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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Can we get alternate art for Sand Storm Titan and Great-Kiln Titan?

    Eternal Card Game Can we get alternate art for Sand Storm Titan and Great-Kiln Titan?

    Can we get alternate art for Sand Storm Titan and Great-Kiln Titan?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    The current ones they look like giants wearing a scarf. I'll gladly give you money for one that looks more like mechs.

    Edit: Actually I want all of the "titan" looking sentinel to look like mechs. Heck why not the elemental looking ones was well.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    Set 10 first impressions

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST

    So, like everyone else, been playing the new set. Overall, ehhhh...new set is...okay. Some ups, some downs, but overall, it feels like a step back in raw power from the past couple of sets, at least as they were initially released (2-cost curtain call, Ubsat, lifesteal Ruffian, 5-cost Helio, Telut...woof). Paintings are no cylixes, some new tribes (soldiers, mandrakes) got built from the ground up and exist in expedition, while the old tribes didn't really get much that moved the needle in throne. In that sense, the set's a bit of a miss in that its central theme is just not really found all that much in throne.

    However, here are the new shiny stuff that impressed:

    Shadow self-mill and void funsies--the trifecta of Darkwater Vines, Shoaldredger, and Krull add a nasty new element to proactive shadow void-based strategies. Also, even though darkwater vines has absolutely amazing rate (2/1 regen for 1!), the fact that it mills your opponent can just lose the game on the spot if you think you can use it and bloodseeker as a nice 1-drop aggro combination. Great for decks that take a self-mill angle, but make sure to have a plan using these. Another neat idea for using Krull is using Know When to Hold 'Em to tutor for Krull's fate effect, then market him away. On the flip side, if you're a deep shadow deck in Throne, getting Krull from the market with shadow etchings screams like an obscenely high-tempo play. Huge amount of potential here.

    Cast-Iron Furnace: Legendary power was hype during spoilers, legendary power delivered on hype to the point that people are building "mono-grey" decks around it, because free 5/5 flyers on turn 3 coupled with 3-cost 7/7s, both of which dodge annihilate, are kind of stupid good, even if the rest of the deck is garbage. Last I checked, Stormblessed was leaning towards a primal splash for Linrei's stranger and Maveloft. I've also seen time splash decks using fair exchange on the dragon to cheat out 5-drops. In any case, this card is really, really neat.

    Overloader Machinations combo: Overloader, hardiness, machinations for pyrotech explosion, boom. Fairly straightforward to disrupt, but it's just a list check at this point in throne, that, unlike Endra, does fold to the hate pretty straightforwardly, but the hate's a bit harder to come by with torch being slow compared to the Endra days.

    Laser Blast: IMO, most of the sentinels stuff is just a miss. They're either fragile and unreliable (powercell), convoluted (forge sanitizer), slow (Titan foundry), or generally unsupported by redundant effects (Clear the way which needs P for another relic to sac and S for redundant relic sac effects). However, laser blast comes in fairly clutch as a 2-3 of depending on your flex space in Praxis Pledge. Stick a titan or a vanguard and blow up a Rolant for 1. That said, one caveat is that killing the sentinel at fast speed negates the laser blast. So yeah.

    Passionate Stonehammer: put Kaleb's persuader on him and that's 18 damage then and there. Evasion + berserk on a 2-drop is no joke, but holy moly, this card is fragile.

    And now, here's the stuff that didn't impress:

    Deheen Bltiz: special mention has to go to this card. Not because it's completely ineffective, but because it just doesn't feel legendary at all. It's like if someone bashed together topaz drake and bloodboil executioner--two draft commons, slapped some "once in a blue moon" flavor text on it, and called it a legendary. As far as power level goes, it's okay--that 3 health is a real killer for not having Soulfire's entomb. Passable in throne markets if that's what you're looking for, but...good grief, it's just so boring. Really throwing down the gauntlet here for DWD to give us a proper 5-cost red dragon once we come back to Myria's proper timeline. None of these twisted nightmare dragons from Xulta, none of these simulacrae or whatever. Just an honest to goodness "this is a majestic red dragon". 5/4+ flying charge for 5FFF and load it up with some relevant text. Not this bland stuff.

    Valkyries: as someone that always had a special place in my heart for Eternal's mecha-angels, and who never really got tired of hearing the ZING from an Icaria warcry going off, I was looking forward to this set providing A) new competitive alternatives for hard ramping in a uniquely Rakano valkyries manner and B) contesting the board early on.so your best play isn't an X/1 on 2 and an X/3 on 3. Neither of these things happened. Instead, we got one of the most eyeroll-worthy mechanics we've ever seen. Having tried valk warp a bit in both throne and expedition, it's every bit as magical christmasland as it looks like. And the theme of set 10 valks seems to be some sort of FJS armory, but the weapons and the support for the strategy just isn't there.

    Sentinels: as noted in another thread, while Sentinels got some new options in the J direction, they're generally really convoluted and insufficiently supported at this point in time. Aggro sentinels like powercell and bastion gatekeeper are too frail, clear the way has neither new relics with entomb abilities nor redundant ways to sacrifice relics in Combrei (or even Elysian) so as to build a consistent shell. Titan foundry looks cool at first glance until you realize it asks you to most likely pass the turn while sticking 2 fattiest to begin with. Sky-high order in throne. That said, sentinels did get one redeeming card, in laser blast, so it isn't all doom and gloom. Oh, and if you're in a heavy overwhelm fire list (I.E. skycrag aggro with Milos), redplate crasher looks to be some fairly efficient damage push while coming down with a 4/4 body unlike say, Jekk's 2/3 or queen's 3/2.

    Regen: not because the keyword is bad, but because it has so much unused potential. Similarly to shift before it that could have been used as A) trading power for time B) playing a special spell or C) protecting your unit's text box, the intriguing part about regen is its application on cheap, defensive units that would promote more hard removal. Instead, it's mostly relegated to expensive units with zero protection or value against a 2-cost removal spell. Yes, I realize this is most likely deliberate to prevent cheap regen spam. Still, if you wanted to play a defensive strategy with units, that there's only one generally playable cheap regenerator feels like a miss.

    Set creativity: after set 9 explored an area that I wondered about ever since I saw sand warrior ("how deep does deep influence go?"), going back to "tribal: the set" seems a bit...vanilla? on this end. I was hoping to see more neat digital space exploration with all-new digital-only mechanics, or stuff that only Eternal could do. Instead...tribal. Not that it's bad, but...it just doesn't excite as set 9 did.

    So yeah, that's what I got for now.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    No Dropsmas this year?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I remember last year we had it.

    submitted by /u/drewbagel423
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    Still have issue trying to play "Gauntlet -> Expedition" mode? Workaround, sorta

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    If you want to play Gauntlet w/your Expedition deck, but you are stuck by the bug (I've got it on Android & iPad) where you can't play Gauntlet in Expedition mode -- figured this out today:

    1. Take your Expedition deck, toggle it to Throne. \*Beware, I've seen a bug where my 75 card deck became a 43 card deck when I did that.*
    2. Start Gauntlet in Throne
    3. Play first game, win, then afterwards hit "Edit Deck" before starting next game.
    4. Toggle deck to Expedition.

    And it keeps on going, and you can fine-tune your expedition deck. That's really all I need from Gauntlet mode anyway, just a chance to see what comes up in a game & if there's anything surprising...?


    submitted by /u/rekzkarz
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    Empire of Glass - Art Tournament - 2nd Bracket

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:26 AM PST

    We wrap up the first bracket with some interesting results. I have compiled the results into a tournament chart here. Overall, the Queen of Glass, Ghastly Perfume, Lord Steyer's Tower, Daru Lee, Rust Grafter, Moldermuck, Tesseract Prime, Kyoju Elevator, Unexpected Arrival, Plate Grafter, Flamepack Incinerator, Realign the Stars, Watchwing Support, Razorblades, and Bastion Garrison won in the first rounds.

    And now for the second bracket rounds of the tournament. Here is the link to the bracket.

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Farming Eternal Ep80: Poor Schaab is All Alone

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep.80.of the Farming Eternal Podcast. This is an extra special episode this week. On this solo episode, Schaab addresses how to become a better drafter when you don't have a lot of time to play Eternal. He talks about how to watch streamers, what parts of the process require actually playing games, and which parts you can improve without the highs and lows of playing against live opponents. Schaab discusses some powerful archetypes he's seen early in Empire of Glass draft and gives 6 cards that you can be comfortable first picking. Happy drafting and remember to keep on farming.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep.80 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep80-poor-schaab-is-all-alone

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win ( Set 10 ) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G9UfwKbZR9n0oqWCD6C544GoFcutc3FCVBBqvh1Dp4A/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Market Aggro

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Dam Nightmares! Meme Deck

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I made a meme nightmare sac deck that finishes with blow the dam.

    Maybe it could be done without Nightmares and other tokens like rats? Lmk your thoughts. I'm not a great brewer.


    submitted by /u/lod254
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