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    Monday, December 14, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Spoiler Compilation - How'd I do?

    Eternal Card Game Spoiler Compilation - How'd I do?

    Spoiler Compilation - How'd I do?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    So the set is coming out in a few hours, How'd I do with the spoiler site? http://spoiler.solforgeladder.com . What can be better next time. Should there be a next time? Also black background or white? Any other thoughts? thanks for your feedback

    submitted by /u/kaelari
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    [EoG] Exploit

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Important Expedition additions

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:35 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to my review of the important additions to Eternal Draft Packs with regards to their usage in expedition! Without further ado, let's get this show on the road! I'm going to be fairly selective in what I make note of, trying to keep the post a bit shorter.

    !!SETS LEGAL!! I want to make this extra noticeable becuase it took me by surprise when reading the card list, but expedition includes cards from Awakening onwards, no Argent Depths or Shadow of the Spire like some people (like me) thought. NOTE: After reviewing the actual contents in the draft pack, it's safe to say what's in there includes all of Argent Depths, so I won't go into any of the Argent Depths additions.

    SWEEPER WARNING: Control players are shaking in their boots right now (me included) at the thoughts of possibly having no 5-cost sweeper in Expedition. Be sure to search through the new set, of course, just in case there's a new one being released.


    • Standards are in for all you who want to max out at 5 power and want useful cards instead of power!

    • 1-cost market spells are in still, so you'll have plenty of options as to how your market access shapes up

    • Edicts are back! A great way for you to deal with tough-to-answer cards from specific factions for quite cheap costs

    • Original merchants are sidling up and asking for you to browse their wares!

    • Kaleb's/Vara's etc favours are in

    • Touch of X cycle is in, most importantly Touch of Battle for deadly


    • Coalscrounger is here if you want a grenadin booster; +1 attack for only 2 power is quite nice

    • Combustion Cell for any of those who may wish to replicate Kennadins in expedition

    • Conflagrate is in as your new sear-that-can't-go-face

    • Factory Quota is great tech against control or lifegain decks as aggro

    • Flash fire for the very large smack in the face it provides

    • Inner fire if you ever have a lot of power and grenadin, but want infernuses

    • Pyrroknight is in for all fans of Fire Aggro

    • Rally to me!

    • Shiftstone processor may be a part of a combo, we'll see

    • Midias for those Big-Fire lovers out there

    • Groundbreaker for sentinel lovers


    • Yes, Arcanum Hourglass is in for all you vow abusers

    • Azurite Prixis is in, the most overpowered 0-cost relic there is!

    • Copper Conduit is a possibly very important card for sentinels

    • DIVINING ROD: very fun card, wonder if there's a viable combat skill to put it on

    • Friendly wisp for some time-draw

    • Predator's instinct to fight with your big fatties

    • Shield of the Line for minotaur/soldier decks

    • Swirl the sands for good quality flying/relic removal

    • Gear Master (who is also a solder) for some card draw for sentinels

    • Striking Snake formation is a very potent effect to make sure you can break a boardstall in the way that most benefits you

    • Praxis Arcanum if you ever want to Boost out some units


    • Gavel. Graveyard hate

    • Citywide ban for those who would like to remind their opponents that only you can play win conditions

    • Curfew enforcement helps Valkyries stabilise a board by shrinking it

    • Golem Press to manufacture units

    • Treasury gate for armoury enthusiasts

    • Mercy of Kodosh looks pretty good in the age of treasure troves

    • Svetya's Sanctum for all you control players


    • Frostwave is in if you want to stun a lot of units

    • If you want to muster up some courage, Greenstretch Empath is in! (with quite the boost to draft rates too)

    • Lightning strike for some defensive removal

    • Numbing cold to annoy your opponents

    • Rain of frogs for hand/deck hate

    • Vargo's pelt if you love transform decks

    • Mind link too, of course

    • Torgov's always quite a nice chonker

    • Channel the Tempest as the classic control finisher


    • Back-Alley-Delinquent for all you reanimator lovers

    • Consuming Greed to sacrifice relics

    • Shadowlands Guide can do a very good job of reviving specific 1-drops, including Copper COnduit

    • Suffocate for early removal

    • Impending doom as one of the classic big Shadow flyers

    • Vicious Rejuvenation for all you reactor-forge fans


    • Moment of Creation for spells

    • Unlock the Vault for attachments

    • Monolith Guardian for sentinels

    • Pillar of Progress is nice ramp

    • Auric Record Keeper and Copperhall Elite are both very nice minotaur soldiers to get your hands on

    • Bring Down bags air units

    • Rindra's choice is good to quickly shut down multifaction gameplans

    • Haunting Scream is a community favourite, but at 3 cost it may still be too expensive

    • Combust is the classic sacrifice-removal

    • Scraptank is also here for anyone with dreams of grenadins

    • Rizahn, Greatbow master is here to make an excellent impression for any fan of Valkyries

    • Rakano Artisan also shores up any armoury deck that can afford to play him

    • Twinning Ritual is a fun Elysian card that might be quite useful

    • Inquisitor's Halbert could be quite the relic weapon in a Valkyrie deck

    • Knucklebones is in - need I say more?

    • No 3f cards in draft packs.

    submitted by /u/Sunsfury
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    [EoG] Opum, the Gemblazer

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    What playing Beacon as maintenance starts gets you

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    Expedition & Draft updates!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Misplays I'm About to Make: Empire of Glass

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Quick analysis of upcoming draft pack based on card weights

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:45 PM PST

    While waiting for the set release, I decide to quickly scan the draft packs and figure out which cards they were highlighting based on the card weights and get some insight on the synergies we might expect in the upcoming format. Here's a rough overview of cards that are 10x and 20x more likely to appear in draft packs.

    20x weight:

    The common theme in all factions is market access. 3 different market access cycles are represented and all have 20x weight.

    Other notables: Leyline Tracer in Time and Greenstretch Empath in Primal

    10x weight:

    • The Standard cycle (e.g. Shugo Standard)
    • Fire's unit focus is on sentinels and grenadins with supporting cards. It also highlights the amplify mechanic.
    • Time's unit focus is sentinels and mandrakes with supporting cards (like explorers). It also highlights the amplify and muster mechanic.
    • Justice's unit focus seems to be soldiers and valkyries with supporting cards (like tinkers). Lots of relics. Also of interest is Vanquish.
    • Primal's unit focus is unclear. There was a lot of grenadin support in the draft preview, but I didn't see any obvious unit type synergies in the upcoming draft pack. The card weights seem to highlight amplify, spell damage buffs, and muster cards.
    • Shadow's unit focus is valkyrie and grenadin with support (like tinkers). There are also a lot of weighted relic weapons.
    • Praxis has a few 10x weighted sentinels
    • Argenport has a couple 10x weighted valkyries.
    submitted by /u/humbleice
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    Welcome to the tower city of Bastion! Empire of Glass is live!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Forge and Gauntlet have not been reset, don't autoslam forge when you login

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I imagine this will be fixed quickly, but beware.

    submitted by /u/WryStonefly
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    TNT World Cup Final: Kal_Shadowstep vs Sakarnen

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:59 AM PST

    Bot Pack New Set Draft Strategy / Overview

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Release time?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:59 AM PST

    I was wondering when we can access the new set. Does anyone know which hour dwd tends to release its sets/patches based on previous releases?

    submitted by /u/Forged_in_Blood
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    Sling Some Sentinels - Throne Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Volatility Dragon Worldpyre - Expedition Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    How are people feeling about Beacon of the Reach?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I'm not expressing an opinion here; just trying to gauge the community's feelings on it. Control decks built around it seem to be everywhere.

    submitted by /u/Ergo-Ogre575
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    New Theme Decks

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Which themed decks would be most worth it? I haven't played in a while and have some gold to burn. What is the best way to catch up in the new meta?

    submitted by /u/Dbomb18
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