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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Eternal Card Game We need this achievement

    Eternal Card Game We need this achievement

    We need this achievement

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Tired of the Throne Endra metagame? Here is a solution for you...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:15 PM PST

    ...how about you wait it out (there is supposed to be a balance patch on Monday) while playing wonderful drafts in a wonderful draft format, using all the wonderful draft tickets DWD has bestowed upon us during the 12 days of Dropsmas?

    Other options include, but are not limited to, testing all the other cards from PbF in crazy and wild decks. For example, I have dabbled with some Ixtol's Pendant creations today and will be building some other crazy ones based on Ixtol himself tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Calebovitsch
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    This entire sub since the day Endra was released.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Endra as 3/3 for 3FF maybe more balanced.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:50 AM PST

    The problem with Endra is her Power Gain-Power Cost "Break Even Point". Practically, in a vacuum, she is a cost 1 for FF.

    By calculation, at 2FF. Her "break even point" is 2x Play. The next play/copy after that will give you a surplus of power. That's why you can spam Endra at turn 3.

    The interesting thing in Endra's cost is, her Cost-Gain ratio follows geometrical pattern. So, by increasing her cost to 3. Not only it makes her "Break Even Point" nerfed into 3x Play. But also making the only way to "spam" her is at turn 5 (2x Endra or Endra + Mirror Image). If you want to spam 3x Endra in one turn, you need to wait for turn 6.

    submitted by /u/Altercross
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    Xenan Elves - Deck Tech

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST


    I've been playing a lot of Xenan Elves in Throne lately, exploiting the new Sunset Stone relic. I think this deck has some potential and is a fun deck to grind ladder with. 3 cost Xenan Obelisks are always something to be excited about, and while I'm not sure this deck has what it takes to be truly dominant yet, I do think it's one or two pieces of support away from becoming a real player in the meta. Let me know what you think - if anything, it's a welcome break from the usual Endra/Combrei stuff that a lot of people seem to be sick of. Deck tech/tips and matchup guide is in the EWC link.

    submitted by /u/Aliphant3
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    Top 100 Leaderboards for Promises by Firelight

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Congrats to all who made the Top 100 for Chapter 37: Promises by Firelight!

    Top 100 Leaderboards

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Tuning Felnscar Endra Combo

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Summon: Opponent concedes

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:18 PM PST

    No community chests?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:39 AM PST

    I haven't got a single one the last couple days, and yes I've been switching to different streamers. Anyone else with the same problem?

    submitted by /u/harisbr2
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    Please help me improve this Ultra Budget Merriest Mandrake deck

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    I wanted to try building a no rares deck using Merriest Mandrake and see if it would be any fun. Turns out it is a lot of fun.

    Please help me improve the deck. Here's a link to it.

    I've never brewed before, so I searched EWC for decks using Merriest Mandrake and found about 10. All of them were full of rares and legendaries, so I set about trying to see if it would be a fun combo deck with only commons and uncommons, using some of those decks as a guide.

    Here's the basic deck design idea:

    • no rares/legendaries
    • build around Merriest Mandrake and make fun use of lifeforce and ultimate synergies
    • play out enough early units and removal to stay alive. Draw one of more Merriest Mandrakes (in every game but one I usually had at least one by midgame) and trigger them for lifeforce and card draw.

    I wasn't sure how to test a deck, so I played 5 games of masters gauntlet and it won. I then tried a few of Casual and it seemed to be working out, got a couple wins. And playing the combo was satisfying.

    This rough version uses only cards in my collection, as I didn't want to craft cards and find the deck didn't work at all. I'd appreciate you suggesting better cards to replace them.

    A few questions I had as I built the deck:

    • is there a way in these colors to increase consistency of getting the Mandrake card early? Being no rares, I can't use a market. But maybe there are some other mechanisms?
    • I'm wondering if I need more removal or more protection mechanisms for the Mandrake. In the test games I did the deck didn't seem totally dependent on him, and I was able to do OK on removal, and fill the board to block most times. But wondering how you build the right removal or utility in a deck.
    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Getting specific cards taking longer than I thought...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Love this game to death and recently dropped $70 on it. I got all of the campaines, and since then I've been drafting to build my collection. I'm masters in gauntlet and forge, so grinding them doesn't seem worth it. It's just...there's so many deck ideas that I've been dying to try out but I'm missing a view vital cards to make them work. Most of these are legendaries and it doesn't seem like I'll get the any time soon. Am I uhhh...doing something wrong here?

    submitted by /u/just_that1guy
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    new player

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:02 PM PST

    hey guys, i'm a new player and am at the moment purely f2p. I browsed https://eternalwarcry.com for decks, but don't see any filters for budget really, and with my cards can't build any of the decks. I'm interested in creating shadow decks, be it mono, shadow/fire, shadow/justice, or shadow/time for gauntlet

    any and all suggestions would be appreciated, i can't afford to put any money in the game right now, so am limited to packs i can get from gold... speaking of packs as a new player which set(s) should i concentrate on getting packs from?

    submitted by /u/kage1822
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    Buff Endra, Change Shavkas Song

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:37 PM PST


    Summon cost changed to 1FF

    Thinking through multiple changes this is the one I liked the most. Going to 3 damage is ehhh requires a Mastery change. Going 2 cost 3/3 (although exists on time) is really lame.

    I like the idea of 1 cost 2/2 it would be a defining fire aggro card. It is strong but not so huge that you it runs away with the game. Also gives the Mastery a good chance to go off.

    That said, is it (so far) end the game broken? No, in fact the 1FF makes it pretty impossible to play turn1 unless you commit to Evangel type aggro route.

    Shavka's Song

    Play a random monoF type spell that deals damage from your deck. Then gain 1 power for each copy of that spell in your graveyard. Shavka's Song cannot be negated.

    The programming might need some work to be able to grab the right spells, but I think it makes Song a really interesting card that isnt too pushed.

    This really pushes Endra as a Fire aggro card. Decks trying to splash it would need to play fire spells so it becomes less good to just spam it and add in bad burn.

    You gain power still, but at most it is 4 power. This is also in line with low cost aggro, to commit to your all in strategy.

    I wish, wish it could grab any red-X burn spell, but then Decimate Endra would become a thing.

    I honestly think this keeps Endra very interesting, utilizes the uniqueness of an online CG by using a random spell from deck, and slots into several decks but really has a home in one specific type.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    Eternal Journey 47 Better Than Six?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Eternal Journey 47 Better Than Six?



    Sometimes decisions that effect the outcome of the game begin before you even take your first turn. Keeping or redrawing an opening hand is a skill that players never really get a complete grasp on. So in this installment of the EJ podcast JohnHolio, Darth_Herman2, and Jedi do a deep dive into the factors that play a roll in deciding whether to keep a hand or send it back. The Eternal Card Game by Direwolf Digital has an interesting algorythm to help there be less non-games but the final decision is up to you, and we are going to give you the tools to make the best decision you can! Included in the show is the pack one pick one, constructed corner, what's the play, and shout out segments of the show.

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN


    iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eternal-journey/id1441261645

    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/eternal-journey-476372610


    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Potential Bug?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:25 AM PST

    Hello, I was just in game recently and after my opponent played a red card they somehow had more power? They kept doing it so I assume they knew about a bug and was abusing it. I have reported them and hope this bug gets fixed soon

    submitted by /u/FantasyInSpace
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    Help deciding what to do with my sealed deck?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:40 PM PST

    What did I miss & why have I lost cards?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I stopped playing over a year ago (the last release I played was Fall of Argenport) and am considering returning. So far I've just opened the game, but it looks like quite a lot has changed. I'd love a summary of what I've missed. (Also, hello to any of the old guard who remember me for Jekk & Scramp stories / obsessing over sacrifice decks / posting event decklists.)

    Also: I am missing a bunch of rares and legends I used to have. Not sure exactly how many but most of my decks are invalid, and I definitely used to have 100% of Empty Throne cards, and am now down to 89% of legends. Any reason this would have happened? I'm absolutely certain I did not destroy these cards.

    submitted by /u/nagCopaleen
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    Today I quit Eternal.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I am fully prepared for the massive amount of down votes coming my way, but this needs to be said, and hopefully read by the right people. I am not quitting this game because of Endra but the way the devs have handled Endra.

    I was first drawn to Eternal as an indie game company that was generous with their cards, a company I have gladly supported with cash. But the way the devs are handling Endra is unacceptable, the best part about supporting an indie company is they are a big part of the community. They listen, they communicate, & they make changes in a reasonable time. The way the devs are treating Endra is nothing less than a "big game company" cash grab. Put out something broken, collect the profits, when refunding is out of the question nerf the problem. Add that to the hidden tier levels of masters in gauntlet without increasing the prizes received is shady(Don't believe me? Go on a winning streak in masters Gauntlet and notice when all the bosses completely change and winning because much more difficult).

    I understand companies need to make money but shady business practices are not the way.

    submitted by /u/T3nt4c135
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    [Opinion] If Endra is getting a nerf then Durdle decks should get a nerf. Nerf Harsh rule and other green mass removal as well or the meta will return back to durdle decks again.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Durdle decks exist primarily due to the cheap cost of Harsh Rule, Radiant Light etc. Their purpose is to deny the opponents tempo in mid and late game to protect their Hammer, Site, Sky-king, Channel Tempest, Svetyas Sanctum. With these win conditions themselves being non-interactive.

    Harsh Rule and Radiant Light etc covers every creature in the game (including Aegis creatures with End of the story) and impacts Time Decks the most (they dont have access to aegis, bouncing is single target only, silence and killer is useless against relics, weapons, weapons, sites)

    This leads to unitless (not counting merchants) decks which in turn leads to demand for combo decks like Endra.

    But since non-justice combo decks eventually get nerfed. I agree with posts that durdle decks will return again and cause the meta to be stale. Praxis ramp could out-tempo durdle but that has been heavily nerfed (with praxis ramp to grodov being psedo-durdle).

    With the current endra decks, it reminded me during Even handed golem pre-nerf it was used to keep tempo against Durdle decks. But once EHG got nerfed, the raise of unitless decks came back. Despite minor nerfs to Defiance, Temporal Distortion, Channel the Tempest, decks have pivoted away from these to find other novel methods.

    Now control decks should still continue to exist, but they should require more skill to pilot instead of turtling to strategize, honor of claws to draw their win conditons and mass removal.

    Tldr: Justice mass removal needs to return to the opponent the same tempo to keep them in the game post removal and not function as pseudo-creature counters. If not, then don't nerf Endra please

    Suggestions. 1. Harsh Rule - your opponent draws one card if they have 4 or more cards in hand else they draw 3 cards. 2. Radiant light - your opponent draws two cards, or increase cost to 5, return from void creatures you controlled that died with 3 or less attack (preventing baby Icaria recursion).

    *Edit: If torch got nerfed then everything should be considered for rebalancing as well. I have changed my mind after reading others posts this past month and that Endra needs to stay un-nerfed to counter Durdle decks. Durdle decks should not be safe for 5 turns and non-interact by drawing cards to get hailstorm, radiant light, harsh rule and eliminte threats to their sites and relics.

    If you wish to play aggro against against Endra and durdle decks meta please go ahead and post your rakano aggro deck with masters rank in throne (you won't because you know deep down it aggro won't get you anywhere) ;)

    submitted by /u/blackl0tus
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