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    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Last day master and achievment

    Eternal Card Game Last day master and achievment

    Last day master and achievment

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Aegis Vs Aegis match-up

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Eternal Highlights #144 - Exalted Re-runs

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Salty Brew - RENOWN RAKANO AGGRO MK II [Throne]

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:16 PM PST

    First time Masters (Expedition)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    First time Masters (Expedition)

    Earlier this week, before the nerfs dropped I made Masters for the first time in Expedition. It took me a while to stick to a deck but from diamond 1 I went with a Combrei Strangers build. Here's the list:


    4 Fearless Crescendo (Set8 #61)

    4 Ghostblade Outcast (Set7 #63)

    4 Aamri's Choice (Set7 #173)

    3 Hammer of Unity (Set8 #158)

    4 Magnificent Stranger (Set8 #39)

    4 Steely Stranger (Set8 #66)

    4 Varret, Hero-in-Training (Set7 #213)

    4 Determined Stranger (Set1 #92)

    3 Strange Duelist (Set8 #160)

    1 Tireless Stranger (Set2 #84)

    3 Unseen Commando (Set3 #122)

    4 Vanquish (Set1 #143)

    4 Traver's Farm (Set8 #324)

    1 Battle-Tested Stranger (Set2 #58)

    3 Grodov's Stranger (Set8 #54)

    9 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)

    8 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)

    4 Combrei Banner (Set1 #424)

    4 Seat of Progress (Set0 #58)


    1 Master's Blade (Set8 #74)

    1 Qirin Ascendant (Set7 #175)

    1 Resounding Shockwave (Set8 #75)

    1 Wind Conjuring (Set8 #73)

    1 Edict of Grodov (Set7 #46)

    Once I started using this list I went on a nice 12-6 run before hitting Masters. I've been playing this game since Defiance came out but I only started playing more once Expedition took shape with the release of Flame of Xulta. I'm hoping to improve my play, so I would like to share a few notes about my run to Masters.

    1 - I'm a netdecker, most of the time I will play a list that is on the latest Team Rankstart meta Monday article. I will make some adjustments here and there but that's it. So I should say that my list was influenced from Tarkatta's Combrei Strangers list on Eternal Warcry.


    2 - I have a real hard time sticking to a deck mainly because once I hit a losing streak, I will lose my patience and decide that this meta deck is not for me.

    3 - I don't think there's anything wrong with early concede. I will usually do this when I suffer from really bad draws, I think it actually helps me focus on the next game and forget about bad luck.

    4 - I played a lot last weekend during the ECQ, is it just me or is it a good time to rank up when all the best players focused on a tournament ?

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Radjicka
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    Barricade not working

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    So I just looked this up and found several posts from 2019 with a similar issue and no solution. I just lost a league match because it didn't highlight even thought I had enough power and influence and I tried it on different units while they were readied to block or not, it made no difference. Also there were no relics in play. I was able to play make a unit invulnerable but not Barricade. Very frustrating.

    submitted by /u/masonjar01
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    So I followed/made a rakano aggro deck as a new player. And this shit fucking sucks. Basic fire aggro wins me more games. Help plssss

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Cards to switch up the meta?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:13 AM PST

    Honestly I find the new meta to be such a boring slog. The balance changes are in the right direction but the card pool in expedition is lacking interesting synergies.

    Here's some cards I think could really make things more fun : chose 5 each colour that seem to have some synergy with current cards

    Kennel master Oni Ronin Soft foot burglar Gilded flames Notorious scoundrel

    Perfect power level time to see a treasure drove deck, Notorious is a drawback card never gets to see light could go in current meta. Kennel for spell token around right now

    Cult aspirant Cryptic master Disciplined amarena Time weaver Foraging sauropod

    Cultist aspirant for machinations decks. Lack of relic synergy is boring. Timeweaver is actually amazing in this meta particularly if it was playable. We got lurking raptor but no synergy.

    Axe sharpener Alia champion of kodosh Rakano sheriff Answer the call Minsod the peerless

    Need more stable units for weapons. We got a few cards for relic synergy cost but not enough. Answer is balanced in this meta. Minsod for a different top end in Argenport

    Unstable form Battlefield instigator Dusk raider Yorja Clutchkeeper

    Primal is complete trash in this meta need dusk raider. We gave cargo pelt but no cool cards that go with it. Clutchkerper for lurking raptor.

    Lethrai lobotomy Consuming greed Devastating setback Governor sahin Hunting anoura

    Waystone Gayte and bottled storm are a natural fit with many of these cards no idea what they were thinking not including them. Moving teacher to 2 health makes devastating setback way more interesting.

    submitted by /u/redtrout15
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