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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Eternal Card Game the playerbase for the last two weeks

    Eternal Card Game the playerbase for the last two weeks

    the playerbase for the last two weeks

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:35 AM PST

    Chapter 38: Strange Lands

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Was able to be number 1 to the end.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:25 AM PST

    Thanks Gauntlet Boss! Looks like you are more kind in 2020

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

    New expedition player...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Long time throne player here. I've turned a blind eye to expedition this whole time.

    What are the strongest decks in expedition atm? Is it worthwhile crafting them or are we expecting it to change soon?


    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Cabal Slasher: Am I missing something?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Did life force stop working?

    A couple notes first. I started playing this a couple weeks ago. Never thought I'd be into a game like this, but so far, I'm having a blast. I'm playing mobile, because I don't usually have the time to get on my PC to play a card game. Also, I have played a couple multiplayer rounds, but mostly, I'm playing Gauntlet until I'm certain about each factions mechanics.

    A week ago, I found out about the Cabal Slasher card. It has a Life Force mechanic where you gain attack the same amount as whatever life you gain. I also found that if you give this card life steal, things get insane. Every time you attack with that card, you gain the same amount of life as your attack, which doubles your attack. Within just a few successful attacks, your life points and the card's attack will be in the hundreds.

    I went so far as to build a deck around this.

    Yesterday, I started another gauntlet game. Suddenly, the card doesn't work anymore. Even if you use other units to steal life, Cabal Slasher's attack does not increase. It will still show the animation that comes with Life force, but the number doesn't change. I tried restarting, I tried other decks. Every game and every deck that has Cabal Slasher has the same problem.

    What else is weird is the last update was November 22, so it's not that. Anyone else having similar issues?

    submitted by /u/Too_Many_Packets
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    Understand Endra: How to play her, how to beat her, and why I hate her.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    I've heard several people asking for an article on Endra decks in general, and I've been wanting to write something about why I feel Endra has been so harmful to the Throne metagame, so here we go!

    There are several powerful Endra decks out there, so I'll list them here first and foremost. I think all of the following 4 lists can lay a claim to being the best Endra deck in the format.

    FPS Endra: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/4VDfAS1hcLM/fps-endra

    The original Endra combo deck. FPS gains a lot of consistency from staying in 3F, and still maintains a ton of speed with haunting scream and sleeping draught allowing you to resurrect Endra cheaply. FPS is the middle-of-the-road Endra deck - it's fairly consistent and fairly fast. The inclusion of Ice Bolt also gives FPS Endra some much-needed counterplay to cards like Tocas and little Svetya. Some FPS lists have even started including Felrauk's Choice as a tech piece for the mirror.

    FTP Endra: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/JT2bKcYcolI/ftp-endra

    Credit to camat0 for creating this variant of Endra combo. The upside to FTP Endra is that you don't care about a lot of hate cards like Adjudicator's Gavel and Vanquisher's Blade, and you also having a lot of fast interaction to protect your Endras from cards like Shush. However, against smart opponents, the Teleport effects are much worse at protecting Endra than FPS's Devour. This makes FTP worse against fast removal (they equivocate your Edra in response to a teleport effect) and worse against royal decree (they torch your Endra, you teleport it back to hand, and then they decree you). Overall, I think FTP Endra is a tier below the other versions on this list, but I still think it's a powerful variant in its own right.

    4F Endra: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/cbCl3QIJ01o/4f-endra

    My pick for the strongest Endra deck. The upside of the 4F variant is that you get access to Reweave, which allows you to combo off insanely fast - reweave not only plays an Endra for 2 power, it also puts an Endra into your void for you to get back with haunting scream or sleeping draught or dark return. Of course, this extra speed is counterbalanced by the 4F powerbase - your powerbase is slower and your influence is less consistent. You need to be very careful of how you sequence your diplomatic seals and ancient manuals. However, I've found the insane explosiveness from reweave to be worth the sacrifice.

    4F Even Endra: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/0tw9r4ijXhU/4f-even-endra

    This is basically the same deck as 4F Endra, just with a few tweaks to accommodate Evenhanded Golem. I'm not sure which of the two versions is the best.

    Keys to Playing With/Against Endra:

    These are a few important rules of thumb for Endra decks - keep these guidelines in mind when playing with/against Endra.

    1. Endra likes being in the void. If you're playing an Endra deck, you are usually happy to chump block with her - putting her into the void activates your Haunting Screams and Sleeping Draughts and Dark Returns. Conversely, if you're playing against an Endra deck you want to do everything possible to avoid putting their Endra into the void. Of course, you can't let Endra trigger her mastery either, so you need to strike a balance. This obviously doesn't apply to the FTP version - against FTP, you want to try your hardest to kill off their Endra, as they have no way to return her from the void.
    2. Protect Endra at all costs. If you're playing an Endra deck, you never want to play an Endra without a fast spell like Devour or Teleport that can protect her from cards like Equivocate and Valkyrie Enforcer. When playing against Endra, if your opponent played out an Endra and held up 2 power it's a safe bet that they have some kind of fast spell ready to protect their Endra, so you likely want to avoid casting that Equivocate you've got in your hand (maybe hold it up instead and wait for a better opportunity).
    3. Endra doesn't like being pressured. If you're playing an aggro deck against Endra, the best play is usually the one that applies the most pressure. This is more of a general rule of thumb for playing against most combo decks, but it applies here as well. As for the Endra side, you often want to spend your Endra pings killing your opponent's aggro units instead of going face. Boardwiping your opponent will usually be enough to win, there's no need to go face. Of course, you want to be wary of cards like Stand Together that may throw a wrench in this plan.

    Countering Endra:

    There's a long list of cards that "counter" Endra, but the vast majority of them are actually quite mediocre. The key to countering Endra is to play the best anti-Endra cards, backed up by an aggressive curve that pressures them. The very best anti-Endra cards are Tocas, little Svetya, and Teacher of Humility, as well as counterspells like Swift Refusal and Backlash. Stormtamer Operative, Vanquisher's Blade, Nullblade, and cards that grant Face Aegis (cobalt waystone, eilyn's favor, etc) are also good options. Silence/Transform effects like Equivocate and Valkyrie Enforcer are also decent, although they're not as useful as one would think given the existence of Devour and Teleport to protect Endra. Although Royal Decree is king against most combo decks, it's actually quite mediocre vs Endra since all the non-Endra pieces are mostly interchangeable. Cards like Adjudicator's Gavel, Rain of Frogs, and Electrostatic Distortion should be avoided at all costs - these cards don't put on any pressure, so the Endra player has all the time in the world to find their anti-hate cards.

    This also leads right into why I feel Endra has such a harmful effect on the metagame - any deck that cannot put a fast clock on Endra decks is practically unplayable. All the best hate pieces are aggressive units that attack for damage while simultaneously slowing down the Endra deck. Control options are much more limited, you end up having to warp your deck to fit in counterspells and copious amounts of face aegis, and still wind up unfavored against Endra. What's more, many of the aggressive anti-Endra cards (counterspells, little svetya, teacher) are also very strong against control decks, whereas your counterspells are practically useless against aggro, so you end up losing to the anti-Endra aggro decks as well. Midrange decks are in an even worse spot against Endra, as they aren't aggressive enough to put on a fast clock, nor are they controlling enough to take over the long game. The lack of midrange decks is also yet another problem for control decks - midrange decks are naturally preyed upon by control decks. I'm a fan of shaking up the metagame, but I'd like to be able to play a strategy that isn't combo or aggro.

    TLDR: Endra makes my control decks unplayable, so I hate her.

    Hope you enjoyed :)

    - Erik9099

    submitted by /u/9099Erik
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    Happy New Year

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    Happy New,

    I joined the show this year middle of 2019 and just want to say thanks to the Devs for making a game I enjoy fondly and to a helpful community that I hope continues to grow throughout 2020.


    submitted by /u/smudge1987
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    Kuro just gave Feln Berserk Scream a great boost

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:15 PM PST

    I've been messing around with an old Feln berserk list from ManuS.


    Adding in Kuro has given the deck a seriously competitive edge by allowing the deck to gain card advantage and cycle back in previously screamed targets. Usually, Feln Scream runs out of steam in the late game but Kuro seems to fix that. I've found it really easy to get Kuro's mastery with combat tricks.

    Have a go and let me know what you think! It's a super fun deck to play. I went 12W / 5L in Masters with it (mostly because players aren't expecting this deck).

    I'm debating whether to drop the raptors for sporefolk to start some early graveyard interaction..... hmmm

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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    Shavkas Song

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Is it only me playing far too many decks using Shavskas song & adding multi waylays in my deck?

    submitted by /u/ElbowDeep1886
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    So much Fucking FUN!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Endra is broken. Nerf her. The card is completely a mistake.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:38 AM PST

    All that needs to be said. Completely stupid design. Like honestly what were you thinking Eternal. I don't want to play this game if you make dumb broken cards like this.

    submitted by /u/DeezNutzIncorporated
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    This game isn't fun anymore

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:49 PM PST

    I know that a portion of you aren't going to read this and just assume I'm being a fucknut. There are others who will read this and find flaws in my arguments to validate their own beliefs. That's fine. But I just wanted to say that there's been a lack of interactivity lately. I've been playing for a while -- since beta, actually. The game has gone from a combat-centric style to a who-can-kill-the-most-units-per-game style. I play characters because I want them to be a threat to my opponent's strategy or to further my own. But guess what? DEAD. Ok, fine, I'll play a character who will help me to thin out the power in my deck. DEAD.

    I can already feel the people saying, "that's part of the game! you need to play the right units at the right time!" But I can guarantee you that these same people throw a fucking hissy fit when their plans don't go through. I've sat through numerous games where the opponent let Time take their turn rather than playing it out. I'm not unfamiliar with the red countdown.

    Simply, the power curve is out of control and I shouldn't have to play an Entomb deck to stand a chance. Whatever. Fuck this, fuck you, fuck everything. I quit.

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