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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Eternal Card Game who did the art for Embargo Officer ?

    Eternal Card Game who did the art for Embargo Officer ?

    who did the art for Embargo Officer ?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:55 AM PST

    can't seem to find the artist's name for this card.

    submitted by /u/blekpenter92
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    Epic Highlights - This is NOT a Mill Deck

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:03 AM PST

    The best deck no one wants you to play (xenan self mill)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Eternal Card Game Guide home brewed deck tech building Hara's Godda## birds (reaching master from silver)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:29 AM PST

    Content Creator Showdown Mattyocre vs Gatosujo!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Content Creator Showdown Mattyocre vs Gatosujo!


    On episode 8 of the Content Creator Showdown we have two very special and very down to earth creators battling it out to avoid getting their second loss and getting sent home. Our competitors tonight are non-other than the King of Cool Gatosujo from The Misplay podcast and the Patient Prince Mattyocre from Twitch! These two tacticians bring mono justice and winchest combo to the battle field today. Tune in to find out who will emerge victorious!


    Jedi brings several of the best content creators and influencers for the Eternal Card Game made by Direwolf Digital and has them battle it out for your enjoyment! Meet know content creators, follow them, support them, consume there content and share this fantastic game we all enjoy with your friends! This first season has the below mentioned influencers competing in a Pauper Tournament, which means they are building decks with only commons! See what kind of fun decks they brew and how well they pilot them!

    You can follow me:

    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | Discord

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    [OC] Deck Help: Why isn't my deck working? It should in theory but I'm having problems I don't know how to solve. Advice please?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:05 AM PST


    There's a writeup on EWC for what I'm trying to do. Basically it's pulling destiny/exalted Clockroaches or nightmares from the void.

    The problems I'm running into are either not enough or too much of something. I'll have too many power cards one game then not enough the next. No units, then all units. I know some of it is just bad RNG but how can I make it more reliable?

    I'm also having trouble countering aggro decks, despite nothing in mine costing more than 4 power. I don't understand that.

    I'm a little low on units but all the echoing Clockroaches and recursion makes up for that.

    submitted by /u/Tracaine2019
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    Deck Recs

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    Hi friends! I'm a new player looking for a competitive (tier 2 or 1 preferably) deck to main. My preferred playstyle is traditional, low creature count "kill things and draw cards" hard control. For reference, I also play Magic and my main in legacy is Bant control/Miracles, and in Hearthstone my main was Jade druid for a long time, so whatever is closest to that sort of playstyle (if possible) would be perfect! Budget is not a concern whatsoever. Thank you so much in advance :)

    Edit: Looking for Throne format decks specifically

    submitted by /u/battlerez_arthas
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    Would like to fit spiteful strike/bloodcall invoker in this. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Lets discuss balance.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Edit: Please comment. If you can tell me why are you downvoting maybe we can get a better solution.

    So guys, I'm here to talk to you about some cards that are over the top and need a little trip to the nerf waterpark.

    IF you have a better idea or recomendation about the things I'm posting or think another card needs a review, please post it I'll try to add it as soon as I look (I don't use reddit tho, I just created this acc to post this).


    Felrauk - Cost 6 - 3 black 3 blue influences. If Felrauk is discarded, play him from your void.Summon: The enemy player discards a card from their hand, then discards its cost in cards from the top of their deck.

    My recomendation: This card is now a 3 cost card so you could play it from your hand as a 5 2 but removing the "opponent discard a card", if you want to keep the "mill" component (wich is good IMO) the text could be "The opponent discard cards from the top of their deck equal to the highest cost card in his hand"It is now kinda agro, it can be summoned by discarding it, if we add some more of these cards eternal could have a nice discard-agro. Plus it gives you information about your opponent hand.


    Pristine light - Cost 3 - 3 green influences. Kill each unit with 4 Strength or more.Onslaught: Draw each unit from your void that died this turn.Even if this card is not as popular as it was, its really frustrating to play against and has no decision making.

    My recomendation: Text now reads "Onslaught: Draw each unit from your void with cost 3 or less that died this turn." This way it is still absolutely broken and you can use this card in ALMOST any situation getting a lot of value, but at least not in every situation like it is right now. I really want to delete this card since I don't like no-decision cards but I'm doing my best to control my pristine-rage.


    Azindel: Cost 8 - 2 white 2 black - When one of your units hits the enemy player, draw the top card of their deck and reduce its cost by 2.Summon: Play two 1/1 Helici with Deadly and Unblockable.

    My recomendation: CAN ONLY BE PLAYED FROM YOUR HAND unless it died this turn.You can still play it, dark return it, Sleeping Draught it or whatever but not cheat it with other resurect strategies. I know it is okey for a 8 drop since if it is not answered he instatly win the game for you, like a 8 drop should do, but the strategies arround cheating him from your graveyard is not okey since there is little to no counterplay.

    https://eternalwarcry.com/cards/d/1-292/grasping-at-shadowsGrasp: Cost 5 - 2 black - Play a unit from your void.

    My recomendation: Either the card now reads: "Play a unit from your void with cost 7 or less" or"Play a unit that went to your void THIS TURN"I understund that resurecting combos depends solely on this card, but since in eternal decks have 75 cards and the massive discard mechanic is the only reliable "draw" this card and vara are making a way too realiable and easy to make insta-win combo by turn 5, making the reanimator experience frustrating to play against and boring to play with.If we let this card stay in this state, creating any high-cost card without the text "can't be played from your void" will be imposible since you will only need to splash black (or feln) influences and insta-win by playing that card.I understund there are 2 cards created to "hate" void, gavel and vanquisher blade, but that means only justice can compete against the only reliable combo in eternal.

    Prodigious Sorcery 2 blue - cost 5 - Draw two spells that deal damage from your void.Decimate: They get Double Damage.

    My recomendation: I think for this card to be fast it should cost 6, beign fast allow a lot of fast removals to be played if needed instead of this one so if we are gonna give blue a finisher - aoe removal - card adventage lets make them pay for their finisher.Or: Spells get voidbound, but this takes much of the power this card has and force it to be just a finisher.

    Still to add - SS titan - Kairos - Icaria - Flameblast probablly? - Seditti/Rost/Tasbu

    In my opinion games should be fun, for a game to be fun you shouldn't be forced to play something to stay competitive.This was a quick thought I had, I hope it helps at least a little to re-route eternal or at least to open a healthy talk since we had a lot of combos nerfed (even if I love to play combos I understund eternal is mostly a mid-rangey CCG so combos don't get much love) and I find it unfair to have this one still floating arround.

    My other solution is to buff instead of nerfing, and buffing a lot of cards, a lot, but that might be another thread if I get the time to do it.

    If you got here, thanks for reading guys. Much love UwU.

    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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