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    Wednesday, August 26, 2020

    Eternal Card Game First 7-0 draft!

    Eternal Card Game First 7-0 draft!

    First 7-0 draft!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    I did it! Also, the list I used.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Need some help. What can I do to make this deck really shine? It’s doing pretty well right now but I know it could be better.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Ultimate Spire Dinosaurs

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT


    I decided to do a little brewing today because I realized that, after the EHG nerf, spire shadows basically disappeared all at once, and some time ago, Merriest Mandrake disappeared as well. These were cards that I've thought, for quite some time, were basically made for each other, though it wasn't entirely clear how they would come together. recently, Avisaur Patriarch was buffed (though in this deck its hardly even a buff, as it reduces its strength after spire shadows, but makes it significantly more playable before) and with the introduction of cylixes, the deck has a strong way to plow through excess cards. A big weakness of the deck before was how quickly it could run out of cards. The combo resulted in extremely efficient units, but without any sort of draw engine, your hopes were consistently dashed by a timely wrath effect.

    Because the deck requires a few things to go right in order to function, I would not recommend it at high level competitive play, but it's not bad against unit heavy midrange decks like certain xenan and argenport lists, and it can keep up in card advantage with helio control decks. A lot of your units have over 3 health (though some guys, like explorer emeritus, die to a light breeze) so hailstorm and torch are not major issues, and Mandrake and Amaran camel supply an incredible amount of lifegain to support your inevitability going into late game.

    The biggest issue the deck has is mulliganning, because if you cant find a market effect, you're sort of dead in the water. this version isnt as weak as previous versions, as mandrake supplies solid card draw and cylixes help dig, but combined with a severe lack of protection in the form of aegis or disruption, its quite likely that you will end up getting run over by ordinary draws if you don't have a solid opening hand; but that's just the game we play!

    A few more notes on the playstyle: Spire shadows does not effect your hand or market, so 99% of the time, if you send something to the market, it's staying there. Etchings only has 3 time sigils to pick, so if it's your last card in hand, check to see if you still have a sigil in your deck, or it will do nothing. Casting spire shadows is the number one priority. if it doesn't seem achievable based on your opener, mulligan. Bloodscent Avisaur could be replaced with Kimi, expedition guide, though i have not tested that. Basically, bloodscent is aggressive and helps you dig, and kimi is defensive and helps you stall, so to some degree it depends on the metagame, and also your personal playstyle. Mask of torment is a sort of alternate wincon, as The Tormentor gives you serious inevitability against control and midrange, and provides an insane clock in a board stall, however, if your board is full and your tormentor dies, you will not get spitelings. Stygimoloch's strength varies depending on your board state when you cast spire shadows. if you have less than 7 strength in play when you cast it, you stygimolochs will have 10 strength and cost 0 when your strength on board goes to 7 or more. if its already at 7 or more, stygimoloch's strength will remain at 7. Mantasaur is the best target to ship off in the early turns to a merchant or etchings, but is also your most powerful threat afterwards, as an 8/4 overwhelming flier. this is a card that can be trimmed if you want to add more removal, which the deck sorely lacks. the card I would highly recommend is Twilight hunt, for obvious reasons, but if you think permafrost would be more appropriate, I can see that. Katra the devoted could also work in the market, but her influence requirements are steep and she's very winmore. the only situation i see her working in is one in which spire shadows was countered and you need an alternate wincon, but thats what mask is for. TL;DR: Deck is silly but powerful. not super consistent, lacks removal, but makes up for it with very efficient threats and absurd lifegain.

    submitted by /u/sampat6256
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    Tavrod, Auric Financier bug

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    So this is a bug I have encountered twice.

    Units battle and block, so they're health goes down (e.g. Spiritweaver blocks for 2, so it's 1-1).

    When a unit has blocked, then it doesn't get zapped by Tavrod's effect (which reads "Each other unit's attack and health become the lowest of the two").

    edit: To clarify, the "zapping" animation hits other units who get reduced, but not Spiritweaver. Then, the next turn, Spiritweaver refreshes to a 1-3.

    What's going on here?

    submitted by /u/Gastellier
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    Low Quality Low Effort Low Fi Shitposting

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Eternal's Pauper Art Tournament - Rounds 3 and 4

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Here's a link to the official bracket for the pauper tournament.

    Round 3 and 4 Polls

    Congratulations to those who voted for Reflection and Quicksilver Ooze! They have advanced to the next round.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Dazzle (Awaking Spoiler)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Lobotomized Myself The Other Day - Throne Game Play & Deck Tech

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    The Awakening Legendary Bundle is now available for pre-order!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Ixtol's pendant is a bad design card, isn't it?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT


    Lets put aside its very situational use that I think most people can figure it out, such as using it to boost the effect of cards that interact with maximum power, like Ixtol champion https://eternalwarcry.com/cards/d/1007-4/ixtol-champion-of-grodov

    I'm talking about the fact that it may mislead us easily from reading it for first time. We may think that +3 maximum power and then our cards also require +3 cost, and for 1 cost only the relic is fair, right? But actually it's only the same if you play one card only, and you get robbed +3 cost for every 2nd card or more you play. For instance:

    • Without Ixtol's pendant, you have 4 power and two cards that cost 2. You can play both of them in the same turn

    • With the pendant and 4 power, now your maximum power is 7, and these two cards become 5 cost each. To summon both you need 10 power so you can play one only. You lose things for play this card.

    This straight up is a terrible design for me. I imagine if we ever have a card that draws a card for every 2 power we have, this pendant is still pathetic and can't compensate for the situation it just puts us in.

    Do you think DWD need to buff it to make it playable? Or maybe am I missing something here and evaluate the card wrong?

    submitted by /u/old_Anton
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