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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    Eternal Card Game I have zero sympathy for people complaining about mindless gameplay.

    Eternal Card Game I have zero sympathy for people complaining about mindless gameplay.

    I have zero sympathy for people complaining about mindless gameplay.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Making ECG physical (for my gf)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Let me just get out of the way that I know this post might be taken down, so if you are reading this count yourself lucky. I've been playing ECG almost since launch. I loved the game. I would walk/wait for the bus after work and grind games. I've played almost every deck (except aggro empower) and still love it to this day except for a few issues, but that's not the point.

    I've never spent money on this game directly, except I've gotten my gf to play it and she loved it enough to want to play some of its campaign and try out a few decks so she spent like 5 dollars on it. She was hooked, but as she never played card games bedore, she said it was very hard. She didn't end up playing much of the campaign (got to stonescar grenadin deck I think) and we ended up just playing against each other as playing against opponents was way too hard and the timer function would make it unplayable for her (her turns sometimes would take 5 or more minutes because of her inexperience.

    This brings me to now, she has vision issues so staring at a phone screen for extended periods hurts her eyes. We stopped playing altogether because of this issue, but she sees me playing MtG and constantly tells me she wishes ECG was in physical form. I've told her that there are mechanics that just don't work in the physical space, and she says she doesn't care (lol).

    So after hearing it for so long and trying to figure out how to make proxys for MtG, I've decided to make some for ECG to make a physical version. I know the limitations for mechanics so I'll have to make cards that barely interact with them, I've found an elysian budget deck that only has one card that makes it tricky (draw two cards, if it's a unit it gets +1/+1). As for another deck I'm thinking stonescar reanimator but the trick there would be units in the void keeping keyword abilities that aren't reflected on the card.

    I'm going to make the physical cards like I would make an mtg proxy. Print out a paper version then stick it in front of draft chaff mtg cards and then sleeve it.

    Here's my question to you limited folks who see this post: can you think of anyways to get around mechanics that don't work well with being physical?

    What would be the best decks that aren't too complicated to play that work with the physical space?

    How could we make warcry work?

    I'm aware there is a physical ECG version which is a deck building game, and we both love deck building games so we might also purchase that at some point. We just want her to practice with the mechanics of traditional ECG so we can try playing MtG or make more complicated decks. Thanks so much for reading through this

    submitted by /u/Burlux
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    Summer Qualifiers Reap Pyre Part 2 - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    5 faction pile help

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT


    I've been toying with trying to make a four or five faction "pile" deck. if you look at the revision history, you can see that i've taken out a lot of top end cards for cheaper stuff. i'm not sure how to optimize my list or what weaknesses it has. the power base is actually quite consistent.

    submitted by /u/MeReddit8
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    The third game of Roshi's match in the top 8 was one of the most entertaining games of Eternal I've ever watched.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Roshi, thanks for being you. I was laughing so much when I looked through the top 64 decklists this morning: "Stonescar, Stonescar, Hooru, Hooru, Xenan, oh hey Roshi made it-whaaaaa???" So glad you brought that deck, and glad it did so well. Kudos!

    submitted by /u/Sspifffyman
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    Summer Qualifiers Reap Pyre Part 1 - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Tips for a broker market

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm wondering how to build an effective broker market. Obviously it depends on the deck, but is there any guidelines? Like should your market always have a board wipe? Or should it never, because it's too slow? Any advice regarding broker markets would be great. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MeReddit8
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    Lifesteal in Expedition

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    Is there an anti-agro lifesteal deck in expedition? It's kind of difficult to search for this on eternalwarcry to be honest.

    Looks like such a deck should be Argenport. Does it come down to bringing Spiritweaver and hope? Suffocate and Vara's Favor for early red units?

    submitted by /u/Mantarrochen
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    Basic is best?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    This may not be a thing. I will admit. But has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of players using the basic cardback as opposed to a league, event, or purchased cardback? There is nothing wrong with it if players are. I just wonder if there is a bug that for some reason defaults/displays to opponents the basic version even if someone has chosen another type.

    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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