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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Spoiler Compilation

    Eternal Card Game Spoiler Compilation

    Spoiler Compilation

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:18 AM PST


    Yup I'm doing it again, will try to keep on top of all the spoilers. Let me know if I miss any or any are incorrect.
    EDIT: Added sort order functions and all the draft cards. so I think fully up to date as of now.

    submitted by /u/kaelari
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    [EoG] Market Madness!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    [EoG] Cyber Combustion

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:32 AM PST

    PSA: don't play Statuary Maiden right now (game-breaking bug)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:52 AM PST

    As of today's patch (client ver., the card Statuary Maiden is causing games to break when its triggered ability resolves. When an enemy unit dies with Statuary Maiden in play (which would normally transform the unit into a Stone Cudgel), on resolution of the triggered ability, the player's avatar explodes and the game immediately ends in "Defeat" (although this doesn't end a Gauntlet run and the terminated game doesn't appear in the match history--it's as though the game never occurred). I have been able to replicate this on every attempt today, in both Gauntlet and Throne.

    I've already reported this issue via in-game feedback, but I thought I'd post here as well and hopefully save someone a bit of confusion/frustration.

    submitted by /u/aestheoria
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    Servers are back up! Empire of Glass Pre-Order Bundle and Draft Preview Now Available!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    You can check all Empire of Glass preview cards in game

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:21 AM PST

    dichro,s ruin and wyatt site

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:28 AM PST

    dichro,s ruin and wyatt site

    Hilarious interaction with dichro,s ruin and wyatt from his site obvious but never thought of it. It carried on untill my opponent was decked :P something for ppl to watch out for if they play that site.


    submitted by /u/Low_Smile7364
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    First Time Masters #1

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST

    First Time Masters #1

    After playing since before Set 2 came out (so a while now) I finally hit #1 Masters upon my immediate arrival into Masters a few minutes ago! I think I won around 80% of my games from Gold III on up, and ended last month at Masters #5 (or thereabouts), so that definitely helped.


    submitted by /u/nola2172
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    New Quests

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Today I got "Win a game without taking damage" and "Play 20 units with 2 or less strength." (both silver)

    Are there complete patch notes for today's update somewhere?

    submitted by /u/diablo-solforge
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    Bug: Know Thy Enemy

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Alerting as to a bug with the spell "Know Thy Enemy" as after today's update.

    -It will amplify two times more than the limit you can do. If you use 6 power, which is the spell plus 1 amplify, you can do it two more times for 3 amps. 4 power you can do it two times

    -It will only note units of cost 2 or less as being "found". Or so I assume. I only have Dark Wisps at 2 or less but after multiple(in one case 12 times) I only found the wisps and nothing else in a deck filled with 5 cost or less units

    -You can do this infinitely as the spell is not consumed nor is the power.

    -It will always kill the 2 cost or less units as per the spell.

    -Tested with putting "Copperhall Porter" into deck and it will show up in the search as well. So I assume it will only recognize 2 cost or less units.

    QUICK! Someone devise a "2 cost or only" deck we can exploit gauntlet with this!!..j/k

    *I haven't seen anyone else even playing this spell. How has this escaped notice? Yeah, 4 cost to kill all 2 cost or less units seems overcosted but damn, you're not reading the whole thing. When it works and you amplify, you automatically play a 5 cost or less unit unless none are found in it's parameters(next 5 cards). I've lost count of the number of times I've amped out both a Makto and baby Vara or a Wasteland Broker or Rolant, Iron Tyrant with this.

    submitted by /u/Shadowcran
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    Farming Eternal Ep78: Sunsetting Argent Depths

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep.78.of the Farming Eternal Podcast. This episode, Patrick & HatsonLamps say good-bye to Argent Depths as Patrick tries to break through that hardened shell that has calcified around Hats' heart. Hats finally expresses his true feelings of this format. They talk about the good and the bad and the worse and the worser and the worser still. Just kidding, this was all Hats. Patrick liked this format. Hope you enjoy this last look at Argent Depths

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep.78 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep78-sunsetting-argent-depths

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win ( Set 9 ) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bsOFLsacMoiyiKFWXJ8H29A3tbqBzF2FN2ULelKUGt0/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    This game is cool

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Know Thy Enemy Bug

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Awww we’re getting paintings instead of Cylix

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:23 AM PST

    [EoG] Draft Preview Review

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    So the new draft cards are out and available! Let's go over them and see what's interesting/potentiallly crazy!

    • Arms Race just gives attack, not a particular fan of this one because you have to compare it to fire conjuring

    • Gloves of the Pyromancer is a pretty hefty +3/+1 weapon AND it means you eventually get a praxis outlaw late into the game. I like this card for aggro decks, quite possibly more relevant in constructed than draft because you're more likely to have an empty hand in constructed earlier on

    • Rust Grafter is a 2 cost 2/2 with decay and a substantial upside - absolutely amazing uncommon, this cycle will probably be everywhere in Draft. Someone will notice that this is an ultimate ability and choose to put this in a merriest mandrake deck

    • Barricade Basher is a 3 cost 5/5, which could easily be a very impressive beater. Depending on the size of units this Draft changes how good/bad it is, because the downsides are Reckless (kinda bad) and discard a card (often quite a bit more bad)

    • D'Angolo Counterfeiter is a 3 cost 2/2 that you can pay 2 and sacrifice to do a market swap. Considering there are a whole bunch of market cards that don't consume the merchant, I don't see anyone playing this. On the other hand, it doesn't have any restrictions for what to fetch.

    • Malaga Munitions: Do you want 2 heavy axes? This is how you get 2 heavy axes. One at a time. For 3 power each. Seems like too small an effect to me

    • Scrapmetal Fury: the Fire card that adds a whole bunch of cards to your market, and also draws you a lot of 1/1 decay grenadins when it dies. As a base card, this seems quite nice to play baseline, so MAYBE it's a reason to go market-buff

    • Redplate Crasher: 4 mana 4/4 is nice stats, Summon effect that helps you push damage by buffing up a fellow unit's attack this turn. Quite nice for Sentinel decks, I feel like

    Time Cards Time:

    • Xumuc Whisper: Ready everything and granting endurance sounds very justicey, but slap on decay and this is suddenly a Time spell! 1 mana ready everything could really blow someone out, and decay does mean they can trade more effectively. Also adds cards to market, so there is that too.

    • Coretap Maximizer: 2 mana 1/1 Deadly, with +2 Maximum Power!! If you have a relic. Honestly, the bigger part of this is the fact it's a 2 mana sentinel so you can play with certain sentinel synergies, such as Jade Lodestone, without feeling really bad about it.

    • Speed Grafter: the 2 mana 2/2 market ultimate card, but this one has Charge! and grants Charge! to units! This speaks to my praxis self greatly, and is also a soldier!

    • Unexpected Arrival: 3 cost fast spell that gives a unit in play, in hand, and in market +1/+1 and reduces their cost by 1. Not particuarly exciting. What is exciting is the artwork - Talir just showing up out of the blue! Plot happening! Cool Stuff!

    • Battlefield Chanter: 3 cost 3/2 that plays gives all your units +1/+1 this turn off Synchronised Strike seems very nice, and he's a soldier which is now a relevant archetype!

    • Coveted Gemstone: 3 cost +1 Ramp, can be sacrificed for 2 to draw a sentinel or attachment from market. This I like quite a bit, it's reliable ramp that does something late game.

    • Expand the Reach: 3 power to plunder, then play a sigil from your deck depleted. Seems like a pretty neat ramp spell, does cost 3 but also plunder is always really nice to have on a card so there's a chance people play this in expedition as well as draft

    • Malaga League Diver: 5! cost 3/3 that puts an Astromancer's Compass in hand. This seems too expensive for the upside it gives you, but the compass can be market fodder so I could be very wrong. Draft only.

    • Skyguard sentinel: 6 cost 5/5 Sentinel is nice, especially combined with the fact that it can block flying enemies. Good stuff for a sentinel draft, or a draft with few flyers

    • Silver Titan: 7 power 6/6 with endurance and Fate: draw a card if you have a sentinel. You put this in your market to draw with Coveted Gemstone, then you draw a card AND Silver Titan when you sacrifice it if you have sentinels in play causing a boardstall

    Justice Time! - Drifting Drone: Flying/Lifesteal 0/2 with +1 attack per relic in the void. The trik here is getting relics into the void, but if you can, this is a beast of a unit

    • Jade lodestone: one potential way of getting relics in the void (and ramping!), quite possibly relevant given the cheap sentinels we're now seeing

    • Bastion Gatekeeper: pay 2 for a 3/1 with plunder! As well as being a sentinel, and also has the ability to pay 3 to double its atk/hp that turn. Absoulutely great uncommon

    • Emerald Overcharger: pay 2 for a slow combat trick of +2/+2, pay 1 and sacrifice again to do the same thing all over again. I'm not so keen on these types of cards.

    • Plate Grafter: the Endurance market-bear, a sentinel this time!

    • Controlled Demolition: we've seen this before; permanent double damage/regen is quite nice for a sentinel deck to have

    • Send to market: Relevant removal for draft at fast speed is quite nice

    • Stormhalt Warden: 5 cost 3/2 soldier that markets away one unit for another. Possibly too pricey, possibly absolutely not

    • Vicious Raildriver: funny 6 cost relic weapon, even though it has double damage, it is only a 2/4 so it doesn't have enough baseline armour to do really good trades with. Perhaps it's good but I have my doubts.

    • Sparking Vermin: 1 mana 1/1 with a ping-spell on death. Is a grenadin, which makes things more relevant, but it also doesn't do the damage itself

    • Cyber Combustion: Insane 2-cost sweeper that's onesided on grenadin decks! Will see play in all formats

    • Rage grafter: Beserk market-bear! Grenadin! 2 really relevant things that push this card in different directions, because grenadin typically aren't large enough to really appreciate the beserk. Put the boost on a flyer, however, and you'll have a dangerous threat

    • Cyber hound we've seen before, and goes beserk when one of your units dies. Draws you a card if you're grenadin and it Fates, so slam it in the market if you only have one

    • Stalking Cyberfang: Just as I was saying grenadin and beserk don't go along, here's a 3 cost 2/2 grenadin with beserk! Fate: if you have 2 or more units, give it +2/+2 is pretty neat if you cna reliably trigger it, and makes it a 3 cost 4/4 beserker.

    • Gatecrash Trooper: Aegis 4 cost 3/2 soldier! Draw a card on Fate! The enemy does too?? Wacky card, good if you're the agressive player, bad if they draw their sweeper/bomb because of the Fate

    • Plated Hookclaw: spell damage +1 on a 4 cost 3/3 grenadin. Possibly relevant text

    • Encroaching Vine: we've seen this before - great until your opponent has an X/5

    • Exotic Purchase: Draws 2 spells from your market at the cost of 5 each, could be relevant if you have a bunch of things in there already, but is rather expensive

    Spooky Shadow cards!

    • Bastion Boltcrafter: could be possibly relevant based on how good weapons are

    • Crossbow Valkyrie: 2 cost 1/3 flyer that pings things when you play an attachment? Yes please, this is quite a nice flyer for very cheap

    • Medibot Station: gums up the board and provides stalling tools for fairly cheap. 2 power for the first grenamender, 4 for the second

    • Shadow Walk Cloak is 2-cost unblockability with plunder! Will really annoy people when this is slapped on an aegis unit

    • Vinegrafter: Regen market-bear! Being able to slap regen on any unit in hand is pretty absurd, expect this to see some powerful usage.

    • Auren Taxation: 3 cost spell to dome someone for 3, and lifesteals. Nothing exciting

    • Hoarding builder: stocks up your market with cards from your void, OR removes cards from your opponents void! Pretty impressive recursion-hate with a downside when compared to voidbound

    • Xumuc Coercion: adds stuff to market and fast-speed market access for the cost of 4 power and a sacrifice! Could be quite nice.

    • Hookblade infuser: 6-cost 4/2 Flying Decay with a SPICY Fate: if you have a relic weapon, it gets +4/+0 and Decay. Let's see what relic weapons we actually have available first, though.

    MULTI-FACTION Time! - Praxis Painting: FAST LANDS FAST LANDS. Not the cylixes people were hoping for, but there's still plenty of hope. Thes go into the vow factions, so 3-faction aggro might be a real thing in certain blocks. Also gives health, so someone is sure to abuse that part of them too.

    • Powercell: Praxis 2 cost 2/1 decay, Summon: draw a power burst (+1 power this turn), when you play another Sentinel, give powercell +1/+0. Nice Ramp/Market fodder obtainer, can get quite large as a defender

    • Grubbot: Very impactful Skycrag Grenadin buildaround! Already teased so I won't go too far on this one

    • Metalfang: Stonescar Valkyrie! 6 cost 5/4 that plays a ticking grenadin and a grenamented, you can pay 3 and sac a unit to give Metalfang Flying, Lifesteal, and... Charge? If you get 9 power, I suppose the charge is relevant.

    • Combrei: Relay point, has already been teased to us

    • Hooru: Stormhalt batallion, already teased

    • Junk obstructor: 1 cost 1/1 beserk FACTIONLESS grenadin, with plunder! This is probably just pretending to be a primal card, really

    • Okessa's Audience: TALIR DOING THE TALKING THING. Also 1-cost factionless relic with summon:plunder, and pay 2 + sacrifice to create/draw a 5/5 sentinel. Runaway Time card

    • Replicated Sellsword: 3 cost 2/1 regen, summon: plunder, soldier! Runaway Justice card

    • Tools of opression: 3 cost relic that stuns things at no power cost! Neat! Except for the true cost: discarding a card. Occasionally really good, but yikes. Trying to hide it's primal nature

    • Raildriver: 5 cost 3/3 weapon. That's it.

    Tadaa! That's all of the draft preview cards gone over!

    submitted by /u/Sunsfury
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    Aegis Bug?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Just had a game against FTP Sling where no matter what I did, their face aegis wouldn't go away. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

    submitted by /u/Lockfin
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    [Lore] Golems vs Justice Sentinels?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:17 PM PST

    With the spoilers in this set showing a clear promotion of sentinels, I've noticed that Justice has gotten "Controlled Demolition", a sentinel-support spell.

    It kind of itched that meaningless side of my brain with the question of whether Justice has specific ties to Sentinels? My OCD is kind of nagging me that these "Mech-suit" upgrades feel more appropriate for that small niche tribe, "Golems", but maybe it's just that Golems only exist in such specific cards that they're not worth promoting at this point?

    I don't keep up with Lore, so maybe I'm just being stupid?

    submitted by /u/Naturalrice
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    Problem with Gauntlet

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Problem with Gauntlet

    Hi everyone, hope you can help me.

    Since the last update i cannot chose Expedition decks to play or try in Gauntlet, now they are separated and nothing happens when i click the Expedition button.


    Is this a problem or the new rule?


    submitted by /u/DirectoraFiora
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    Hopefully not a bug...?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    AI - Having trouble noticing Broti correctly

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:49 AM PST

    This may have already been around but I have not seen it, so I apologize if it has.

    The AI is making "shockingly" bad blocks when it has combat situations involving the "blue" attack power on units. For example, when using Broti to attack, making him a 3/3 instead of a 0/3. Or using Accelerated Impact.

    Example: Turn 1, I drop a Broti. He Drops a 2/1 explorer on his second turn. I attack with Broti, who is a 3/3 now. he will block it, and lose his unit. Really no reason to block there, and normally would never block there.

    Example 2: I used ( cant remember name for some reason ) 0/8 minotaur who gets +1 for each other minotaur out. But she was just a 0/8, only on board. The enemy player has 9 health, and has a 6/6 blocker. I use accelerated impact, and make her a 9/9, and swing for lethal. AI does not even block it, and loses.

    I know they just dont register the blue numbers correctly, and reminds me of the time how they acted with "decay" when it first came out. If you want to get a bunch of free wins in gauntlet, just use a speed mino deck with these combos because the AI freaks out. Just expect odd blocks, and if you bait it correctly its freebee's. I played tons of gauntlet, to know when/how the AI blocks also, and these are only 2 of many situations they act funny.

    Anyone else have seen this?

    submitted by /u/pwnagecakes
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    Hacker/Or very Helpful Bug?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Just played a game and on round 4 and round 5 opponent appeared to get a free I discard two and take 3 damage without playing the card.

    submitted by /u/bweliver
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    Regression turned a 1-cost unit into another 1-cost unit

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Regression turned a 1-cost unit into another 1-cost unit.

    During a League, game, on a unit played on turn 1 (so no cost shenanigan there).

    So careful if you plan on playing it.

    I posted to Direwolf already, just doing a PSA for all those Regression players out there :D

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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    While fast aggro has started making a comeback, we believe few cards incidentally suppress one-drops like a turn four Vicious Highwayman.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:45 PM PST

    I can't make new throne decks anymore, no matter how many i delete.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    DWD has absolutely dropped the ball on like 3 patches in a row now. this is getting really frustrating.

    submitted by /u/sampat6256
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