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    Eternal Card Game Today is the TNE Winter Invitational!

    Eternal Card Game Today is the TNE Winter Invitational!

    Today is the TNE Winter Invitational!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PST

    Today is the culmination of three 3 month long Winter Season - the top 16 will face off in a head-to-head Invitational tournament across both Expedition & Throne for a prize pool of $200.

    Coverage begins at 12 noon EST at http://twitch.tv/telemokos with Telemokos & Stormblessed. DWD dev Andrew Baeckstrom will join the stream after the Swiss rounds to do an Organized Play Q&A.

    All 16 players decklists can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vS2RQCZvfppvpcGBdS4O9xZ7wGOwJrk3SaBuD37wZzExkkZhnNVhdmjlfgWsbeMou1PFUvBlwCn6gZa/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true

    Expedition Meta

    Throne Meta

    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    My current dream balance patch (nerfs included!)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 04:43 PM PST

    So, I'll try to make this sound as DWD as possible:

    It's time for the monthly balance patch.

    Overall, while we're happy with the diversity of the metagame, there are some instances in which we felt we could do a better job with regard to opportunities for counterplay and to address the occasional frustrating play pattern, in addition to promoting better faction and strategic diversity.


    Kira, Ascending:

    JJJJ: "When you target Kira with a spell on your turn, draw a card."

    While we're generally happy with the skill and decision-making that Kira decks generally ask of their players, Kira decks can occasionally lead to frustrating play patterns, in which a 1-cost protection spell negates a card, only to draw into another 1-cost protection spell. Clearly, these cards are not balanced around unconditionally replacing themselves, and in light of that, we're making this change to allow for more windows of counterplay against Kira, while also creating decisions to weigh card advantage against reactively protecting Kira herself.

    Wump and Mizo:

    When there are six (up from four) snowballs in all voids, transform Wump and Mizo into Party Pair. Party Pair is now a 5/5, down from a 6/6.

    For such a low-cost card, an unanswered Wump and Mizo (or two, where a fortunate draw or mirror image are involved) has the potential to, well, snowball the game out of control very quickly. To this end, we want to slow down this best case scenario by one turn, and create a bit more opportunity for counterplay in the event that this transformation is achieved.

    Jarall, Ascending:

    1/3 -> 1/2

    Jarall is a fairly low-cost card that has the potential to end a game from a disadvantageous board state, sometimes by chaining basic card draw spells into direct damage. In light of this, we're making him a little more susceptible to counterplay through conventional damage.

    Katra, the First Seal:

    Summon text replaced with: "Whenever you play a unit, play a random power card from your void depleted".

    Ever since her introduction, Katra has proven herself to be a lynchpin to multiple strong strategies. She enables high-cost cards with her ability to play multiple power cards from your void, stabilizes against aggressive strategies with her lifegain, and on top of it all, she also presents a substantial threat on her own accord. With this change, we're hoping to address just how quickly she can spiral out of control in some scenarios, and to provide a bit more time to answer a potential 8-drop waiting in hand.

    Sling of the Chi:

    3FP -> 3FFPP

    Text changed to: "your cards cannot be transformed. Whenever you play a unit with 6 or more attack, Sling of the Chi deals 6 damage to an enemy unit. Whenever you play a unit with 6 or more health, draw a card."

    While we've generally been happy in how Sling of the Chi creates incentives to build decks with units that might otherwise not see as much play, Sling of the Chi can often put a game out of reach in a hurry, both thanks to its interaction with overwhelm damage, and by drawing more and more cards despite no additional investment. This can occasionally lead to some frustrating experiences playing against this card, so we're taking steps to address these issues.

    Krull, Xumuc Occultist:

    Fate text changed to: "Fate: S: lose life equal to your remaining power, then play a unit with cost less than or equal to the amount of life lost."

    While we're generally happy with the way Krull has allowed players to pay life for tempo, too often, she has found her way into decks that play no other shadow cards--including power. In order to establish her identity as a shadow card, we're creating a requirement for players to actually play shadow when putting Krull in their decklists.

    Thudrock's Masterwork: 3PP -> 4PP. 1 health -> 2 health.

    Despite efforts to create additional diversity in aggressive strategies, yetis continues to retain top billing. One of the more frustrating experiences playing against yetis is to be on the receiving end of a curve of 1-2 into a Thudrock's Masterwork to remove a blocker. In light of this, we're taking a step to address the effiectiveness of some of the deck's best draws.

    Shrine to Karvet:

    Now reads: "When you sacrifice a unit, your units get +1 attack and charge this turn."

    While there is appreciable effort in getting a sacrifice deck's engine going, Shrine to Karvet's ability to wildly swing a game with a single 3-cost card in a single turn created a few too many frustrating experiences, so we're changing the card to reduce some of those negative experiences, and to open up design space for more cards that synergize with sacrifice strategies in the future.



    Ironthorn, Lawman: 3/1 -> 3/2
    Red Canyon Smuggler: 2/1 double damage -> 2/2 double damage.
    Bulletshaper: 3/3 for 3FJ -> 2/3 for 2FJ
    Rizahn, Greatbow Master: 5/4 -> 5/5, now requires 4 spells in the void, down from 6.

    Ever since Eternal first started receiving organized play, Rakano has somehow wound up on the wrong side of balance patches, over and over again, to the point that its play rate has plummeted. In light of this, we're pulling back on some of the changes we've previously made, and giving Rizahn an additional point of health due to the difficulty associated with playing expensive cards in this day and age.

    Heart of the Vault: 7/7 for 7 -> 6/6 for 6.

    Heart of the Vault was a perennial favorite in its original state, and the game has come a long way since it was last changed. Furthermore, in light of Praxis's low representation in the metagame, we're restoring it to its original state in the hopes that it can see a bit more play in a game that has changed a great deal since the last time it had a chance to shine.

    Angelica, Praxis Infuser: now has endurance.

    Praxis's big spells theme never really took off, and nor did Angelica's play rate. By gaining endurance, she now has the ability to use her large health pool to block while still rewarding Praxis players that invest in expensive spells.

    Crownwatch Press-Gang: 3/3 for 5J -> 2/2 for 4JJ.

    When Crownwatch Press-Gang was changed to (once again) cost 5, the big reason for that was a Trickshot Ruffian that provided lifesteal, which had a suffocating presence on metagame diversity. However, the intention was not to remove the card from seeing play entirely, and now that Trickshot Ruffian is more in line in terms of power level, we think it's worth giving Crownwatch Press-Gang another chance.

    Auralian Merchant: 0/3 -> 0/4.

    Over the course of Eternal's history, time midrange decks have largely fallen by the wayside, owing to more efficient removal. To give them a small boost, we're reversing one of the nerfs we made to Auralian Merchant and giving her the same stat boost that was afforded to the other original four merchants after we changed the mechanics of markets.

    Syl, Cabal Strongarm: 5/1 -> 5/2.

    While more fire-oriented versions of Stonescar are notorious for their aggression, less popular are the shadow-oriented variants. A reason for that may be that a card that comes down on turn 3 often gets picked off by a snowball, leading to very unfavorable board swings, so we're giving Syl a little bit of help to see some play.

    Eager Deputy: 0/1 -> 0/2.

    Plunder is many players' favorite mechanic, and fire aggro has seen better days in a metagame that has snowballed into a place that's gotten increasingly hostile to 1-health units, so we're reversing a nerf we made in the past.

    Various cards nerfed in past expeditions:

    Slumbering stone: now once again plays the gargoyle, rather than draws it.
    Tinker Overseer: 2/1 -> 2/2
    Shen-ra, Unbreakable: Mastery 10 -> Mastery 8
    Acclaimed Artisan: Mastery 6 -> Mastery 4

    We changed various cards in the past due to their impact on an expedition metagame that they are no longer a part of. In light of this, we're reversing these changes so that they may have a higher chance of seeing play in throne.

    Acantha and Clodagh Ascending:

    1 health -> 2.

    While Kira and Jarall Ascending have seen outsized and meta-warping amounts of play across multiple decks, Acantha and Clodagh, in contrast, have less support from their factions, and have seen much less play in general, so we're giving them a little bit of help.

    Vicious Highwayman: 5/3 for 5FFSS -> 4/2 for 4FFSS

    Like Heart of the Vault before it, former favorite Vicious Highwayman was changed at a different point in the game's history, and no longer sees any play, so we're reversing this change and seeing where he lands in this new world.

    Argenport Instigator: 3/2 -> 3/3

    Argenport Instigator held a vital role in checking other go-wide strategies, and promoting aggressive shadow decks. We're making this change to create some more incentives for more aggressive shadow strategies.

    Haunting Scream: 3PS -> 2PS, no longer targets 5 cost units.

    Like other buffs on this list, the game has changed a great deal since Haunting Scream had its power reduced. As a card iconic to Feln, we're restoring Haunting Scream to its original state to create more incentives to play aggressive Feln strategies.

    Ancient Lore: 4TT -> 3TTT

    Like the change with Auralian merchant, this change is intended to help out decks that lean more into the time-faction, especially where units are concerned.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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