• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Seems like the Regen vial should disappear after the regen shield is popped, no?

    Eternal Card Game Seems like the Regen vial should disappear after the regen shield is popped, no?

    Seems like the Regen vial should disappear after the regen shield is popped, no?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Visually tracking which of 5 otherwise identical units have or have not lost their shields is kind of a pain.

    submitted by /u/mysecretcardgameacct
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    New promo card: Jolu, the Gift-Giver!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Merriest Gathering Event!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:22 AM PST

    New Player unable to play Gauntlet due to not having a deck

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST

    So I was watching a stream a few days ago and one of the viewers wanted to start playing Eternal.

    He downloaded the game on PC using Steam and then played the Tutorial and skipped as soon as he could. Then tried playing the Gauntlet but it gave him an error saying that he did not have a deck.

    He told us that he only had 700 gold and could not afford to by a theme deck from the store.

    We tried to advise him to complete the free campaigns thinking that that would get him a deck to start playing Gauntlet, which he did.

    My question is how does a Free-to-Play new player get a deck to start playing Gauntlet? I would like to advise and help him.

    submitted by /u/SilentNSly
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    Turn 1. Finally made it.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:04 AM PST

    Arach Razorshaper is the best card of the new set

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Razorshaper + spire shadows = 1 cost 4/3 flyer that summons 4 deadly 1/1s.

    Sacrifice deck example: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/fP_ZheG5puQ/fts-spire?view=list

    Token deck example: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/gB6hmK3NqC0/spire-vault-tokens?view=list

    submitted by /u/redtrout15
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    Tuesday Night Eternal Week 4 Recap

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Tuesday Night Eternal Week 4 Recap

    Congrats to Applechips from Team Invoke Lethal on the big win last night and $20 cash prize. Their winning decklist as well as all the competitors' can be found here: https://eternalwarcry.com/tournaments/d/FiSIJQhjsOQ/tuesday-night-eternal-winter-challenge-4-expedition

    After 4 weeks the Leaderboard is starting to take shape. Applechips moves into the #4 slot with their trophy, theovermaster and iplongno continue to add more separation and are in the lead for at-large bids to the invitational.


    Relive the action on Youtube with the full VODs of each round: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFNaTbzAV8PlTqze3U2fUA9kFzUU-JyA

    As always, each tournament is streamed in its entirety at www.twitch.tv/telemokos

    The next event is Throne on Friday, January 8 at 1p UTC/8a EDT. Register now or check out future events at www.battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal.

    The full schedule of events can be found below:


    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Kosul Golden Wind

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Warp Combo is back (Throne)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Realign the Stars can’t get Celebration.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Realign the Stars 3P Fast Spell Draw a card with Amplify of your choice from your deck.

    Celebration 2 Spell Play a random 1-cost unit. Amplify 1: Increase the cost of the unit by 1.

    I just lost a game where I needed a unit to Reweave into my Overloader to combo, but only had Realign the Stars. Thought I could fetch up Celebration for a unit, but it was never an option off the Realign. I assume this is a bug, as Celebration is definitely a card with Amplify in my deck.

    I have submitted a big report, but wanted to know if anyone else has run into this issue.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Xanlau
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    EoG Draft Video

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:17 AM PST

    EoG Draft Video


    Jedi actually manages to draft an Eternal Empire of Glass limited deck WITHOUT fire. Let's find out if he can navigate his way to a winning record or have his wings clipped.


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Can we Fix it ? #9

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Hidden Potential Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:37 PM PST

    In my previous post, I highlighted some of the cool stuff that we could potentially do in Empire of Glass while noting that it wasn't even the full potential of things we can do, and I'm starting to think I didn't even cover even a quarter of what is possible. As a result, I felt like there was enough still left to explore that I felt that a second post would be fairly useful.

    I won't be covering well-known stuff like Overloader combo or any of the tribal stuff, nor will I cover anything I did in my previous post. I also found that there are fewer individual cards that I wanted to highlight and more strategies that could be interesting thanks to a selection of new cards working together, so it will be a bit different from the previous list (where it was mostly individual cards). Finally, remember that even with this post, my previous post, and what other people have already created, this is still very likely not the full potential of this expansion, maybe not even reaching the halfway mark.

    With those points out of the way, here is my second list:

    3-color aggro

    One of the interesting pieces of this expansion is its new power cards, the Paintings. Having undepleted early power is really important for aggro decks, and having unconditional undepleted power like this can be really powerful. 2-color decks only get access to 4 copies at the most, but 3-color decks can get access to 8 copies if you're in FTJ, FTS, FPS, TJP, or JPS. This can potentially lead to some interesting 3-color aggro lists in these factions since they now have 8 unconditionally undepleted duals on turns 1 and 2.

    Partnership Agreement

    Empire of Glass released a cycle of 3-mana relics with symmetrical effects. These types of effects promote interesting deckbuilding by forcing players to build decks around breaking the symmetry. Some have fairly obvious applications, like using Fire Sale to ramp out a combo or combining Pinnacle of the Reach with on-draw effects like Dichro's Ruin or Arcane Restraint to receive benefits from your opponent's draw. Partnership Agreement, however, has perhaps the most interesting applications.

    Because it plays a justice sigil, it will, of course, ramp you. However, it will also trigger empower and surge, along with other effects that want tons of justice influence. This means you get to not only ramp into, say, Pit of Lenekta, but you also get to feed said Pit, even when your hand has run out of power cards. There is tons of potential, and it might lead to some fascinating decks.

    Power Generation

    One big deck that took Empire of Glass by storm is Overloader combo, which focuses on using Overloader to gain tons of mana and then winning with a big amplify effect that outright wins the game. There are a lot of ideas floating around with how to use Overloader's mana gain for combo purposes (mostly centered around Diabolic Machinations), but it begs the question: what else is possible with other sources of mana generation?

    We've seen assorted decks built around other forms of temporary power generation, and there might be some powerful potential within Empire of Glass thanks to the new amplify effects. Reactor Forge and Fire Sale are already seeing usage in Overloader lists to accelerate the combo, but there's potential elsewhere with cards like Display of Destruction, End of the Barrel, Endra, Ruckus Rouser, and a card that fits into the next category. There's also a side note with renown, with quite a few renown effects caring about the size of the spell being used, and as a result there's potential on that front too.


    A lot of people were excited for Cast Iron Furnace for playing a 0-mana 5/5 with flying, but there's also other usage for it. Namely, the title of this section. Cast Iron Furnace is a power card that lets you trigger spark on-curve from no board presence, and while most of the spark cards are kind of terrible you do get Molot & Nokova, Groundbreaker, and Kindle (which I alluded to in the previous section), all of which might be significantly more attractive with Furnace, even if you don't support it with neutral cards.

    Explosive Potential + Lavablood Goliath

    Explosive Potential is perhaps best on cards that are expensive and are capable of using its boosted attack the turn it's played, and Lavablood Goliath is perhaps the best card that does just that. It costs 9, and not only does it utilize its attack with its effect but the effect itself is harder to stop. Other notable synergies with Explosive Potential include Apex Predator, Lieutenant Relia, Mokhnati, and Shimmerpack, but there's definitely more down the curve that can justify actually playing Explosive Potential.


    It's a smaller list this time, and even though this highlights some of the potential we can still explore, there's still going to be much more that we can explore this expansion. Do you have any ideas for building decks with the cards I mentioned above? Are there any cards you think deserve mentioning?

    submitted by /u/TheIncomprehensible
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    Buggy Kitaxius? Weapon skill doesn't apply to relic weapon only +1/+1

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Exhausting and equipping your soldier with a weapon is an uncounterable cost to playing amplified call on allies. Dazzle countered the deck movement, but his whole army got +12/+12 for 3 power. I think this is busted.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Playing warp cards on mobile is very difficult especially with swipe navigation.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    My phone has swipe navigation. Whenever I pull from the edge of the screen, the program I have active minimizes. Warp requires me to pull from the edge of the screen. Meaning playing warp decks is nearly impossible. I will minimize the screen at least 3 times before I am able to play a warp card.

    Is there a better way? I can turn off swipe navigation, but that is a hassle just for 1 app.

    submitted by /u/lusciouslou91
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