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    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Organized Play Scheduling

    Eternal Card Game Organized Play Scheduling

    Organized Play Scheduling

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    One complaint I've seen towards DWD quite often is that they don't give adequate time prior to competitive play events - great examples are 1 weeks notice for this weekends ECQ (that is likely the last ECQ) and 2 weeks notice for the Draft Championship (which people have been trying to qualify for the last 8 months). This is okay for some people who have flexible schedules but could be extremely challenging/frustrating for people constrained by work/family/school/other commitments where that extra notice can go a long way. I've definitely seen a couple World's Qualifier's concerned that they don't know when World's will be and if they don't get sufficient notice they may not be able to play. Rather than just add my voice to complaints, I wanted to help by suggesting a schedule for the remainder of the 2020 Competitive Season.

    8/22 - Exp ECQ (Scheduled)
    8/29 - Draft Champs (Scheduled)
    9/4 - Break - Labor Day weekend
    9/11 - Summer QC - Thr
    9/18 - Summer QC - Exp
    9/25 - Break / New Campaign? (Hypothetical *)
    10/2 - Break / New Campaign? (Hypothetical *)
    10/9 - Wild Card Tournament (Hypothetical **)
    10/16 - Break
    10/23 - Worlds??
    10/30 - HalloWorlds? - Probably best to skip this weekend
    11/6 - Worlds?

    There's a few hypothetical here beyond just predicting events we expect to occur. First, we don't know how the Wild Card Slots will be decided - one option that sounds reasonable is to hold a "Last Chance" Type tournament for anyone who has made Top 4/8/16/32 of an ECQ/QC - Im not sure the pool size but rewarding strong finishes in the past seems better than other Wild Card Suggestions Ive seen (Streamers / Big Names from non-eternal games / Random). Second, it seems like we are approaching a new campaign in the next couple months and it's best to avoid a short turnaround between the campaign and organized play - 10 days lead time would be nice at a minimum but this is may be more difficult to control/predict.

    I would love for DWD to announce a calendar like this - but I think they owe it the world's qualifiers to announce the date of World's at least a month out - definitely not 1-2 weeks as their MO....

    submitted by /u/deedub216
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    New Promo Card Quest: Kaleb, Executioner!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Gallery of Draft Pack changes w/ weightings from the 8/10 patch

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Flavor Text readings! - Fire (The Empty Throne)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Is "Burn Scars" the only gauntlet boss now?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Got it three times in a row. Weird. 😛

    submitted by /u/Pwngulator
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    Some cards made up

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    With Plunder being a mechanic, what's the right build for Transform-tribal nonsense?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    So, there's a lot of nonsense that we've accomplished with Transform-centric builds, and we've certainly done Some Things with the mechanic of "when you transform a card, do X." But EternalWarcy doesn't have a ton of recent builds that really abuse the semi-tribal transform stuff that we've seen a lot of stealth-buffs to recently.

    Are you playing a transform deck in ranked? Do you wish to share your build? If not, perhaps a few guiding lights to help other folks in their work towards making some very silly transform builds? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated--it doesn't have to be super-competitive, just a deck that can accomplish something.

    submitted by /u/ParityAchieved
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    Eternal Magic Project

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I was thinking of Creating some custom cards translating the Eternal cards and mechanics into the mtg template. As im new to the eternal community, i wanted to know if anyone has ever done this in the past and if anyone would maybe want to help me, as im thinking of making whole eternal sets as mtg cards (maybe im aiming too high but it would be cool if i could do it)

    Edit: First thing that i wanted some opinions about: should i try to adapt each eternal color into an MTG color? Because there are some differences that make it a bit hard to translate them perfectly, so i was thinking if i should just keep the colors of eternal or try to adapt them. And if i choose o adapt them, idk if i should try to keep them faithful to the MTG color identities or just adapt the card mechanics

    submitted by /u/rechitegue_nees0
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    What's the current meta ?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I'm looking for something to spend money on and not sure which option is the best investment.

    Yes I'm new, been playing for a few days and made a nasty shadowstrike lifesteal deck and am getting addicted to the game

    submitted by /u/Iedgic
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