• Breaking News

    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Eternal Card Game I made a dictionary to help new card game players. I hope if helps some of you!

    Eternal Card Game I made a dictionary to help new card game players. I hope if helps some of you!

    I made a dictionary to help new card game players. I hope if helps some of you!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    OldIronNuts' Saturday Casual Tourney: 3 Faction Yeti / Potato B-Day Celebration!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    On Saturday night King OIN holds a casual tournament on his Twitch stream. Actually it has been a while since we did this but we are back at it this week! In honor of OldIronNuts' super-duper mod's birthday, PotatoPr1ncess, we will be running three or more faction decks with at least 18 Yeti Unit cards and at least seven cards of each of three factions played. Please note that this is for fun and creativity is encouraged. Meta decks, such as Yeti Aggro are not.

    The stream starts early this week, at 5pm CDT and unless a lot of people show up early and ready to go, the tourney generally starts 1-2 hours after that. We have very long streams on Saturdays; at least 8 hours but usually 10 or even 12 hours. This means people from many time zones can drop in and play or watch and see if they get inspired to throw a deck together to play with us as long (or briefly) as they wish.

    These events are designed with special rules to make people think outside the meta and just have fun; there are no prizes other than bragging rights! Multiple champions can and often are declared when someone on the top of the heap has to leave the stream before it is over. So please do stop by OldIronNuts' Twitch stream tonight to wish PotatoPr1ncess a happy birthday, watch our knights, lords and ladies battle it out, and if this sounds fun to you, all you have to do to enter is show up with a Throne deck that conforms to the above rules! We'll save a seat for you in the Great Hall!

    One last thing: apart from Halloween it looks like OldIronNuts will have to cut back his streaming to Saturdays only until December. If you want him to go back to having these tournaments as a weekly thing please let us know, either here or (better yet) on the Kingdom of OIN's discord channel. If there is enough interest it may happen!


    submitted by /u/Animus777Mundi
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    My first deck tech: [Throne] Oskar, Chief Tinker

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Can anything beat TJS control?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Or should I just craft it. They have every possible answer for early game plays, and late game value. What can possibly beat it with any consistency? It was first and second place in the tournament and rank 1 masters so I guess nothing.

    submitted by /u/Strelok28
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    Tenan Awakening (Casual)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    I’m playing against celebrity not to flex but

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    This month’s promo predictions

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm back playing eternal, and I think I've got a pretty good guess for this month's promo! Here's what we have so far to guess with: the chapter title, rise up; the family photo from the league background; and the card back for league. Let's look at the cardback first. The gold section with the eagle head seems to obviously indicate justice, and the silver section on the right seems to be a Valkyrie wing, saying our card will probably be a valk. It also has the primal symbol at the top, why makes me think we will see a hooru Valkyrie for the first time that I know of.

    Now, I had a hard time narrowing down any known characters that I thought could be hooru valks, but that was before I looked at the other two sources of information. The image seems to be a wedding photo, the marriage of caiphus and Eilyn, which is presumably justice and primal together. We see that the only named non scion in the image is Icaria, and low and behold she's even in the front of the image, and wearing blue! Now, if we take a peak over to the chapter title...oh "Rise up"? Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah! Icaria says that!

    To me that makes it pretty likely that we are getting a hooru Icaria as our promo this month. Sadly we aren't getting a lore story to go with it, but fingers crossed for some other types of lore this month!

    Also keep an eye out for new cards to be released during the eternal celebration, I have a strong suspicion that we will get something like that! I hope this was interesting to some, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/117Matt117
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    Aegis Basic Puzzle has no solution - 10/2/20

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    I have returned to playing Etternal after trying it a few times a few years ago. As of 10/2/20 the Aegis puzzle in Basic Skills has no solution. Casting a spell on the illusion card that has First Strike turns it into a frog, casting Finest Hour on the Frog is not effective and casting it on the other card causes it to attack Aegis with 10 and not the AI. The AI has 8 life and no matter if I use Fireball or not I can get the AI to 3 life but that's it. Sorry if I messed up or forgot the names of the cards, like I said, I just started playing again.

    submitted by /u/PurpleSweetTart
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    Eternal, a great game ruined by legendary cards

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:44 AM PDT

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