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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Unlucky Event - Turn 1 Kill

    Eternal Card Game Unlucky Event - Turn 1 Kill

    Unlucky Event - Turn 1 Kill

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Chapter 41: Whispers of the Throne

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Farming Eternal

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Hey friends, we're back with another podcast.


    This week myself and AlwaysInSandles discuss our draft week, Card of the Week, 0-win deck lists, our main topic "Draft is dead", and run a mock draft.

    Is Vapor Hut the most broken card in the format? Patomele thinks so. I mean, by turn 17 you've completely emptied your deck of Power and will only draw gas the rest of the game. AlwaysInSandles makes a pretty compelling case for Touch of Purity, as more life is always better.

    If this is your first time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 0-win deck lists to [farmingeternal@gmail.com](mailto:farmingeternal@gmail.com). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    We also have a Discord. We would love to talk more draft. We have like five hundred sub channels in our Discord for Draft. There's "Draft", "Draft2", "Draft3", "What's-the-pick", "What's-the-second-pick", "Play-my-cards-for-me", etc.

    For more information:

    April | Fools | Patomaru | And | HatsOnLamps

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Isn't a Relic Weapon with double damage supposed to deal double damage?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I just played touch of force onto my charchain flail in hand and then played the flail for 5, making it a 5/1 weapon with double damage. I attacked a Grodov Stranger with it and it went to 1 health because I dealt 5 damage instead of dying because I should have dealt 10.

    Have I had this wrong the entire time and does the double damage only apply to your spells?

    submitted by /u/Jeten_Gesfakke
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    Day X of Shelter in Place

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 40: Aftershock

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    EV of the Premium Sealed Leagues

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Value of regular pack:
    8 commons (1 ss each) + 3 uncommons (10 ss each) + 9/10 rare (200 ss each) + 1/10 legendary (800 ss each) + 100 shiftstone
    = 398 shiftstone
    Value of premium pack:
    8 commons (25 ss each) + 3 uncommons (50 ss each) + 9/10 rare (800 ss each) + 1/10 legendary (3200 ss each) + 100 shiftstone
    = 1490 shiftstone


    With 14 packs in the league, total shiftstone for the regular league is 5572 shiftstone. At a cost of
    1100 gems, that is an EV of 5.07 shiftstone per gem spent. Total shiftstone for the premium league
    is 20860 shiftstone. At a cost of 5000 gems, that is an EV of 4.17 shiftstone per gem spent.


    If you have no interest in building a premium collection, like myself, just do the regular league.

    submitted by /u/bandgeekmathfreak
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    What popped my aegis?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Had my aegis get popped today possibly due to Incendiary Slagmite. But I thought this was fixed 10 months ago:

    "Market cards chosen by Incendiary Salgmite's Onslaught effect should no longer incorrectly remove player Aegis when they transform."

    I'm not sure what constitutes "incorrectly"...

    Here are the steps. Some of the screenshots aren't exactly clear but I'll describe them:

    0. Opponent plays Incendiary Slagmite with onslaught and changes some card in my market to a Firebomb

    ...some turns later...

    1. Opponent plays Ripknife Assassin on his turn: https://imgur.com/mQNzX42

    2. I play Pearl Abbey Smuggler on my turn and draw a Disjunction from my market. I'm expecting this not to be the card that he picked with the Slagmite since I have much more threatening and relevant cards in the market. https://imgur.com/hSOEfdW

    3. My aegis is now popped https://imgur.com/EZaLBIK

    What is the intended interaction with Slagmite and Aegis? If the Disjunction was indeed the Firebomb, should it have cast Firebomb and killed me? If Disjunction wasn't the firebomb, is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/FDeschanel
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    Lucky 'Slingers, Eternal Event: Unlucky 13

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Hi r/EternalCardGame, I am here to release some hot off the line Event content!

    In the latest Eternal event, if a player ended their turn at 13 life, they would immediately lose the game! Watch as we try to induce and avoid bad luck's fierce knife!

    If you want to see the video:


    Go to Eternal Warcry for our full decklist: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/R6abT1aJxnk/lucky-slingers

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    PSA: Rolant's Warblade reduces cost when in Market

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Wondered whether it would work the same as [[The Witching Hour]] (i.e. doesn't reduce in cost when in the Market), but I've just tested [[Rolant's Warblade]] and it does reduce its cost every time one of my units dies.

    This means it's a viable Market card even in Expedition.

    submitted by /u/wavy66
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    Araktodon Egg and Similar Relics

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    So Araktodon Egg is a 1 drop relic that shakes each time you play a power card. On the 3rd shake, you sac it and play a 4/4 dinosaur.

    Can the 4/4 attack the turn you sacrifice the egg, or does it have summoning sickness?

    submitted by /u/RomanDeltaEngin33r
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    How to beat Diamont Silence Puzzle? Need help

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    What’s the Legendary drop rate from packs supposed to be?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I've understood it to be 10%, however my rate has been significantly below that in the recent past.

    I started tracking my legendaries sine Echoes of Eternity was released after being frustrated at my feeling of bad luck at pulling legendaries throughout December and January, so I wanted some data to support my feeling.

    My feel bad lowlights over the past two months... -7.1% legendary drop rate in all packs since 10 Feb when Echoes of Eternity released 13 out of 182) - Streak of 48 non-legendary packs from 27 Feb to 13 Mar - 6.4% legendary drop rate in the newest set (7 out of 110 packs) - 0 legendaries in 23 packs opened today (1 April) as part of monthly rewards and new league packs - Theoretical 88% chance of having pulled more than my 13 legendaries in 182 packs (binomial distribution and assumed 10% drop rate)

    I get statistical variance and all that, but it just leaves me feeling bad about the game with such consistent poor luck.

    Anyone else have their own statistics they are willing to share?

    submitted by /u/GlosoliAka
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    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:25 AM PDT


    I just got my rewards, thanks DW. What are the things in the third chest? I got 2 times 5 'discs' and 5 points of some sort.

    submitted by /u/mickysukiyaki
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    Unlucky 13

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    How long had this mini event been going on for?

    submitted by /u/ElbowDeep1886
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    Archmagister's Portal is definitely worthy.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    [[Archmagister's Portal]] I was playing around with Archmagister's Portal and there are some really interesting card interactions to try. I'm sure there are other color types that the portal will work with, but I found Xenan to have some of the best interaction. Endless Nightmare, Ephemeral Wisp and Dawn Walker are very strong, especially if you Immortalize them with Exalted. Xenan Initiation one of these that is exalted is a power combo. Pompous Historian helps find a portal and works well with Immortalize/Dark Return

    Piercing Grief, Marisen Disciple, baby Vara, and Tock Tick are incredible value with a single Portal out. Emblem of Grodov also works better than I original thought. Xenan Life Speaker is always great in this deck type.

    I'm sure I missed a good number of other must haves in this deck. What have y'all found?

    submitted by /u/jayjester
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    I've made a huge mistake

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:37 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT


    I just got my rewards, thanks DW. What are the things in the third chest? I got 2 times 5 'discs' and 5 points of some sort.

    submitted by /u/mickysukiyaki
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    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:25 AM PDT


    I just got my rewards, thanks DW. What are the things in the third chest? I got 2 times 5 'discs' and 5 points of some sort.

    submitted by /u/mickysukiyaki
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    Keelos Revenge (Throne)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:37 PM PDT


    I took advantage of revenge units in this deck and sac them to keelos for accelerated upgrades. Had to make concessions to aggro by including hailstorm. Other than that it's similar to the old hero of the people deck.

    Upgrades can go fast if keelos is unchecked, which also means play keelos as a 4 drop to get value.

    The neat thing about the deck is makto keeps coming back. So he is the perfect fodder once I saw keelos revealed. But to get to him we need some double skill 3 drops which stone powder alchemist is perfect for.

    Note that if revenge is already triggered the skill won't count for the upgrade. So a fresh stone powder alchemist can be upgrade to makto but a destiny summoned alchemist cannot, however he can still be sacked for baby vara which is not too shabby. Makto revenge never stops so upgrading him will always get you a 7 drop.

    Kenna's tribute is also triggered when you upgrade a makto.

    There are a lot of choice for top end, have fun playing some random high cost units that aren't usually played to surprise your opponent!

    Edit: Made the market switch to better combat the early game aggro. Hailstorm influence was too strict, having undepleted power at 3 and having PP was too unreliable. Merchant was also too slow. Also included suggestions from comments. Deck seems a lot smoother now.

    submitted by /u/GotaGotAGoat
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    3/31 Update

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    We have made the following fixes and improvements:

    • Fixed an issue where Star-Reader's Blade would immediately kill the unit it returned to play.

    • In some situations, a match crash could occur when casting Water Conjuring with Decimate via Eilyn, Queen of the Wilds. This issue has been resolved.

    • Fixed an issue where Traver's Farm would crash the match when played via Ramba, Arena Showman.

    • Edict of Kodosh should once again be able to be played on Vargo Redclaw.

    • Voidbound granted by Condemn should now display correctly in card text.

    • Fixed an issue where several Whispers of the Throne achievements would not always trigger correctly for Xbox users.

    If you encounter these issues after restarting Eternal, or have any questions, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game feedback under Options.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Interaction between Static Bolt and Prodigious Sorcery

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Prodigious Sorcery draws you two spells that deal damage from your void. Static Bolt has Fate: increase the damage of each Static Bolt in your hand and deck by 1.

    My question is: If you draw two Bolts from your void via Prodigious Sorcery at the same time, shouldn't both Bolts be drawn at the same time to your hand, thus each one's Fate should affect the other? I just played a game and discovered this was not the case, as one Bolt got drawn, had its Fate trigger (not affecting the other one in the void), then the second one was drawn and its Fate triggered.

    I know in Magic, a spell must finish resolving before anything triggering as a result of that spell can go on the stack, why should Eternal be different in this circumstance? Why aren't the spells both drawn from your void simultaneously?

    submitted by /u/mageta621
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    I’m going to try not to climb to hard this month.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I have a climbing addiction every month. I just need that free shiny legendary, but when every time i try to climb it becomes so stressful and I put off important stuff I need to do, AKA school work.

    Anyone else not going to try to climb hard this time?

    Edit: didn't mean to I spam this post 4 times. My reddit app was giving me a error when I was trying to post it. I've deleted the other 3 or at least I hope it did.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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