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    Sunday, September 20, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Summer Throne Championships - Top 64 decklists

    Eternal Card Game Summer Throne Championships - Top 64 decklists

    Summer Throne Championships - Top 64 decklists

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Just got an achievement I figured I'd never get (Expedition Streak: 10)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    We need to adress nerfs before the tournaments.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    We need to adress nerfs before the tournaments.

    TL;DR: Read the bold text. Or u/NotoriousGHP answer, he said what I'm trying to say in a much more readable way.

    This was actually a ECQ game, three times I've seen this during this person ECQ run.

    Yes, again DR with another post about nerfs.Even if some like to joke about what I say, a lot of cards in a old post were nerfed.

    As I said multiple times before, we need to hit where the powerlevel is high. "Haha but this other card exist and its good too!" is not a justification to why we shouldn't nerf.

    We will see 300 kiras in the ECQ tomorrow (or so I guess, since I'm not in a guild).

    Kira had the FILP treatment, 30 good abilities in one card, silverblade intrusion is on the same lane, we need to destroy it, as long as a SIX FOR 1 INSTANT exist it will be played and built around.

    We need to stop these decisionless-overpowered designs.

    Kira is not the only problem, if we nerf we will see the rise of a lot of overpowered cards, for example worldpyre in any deck since is -THE ONLY RAMP YOU ACTUALLY NEED- if you draw it for some strange mumbojumbos its nice, if you don't its just 4 slots and not 16 ramp cards that you can draw lategame.

    Thinking fast about my "problematic cards list" there are some like pristine light, big vara+azindel (if you want to kill every combo don't leave one open plus if that combo can be playing a card with no response window, its problematic for a healthy meta if you tone down the power level), kaiross, prodigious sorcery, karvet shrine, jekk, silverblade menace, curtain call, savage incursoin, turn to seed, COChaos, buhton, probablly jarrall havent tested enough. On a personal note I want felrauk killed too but it might not need a nerf :P

    "BUT all of those cards need a specific deck!" Yeah, every card thats not filling spots do guys, thats what deckcrafting is about, sinergy, not getting rewarded cuz "jaja i drew da cardz lul xd die nobsters"

    Let me take you back to the jennev vs fjs meta, personally I think that was the best of eternal, every game was pretty exciting and every decision counted back then. The key cards were the sites, displays and the wincons icaria/vault+site but you were PREPARING THE WHOLE GAME FOR THOSE CARDS you could do mindgame over mindgame, it wasnt throwing a 2 cost unit, jekk or using a 5 mana spell to give DD to 2 spells that do 30 damage.

    Infinite snowball/One shot cards are not fun to play against and don't reward decisionmaking, either you answer them or lose (lethrai courtier was the closest thing to kira now, imagine).
    When sites came out I was really worried about all of the value they gave, but it was actually good cuz it rewarded you for playing units, thing that was risky to do in the "hailstorm harshrule meta".

    So yeah, by downgrading all the instawin cards (a lot of people love untill they face against another, most powercreeped one and rage) we could get a healthy meta again.

    Unless a new expansion comes out after kyra nerfs (which will happen unless we get the "DWD nerf special" killing all but the problematic card) we will get a lot of worldpyre and/or unitless/spellcrag in throne cuz its the closest to kyra power level, and seriously as we tone down power level a lot of different decks will be aviable I think thats what we should aim for.

    Lets stop powercreeping to stop the powercreep. (AKA creating gnash to counter seditti)

    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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    Qualifier Run Video

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Qualifier Run Video


    Jedi runs through this 15 game tournament in Throne constructed for a chance to win a seat at worlds! Tune in this Tuesday as we review all the high point and low point decisions on stream !


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Salty Brew - Helix Master!!! [Gauntlet]

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Even Worldpyre - Throne Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Longer loading times on XBox after updating

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    I am playing on XBox One X. Since the last update the loading times (when I start the game) increased dramatically.

    Anyone else with this problem? Is there a fix?

    submitted by /u/Gaxberg
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    Is it a good idea to buy a bix with 32 packs?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    In the store you can buy a box with 32 packs for 2900 gems. Is this a good value?

    submitted by /u/Gaxberg
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    How do the tournament leaderboards decide tiebreakers?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I noticed the cutoff winning record is 10-5 but some made it and some didn't. What's the deciding factor?

    submitted by /u/bronzebicker
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