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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Eternal Card Game A Grinder's Guide to Eternal, an introduction to basic value comparison and collection building

    Eternal Card Game A Grinder's Guide to Eternal, an introduction to basic value comparison and collection building

    A Grinder's Guide to Eternal, an introduction to basic value comparison and collection building

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Set 10 Xenan Vowerglass Deck Tech

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:05 PM PST

    Okay the steal animation needs to be GREATLY sped up.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:53 PM PST

    Now, while there have been some QoL suggestions to speed up animations in this game in the past, the steal animations in particular need to be sped up massively. That is, imagine you're a reanimator player and have a board with 2 azindels, a reasonably sized hand, and swing in with your 4 helici, among some other dorks. You're going to A) steal at least 8 cards from the opponent B) discard some of those.

    Instead of "steal one card, show it to you, then draw it or ditch it", can we just have the animation bring the first X cards into our hand, and then just mill the opponent into our void? This was the same issue that plagued Invoke combo as well, with the spell having to go through its animations each time.

    If there's one thing the overloader combo does correctly, it's that instead of looping through an animation 20 times over, it's just "generate power, play one machinations, point pyrotech explosion at face, kaboom", and it's done and over with in 30 seconds, as opposed to some mechanically agonizing combo state.

    Heck, I know that DWD has the technology because when you're on the receiving end of an opponent with multiple azindels, you see the multiple cards go into their hand immediately.

    DWD, pls.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Empire of Glass theme decks (possible) improvements for "budget" players

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:00 PM PST


    I've bought the EoG Theme decks bundle and decided to try improve each of them to see what can be done with them.

    A few disclaimers first:

    • I'm not a very good deck builder but I have a long experience in playing CCG.
    • I did not craft any card for those decks, in order to try to keep them budget friendly (at least for me ^^).
    • I understand that not everybody has the same collection as I do. I have played Eternal for a long time now and have bought all the campaigns. Most cards can be replaced though (I'd be happy to help with that).
    • The decklists are not fine-tuned, they are just here to give an idea of where those decks can go. I'd be happy to hear any improvement idea though, even if some of them might be obvious ( as "add more Legendaries" ^^).
    • I play mostly in Gold ladder and got honest results with the decks (managing to get my daily win without too much trouble). Don't expect to reach Masters with them as they are.

    And now, the decks (there's a description for each of them at the Eternal Warcry link):

    Angry Bots - Skycrag Grenadins
    Try to finish your opponent with a big Berserk attack. Pump those Grenadins!

    Die Walküre - Argentport Valkyries
    Benefit from the synergies between relic weapons & Valkyries.

    Absolutely stunning - Hooru Soldiers
    Make way for your big units by stunning your opponent's.

    Plants vs Zombies - Xenan Mandrakes
    Enjoy powerful synergies when triggering Ultimate effects.

    Welcome to the Machine - Praxis Sentinels
    Benefit from the synergies between relics & Sentinels.

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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    Turn 5 kills with Amplify Combo (Expedition)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:22 AM PST

    Set 10 Draft is my favorite

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:42 PM PST

    I've been playing since Set 2 and I must say, I personally love drafting Empire of Glass best of all so far. I love the different supported tribes and love the different ways to play around with the Market at common. Bravo!

    submitted by /u/stefumtg
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    How to draw cards

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:34 PM PST

    Am i dumb or is this a major bug?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    (Brand new player here) I tap a card to look at it, now i can't do anything but look at my sigils. I can't even play the card. If I tap anywhere, the card just instantly appears there. I can't seem to drop the thing. Am I dumb?

    submitted by /u/candicejoy
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    Argenport Relic Control as a consistent Gauntlet Grinder

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:35 PM PST

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