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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Quadrant Theory part 2: Deckbuilding and planning

    Eternal Card Game Quadrant Theory part 2: Deckbuilding and planning

    Quadrant Theory part 2: Deckbuilding and planning

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    FECast Ep 44: The Expedition Championship, Kira is Still Legal

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:01 AM PDT


    This week on FECast, Sunyveil and Stormblessed recap last weekend's Summer Throne Championship results, and discuss possible decks for this weekend's Expedition Championship. A new community spreadsheet tracks official tournament results.

    Draft Championships top 8, Eternal Celebration, Last Chance tournament, and Worlds info: https://www.direwolfdigital.com/news/eternal-celebration/

    Eternal organized play history project spreadsheet: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/comments/iy42qd/eternal_history_project_official_organized_play/

    FECast Episode 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EJiLkR8_w8&feature=youtu.be

    Join the Friends of Eternal Discord (and the Piloting Club)! https://discord.gg/kp9vZjY

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-149179554

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1cKVjfkvQKvOWLLwBIsXXZ

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/friends-of-eternal/id1456672035



    00:00 Intro

    01:16 Episode 43: So, About That Kira Deck...

    03:02 Draft top 8 date announced

    04:11 Throne Summer Championships

    06:05 Kira is deck of the week

    10:32 The different flavors of Kira decks: Argenport version

    14:14 Rakano version

    15:30 Suny's Hooru version

    22:06 Suny's market choices

    24:52 What isn't Suny playing in Hooru Kira?

    29:22 What are ways to fight against kira?

    35:31 Other decks in the format: aggro decks

    36:17 Other decks: control decks

    39:13 Other decks: Xenan reanimator

    41:36 Other decks: Talir combo

    46:50 Other decks: Stonescar sacrifice/relics

    51:00 Good luck this weekend

    52:15 Getting 75 QCP is easy (if you top 8 a Challenge event) ;)

    52:41 Outro

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    Known Bug, Impacted Cards, and the Summer Expedition Championship

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Recently, we became aware of a bug affecting three cards that select from an enemy market that can block them from proceeding in the game. Those cards are:

    Incendiary Slagmite

    Damara, Deft Saboteur

    Bam Bam, Sneakeepeekee

    When the enemy player plays a fast market card (ex: Blazing Salvo) in response to the market abilities of the above three, the game hangs for the Incendiary Slagmite player and they can only make a selection if they restart their client.

    We were able to develop, test, and deploy a hotfix for the bug for Steam and Android clients. Limitations on updates for Xbox and iOS means those platforms will not have the fix until after this weekend's Expedition Summer Championship.

    If you intend to play one of those above cards in this weekend's tournament, we advise doing so on a Steam or Android client. Otherwise in the event the enemy responds to one of those cards and you encounter this bug, be aware you will need to restart your client in order for the game to proceed appropriately.

    Users not playing the named cards should not be affected as the bug only affects the player who plays one of them.

    We investigated alternative solutions such as banning the affected cards from the event or modifying their functionality. We determined it better to fix the platforms we could in time rather than be disruptive to the metagame and functionality players have been preparing for.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding and we look forward to crowning a Summer Expedition Champion this weekend.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Piss is its own reward

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Fast Wins Budget Grenadin New Play Friendly Deck - Throne Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    We should have more options

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    It seems like over the past few weeks, we've had a lot of complaints and discussions about different aspects of the game, ranging from the meta being stale, long-term player engagement, new player retention, and a lack of interesting cards to build with. All of these problems are fixed if we have more options.

    • A stale metagame becomes less stale if you have more options to pick from and a larger variety of potential matchups.

    • Players will be engaged for a much longer time if they have a larger variety of decks to play with and against, even without any tournaments, set releases, balance changes, or other events.

    • With a wide enough pool of options, new players would have access to some good options that don't require legendaries and too many rares. If players feel like they have a fair shot at winning (even if it isn't there), then they will stay, try to get better, and have fun doing so.

    • More options generally means that many of the interesting but bad cards in the game are much more viable, which in turn means there are more interesting cards to play with.

    Of course, these aren't the only benefits more options provides.

    • More options means there are more players that are invested enough to spend money on the game. It's more money for DWD, and you don't make a game for the purpose of not making money.

    • With more options, the balance will be better. On the player end, more options means more opportunities to counter a dominant strategy, which can lead to a player-driven meta. On the developer end, there's a cushion to player backlash if something is released too strong because there are a lot of other options they have obviously been testing (and not like Rakano Surge because it's one of 3-4 good new things released in Argent Depths).

    The question is: where should these options come from? More options leads to a better game for players and developers, but saying "we should have more options" doesn't really mean anything without a solution. I would say start with a balance patch, but most of our balance patches don't actually change too much about the number of competitive options. Here are some thoughts on how our balance changes could improve to increase the number of added options:

    • Buff decks, not cards. Many strategies aren't good because they don't have enough legs to support them, and they don't get better because the one card they got buffed added at most half a leg. If we get buffs to several cards at once that all support a particular deck, then that deck might have enough legs to stand on its own, and as a result becomes a new option.

    • Double and half. This is a principle in game design that basically means "make big numbers changes to see a visible difference in gameplay". Large buffs that change the meta feel much better than small buffs that still don't let you play with the card.

    • Focus on balance changes to commons and uncommons. There are many cards at these rarities that would be interesting options for constructed if they were balanced for that format because of the access to synergies in constructed that aren't as readily available in draft. In addition, some rares, legendaries, and promos don't work because they need support and the support is limited to bad commons and uncommons. If you're worried about draft, don't worry; there are many ways to buff commons and uncommons without affecting draft too much, if at all.

    • Less failsafes. Yeti Taunt Patrol I specifically want to highlight because it could have offered a lot of cool deckbuilding potential in constructed if it dealt damage with its surge effect instead of the opponent dealing damage to themselves. However, it had the failsafe of making the opponent deal damage to themselves to specifically prevent people from breaking it. Let people break cards, and then nerf the cards IFF the card is overpowered once it's been broken, because the process of breaking cards is fun for players.

    • Less overloading. Overloading is the process of giving cards too many effects to make them good at too many different things, like Milos being a powerful aggro card that throws Firebombs and counters healing. Milos' Firebombs and battle skills make him good and super flavorful, but the anti-healing effect keeps other healing counters like Factory Quota or Groundbreaker from being relevant, and as a result it might be better to move that effect to another card to increase options.

    • Less overstatting. Making stats too high makes the power curve too high for most cards to compete, makes games feel repetitive, undermines unit-focused combat, and (most relevant for this discussion) restricts options.

    What do you guys think about the options we have? Do you have other suggestions on how to increase options?

    submitted by /u/TheIncomprehensible
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