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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Eternal Card Game [Empire of Glass] Valkyrie-Warp!

    Eternal Card Game [Empire of Glass] Valkyrie-Warp!

    [Empire of Glass] Valkyrie-Warp!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Promo Quest: Scrapfind Skimmer!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Doc's Laboratory | Exclusive Empire of Glass Spoiler: Shadowsea Expedition

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    With Empire of Glass on the horizon, I wrote a short piece about my spoiler card, Shadowsea Expedition! This card is janky and silly, and I'm excited to play with it.


    submitted by /u/fugitivemage28
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    Pinnacle of the Reach (Empire of Glass)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    I'd say this is poetic justice against this boss

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:05 AM PST

    [EoG] Overloader

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Am I going crazy, or is Phil/Kaja Foglio art now a part of Eternal?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    [EoG] spoiler from discord, Sawblades

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:33 AM PST

    Passionate Stonehammer (Empire of Glass)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:09 AM PST

    The new draft format is really good

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Over the passed few sets I wan't really feeling the draft formats. They were very lenient towards aggresive stratagies. Fire had a lot of high powered commons. Overal the strategies, draftpicks and gameplay were very linear. And unless you were paired against a player who'd happen to draft creatively/control most games were decided before turn 5. S'morc or butts for days.

    I've only drafted once with the new set and I must say it's already one of my favorites. There's a lot of decision making going on, between market and fate cards. There's a lot of lifegain going around, exalted and plunder are still there. This signals for me a format that's about card advantage, really knowing your card interactions and complicated board states.

    Thanks devs!

    submitted by /u/mickysukiyaki
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    New Spoiler from LSV

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:31 PM PST

    How to spend my money?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I played a lot of Eternal in "early" days and after a few matches very recently I want to deep dive again.

    So we have christmas. I got my Bonus and want to spend an obscene amount of it on Eternal. So I have two questions:

    What Edition should I invest more on/focus on?

    What website/service gives the Developer the biggest cut?

    submitted by /u/Karakla
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    Giving a spell destiny then selecting it from the deck: is this how it's supposed to work?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Summary: spells with modifiers (such as destiny) can't be individually selected from your deck because the game groups all spells with the same name as a single card even when they are not the same card. Details below:

    1. Play Diogo and use his amplify once to give the top spell of your deck destiny.
    2. The deck only has two spells: two Aid of the Hooru. So ONE of those will get destiny.
    3. Play Celestial Omen to draw the one that has destiny.
    4. The game does not let you specifically target the card that has destiny, because it groups both copies as a single card.
    5. This seems to be an error because the cards are clearly not the same. They should be displayed separately. Instead, because they're grouped together, the game will draw you one card named "Aid of the Hooru" at random. So it's a 50% chance that you get the wrong one (without destiny) and pretty much lose the game on the spot.

    Screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/i5PE5CR

    I submitted a bug report already. Did it use to be this way before or is this recent?

    submitted by /u/htraos
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    This Forge deck surges so hard I decked myself with it in 11 turns.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Newish Player

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Hi, I am a french dude, my IGN is Heyoka and I started the game with the month of September. I am very used to card games so I quickly got familiar with this beautifull one. I am mostly a limited player (drafts, sealed...) so I am more attracted by creating decks than grinding with them. I LOVE the gauntlet in this game, you get highly rewarded for testing your new deck ideas against well coded bots!

    The first three months have all been about getting new cards. Thanks to my skills in draft (and probably luck) I could manage several 7 wins while raredrafting so I could almost complete Argent Depth set and, with the earned money, could buy all Expedition campains.

    Every month, except the first one, I got master in draft. Last month, as I was saving gold for the last expansion, I grinded expedition with a PRIMAL/time/shadow control deck and could reach master for the first time with it by the end of the month. Without any rank to lose, I decided to switch deck for something I call Value Queendom, something I built for fun and that was surprisingly performing very well in the gauntlet. The deck, despite being a first version with some common cards as fillers, was winning more than it was losing and this against other master players! So I crafted some more shadow legendaries (Ty drafts for all the shiftstones!) and tried the deck for climbing the new month.

    As I said I am not a grinder, I rarely play after getting the third white chest. And some days, like today, I only had time for the first win. Yet, last time I logged in I was ranked 7 master in expe! I am a beginner constantly making noob mistakes (but at least I notice them, that's how one improve right?), I am not grinding much and yet I am top 10 expe, this should show how good is my deck in the current meta. It's just a mono Shadow deck but if someone wants the list, I will gladly share.

    Since I started playing, every time I checked the rankings there was always a guy top 10 in both expe and throne : LionToZion. So for me, even if I was surprised to not see his name in the worlds list, it is the current star of this game. Two days ago, as I was playing for my white chests, I got paired against him. It was a close game but I could grab the win! This made my day, thank you slutty ganja smoker if you read those words. Don't get mad when you lose, it brings a greater joy in the world :D And for all others, I am coming for you!

    submitted by /u/HolisticProphet
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    [EoG] Cast Iron Furnace (first ever legendary power!)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Maveloft Huntress type

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:27 PM PST

    With the preorder of the new expansion, people get 4 copies of an alternate art of Maveloft Huntress. In the DW news about it, we can see that the alternate art has two types: elf and soldier. But if I check my Argent Depths copies those have only one type: elf.

    As I am a beginner, I am not sure about how things work here. Does that mean older versions of the Huntress will be updated with the new added type Soldier?

    It is important for things like Tactical Superiority (primal card from new set killing stunned enemies and making draw a card for each soldier). I would be very sad if only alternate art owners would benefit from the buffed Huntress. Ty in advance ! <3

    submitted by /u/HolisticProphet
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    Preview card from Tuesday Night Eternal -

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST


    Come join us at twitch.tv/telemokos as we discuss this card and stay for the action as Winter Challenge #2 starts right now!

    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Remember, World Cup Starts Wednesday at Noon Central US Time

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Aika Scream Combo - Throne Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:01 AM PST

    Why can't I fast annihilate my own unit?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Opponent has 2x broker (4/4 body) on board.

    I have 2x Rindra (2/3 that becomes 6/7 with life steal when you cast a spell) and 2x Dreamsnatcher (both still 2/3).

    I have 2x Tome of Horrors in play.

    I attack with both Rindra. Each broker blocks. I wanted to fast annihilate one of my Dreamsnatchers to kill both units, gain 12 life, and mill 24 cards to beef up my other Dreamsnatcher. No such luck...

    Is this a general rule or just ambiguous card wording?

    submitted by /u/lod254
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