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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne: Gold & Steel Design Diary #2

    Eternal Card Game Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne: Gold & Steel Design Diary #2

    Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne: Gold & Steel Design Diary #2

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Eternal Higlights - Flailing to Survive

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Karla, Spirit of Resistance (Part 5) (FANFIC!)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Well, after a lot of time (again! Sorry about that), the next chapter of my fanfic is finished! (complete Fanfic available here.) Enjoy your read, and criticism is appreciated!

    Karla woke up when something hit her head. "Oy! Little missy, time to stand up! We don't like people sleeping on the streets here!" a deep voice shouted at her. Slowly, she opened up her eyes, looking into the bearded face of a Kosulian Soldier. He had hit her with the shaft of his spear, and he looked at her angrily. "Never seen a soldier in your life, eh, little missy? You're gonna see a lot more of us if you don't stand up now! Sleeping on the main street will bring you to the jail sooner than a girl like you should end there."

    Karla stood up. Her back hurt, she smelled and she felt all the dirt on her skin. "Ah, fuck off. I only took a little nap!" She shook her head, spat out and started walking away. The soldier grabbed her at the arm.

    "Girl, you're lucky I'm one of the nice guards. I have served under the old Oren, and I kept some dignity even though I serve Yushkov now. But for what you did there, I could have beaten you up and thrown into prison. So, watch out!" Karla was tired, so she just murmured an apology and went away. The soldier shook his head. "One more girl for the gutter. Poor little girl..."

    Karla lived the day on the streets, begging for and stealing food. Not much, just enough to survive. She didn't find a place to stay, and her pride kept her from going back to Aleksandr. But she didn't know if she would survive another night out on the streets. She asked one person after another, but nobody would let her sleep in their house, not even a single night.

    Depressed, she sat down in a lonely street, where no light from the lanterns shone. It must've been around midnight, when she saw a person sneak past her, just to stop a few steps further. The person turned around and looked into the shadow Karla was hiding in. Karla held her breath. The other person slowly walked back to her, and reached her a hand. "Stand up, girl! The streets are too cold to sleep in during this time of the year!" It was the voice of a man, wearing the green robes of a priest. "Sol's light doesn't have the warmth now as it has in summer. But I know of a place where you can sleep warm and safe. Come with me."

    Karla thought about it. He could also be a thief or worse, trying to get her into his house. But he was right, the streets were too cold. "Alright. But don't you dare trying something strange!" The priest laughed as Karla grabbed his hand.

    "I promise, I would never force you to do anything you don't want." He smiled at her, and Karla just could not doubt his words. So she let him help her up and started following him on his way. They came closer and closer to the walls of the city, and Karla started to rethink her choice. But now it would have been too late, so she just followed him further. As they reached a small door in the wall, a soldier stopped them.

    "Who goes there, deep in middle of the night?" he asked with a deep, raspy voice. "Nobody is allowed to leave the city that late." He looked firmly at them. But the priest remained calm. "Ah, Joseph! It's me, Andrik. I have a girl with me who needs a place to rest her head safely."

    The soldier, Joseph, nodded. "Are you sure she's alright? Did you check her? Or are you inviting our doom into our home?" He lowered his spear, and Karla made a step backwards, her eyes fixed at the head of the spear, glimmering in the light of the moon and the stars.

    "No problem, Joseph. I saw her and her little sister coming to town yesterday, alone. And if she would be one of them, would she look like a walking corpse? She looks like she didn't eat for days! And I'm not going to reveal everything to her, just giving her a place to sleep." The priest reached for the door.

    The soldier nodded, and opened the door with his key. "But if he invades us tomorrow, we know who is responsible for it." Still looking grim, he let them pass.

    Karla was stunned a bit. "Are you famous here, Andrik?" She pronounced the last word a bit, to show that she was a bit confused that he didn't care to tell her his name. "Or why does a soldier of the Oren let you pass, even though it's forbidden?"

    The Priest laughed a bit. "No, little one." He pronounced the last words to show her that he still didn't know her name. "Only few people in Korovyat know my name, and none of them are supporters of Yushkov. But what's about you, why are you here? And where is your sister?"

    Karla smiled a sad smile. "First, my name is Karla, and Natalya's not my sister. She the daughter of my foster father. No, she WAS the daughter of him. He's dead. Killed by the soldiers of Yushkov. His mother and wife died shortly after, his sons were taken by the murderers. Only one of his former farmhands still lives, here in Korovyat. Natalya's with him, but...he is a supporter of Yushkov." Some tears started running down her cheeks. "My real parents died years ago out in the cold. I'm all alone again, and all due to the Orens. I'm here to pay them back."

    Andrik smiled at her as he dried her tears. "Then you're at the right place." He stopped walking and pointed towards a cave. "Come in. It's warm and cozy, and there are more like you." He stepped into the cave, and Karla followed him, a strange feeling in her stomach.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    Chronicles of the Throne: Oblivion Spike

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:51 AM PST

    Does the card ability trigger, when i shuffle my discard into my draw pile (when i run out of cards), or only when a cards says: shuffle your deck?

    submitted by /u/Achie72
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    Silencing Icaria interaction

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Just played a game where I played porcelain mask to silence icaria in hand. Opponent played the card, and the Aegis seems to have blocked the effect... as Icaria came down without aegis. Is this a bug? or is it intended?

    submitted by /u/5Reasons2
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    How do you crossplay between Xbox and Ipad ?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Hello everybody,

    I'm struggling with this. I'd like to play against my friend. He's on Ipad and I'm on XboxOne and we've tried everything x) The official Support told me it was possible, but they forgot to tell my how.

    We tried to use the Xbox APP on the tablet : not working. And on the Xbox, I can only send invite to Microsoft Accounts. He told me he can invite me if I give him my account number (example-1234) but I can't find it.

    Thank you everybody for your help, and keep playing this great game :)


    submitted by /u/FR4nchut3
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    Future Power Cards

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Overall, I've been really happy with how the design team has been handling lands, they have a mandatory minimum, but also came up with ways to sort of work around it. I think the Banners were a really great design move and wonder where they'll go next.

    So I've been thinking, are we ever going to see power cards that add two of the same influence? Like a double Shadow? Maybe have it come in depleted if you aren't mono-color.


    submitted by /u/Athelis
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    You think they will give strangers additional type?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:28 AM PST


    The card Unity Within seem to suggest they might make strangers with additional type cause why have it give +1/+1 to a unit that shares it type. They could of easily word it with "give all your strangers +1/+1". At the moment this site and the spell will only be play in stranger decks. Sure the site also has Mark of strangers, which would work with Unity Within but at the same time when would you every use Strangers Mark in a stranger deck. In the current meta you would only cast Strangers Mark on a merchant. Maybe DwD solution to make strangers great again is to make Stranger with additional type so you don't have to make a stranger heavy deck since most of the stranger cards at the moment are pretty weak.

    Maybe will have Stranger Paladins, Dragon/Dinosaur riders, Warriors, gunslinger explorer,rouge, and mages.

    I wonder why they didn't give them additional type in the first place since some of them looks like gunslinger,explorers,rouge, and paladins.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    Deck help - 4 faction mandrake

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:29 PM PST

    Not sure whether it's achievable - but I'm looking for a bit of help with this deck.


    It's based on isomorphics mandrake deck (I just felt the need to work in re-weave), and the deck helped me get to masters for the first time in many months. I'm currently rank 200 with this, but am really hoping I can get to the top 100 with it (I've never been top 100 before and I think this month is one of the best chances I'll get).

    Any and all thoughts welcome - the deck is a blast to play but it also pretty competitive - so long as you can survive the early game and dodge royal decree / shush. Once the engine gets going it's pretty hard to stop.

    submitted by /u/wavertongreen
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    How do draft decks work?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:05 PM PST

    Hi. Browsing eternal warcry, I found people have been posting their draft decks online. What I don't understand is, I thought the cards you receive each draft is random, so the point of posting draft decks only reflects the cards that were available to that poster at that point in time? Or am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/Zwischenzug
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    Decklist help: Almost there, just need a few tweaks to make it through D1

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Hey friends, I've been working on (what I think is) a pretty good take on Hooru Palace beatdown. I started from this list and found it to be sometimes very powerful but often too fragile, so I've been swapping out some of the cute tricks for more straightforward stompy goodness to great success. In particular Geomar was sometimes awesome but he almost always died before I could live the dream of casting Savagery and smashing for a million lifesteal damage. I pretty much always won games where I landed a two drop on turn two if it survived until my next turn so I added a bunch more two drops: Crownwatch Paladin has been an all star, and I've experimented with a couple others with mixed results. I tore through Gold, D3 and D2 without difficulty, but I seem to have hit the wall. I can win enough to stay in D1 but can't quite break through.

    So here's where I'm at now. I can't quite get the proper balance of early beats, late game reach, and combat tricks right, and I almost always feel like I'm either power flooded or power starved. I've gone as high as 16 2-drops but the problem I ran into is that there just aren't quite enough good ones in JP. I experimented with Ironfist Chancellor; he was occasionally really good and let me steal a few grindy games that a more explosive build would have stalled out and lost, but required a little too much setup (particularly since fast removal keeps getting nerfed-he'd be amazing in a meta ruled by Defiance and Torch). Copperhall Porter was just not impactful enough. So I'm back to Kothon, Hojahn and Paladin.

    Also not sure about the market. I put in Vision of Austerity after I hit a bunch of Tome of Horrors decks in a row but haven't used it since and I'm not sure it's even good there.

    So basically, looking for any and all suggestions.

    submitted by /u/SpicyMarmots
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    I made a janky expedition deck based around the Talir + Kairos Market combo and it's pretty fun

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

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