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    Eternal Card Game TNT Throwdowns

    Eternal Card Game TNT Throwdowns

    TNT Throwdowns

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:07 AM PST

    Hi, folks. marvin_the_imp here. I wanted to let you know that TNT has put together a schedule of TNT Throwdowns for the coming weeks. These are free tournaments with the winner getting a pat on the back from their peers as reward. We have some of the game's top players participating from week to week, so get in on the action.

    Date Format Registration Link
    2/10 Canadian Highlander: 100 card singleton https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-6/601b0017945ba61bbd9b5b90/info
    2/17 Throne https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-7/601ea53008d6c576f70823d9/info
    2/24 Serf: kind of like the in-game theme decks https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-8/601ea5b0877ddf06e7e767ac/info
    3/3 Hero: 100 cards with a Hero in the market https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-9/601ea6536e9f8575b1d099e4/info
    3/10 Expedition https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-10/601ea71128f37678cb682e31/info
    3/17 Peasant: commons and uncommons only https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-11/601ea7e2b66ee1767c0f1d90/info
    3/24 Canadian Highlander: 100 card singleton https://battlefy.com/team-not-tavrod/tnt-throwdown-2021-12/601ea85069d6e07711a4d251/info

    What is a TNT Throwdown?

    These are casual, round robin tournaments that takes place Wednesdays through Sundays played at your own pace against other players. You schedule matches using TNT discord as that's where people will find their competition and communicate with each other. If you're interested, visit the battlefy site to register, for rules about the formats, and to sign up. Join in on the fun!

    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    Buried Memories preview event - Full run (5 decks) feedback

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:57 PM PST


    I thought that I could give some feedback about the the preview event currently running, since I already played the 5 decks. It might be of interest for those who are hesitant about joining.

    First I want to say that I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the event, but I really like playing pre-constructed decks in general so take it with a grain of salt.

    Also, I didn't had much trouble finding players and I don't think that I played twice the same opponent through the 5 runs.

    Overall, I think that the decks are well built, allow for many interesting decisions and provide the opportunity of really swingy plays (like it or not ^^).

    The relic that you start with and keep all along the games (you can't sacrifice it, be aware of that) works well, as it allows you to get more fuel and prevent you from having too many turns during which you do nothing.

    They are quite high on RNG though, even for me ;) You can draw a 8 cost Legendary as well as a 2 cost Common, which can make a real difference in a game. I'd have preferred a more controlled draw, maybe by controlling the cost of the unit (up to the power you spent?) and/or it's rarity (only Commons & Uncommons?).

    But they are definitely exciting to use and not all games rely on them, far from it.

    About the decks themselves, from my slim experience, I would rank & describe them as such:

    #5 Sentinels - There are very powerful cards in there but it's probably the slower deck of all, and it's easy to get punished because of this. You are weak against flyers and go-wide strategies, which are two things that the other decks all do, one way or another.

    Still, it's fun to play those big Sentinels with Aegis and then watch them stomp on your opponent's units, but even with some of them in play you can lose the game, since it's difficult to come from behind (having a few huge units is usually not enough).

    The new Legendary feels very powerful as long as you can make it come back (it usually doesn't survive long the first time it's on the board). But doing this has quite a high cost and felt too slow most of the time.

    Win ratio: 3-4

    #4 Mandrakes - The second slowest deck I think, but more capable of coming back from behind since Mandrakes are Mandrakes and things can get out of control in a snap.

    The new Legendary is awesome but very expensive, so Shoals Stirring, your favorite overpowered Uncommon, plays an important role in your results. If you attack once with it, it's generally game over.Make sure to discard your expensive units when you can!

    Matriarch Zende's summon effect is very important in dealing with flyers, or pushing damage. The Balms that you draw felt underwhelming though, I think that I played them once only, because I had nothing else to do during the turn :p

    Very fun deck to play once things get rolling, and a lot of decisions to make.

    Win ratio: 3-4

    #3 Valkyries - I believe that this the highest rolling deck, since Valkyrie-warp weapons are either super strong (if you warp them) or lackluster (if you don't). When you can warp them regularly, the deck feels very strong, maybe the strongest of all. Without them, the deck is still good, as you are most likely to dominate the air no matter what, but can struggle against opponents with more powerful units.

    The new Legendary is definitely good as a Charge attacker but his ability has almost never been relevant for me (I killed a 1/1 once). So it feels overpriced for what it does, still you're always happy to play it as it's a big flying body, and there are very few of them in the whole pool of decks.

    Win ratio: 4-3

    #1 (tied). Soldiers - This one can really get out of control quickly. You can do some very powerful things, and if you have both the trigger and the payoff cards (usually in the Stun or Amplify strategy), then there's almost nothing your opponent can do to stay alive.

    The key is to wait until you can really take advantage of your key cards. The mirror match usually sees the two players building a board and hoping that they can play their triggers first. It's interesting and stressing :P

    The new Legendary is awesome, in my opinion the best of the lot, in this event at least. The thing is that it does everything. It can amplify for cheap, it can stun, it can create a big flyer and can draw power (but I never used that option). It's really the perfect card for the deck, and if your board is properly built before you play it, then it's usually a game winner.

    This deck creates interesting decisions, in either choosing to play your cards early or waiting until you can optimize them. It can feel almost like cheating if you get things going the way that you want.

    Win ration: 6-1

    #1 (tied but #1 in my heart) Grenadins - What a blast to play this deck! It's super fun, and very interesting in all the decisions that you have to make. Also very powerful, probably less explosive than the Soldiers deck when this one runs perfectly but more consistent I believe (yes, Grenadins are more consistent than Soldiers :p).

    There are a lot of synergies there, between Berserk, Sacrifice, spell damage… You can go in different directions and it requires you to really think before choosing the most efficient path. Both this deck and the Soldiers one are the ones that you need to "get" first before playing them properly. Once you have identified your win conditions and focus on them, they are formidable (example, don't Berserk just because you can! Wait until it wins you the game).

    Mighty Strikes & Cyber Combust really shined during my games, it's very difficult for the other decks to deal with those two cards.

    The new Legendary fits really well in the deck, since it does impact all the different synergies. It's the unit that I'm the most happy sacrificing ever! :) To be fair, it doesn't feel that Legendary since you have to sacrifice it to really take advantage of it and its different effects can be done by other cards (and in a more permanent way) but it's still the piece that keeps everything together in that deck.

    Win ration: 6-1

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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    Returning player (Quit since set3). Where are my cards?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Decided to return to Eternal and downloaded, installed and logged in.Was forced to go through the tutorial. Skipped after 3rd tutorial game.Click collection and was shocked my collection is gone?What happened?

    I was using the username "cookiemonster21212" in the eternal reddit few years ago:https://www.reddit.com/user/cookiemonster21212/comments/
    I do not have screenshot proofs but I guess my achievements could prove it that I played few years ago:https://ibb.co/CKhLwqj
    This is the current situation when I logged in:https://ibb.co/vDbGGFK

    Was there a hard reset on everyone's collection between set 3 and now? Or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/HPOrder
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    Expedition needs to be fix or we might not get new players any time soon...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:14 AM PST

    I wouldn't say Eternal is dying at the moment, but it isn't growing. Which i find more of an issue cause that can actually lead to the game to it death. I believe this is happening is cause of expedition for a few reasons.

    First reason i believe expedition is a complete mess right of a format right now and i'm not talking about the meta. I'm talking about it constant updating set rotation (you can't even call it a rotation). New players are having a hard time just keeping up with what is in and what is out. A player could of finally made the deck they needed to climb the ladder, but then a week later half of the cards are remove. The main issue for this cause of the draft packs.

    When they first introduce draft packs and how they were going to add them to expedition i thought it was a cool idea since they remind me of the yearly core sets from MTG, but boy was i wrong. While MTG core set changes every year eternal draft packs change every 1-3 months. Sure they could be minors changes to us veteran players, but they can major changes to the newer players. They either need to stop updating it as much or just remove it all together from expedition.

    The second reason is that there is no core set or there use to be... "The Empty Throne" was consider as the core set when expedition first came out and it made sense since it was the first set for the game. With having a core set new players could always know they can buy those packs since they will always see play, but that doesn't seem to be the case and now when you get that pack from a gold chest or twitch drop you don't even know you'll get the cards that are allow in expedition which lead me the next reason.

    The third and final reason is the packs and cards we are reward from chest and drops can be any card and pack (Expected the latest set) that had ever existed. At the moment Eternal has 10 sets in the game and expedition only uses two of those sets + the draft packs (plus the campaigns). So when you're opening a pack you are getting a 1/9 chance of getting the pack you that is still valid. When i first started playing this game about 2 years ago there were only 2 sets at the time and third one was just around the corner so i didn't fine this an issue, but it is an issue now. My solution for this is to just remove the other 7-8 sets from the rewards and add the current set as well. Maybe even add draft packs in the rewards if you don't want to remove them.

    Anyways those are my reason why i believe expedition is stopping from new players from joining/staying , but i'm not going to end it here i'm also going to list some additional ideas that can help improve the game in the long run:

    • Reprint older cards and maybe even campaigns cards into newer sets.
    • Reduce the cost campaigns not in expedition or be able to unlock them with shiftstones (The whole thing not just the cards).
    • Stop making 40% of the cards playable in campaigns.
    • Have a draft mode where you don't keep the cards.
    • Add weekly events where the rules are base of gauntlet boss rules. Kind of like a traven brawl from Hearthstone or Labs from Legend of Runeterra.
    • Make Hero mode a real format.

    OK now i am done. So if you agree with anything i said give it an up vote and with enough votes i might email this post to DWD cause i sometime doubt they actually read our feedback on reddit. I really love this game and i want to see player base to grow so i hope DWD does something like this. Anyways thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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