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    Friday, April 23, 2021

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Week of 4/15/21

    Eternal Card Game The Misplay Meta - Week of 4/15/21

    The Misplay Meta - Week of 4/15/21

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Mean Players Epidemic

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    This needs to be said, sadly: the players in this community kinda suck. I've been playing for years now, and not only do players often insult you and rope, they frequently taunt you after victory.

    Here's a situation from a moment ago: I'm playing a meme deck and I'm going against tiered decks. That's totally fine; I've chosen to play this janky pile of cards and try to combo kill with 'Blow the Dam'. The last 5 matches, I've lost. Again, understandable, but I'm enjoying playing the cards. But after every match, I'll say 'Thanks for the Game' and am greeted with any of the following: 'BWAHAHAHAH' , 'Very Impressive' , 'Oops'.

    And these 5 matches aren't aberrational. I very rarely get back a thank you greeting or a good game greeting variation. Call me an oversensitive guy, a noob, whatever, but if this game is to survive, the player base as a whole needs to change.

    I like this game a lot, but I fear that the player base is dissuading people from sticking around, and honestly, I don't blame them. Please, eternal influencers, try to push players to be courteous and friendly. The community needs more of that.

    submitted by /u/eternalFrustratedGuy
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    Empire of Glass $5K Draft Open begins next weekend!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Forge Guide

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Forge is a format that has the following advantages:

    1. It is vs the AI. No problems with rope timers,etc.

    2. It goes far faster than draft

    3. For a new player it is a better teacher than draft. Before you dare draft, you must know what to get and how things work.

    4. With my and others advice you can easily win 5 matches per as a new player. Draft?..without exp. expect to lose a LOT

    5. Forge is sort of a primer for Draft.

    *Don't get me wrong, I love draft. But for a new player it's like throwing them in the deep end of a pool and expect them to learn to swim or drown. Draft's terrible MMR makes this even worse as bronze can expect to play someone as high as Masters at times.

    1. For a new player, there is no timer on you. You can play at your leisure, fully reading a card you don't know and how it works.

    The first and most important advice I can give is to try to get Justice as one of the 2 factions you get. In Forge, you MUST pick from 2 factions BUT you can wait til turn 6 to pick your second one. As to Justice's "companion faction" all 4 are very strong with the best changing every set. For example, Hooru(Justice/Primal) was the best when this game started. It has shifted several times with all taking their turns at the top. Now, Combrei(Justice/Time) is better.

    Why Justice? Balance and playability. You have far more answers to problems with Justice. It is also the better mixed of the factions in regards to Forge. That does not mean it's the strongest faction in Eternal, just forge.

    In Forge you select 25 cards(almost 2 packs worth) for your deck. 15 cards are automatically given to you as power, with 4 x the Seat of your two factions. Most of your cards will be common and uncommon with rares and legends more varied. Some have only 1 rare, some 2 and some legends and SOME, very rare, will give you 2 legends and 2 rares. I think I still have a screenshot somewhere for those who doubt the 2 and 2.

    The level of the AI depends on how much you've played the format. If you're just starting, you can probably win 7 easily. However, once you reach "Masters" it will get progressively harder to the point you wonder "How can I beat this. I had no chance." It's a feature of the game and works the same way in Gauntlet Masters. The trick is to play through at least two matches vs the AI and just accept your lumps. You can offset Forge losses by this increased MMR by going to Gauntlet and losing there instead.

    What should you seek to grab from the cards offered?

    1. a couple of life gain types. All but anything with Fire or Primal are best with this. Fire and Primal lack any lifegain...silence....etc.

    2. Some good flyers. It can be harder than it sounds as Forge, now, has some really low powered flyers offered. These will require weapons. Hooru is best at this, but not by much.

    3. no more than 3 weapons. Reason being it gets hard to have units to put those weapons on. Rakano is best at this

    4. 2 quality relic weapons. Believe this or not, but most relic weapons are good quality in this format. Argenport is best at this

    5. Strong defensive ground units. That sounds hard to get, right? Not so in Forge. These are units with deadly or with more defense than attack power. "Aggro" type units such as a 4/1 tend to die fast as the AI usually has answers to them or will simply "chump block" them to death.

    6. A few "trick" augment spells. Fast spells that augment the attack/defense of your units. Believe me, the AI will fall for them in most situations. You should seek out those that only cost 1 or 2 power. Cost of 3 isn't so bad either. Hooru(Justice/Primal) tends to be best at this.

    7. Limited draw-you have 40 cards in this format. You don't want to mill yourself to a loss. Usually it's best to get units with draw capabilities.

    *It can often come down to a war of attrition in this. This means you simply outlast the AI until they run out of cards without you running out first. Combrei decks are the best at this.

    1. Limited but necessary power fixes. Usually you'll only have choices of this from limited types of units, these are best as they do 2 things. Plunder and pledge will probably be your best choices for this. You can easily get units with plunder.

    2. The best removal you can find. This can be much harder than it sounds. Much of it is situational at best. Argenport(Justice/Shadow) will be best for this.

    What about if you can't select justice? This sometimes happens. Feln, or Primal/Shadow, tends to be the next best choice but Xenan(Time, Shadow) or Praxis(Time, Fire) are close too. This is not to say you can't win with the others but the choices for them, especially Elysian, tend to make your job a lot harder.

    To be continued.

    Aggro can whip butt but tends to falter around match 4 or 5. It's a tendency, not something that happens every time. A good mix of it is the better option.

    Trade offs should be sought in the early going. This is where you block/attack to keep things even. The AI loves to flood units on the board.

    Try for some endurance. the Ai tends to love using "stun" type spells. It's a lot harder in today's forge to obtain any. I have no idea why except maybe the newer sets haven't been giving us much.

    submitted by /u/Shadowcran
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    FECast Ep. 67: Draft Boot Camp feat. Schaab

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:52 AM PDT


    Looking to prove yourself in the upcoming Draft Open? FECast has you covered with a draft-centric episode for all of you that know the basics of draft but want to take your game to the next level.

    This week on FECast, Sunyveil and Stormblessed are rejoined by Schaab for a Draft boot camp in anticipation of the upcoming Draft Open tournament. They discuss how to draft a tournament-winning deck, how gameplay in limited is different than in constructed, and ways you can prepare leading up to the event.

    Join the Friends of Eternal Discord (and the Piloting Club)! https://discord.gg/kp9vZjY

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-149179554

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1cKVjfkvQKvOWLLwBIsXXZ

    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/friends-of-eternal/id1456672035



    Schaab's 'Let's Talk Limited' blog:


    Time to Draft the Hard Way:


    Be Boring – Drafting and Building Better Decks:


    Quadrant Theory, Parts 1 & 2:



    FECast Ep 45: Boring is Good feat. Schaab:



    TNE Spring's upcoming tournaments:


    Draft $5K Open and Throne $5K Open dates:


    00:00 Intro

    00:25 Ep 67: Draft Boot Camp feat. Schaab

    04:36 Drafting the tournament-winning deck

    25:01 Gameplay in limited

    42:36 Preparing for draft tournaments

    51:54 Miscellaneous tips

    54:32 Dates to remember

    55:18 Outro

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    Farming Eternal Ep92: Follow up (not) 5 color draft

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Welcome to Ep. 92 of Farming Eternal. This week Patrick and HatsonLamps bring the long-awaited follow up episode to how to draft 5 colors where HatsonLamps and Patrick do a 48-card draft explaining exactly how to get into 5 colors. Patrick is unfortunately not convinced HatsonLamps is committed to forcing 5 colors in this draft. In fact, HatsonLamps seems at points to be downright trying to dissuade Patrick from train-wrecking the draft. It is probably disingenuous of Patrick to even have the words five color anywhere near this episode. Oh, and the format changed since this was recorded. We do have that classic Patrick and HatsonLamps card reading and banter, though.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep.92: https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep92-follow-up-not-5-color-draft

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win (Set 10) deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G9UfwKbZR9n0oqWCD6C544GoFcutc3FCVBBqvh1Dp4A/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Factionless Fire Belax Part 2 - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 04:29 PM PDT

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