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    Sunday, December 20, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Clearing Replication Cells

    Eternal Card Game Clearing Replication Cells

    Clearing Replication Cells

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Yesterday, my buddy played Replication Cell sacrificing Severin, the Mad Mage. He did this with all 4 of his Replication Cells. As I played Burglarize to steal his Replication Cell and playing it, sacrificing a Marshal Ironthorn, his remaining three Replication Cells lost track of Severin. It didn't get replaced with Marshal Ironthorn. His Cells became totally useless, he couldn't activate them.

    submitted by /u/KratosAurionX
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    Pretty sure this moldermuck abuse is not intended?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Pretty sure this moldermuck abuse is not intended?

    So, I put a regent's blade on that first moldermuck. All of the copies are invulnerable as well. I assume since it's the weapon that's making the first one invulnerable, it shouldn't copy over to the others? If it's intended, then, well, that's scary (at this point, I'm only abusing the AI for science).


    submitted by /u/LyrraKell
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    [Top 10] Bazaar Rats update for EoG

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:05 AM PST

    The lack of Sentinel Brews make me sad

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 01:22 AM PST

    I've been keeping an eye on EWC for a good Sentinel deck, since Sentinel's were the units that drew me into Eternal (along with dinos, come on, dino's and huge ancient mystical robots are cool!)

    But to dismay, there have been like 3 decks: 1 that is throne exclusive due to even hand golem, 1 that uses tries to go full on gamble with clear the way, and the most recent one that is FTJ that looks decent, but I doubt it can hold against the current decks.

    And that got me thinking. I've only seen 2 sentinel decks since EoG released, an aggro FT based one that used 2 sentinels, and an aggro TJ one that relied on relics, which promptly fell on it's face because it ran out of steam by turn 4 by drawing all their relics and almost no sentinels. So I wanted to think about why this archetype is so underrepresented. I assumed it would at least get tested a lot more since the set is still new.

    So here are some reasons from a person who has no real evidence and just throwing out assumptions:

    1. The Sentinel's and their support are bloody expensive shiftstone wise. Sentinels, at least the good ones, are legendary. Coupled with the fact that the new relic is legendary, along with a lot of the sentinel support are rares, people are hestiant to blow a lot of shiftstone on a deck that doesn't work. This also explains why people aren't willing to experiment: Mandrakes are a powerful deck that requires very little investment.
    2. Even with support, they don't really do anything. You play a big dude that doesn't really impact the current board and then die from either your opponent's big board or combo. The sentinels also don't seem to work that great with each other. There's little synergy between most of them and the few that do still seem lacking. For example, the new relic gives you future advantage for already having a good advantage on board. Aegis and double stats is nice, but by the time you can utilize it you either die from combo or wide boards. Overwhelm would fix a lot of issues, but that's a different relic that costs 3 and explorers aren't that big in exp.
    3. They are slow to startup, and by the time you get going you are dead. With no sweepers in expedition, you die to aggro. With no Aegis or good counter spells in F J T, you'll die to burn (doesn't really matter due to new combo deck). And good lifegain is...neglible with a combo deck that just kills you and can honestly can durdle since you don't really do anything fast with sentinels. So yea, meta seems pretty bad for Sentinels right now, but again, it's been only a week.

    So yea, what reasons do you think sentinel's aren't being played? I didn't want to include that they do seem kinda boring since most are just stat sticks right now (the older sentinels have unique and powerful abilities, these new ones kind of....one dimension? But it feels subjective) I think once I hit enough shiftstone I might just go on a binge of crafting and then instantly regret my life choices, but that's what ccg's are about right? > MTG flashbacks intensify<

    submitted by /u/Tigeon
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    How do I get automatic energy back?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:26 PM PST

    It was nice not having to worry about it. Now it's a pain constantly having to change my energy every time I change my deck.

    submitted by /u/DumbledoresGay69
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    (Bug?) Align the Tesseract and Overloader

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:29 PM PST

    Overloader states "when you amplify a card, you get +2 power this turn for each amplify".

    Align the Tesseract states "play a 12/12 Tesseract Prime. Amplify: Sacrifice a Grenadin to pay 3 less for Align the Tesseract".

    Overloader grants no extra power when you sac to play Align the Tesseract, even when Overloader survives through casting Align the Tesseract.

    This feels like a bug to me. I anticipated receiving up to +8 power if I sacrificed all 4 Grenadin to reduce Align the Tesseract to 0 cost. Instead you gain no power and Overloader sits there like a sad, useless robot.

    I just want to be a degenerate combo player.

    submitted by /u/wikidsmaht
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    Premium Sentinel Avatar

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:24 AM PST

    I've pretty much only been playing my new sentinel deck that I brewed up once Empire of Glass dropped and I've been loving it. That got me thinking though, there don't seem to be any options for a good sentinel avatar right now outside of Darude and he's just a standard one. I'm loving the looks of the new sentinels this set and Coretap Maximizer has probably one of my favorite arts right now. I can't be the only one that would chuck my wallet at an opportunity for a Coretap premium avatar or something like it, right? I just love this more mechanical, less "stone golem" style a bunch of them have and would jump at the opportunity to rock a similar portrait. Regardless though, kuddos to Direwolf and the artists on the set, it looks amazing.

    submitted by /u/Ladrian
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    Eternal: Simplest Deck Possible for a Young Kid

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Hello All. Apologies for trying to remain vague on some details here. I have a pre-schooler who is very interested in the game. She's very attentive and just learning to read. She is surprisingly good at memorizing what cards do, sort of, so she knows that Poison Baby Guy (Rolant) has Decay, but I don't think she really gets what Decay does. She does know that he shoots out Poison Babies though (his Deadly Valkyries).

    In a tired haze, I told her that someday I'd build her a deck that she could play herself. I come to you, subreddit, for advice. I was thinking it has to be mono-faction. Probably Justice or Shadow, as those have (a) ways to win the game like flying, and (b) some easy removal. Also, I'm not doing mono-Justice as I don't have their ridiculous army of monster legendaries that I'd have to craft.

    If y'all think this is probably too ambitious, that's fine. Perhaps then shift the topic to be a deck that's so easy that I could help her use it, with minimal guidance. Remember, she's JUST learning to read, so the simpler the cards the better.

    submitted by /u/sevenferalcats
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    Salty Brew - Risky Explosion

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:44 AM PST

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