• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Finally, the double crown!

    Eternal Card Game Finally, the double crown!

    Finally, the double crown!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:25 AM PST

    The Torch nerf makes going second *even* worse now :/

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:10 AM PST

    It used to be the case that, if you go second and drop an undepleted power on your Turn 1, you had the option of keeping the power open and Torch your opponent's two drop. Now that's not an option anymore.

    submitted by /u/rottenborough
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    Several questions in the nerf aftermath:

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST

    1) Nerfs = proxy buffs. Was it REALLY the intention to buff teacher of humility, blackhall warleader, and other "must answer" 2-drops that are part of more midrange-y decks, along with a whole bunch of not-particularly-fun-to-face charge units (Amaran Stinger is at the top of this list)? It was always my view that the better the interaction, the better the threats people were allowed to play into them. When threats outpace the interaction, that leads to some very miserable, coinflip experiences. As Patrick Sullivan put it in his Ravenous Chupacabra rant, "When you decide that Toolcraft Exemplar is a card that's going to be in your game, that puts pressure on your removal...". If torch is going to be made worse, at the least, I think we need to see another hit to teacher of humility, such as making her go to 2 health so you could at least block her with a 1-drop.

    2) How many good 6-drop cards even exist now? While people may not necessarily be fans of "omfg 3F interaction + value bombs".dec, when I'm thinking what I'd replace HotV with in FTJ, it's like "Rizahn? No, his lifesteal's unreliable at best. Predatory Ca--costs 7. Minotaur amba--not a wincon. Ravid? Costs 7." It's just so hard to believe that after 7 sets, as you go up the curve, that the pool of options just gets thinner and thinner as far as "you get what you pay for" in terms of card quality. Like maybe waystone titan? Doesn't really seem to contribute to the control-and-grind plan, and is generally too small to swing through larger units. I mean I'm generally a believer in "get what you pay for" in terms of unit quality, and as you go up the cost curve in Eternal, the options just feel so few and far between.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Eternal Championship Qualifier: Promises by Firelight

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:05 AM PST

    I have only one complaint

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:15 AM PST

    You had like a year to make these changes in throne, we better make these changes 1 week before the first throne ecq, it could have been before the expedition ecq, but no its right now, i mean wtf dwd...

    submitted by /u/Popotito-Eternal
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    Let's talk about the MASSIVE Shake Up that just happened to Throne!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Press F

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

    12/4 Balance Changes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:43 PM PST

    The Old Gods Are Dead

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:42 PM PST

    Epic Starlights #14 - The Long Haul

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:13 PM PST

    First time doing the League event...I think it's going well

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Rules question regarding Burr-Spore Fern and Numbing Cold

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    As the title says, I have a rules question regarding Burr-Spore Fern and Numbing Cold. If I previously have Mastery 10'd my [[Burr-Spore Fern]] and my opponent places a [[Numbing Cold]] on me what should happen when I cast a spell? I cast an [[Ice Bolt]] expecting the original to get countered but the copy to still be played and resolve but the Numbing Cold countered the Ice Bolt and a copy was never played.

    submitted by /u/c0renerd
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    When DWD just hit a card with the Dip Hammer and you find it in the first pack you open.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:42 AM PST

    Twitch Overlay broken for anyone else?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:26 AM PST

    Had a weird hiccup on my computer and now the twitch overlay isn't running. If I go to the page for the overlay, it says there is an error. Is this related to Dropsmas changes?

    EDIT: It's back!

    submitted by /u/jSpazzoid
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    New Event: Whispers of the Ancestors

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:00 PM PST

    The last weeks be like

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Should I?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    Should I disenchant my 4 HoTV for full refund or nah?

    submitted by /u/ikepetro
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    Quality of Life Suggestion

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:33 PM PST

    Clear Deck button in deck creator/editor. Clears entire deck

    Remove cards with this faction button ex. you want to remove only shadow so press this button then remove all shadow cards from deck

    This would be incredibly useful with the monthly league instead of just having to click each card individually to remove them because you cant just delete all the deck

    submitted by /u/Cypher007
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    The best deck in Expedition right now

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST

    Obviously the format just got shaken up quite a bit and there might be something better hidden in the cardpool somewhere, but for right now this deck just stomps.


    This deck is great. Took me to masters as easy as can be. I really only lose to mirrors and bad power draws with it. Went 13-0 to cap my run. Armadillo > Monk because everyone's playing Varas favor and anthem effects are good. The market might be garbage, I only ever grab hourglass and crystallize. Get your spellshapers out and draw some cards, boys!

    submitted by /u/capep
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    Lingnoi_401's Kodosh milling

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Here,it's its deck list


    Hi everyone Today I will present Kodosh milling deck

    This deck is play by make you opponent have no card in their deck

    I think you have some question some card about my deck

    Q:Why do I use Kindo Shadowsstep?

    A:I know his mastery is very hard to tricker,however I use it because his body

    However sometimes his mastery will be and you will win this game because of it

    But remember if you has Eremot,Death Incanate with him.Eramot's Abality can kill him

    even you use early Eramot version ,It can still kill Kindo Shadowsstep sometimes

    Q:How about Jotun Hurler?

    A:The problem about this is aegis,the snowball that come from Jotun Huler can help you to solve the problem

    Hope You have fun with my deck

    P.S.I have three project that under testing,the first is Gordov High cost

    I hope my projects will completes soon

    Another Deck from me

    Lingnoi_401's Grodov High cost unit


    Lingnoi_401's Hooru curse


    Lingnoi_401's Xenan Midrange


    Lingnoi_401's Karendon Control V.2.0


    Lingnoi_401's Grenadin featuring Tasbu


    submitted by /u/lingnoi_401
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    Hi, i was One of those players

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:48 AM PST

    I , as a FTP player, wanted to craft One of those expensive decks (big FT,FTJ) but j wanted to be used they would be good,so i crafted Them since they were meta Since now they have Been hit with several nerfs, what should i do? I currently have 2xtocas 4xheart of the vault, 2x xulta arcanum... I would not like to abandon my decks , removing those cards would destroy Them... But i dont know how good they are now, from anither part i would like ti get the shiftone back for the next meta decks... (I still lose a loro for all the other legendaries and rares i crafted for this, 4x teacher of humilty 4x sst 3x kairos)

    submitted by /u/shallaz
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    New League is geat!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:15 AM PST

    New League is geat!

    I'm not bragging, but when you're building your deck from 8 boosters of one set your result may be like this:

    Synergy from cards in one set is very strong.!

    submitted by /u/Velsevul
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    Void decks post gargoyle nerf

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:25 PM PST

    I play magic the gathering IRL and love graveyard decks. A powerful part of many gaveyard decks in eternal just got nerfed substantially. I also just discovored profane nexus, which seems like a sweet card. What graveyard centric decks would be worth checking out now that the gargoyle has been nerfed, and would a profane nexus sacrifice deck put in work at higher tiers on ladder?

    submitted by /u/Permutation01
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    I give up

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:49 AM PST

    I give up. No matter what I do I can't crawl past bronze or occasionally silver in any mode. I don't know if it's just really shitty luck or if I'm genuinely terrible, but I give up. Every deck I play gets wrecked and I end up just giving up in shame. I used to be good at these kinds of games, but it seems like this game is so bell curve/power gamer that I never stood a chance at all.

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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