• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Eternal Card Game New Set: Empire of Glass!

    Eternal Card Game New Set: Empire of Glass!

    New Set: Empire of Glass!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    PSA: Get Your Gauntlet and Forge to Master Before Expansion Drops on December 14

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Remember, Gauntlet and Forge will reset when the new expansion drops on December 14. So make sure you play them to get the nice bonus chests all the way up to Master if you can. Gauntlet is free. And Forge is just 2500 gold per run and you will get back 2,000 gold if clear the boss (plus at least 4 packs). Pretty fun vs. AI matches to boot and you also keep the cards you draft in Forge.

    submitted by /u/Kapper-WA
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    The Misplay - #56 - Worlds ft. colacoma

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Hi, looking into new TCG I found this game...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    I recently bought the Table top deck building game and I've been curious about this virtual game...

    But I have some questions and I was wondering if you guys can help me before I start:

    How F2P is this game?

    Are we talking Hearthstone where you can technically play for free but never have more than maybe one decent deck?

    Are you guys getting regular expansions?

    Is it fun?

    What other TCG would you compare it too?

    Does it have a good variety of decks? or is the Meta too strict?

    Thanks in advance, Hopefully I can become a new player.

    submitted by /u/AquaCamus18
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    The Eternal Pauper Art Tournament - Part 2

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST

    If you hadn't noticed, I had not been posting the art tournament polls for a few months now due to school getting in the way, but they are back now and maybe in a new form. Since the last poll I posted was for the Eternal Pauper Art Tournament and I had not gotten through to all of the initial polls yet, I decided to just rerun the entire tournament in one huge poll. This should be able to save a bit on time and it should reduce the amount of posts required for a tournament. And if the huge poll does well here, it may be the new standard, at least for the larger bracket portions.

    And now to get on with the tournament once again! Here is the poll for Rounds 1 to 32. The poll will be open for a week and that is when the next poll will be posted. Again, vote for the best art in each category and I will be posting the results when the poll closes.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Hammer Time Draft

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Hammer Time Draft


    Can we continue our winning streak!? How greedy can we get? Do we draft straight combrei or do we quasi splash for full vision? Tune in to find out for the latest draft video of Eternal limited!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Getting back in

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Haven't played since they put all these new modes in. Trying to get back into everything and was hoping people could tell me where to go to understand the newer sets/metas and mechanics. I feel super lost on eternal warcry

    submitted by /u/sunqiller
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    A possibly obsessive observation

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Just finishing out the latest campaign (I know, I know - didn't care once I got the good shadow cards) and something struck me as I was going through the cut scenes. Caiphus, Vara, and Talir are all blood relatives, right? And Caiphus and Talir grew up together, right? So am I the only one bothered by the fact that all 3 of these people have completely different accents?

    submitted by /u/Iamn0man
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    Broti Mandrake Bonus Game - Expedition Game Play

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:24 PM PST

    The new little bit of decor on rank?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:30 AM PST

    I just noticed that, does anyone know the requirements to have that?

    submitted by /u/Johnkkez
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    Rather than 80 boxes, just a factional overview of what I've been observing in the meta.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    A quick TL;DR:

    Cylixes are...oy. Why play bad smugglers to juggle Xo for treasure troves, or a bad display for power (creation), when you can just play display of vision for fixing, ramp, AND troves?

    2Fs: Elysian and Skycrag are great, since they have something good to do and a cylix. Rakano, AP, and Xenan have cylixes but aren't allowed to have good cards. Hooru Kira is great despite no cylix, Combrei and Feln would make a lot of noise with a cylix, and Stonescar and Praxis have no cylix, and glaring weaknesses in their card pools thanks to nerfs.

    So, worlds has come and gone, and in terms of the meta health, it was pretty reasonable BUT upon a closer look, there's more that can be done with metagame diversity. Let's start off with the primary factions.

    Primal: remember when it was memed on for being the worst faction in Eternal? Well, it's now the best one. Yetis for aggro, Jarrall, Helio, Dazzle, and everything in between for midrange, and wisdom/honor/hurler/hailstorm for control. Most complete faction.

    Justice: Defiance, knife, and harsh rule for reactivity. Kira and a bunch of 1-cost negates that draw more 1-cost negates for proactivity. Hooru is by far her best shell and might be tier 0 once it gets its cylix.

    Time: do-nothing-fatties.dec not only hasn't been good in a long time, but its merchant is the only one not reverted and its most important fatty, HotV, is still trash.

    Fire: No real reason to go deep on fire unless you count Jekk as the deep-influence payoff, and with lots of fun non-sigil power, he has some very real costs, such as fewer emblems in your aggro decks, or fewer 2F powers in your 3F decks. Big/deep fire has basically nothing going for it.

    Shadow: the faction centered around spot removal as its identity needs to find a new shtick. Primal's copious amounts of faegis means that shadow's anti-control features such as discard or giga damage from silverblade menace are hard-pressed to connect. Baby Vara was created to give shadow a boost, and got nerfed. Blightmoth was the shadow defiance, and got nerfed. Might see a revert.


    Have cylix and are good:

    Skycrag: yetis for aggro, jarrall with torch, garden, and Kenna instead of wump/conjurer/pause/equivocate, and your choice of garden spellcrag control or sling if you absolutely must play control on 2F. Garden is obv. a staple of 3F control decks.

    Elysian: Jarrall midrange is the only thing worth writing home in this faction, but it's a world-class deck with a lot of play to it. There's something to be said for quality. If time/elysian had reactive cards worth a damn, there might even be an elysian control, but defiance is better than desert alchemist by a lot, and time has nothing to compare with harsh rule/knife.

    Have cylix and suck:

    Rakano isn't allowed to have nice things. Valks? Nope, ramp engine blown up. Influence? Nope, enablers and payoffs both nuked. All the various aggro decks got nerfed way back when b/c of an old expedition format.

    Argenport just gets so much from T--12 ways to blow up relics at fast speed, from beyond flipping, Diana off of KTE, DoV ramping, fixing, and getting a treasure trove...the 2F just gives up so much, and a Kira shell is just much better in Hooru. Maybe dark return on Kira after you use a bubble shield on her?

    Xenan reanimator got done in by blightmoth nerf and its own inconsistencies. Acantha coming pre-nerfed for expedition is an ouch, and Tenan got curtain call and Ubsat wrecked for golem's sins. The multifaction xenan stuff is actually decent (send an agent, banish, possibly vara's choice) but it needs the card draw from somewhere else.

    Have no cylix and are good:

    Hooru Kira. Still nuts. Needs no explanation. Hooru control is a reasonably good deck, but gets so much mileage out of garden that giving up silver night and bring to justice in a control deck is worth it, most likely.

    Have no cylix and suck:

    Combrei and Feln would probably go from mediocre to making a LOT of noise with just getting their cylix (revert scream!). Stonescar's just not allowed to have nice things in general (aggro nerfs: jito, eager deputy, 1-cost shift pair, darkblade cutpurse. Midrange nerfs: AP instigator, baby Vara, vicious highwayman. Blightmoth nerf, but SS never had a good lategame plan.), and Praxis continues to be a smoldering crater given HotV's unplayability and auralian merchant dying to torch and hailstorm.

    Feln mill would be very intriguing if Darktalon Wyvarch cost 3 and it got its cylix.


    Good ones:

    TPS: !whatis rats. Should have a control deck because of send an agent + banish + honor of claws, DoK for temporal. That said, garden is so good that you're probably better served with FJP. I'm being generous here.

    FJP: Garden + Hooru control + torch = win worlds. Any questions? FJP renown midrange sounds like it could be a deck, but why play that instead of Kira?

    TJS: juggling Xo for troves is so last year. We ramp and fix to get our troves now with display of 10-0 any go-wide relic deck!

    Shitty ones:

    TJP: anything you want to do here, you can do better elsewhere. TJS or FJP do the control thing better. Hooru Kira does the obnoxious aegis aggro thing better. The display demanding a relic just to be a slay is ugh.

    FTS: nuked in throne for golem's sins, nuked in expedition because Jekkinations was obnoxious, and corrupted was hilariously overtuned for expedition.

    FPS: never was good since Haunted Highway. FPS dragons suck, FPS sacrifice sucks. FJP does the whole garden control thing better now that TTS is gone.

    FTJ: you can try and juggle xo for troves while having to pack sigils for display of creation, or you can just ramp, fix, get troves, and get byes from go-wide relic decks all in one card playing TJS. Big Svetya gives your whole deck an Icaria warcry and aegis, then KTE does silly things. Curving HotV into Arcanum was nasty, but HotV is unplayable. So...yeah.

    JPS: its display is trash, its site is trash, curses are a case of "why are you playing these bad cards when you can play good cards instead?", and it hasn't gotten a better gimmick ever since.

    FJS: too many important nerfs to its merchants that juggled Xo for card advantage, which is so last year when everyone can petition for cylix now.

    FTP: see above.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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