, but are all relic weapons capped at 40 attack?

    submitted by /u/Yolominatus
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    Huzzah! First time masters

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    Eternal Journey 41 Cube Drafting w/ JohnHolio & MurderofCrowss

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Eternal Journey 41 Cube Drafting w/ JohnHolio & MurderofCrowss


    We have a doozy of a show for you this week as welcome both JohnHolio and MurderofCrowss to the podcast and we are blowing the limited format out of the water with this new to Eternal Card Game semi-event thing known as CUBE Drafting. That's right, ever wanted to create your own limited format? Combine all your favorite cards or maybe just throw the rarity restrictions out the window? Maybe you've seen the weekly cube draft on stream but were unsure about joining in on the fun? Well, this episodes covers all things cube so you will not only have a better understanding of the "format" but also how to adjust your draft picks and deck construction to give you the best chance at successfully tussling with your friends and/or friendemies! This show covers cube history and variance, shout outs, follow content creator support, what's the play, pack one pick one, and constructed corner. So sit back relax, and let JohnHolio and MurderofCrowss rock your brain with some super interesting and dynamic draft picks!




    Twitter, YouTube - EJthePodcast


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    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    11/15 Updates

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST

    We fixed a few issues with last night's update, getting ready for the ECQ starting at 10 am MST (17:00 UTC) today:

    • Resolved an issue where Felrauk the Outcast would not always trigger Vara, Fate-Touched.
    • Felrauk the Outcast's discard effect should no longer be blocked by invulnerability to damage.
    • Nahid's Choice will now properly show card quantities in the card selection window.
    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Avigraft and equivocate

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    I had an equivocate in my hand but it didn't let me use it on my own creature in response to avigraft. Do relics not give you the fast spell chance? Only been playing for a month and managed to get up to masters but still learning what can and can't be done in response compared to MTG.

    submitted by /u/GreenpeeperWilly
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    Expedition: Format Changes and Live Balance Updates

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:14 PM PST

    See what the plans are for the future of Expedition! And don't forget the ECQ starting at 10 am MST (17:00 UTC) this Friday!

    Expedition: Format Changes and Live Balance Updates

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Help with League Deck

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:46 AM PST

    I played Justice-Shadow for week 1 and made 7-3. Last week played JS again and Lost almost ALL my games, what should I build for week 3 ?

    My Pool: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/F0uLxuJERcA/league-pool-36

    submitted by /u/BigCube13
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    Activating Spellcraft cards on XBox

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:34 AM PST

    [SOLVED, as described in EDIT]


    I have difficulties to use the spellcraft ability of cards on XBox. When I play such a card, Thief's Pick (shadow) for example, the default setting is to skip the spellcraft ability.

    The "skip" option (for proceeding the card by pressing RT shoulderbutton) is chosen.

    I tried everything possible with the gamepad (well, obviously not, unless it is a bug and impossible to use spellcraft...) and studied the information on screen carefully. I found no clue how to activate spellcraft.

    The spellcraft-question was on the screen and the Pilfer-card as spellcraft effect was shown, but I would not know how to choose that. (So I had enough power and met all requirements to use spellcraft in theory).

    Does anyone know how this works or might it even be buggy?

    Picture of the described situation under this link



    While the enemy hero was highlighted (as sole option for Pilfer spellcraft), I pressed "A" on the gamepad and the spellcraft activated as intended.

    So it is possible to use those cards on console, but the indication for the A-Button to perform it is missing.

    submitted by /u/Hafem
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    Backlash Episode 32: The best decks going into the ECQ weekend (plus what we would play for the Throne Duels)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Hey everyone! Tchamber5 here, with another episode of backlash! Gerry is weak, err, i mean, had a sore throat this week, so we had none other than the wonderful Magikarp join me to talk about this weeks ECQ and the top decks to have on your mind going in. We also chat briefly about the throne format!

    Thanks! and dont forget that you can now listen (by popular request) to the cast on spotify!


    (all links are on the webpage above)

    submitted by /u/rookiechef
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    There goes my luck for the rest of the year.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Katra, Spirit of Resistance (part 4) (FANFIC!)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:01 PM PST

    After more than two month of not writing further on it because I wasn't able to play and because of this losing my whole touch with the game, here is the next chapter of my fanfic! (Also available here) Hope you enjoy!

    The girls wandered through the icy forests of Kosul for days. The winter came faster than expected, and more than once Karla feared that she or Natalya wouldn't survive the next night. They didn't eat much, so that what they took with them would be enough for the travel to the next big city, the city of the Orens, Korovyat. It would be the place where Karla would start fighting against the oppressors. The place where she started her new life. She smiled a grim smile while she gave Natalya the last piece of flesh they had. If they wouldn't reach Korovyat during the next two days, everything would've been in vain. But if they should make it, Aleksandr would surely take care of them for some time. That was something Karla was sure about.

    The next morning was the first time they had luck. A merchant was driving along the road with his cart when he saw the two girls, nearly starved down to only their skeletons, slowly walking in the same direction he was driving. With a warm smile he offered them a ride to the City and some food that he could spare. Natalya started crying, but Karla gave him a warm smile. She wasn't able to cry anymore. And that evening, they camped in sight of the City. Tomorrow, they would be there. Safe from the hardships of the Kosulian wilds during winter. Karla's heart got warm once again.

    The next morning, they woke up early, ready to enter the city at first light. Over night, more carts had arrived and camped in front of the gates of the City, and the merchant wanted to be one of the firsts to enter. About half an hour later they passed the guards at the gates, and another smile crawled across Karla's face. She entered the capital of the enemy with no problems. They didn't expect the slightest thing. And their doom would come silently over them.

    With a warm hug and some of their few coins they said goodbye to the merchant. Karla was sure she'd never forget him. Not after what he did for them. But now they had to find Aleksandr. They had no clue where he exactly lived, but today was market, so they could search for him at the market. She took Natalya's hand and asked the first person coming into sight if he'd know a former farmer now merchant called Aleksandr. The young man didn't know anything.

    They searched for nearly the whole day. It started getting dark, and Karla had almost lost her hope. Only Natalya kept her going with her fresh hope. Karla smiled and asked an old man who was just closing his market-stand. The man looked at her with a questioning look. "Why are you asking, girl? Are you related to him?" Karla's heart jumped up, and she nodded her head. "Aye! I grew up with him on Leo's farm!" Then she got silent. "I have to tell him some really bad news about it."

    The man nodded slowly. "If you help me closing my stand, I'll take you back home with me so that you may speak with my son-in-law." Karla smiled and laughed and started helping the old man. Natalya just watched them, but she started laughing too. It filled Karla's heart with joy and warmth to hear the little girl laugh like that.

    About an hour later, they came to a small house. It wasn't bigger than the farm-house of Leo, but suddenly, it seemed to be as big as a palace to Karla. She pulled the small cart of the merchant, holding pottery. A young woman came out of the house, greeting them happily. "Hello father! How did it go today?!" She yelled some meters before she reached them. Then she stopped, looking at the two girls. "And who are these girls? They look like ghosts! Dirty ghosts! I told you often enough, father, we don't have enough to feed beggars every day!" Behind her, a big silhouette came through the door.

    "Karla? Natalya? What are you two doing here?" Aleksandr shouted with joy. "And why are you alone here? Are Leo and Michail waiting somewhere to surprise me?" He took Natalya and sat her upon his shoulder, but as Karla's smile started to fade, so did his. "Karla, what's up? Where are they?"

    Karla took his hand and sighed with sadness. "Aleksandr. Leo, Anna and Erika, they are...they are dead. Soldiers sent by the new Oren killed Leo, Erika died from grief the night after, and Anna…" she started crying a bit. "She couldn't life without Leo or the boys. Her precious boys, taken by the soldiers to be trained as soldiers themselves." She felt Aleksandr's hand clenching around hers.

    "They...they did what?!" She looked into his eyes, filled with tears of rage. He sat Natalya back onto the ground, his muscles shivering in rage. "These dirty bastards! That's not what Yushkov wants! He wants a new, a stronger Kosul, but also a united Kosul!"

    Karla's jaw dropped a bit open. Aleksandr was a supporter of the Oren? After all she told him? When he knew that she lost her parents because of the system, and now her new family? She backed away a bit, letting go of Aleksandr's hand. She knew that she couldn't watch out for Natalya, not here, not when she did what she came here to do. "I...I have to go, search for some other friends of mine. Please, watch out for Natalya. She's all alone now." Before someone could stop her, she turned away and ran into the darkness. She made only some hundred meters when she realized that she still had nowhere near enough money and nothing to eat. She cursed herself, but going back was no possibility. Not now, not when Aleksandr was a supporter of the enemy. She cried quietly as she marched on through the icy night. She had to find a place to stay, or she may she the fate of her parents. But Whenever she knocked at a door, she was turned away. Nobody wanted to help a little beggar-girl in the dark moons, when food was short for most of them.

    As the sun started slowly rising, she wasn't able to go any further. The last days finally took their toll, and she sat down in a corner. She laid her head against the wall behind her and fell into sleep.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    Sealed League Game Play Video

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Sealed League Game Play Video


    Jedi builds and strategically deploys a sealed deck from the first week of the Sealed League in Eternal Card Game by Direwolf Digital. In this video packs are already opened sadly, but the full deck building process is shown and discussed followed by the ten weekly games with the previous mentioned deck.


    You can follow me:

    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | Discord

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    long have i dreamed of the double diamond chest Throne Win. This isn't that, but Gold + Silver isn't bad.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

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