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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Eternal complaints: The Stranger Problem

    Eternal Card Game Eternal complaints: The Stranger Problem

    Eternal complaints: The Stranger Problem

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Whispers of the Throne Preview Event is Live!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    The Whispers of the Throne Preview Event will run from Friday 3/27/2020 at 10:00 AM MDT (16:00 UTC) to Monday 3/30/2020 at 4:00 PM MDT (22:00 UTC).

    Get in there and try out the 5 exclusive decks built for the event, each one centered around a new hero unit from Whispers of the Throne!


    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Going Up Against the Gauntlet with 38 Booster Packs!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am an up and coming Eternal content creator. My name is ProbablyRed on YouTube. I have assembled a Gauntlet Grinder out of my picks from 38 Echoes of Eternity booster packs. See how I fared in the Gauntlet: https://youtu.be/nI-PMHs5Mos

    I also have a video with my pack opening/card picks here: https://youtu.be/JLnAm5TsuB8

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Bug with Praxis Trove, anyone else have this?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    When I use Karvet, Solar Dragon it triggers Praxis Trove, after it pulls the Menace Chant. I decimate the Menace Chant and I lose the game.... Let me know if this has been an issue for you. The weird thing is, I don't get a loss, it says defeat but it when I close the window it's as if I didn't play a match.

    Weird bug, thought I'd see if anyone else submitted a ticket or is having this issue at all.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/boviatt
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    What are the searchable terms in the collection/deck builder screens? (help catalogue for the wikis)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    With patch 1.51 adding some new searchable tags to the collection screens, it seems like a good time to create a definitive list of all those special terms.

    I'm looking to update the list u/Falterfire posted here a while back, then document this list to the wikis (the community/Fandom one and possibly this subreddit's too).

    Here's what I've got so far, from the earlier list + searching through other posts. Let me know if there are others you know of, or if anything needs to be corrected. I'll update this post and link to the wiki pages when they are created:


    Term Description
    New Shows recently acquired cards (marked 'new') in your Collection. The tag is removed when hovered over.
    Missing Shows cards you own fewer than 4 copies of. Counts regular/premium/alt-art versions separately (so if you own 3 regular copies of a card and 1 premium copy, this search will show both.
    Extra Shows cards you have 5+ copies of (excluding sigils). Counts versions separately.
    Alternate Shows alt-art versions of cards.

    Card Stats & Tags

    Term Description
    Armor Shows cards with the shield symbol in the text.
    Health Shows cards with the heart symbol in the text.
    Strength Shows cards with the sword symbol in the text.
    X/Y You can search for units and weapons with X strength and Y health/armor with X/Y. For example, searching '3/2' will show you cards like Cinder Yeti and Oasis Seeker.
    Z Searching for a number Z will show cards with Z for any stat (strength, health, armor, or durability), or have Z in their text ('Pay Z', 'Mastery Z').
    Rarity Searching for a rarity name (like 'Common') will return all cards of that rarity.
    Hero Shows units that represent specific characters (like Icaria or Kenna).
    Keyword Shows cards with any bolded term.


    Term Group List Description
    Single-faction names 'Fire', 'Time', 'Justice', 'Primal', 'Shadow' Searching for the faction names will show you all cards in that faction, as well as cards with that faction symbol in their textbox and cards which create tokens of that faction.
    Dual-faction names 'Praxis' (FT), 'Rakano' (FJ), 'Skycrag' (FP), 'Stonescar' (FS), 'Combrei' (TJ), 'Elysian' (TP), 'Xenan' (TS), 'Hooru' (JP), 'Argenport' (JS), 'Feln' (PS) Searching for the 2-faction pair names will return multifaction cards with those 2 factions.
    Defiance Tri-faction names 'Jennev' (FTP), 'Ixtun' (FJP), 'Winchest' (FJS), 'Kerendon' (TJS), 'Auralian' (TPS) Searching for the 3-faction alliance names from Defiance will return multifaction cards with those 3 factions.
    EoE Tri-faction terms 'Creation' (FTJ), 'Destruction' (FTS), 'Menace' (FPS), 'Tradition' (TJP), 'Purpose' (JPS) Searching for the 3-faction alliance names from Echoes of Eternity will return multifaction cards with those 3 factions (searching for the Defiance terms, such as 'Honor', does not work).

    Notes & Tips

    • You can combine multiple special search terms - For example, you could search "Missing Legendary" to see only Legendaries you have less than four copies of. (Thanks to /u/krorkle for pointing this out)
    • You can also search for the faction names on the deck selection screen. Searching "Fire" will show all your decks that include Fire, and searching "Fire Shadow" will show all your decks that include both Fire and Shadow. Searching for 2- and 3-faction names like "Feln" or "Creation" on the deck selection screen will show you decks that include the appropriate factions.
    • Search terms may return results that don't match the description, when the term appears in the card's name or text (such as 'Banewolf' and 'Rakano Outlaw').
    • Search "Life" for cards with Lifesteal or Lifeforce, but "Gain Health" for healthgain cards.
    • "Draw" includes anything with the term, including Quickdraw or 'draw' in the name.
    submitted by /u/PusillanimousGamer
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    Germany still got connection problems

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Hey DWD, any Updates on the situation? in the mornings it works just fine, but afternoon til evening I cant even log in and am stuck at Initializing or got MASSIVE connection problems. Do you guys have any user-end fixes that I can try?

    I am so close to masters and cant grind :D

    And as always, buff Stonescar Excavator <3

    submitted by /u/SaucerorEUW
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    So I would like to know when is it available to preorder the whisper of the throne bundle on Xbox? Still says coming soon. What's the point of a preorder if you can't pay for it before the release

    submitted by /u/Stitch0706
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    Evaluating the Whispers of the Throne cards we can see:

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Praxis Trove: better than it looks IMO. I think it can slot into a carver deck reasonably, assuming you manage to find time to place it. Considering that carver runs 8 1-drops (carver + drone), and some 1-cost spells (torch, combust), at least 8 2-drops (Kato, sparkhatcher), with devour and quarry, merchants + shadowlands guides with display of ambition, with enough card draw to actually see these cards later on, you can definitely generate some nice value from this thing. Heck, you even run some 4-drops in the form of strange burglar and press-gang, so you might be able to fit in 1 4-cost spell in your deck somewhere (Xulta convoy, rise to the challenge, or choice of bad 4-cost kill spell seem reasonable). From an evaluation in a vacuum, obviously, this card is junk if you only get a single 1-cost spell off of it, but if you get a 1 and a 2, consider that wisdom of the elders just draws you two cards without affecting the board in any way. I think once you hit that third spell, you're clearly coming out ahead on the deal for this card's cost, so just keep that in mind, that you don't have to get a ton out of it for it to be worth its cost. I'm pretty sure that expedition has something similar. Combust, worthy cause/devour, display of destruction, then throw in a single Fell Ritual if you play 4-drops, and oh, if you play a single 5-drop (like a scraptank in your crack the earth market), you then get a free Machinations (WOW!).

    Pesky Sapling: if sandspitter taught us anything, it's that understatted cards that merely annoy your opponent aren't too good in constructed. Not sure about expedition--leaning towards no, but time decks have better things to be doing in throne than this thing. Adorable art, though.

    Braun, Regal Courier: STAND BEHIND BRAU--wait, wrong guy. In any case, I see a lot of comparisons being thrown around to compare him to Worldbearer Behemoth. IMO, he's better. The thing about behemoth is that the card needs to swing, which leaves you open for a counterattack. Behemoth can also get madnessed. This thing locks out one of the nastiest counters to fatties, while also being a fatty that generates value just by sitting there stalled off with no good attacks. Remember, if your do-nothing time fatties are getting in clean attacks, you're way ahead. Braun, IMO, is a time fatty that's better at parity than most, and has quite a bit of utility built in. Certainly will be worth running in time ramp decks IMO as a bridge to higher-powered stuff while being a respectable body in his own right. Not every deck wants a 5-cost time fatty, but if your deck does, Braun does pretty damn well for that role IMO.

    Seneschal of Light: generally, anytime you leave all the agency to your opponent, the card won't be good. Maybe there are some proactive J decks that want him, but I don't see what good decks play this guy, and why.

    The Throne Room: so, the trick here is how to hit your opponent with units more than the once per turn assigned to the combat phase. One hint is the savagery it spellcrafts. Others include berserk, and ping effects (think Wump -> other yetis, black-sky harbinger, and Blitrok). Furthermore, the first hit generates a face aegis to protect from getting killed for free by prideleader. Daraka seems fairly feasible to get. Eilyn, on the other hand, seems to be much harder, since what's the state of the game in which you've hit your opponent with units on six separate instances, but need Rising Storm Eilyn to seal the deal? Not garbage, but I'm not sure how actively good it is. Might see some fringe market play in occasional throne decks.

    Blightmoth: edit: 14ierophant told me that rather than evaluate this as a substitute for Eremot's designs, to see it as Vara's favor on a stick. Kill an X/1, get a threat? Yeah, this card is good. And the ceiling is wiping out several yetis for 2, and being left with a flyer. Not sure which decks will maindeck this, but I expect it to see play.

    Elham, Keen-Eyed: upside high? Yes. But base case is a freaking bear. Sorry, we don't play 2/2s for 2 with no battle skills that do absolutely nothing on ETB.

    Vox: while I'm not sold on this guy, I'm not an FTS sac aficionado, so maybe some others can correct me here. I think the main upside is the fact that all those corrupted units leave behind nightmare shades. When those nightmare shades die, Vox makes them buff the next shades. And while there is stuff like recurring nightmare (ideally with killer), I think you play this guy if you're after the nightmare buffing effect, and he can be used as an emergency sac engine if need be. In throne, we have better fodder than corrupted cultists, so I think this guy is squarely expedition material.

    Razca, Rewarded: see, here's the thing about FPS dragons--going from 2F to 3F in expedition is painful when you need to go deep on all three of those factions. Influence screw bites you at regular intervals, and having 3 influence on turn 2 is a major ask. When your deck can function off of one influence apiece like FTS sacrifice decks for the most part, that's one thing. But when you have things like eclipse dragon and spitflame draconus, the 3F requirement in expedition HURTS. It's why we've seen very few 3F Felnscar dragons (my sincerest apologies, EarthsOverseer!), while we've seen Stonescar and Skycrag dragons do well. As far as throne goes, well, if you're actually interested in playing dragons, I think you want to go fast, as opposed to bungle your power base fiddling around with 3F nonsense. Maybe there's some sort of Felnscar dragons grind deck in throne that plays BSH, but BSH is quite mediocre in this day and age. Also, maybe she enables you to play Dakus, but I just think there are better things to do in throne. Ultimately, I think the issue is that dragons, on a whole, need to be quick to get going, and 3F is not quick, at which point, I think dragons lack the general card quality, and Razca probably doesn't make up for it if it comes to trading blows with something like FTJ.

    Kaspar, Oren of Kosul: Svetya's dad before Yushkov offed him? In any case, if you want absolutely full value from him, you want to be playing him with horde plunderer and shardbinder. That means relics with spellcraft on them that don't have XXX influence requirements (burden, codex). Which leaves us with...kodosh's armor and waystone fragment? I don't think that's good enough to risk playing a 2/1 for 2. However, as a generic TJP aggro card, the fact that he replenishes your power on hit means you can get off to a nasty start with this guy if you can play 6 power worth of stuff on turn 3. EG turn 1 Shenra, turn 2 Kaspar, turn 3 levitate him, equivocate something, hit, play a 3-drop, and that puts you wildly ahead. That said, in my experience, whenever you start getting into 3F aggro, the issue you start running into is whether or not that step of speed you give up means you're failing to close out games a 2F deck might have, at which point, you put the deck down. That said, the fact that he's a playable card with innate exalted is not to be overlooked, especially in a 3F with levitate, Parul's choice, and stand together.

    Keelo, Bold Innovator: BIRTHING POD* (some restrictions apply).So here's the thing with her--she's squishy. And a squishy build-around isn't where you want to be. However, for the sake of doing her justice, (and primal, and shadow), where I think you play her is in a revenge deck, such that your opponents will have their removal losing value. Namely, the interaction I'm looking at is curving alchemist into activated Keelo for Makto, and then playing another Makto on turn 5. The moment a single Makto sticks, you Keelo that for Icaria. And if Icaria sticks? Well, you might just Keelo her for...ummmm...anything you want, really (no, not really. Don't Keelo your Icaria). Some other possible ways to build for Keelo: inspire battleskills. Xenan lifespeaker grants lifesteal and can be fetched with press-gang. Levitate grants flying for the turn. So, I do think Keelo has a throne home, but the main gating issue for her isn't so much that she's bad as much as the fact that the 3F combo in general just has never really had much going for it, outside of when old Palace made anything with Hooru that much better because OPOP.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    [Deck Concept] Praxis Trove Chaining

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    So, Praxis Trove does this:

    Whenever you play a 1-cost unit, play a random 1-cost spell from your deck. Then increase these values by 1.

    So, with careful deck selection (i.e. only one spell of each cost) you can force this to give the exact right spell. What's the exact right spell? One that gives you a unit to retrigger the trove, of course! Having never played with trove, I don't know the interaction with spells that 'play' a unit off the trigger (i.e. Crack the Earth), so I'll avoid that.

    Chain goes:

    Play Trove
    Play any 1-cost unit.
    Trove plays Training Ground or Blazing Salvo
    Play Monk or 2-cost Market unit.
    Trove plays Reunite, fetching a 3-cost Stranger
    Play a 3-cost stranger (4-cost if your opponent has Farm)
    Trove plays Wurmcalling
    Play the 4-cost unit you already had.
    Trove plays Rise to the Challenge, fetching a 6-cost unit.
    Play a Wurm.
    Trove plays something beneficial (no great choices)
    Play 6-cost unit (possibly Minotaur Ambassador).
    Trove plays Celestial Omen, fetching 7-cost unit.
    Play 7-cost unit.
    Trove plays Siraf's Choice, fetching a 12/12 Kaleb, Uncrowned Prince.
    Play Kaleb.
    Trove plays Sol's Rest.
    Attack twice.

    So, to start it you need:
    A thoroughly sculpted deck.
    Praxis Trove
    Any 1 drop unit (or way to play/draw one)
    Any 4 drop unit (or way to play/draw one)

    This doesn't circumvent power costs, so will take several turns to go off. I've avoided cards that make multiple units etc because of the interaction there (such as Eremot's Machinations or Assembly Line on a fresh Trove) and self-triggering. The best colors for this seems to be Time-Justice-Fire (with Celestial Omen in the deck, but we don't need the influence for it. Though if the 1-cost spell is Blazing Salvo, Kothon, Far-Watcher can provide a guaranteed 4-cost unit if primal influence is available).

    submitted by /u/Shambler9019
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    Whispers of the Throne or Horus Traver for new player?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    I am a pretty new player (2 or 3 months) and now have 25,000 gold.

    What's the best use? Whispers of the Throne? Horus Traver (for expedition)? Some other campaign?

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    Kaspar, Lord Of The Chicken Leg Throne

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I can see only 11 (3 on another page) cards of WoT? is it a bug?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:42 AM PDT

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