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    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Misplays and the heuristic / analytic reasoning model (Long and Nerdy)

    Eternal Card Game Misplays and the heuristic / analytic reasoning model (Long and Nerdy)

    Misplays and the heuristic / analytic reasoning model (Long and Nerdy)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I'm a professor who's getting into studying learning and cognition, and I recently came across a theory that very accurately describes a lot of my misplays. To work on my own ability to explain these ideas, I decided to explain it here on Reddit. Feel free to ignore this, and I'll put a TL;DR at the bottom.

    The heuristic-analytic theory of reasoning states that when faced with a task or decision, our brains follow two reasoning pathways that interact with each other but are separate. The heuristic process creates quick models to make the decision or accomplish the task that are pre-conscious - they occur before we really start thinking about the problem. These models are singular (you can only analyze one at a time), relevant (pragmatically chosen to be the relevant in the context) and satisficing (analyzed to be a satisfactory solution). Faulty reasoning is often due to the fact that we are biased to accept our first model unless we can come up with a good reason to reject it. We will, in fact, tend to unconsciously accept supporting information and reject contradictory information. Analyzing a situation carefully enough to recognize the flaws in our first heuristic model is mentally challenging, and requires quite a bit of discipline and mental energy.

    Eternal has many situations in which you need to chose between 2 or more plays, and the heuristic-analytic processes are activated each time. Very good players (not me) are better at coming up with correct heuristic models in the first place, and at quickly finding the errors the infrequent times they come up with bad models.

    I would like to present an example of this theory from my own League play this morning:

    After deciding to play an Immortalize and exalt, I needed to decide which of two units in the void should be returned. One was Borderlands Lookout, which was a 4 / 5 due to OP being 4-faction. The other was Spiketail Quirin, which was a 2/2. My heuristic initial decision was to play the Lookout. It was relevant to the context, and achieved my goal of improving my board state, because on first glance it has more stats. Thus, the satisificing principle was achieved. I did not thoroughly engage my analytic process, which would have noticed that since the OP had a 6/5 on board, the Lookout could not attack in and do anything more than pass a 4 / 5 weapon to something. Had I chosen the Quirin, it's self-buff would have made it a 6/6, which could have swung in and forced a block. I lost that game, and making the correct decision would have likely won the game. I was frustrated in that game due to a few games in a row with bad draws (power particularly) and I believe that played a role in my poor analysis.

    I hope this was interesting to somebody, and I hope it helps clarify thinking about your own play!

    TL;DR: We make snap decisions, and are bad at rejecting them even if they are flawed. We should keep this bias in mind when playing Eternal to become better players!

    submitted by /u/RFeynman1972
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    The People behind the scenes of our Best resources

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 05:20 AM PST

    The People behind the scenes of our Best resources


    This weeks show is an interesting one for certain... any player that has been in the amazing Eternal Community for longer than a week as used the external resources ShiftedStoned and EternalWarcray. These are projects that were creating by the community for the community and two people specifically are responsible for their existence. I'm honored to have PapaCapricorn and SteverCakes on the show discussing origin stories and what all it takes to keep these tools running!



    Shiftstoned Discord: discord.gg/nC2G238
    Shiftstoned Twitter: twitter.com/shiftstoned
    Personal Discord: PapaCapricorn#2915
    Personal Twitter: twitter.com/PapaCapricorn

    Twitter - EJthePodcast
    YouTube - EternalJourney
    Discord: discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    How do I improve my stonescar dragon expedition deck?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I've been enjoying playing this dragon-themed expedition deck lately.


    What improvements could I make to it that will keep it eligible for the expedition format? I'm really stuck on what to do with my Black Market.

    Any tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WC-BucsFan
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    Rank 1 in Exp, Throne and ECQ, running good

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Eternal Highlights - Nobody Expected Her to Talk

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Daring Gryffyn and Edict of Shavka

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Scenario: I'm holding Edict of Shavka in hand. My opponent has a Daring Gryffyn as well as a 3/1 ice elemental on the board. If I cast the Edict, will the Daring Gryffyn be sacrificed even though it can't negate the Edict?

    My initial inclination would be yes, but I wasn't 100% sure and didn't want to make the play in a ranked game without knowing. I wanted a two for one by casting the Edict targeting the elemental since it was the only target for the Gryffyn weapon, but settled for attacking into the Gryffyn then taking out the elemental with Edict. I was way ahead, so I felt sure I could win down a unit, but it could have made a big difference in a closer match.

    submitted by /u/KingKawng92
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    New Player Looking to Build a Deck

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:24 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I just started this a few days ago coming from years of mtg and I'm looking for some direction on a deck to work on. I've been looking through eternalwarcry.com (mostly mono red stuff) but I'm not sure which, if any, that I've been looking at are worth building. I was hoping someone might be able to point in the direction of a reliable, upgradable budget deck in the vein of rdw/stompy/aggro whatever to get my feet wet.

    I was reading up on the creation of this game and I'm willing to toss some money at this game based on its merits if needed + I've been having a bunch of fun in the solo stuff and my one run through draft anyway.

    submitted by /u/Doodilydoo113
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    Salty Brew - Ramp it up!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:43 AM PST

    How do ya'll deal with wild swings?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    It seems for the past month or so I can only seem go through huge losing or winning streaks. For example earlier today I probably had about a 25% win-rate, until I got 7 straight wins. Last month I lost a ton of games wondering where I was going wrong, I generally have a positive win-rate, until I had the best streak I'd ever had at 19 wins before I got a loss.

    I know that variance is just part of the game, but when it's this wild it can have me questioning my skills. I like to think I'm a strong player (masters capable when I go for it) but it can be kind of frustrating just to lose over and over. I suppose I'm just wondering how others deal with extreme variance. Winning a ton in a row feels great and all but I'd much rather get back to the healthy mix rather than these insane streaks hahah

    submitted by /u/LurksLeighs
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    ECQ Strange Lands recap and deck tech!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Lingnoi_401's Even Ironfist

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Lingnoi_401's Even Ironfist

    [I put my name in deck name because I want player from Eternal Thailand Community easily found my deck in EWC]

    Here it's deck list


    I have built a deck long time ago that base on Ironfist Chancellor,that have been called Combrei Spellcraft.

    However,someone mention it had a few spellcraft card,another the deck had lacking draw engine.

    The I thought I might tried to solve the problem,but also stilled built around on Ironfist Chancellor

    The solution I must built Even version of the deck that build around on Ironfist Chancellor.

    As you have seen in deck list,it has just five spellcraft card,that why I changed the name to Ironfist

    The deck plays like Combrei Aggro,ramping,attacking,and finish the game as fast as possible.

    However this deck has Reweave that is one of important card in this deck because you can put unit into play as shift for your plan.

    May be like draw card from Evenhaned Golem,or summon Ironfist Chancellor in shift mode.Also,when you use Reweave,tribute will be activated you can play Ironfist Chancellor with tribute and prepare for combo or silence unit by search for Sheriff Marley from you deck.

    And the most important in this deck,don't forget about the combo that can generate the token with aegis and lifesteal when you have power 7 and have Sword of Unity on Ironfist Chancellor

    The combo is easy;when everything is ready,active Ironfist's ability,the the token generated and spellcraft ability in Sword unity is activated,Stand Together will be played then all unit gain aegis,gain more attack by one.

    Hope you play or test my deck

    Thank you for play it

    submitted by /u/lingnoi_401
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    Predictions for new 3F Adjectives?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    So, seeing as a new set's on the horizon and people're predicting it very well might round out the remaining 3F's, I figured it'd be fun to predict what adjectives they'll associate with each trio. By that, I mean how they're referred to in displays, and tokens; i.e., how FJS is referred to as Ambition, TPS as Knowledge, etc. We're probably not going to guess any of them right, but still, seems like it could be fun.

    My own predictions:

    FTJ: Heroics - Combining the drama of Glory, the energy of Impulse, and the forward-facing nature of Progress leads to an overall zestful faction willing to quickly take action to do what they believe is right and just. From a gameplay standpoint, I feel like this term very much fits the tempo-oriented ramp style of gameplay common throughout these colors, and highlighted by its Site, the Xultan Arcanum; decks in this faction can go from even the humblest of beginnings to playing out extremely powerful cards long before most other factions would be able to. The opposite color pair's adjective (i.e., the pair of colors made by taking the two colors not involved) is PS's Cunning; while bold displays of violent, dynamic heroics make for good stories, they're often not the smartest ways to go about positive long-term change.

    FTS: Desolation - Combining the destructive nature of Chaos, the violent speed of Impulse, and the strange, unknowable nature of Mystery leads to an overall destructive, almost nihilistic faction, willing to destroy everything in its path in the pursuit of goals that seem almost impossible for anyone else to understand. Also fits along with the sacrifice oriented gameplay present throughout the colors and emphasized by both its site and its revealed spoiler; all will be destroyed in the path of desolation, including those who swear themselves to it, if their death helps lead to further destruction. The opposite pair's adjective is JP's Order; to destroy all things would necessarily involve first destroying the forces of order -- society, laws, authorities -- that hold things together.

    FPS: Supremacy - Combining the hatred of Fury, the lawless, "nobody can control me" nature of Chaos, and the power-hungry aspect of Cunning leads to a faction of beings who believe themselves above the common rabble, above society at large. Fits with both the combo-oriented, domineering nature of many of the decks that have been born from FPS, as well as the dragon focused gameplay of its existing site; in the former case, there's no better way to show supremacy than to win even by largely ignoring most of the opponent's cards to pursue your own goals, and in the latter case, the term very much fits the arrogant beasts now threatening to dominate Xulta. The opposite pairing adjective is TJ's Progress; the goal of self-centered, solipsistic supremacy over others runs counter to the goals of Progress, which seeks to better society at large even at some personal cost.

    TJP: Fortitude - Combining the stability provided by Order, the historical knowledge provided by Wisdom, and the goal of societal betterment provided by Progress leads to a faction that is steadfast in their convictions and is able to stay hopeful and strong in even the most dire of situations. Gameplaywise, this reflects the defensive, controlling nature of TJP, and emphasized by its site; it can be very difficult to deal serious damage to TJP when it functions properly, with even things like silence, spell damage, and weapons having their effectiveness hampered. The opposite color pairing would be FS's Chaos; after all, times of great chaos and instability are when a person's stability and character are truly put to the test, when its seen how true they are to their stated beliefs and convictions.

    JPS: Intrigue - As in "political intrigue". Combining the intellect of Cunning, the structure and laws provided by Order, and the conniving nature of Vengeance leads to a faction of opportunistic individuals all vying for their own best interests within society, using methods such as espionage, political alliances, and loopholes within the law to further their own positions. Gameplaywise, this fits with the opportunistic nature of gameplay that curses and JPS's other cards provide; after all, simple murder is so messy. Isn't a far more civilized and intelligent way to deal with a potential threat to, say, put a bounty against them and then use that as justification to kill them (Wanted Poster), or to psychologically intimidate them until they can't function properly (Cowardice, Timidity, Inferiority Complex), or to simply freeze them in a permanent, but nonlethal frost (Permafrost)? The opposite pairing is FT's Impulse; those who act solely by immediate emotion and who act without thinking usually fail when it comes to the realm of politics, and are quickly taken advantage of by the more savvy, careful participants in the "game".

    submitted by /u/Mack_Eye
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    FECast Ep 12: Talking Markets with Erik9099

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Spellcraft QOL improvement with latest patch?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:15 AM PST

    I didn't see patch notes, and am not 100% certain this wasn't in earlier, but yesterday I accidentally targeted my own unit with Pokpok's Slingshot spellcraft and was prompted if I really intended to target my own unit. Many of us have vanquished our own units, so this is an awesome change. Is it really new, or has it just been a long time since I misclicked the target and I missed this in some release notes along the way?

    submitted by /u/tvkelley
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    Eternal Highlights - A Dragon Race

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Unusual Invisible Card bug

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I was playing a league game, I attacked with Intrepid Longhorn into a 3/3 devoted-whatever Monk. And I went to cast Mettle/I selected the card and hovered the arrow over my Longhorn.

    Then the enemy played a Draw Strength.... and my Longhorn died. I saw that I didn't use any power... and Mettle was not in my hand, but my hand was now Makkar Bloodwulf, BLANK SPACE, Cult Prophet, Something Else

    I eventually played the wolf. But my hand was like constantly shifted over, and I never got a fast timing response window to play Mettle. It was gone but it wasn't. It was/could have been a game altering bug.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    What are the name of each faction sets?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    I maybe be a pro player and all but I keep forgetting the names all the time. Can someone tell me and I'll write them down.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    DWD Newsletter subtle change with free pack

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Can we get a list of the combo decks going please ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:21 AM PST

    I'm feeling the need to combo .....

    Post decklists!

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Got stuck on the last fight for Promises by Firelight for seven straight attempts, then won the eighth in five turns. So lucky.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

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