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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Timmys are People Too! or Why I Hate Unfair Decks

    Eternal Card Game Timmys are People Too! or Why I Hate Unfair Decks

    Timmys are People Too! or Why I Hate Unfair Decks

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    In terms of MTG player archetypes, I am a "Timmy" - I like to play big splashy cards that are expensive but have powerful effects. But for the past year, I have not felt like there is really a place for me in the Throne metagame. The recent nerf of S!Icaria in particular left a bad taste in my mouth and makes me question if the Throne will ever be a place that me and my fellow Timmys can play our big dumb powerful threats ever again! I took the last six official DWD Throne competitions, starting with the Spring Championship on 5/17/2020, and compiled the data for the unit costs of the Top 25 units played in each of these competitions. (If you are wondering why I am using the last 6 competitions, it is because the competitions before that only have data from the Top 32 decks rather than Top 64 decks collected on EternalWarcry).

    Here are the results in chart form

    Note that when I was compiling this data, I counted the cards "effective cost". For example, Felrauk and Krull counts as a 0-drop units because you either play them for free 95% of the team (Felrauk) or you only have the card in your deck for its Fate effect and never actually play it as a unit (Krull). Same thing with cards like Jotun Hurler, which is technically a 5 drop but the unit is seldom played.

    You can see from this chart that a whopping ~43% of Top 25 units played over the past year have been 2-drops. This is not necessarily surprising since it is an important point in the curve. As a Timmy, I want to draw your attention to the percentage of units that cost 5+ power - it looks like it is around 10%. Here are the units with cost 5+ that have made the top 25 of decklists over the past year:

    • 5 - Champion of Cunning

    • 5 - Sediti, the Killing Steel

    • 5 - Tasbu, the Forbidden

    • 5/6 - Helio, the Skywinder (nerfed once already)

    • 6 - Icaria, First Reaper (lol now deleted from the game)

    • 6 - Severin of the Dark (lol now deleted from the game)

    • 6 - Touvon, Skybreak Giant (lol when was the last time you saw this card - got played in Even Xenan)

    • 6 - Svetya, Lightbringer

    • 7 - Icaria, the Liberator (lol when was the last time you saw this card)

    • 8 - Vara, Fate Touched (seldom played for cost, except in Vowerglass)

    • 8 - Azindel, Revealed (seldom played for cost, except in Vowerglass)

    This isn't really a problem persay but I think that it is indicative of both the level of power-creep in the game, as well as the focus that DWD have placed within the last year on unfair strategies. Consider the following questions to illustrate my point:

    1. Why would I play a powerful 5 drop when I could just play a 2 drop and hold up a 1-cost fast speed spell to blow out my opponents interaction and draw infinite cards?

    2. Why would I play a powerful 6 drop when I could just draw 3 cards and play a Felrauk for 4?

    The first question is indicative of power creep within the game, and is somewhat understandable and hard to prevent in a CCG where we have a completely open format (Throne) - as the number of sets grows, the number of powerful options you have lower in the curve grows, and the synergies that these low-cost cards have also grows naturally. This is somewhat less problematic for me personally, just because while playing against the Kira decks can be annoying, they are at least playing a "fair" game whereby they are paying full costs on all of their cards.

    The second question is the one that is far more obnoxious to me and I think emblematic of some poor design decisions at DWD. From Felrauk, to Krull, to Praxis Trove, to Overloader Combo, to Clear the Way Combo, we have been seeing a bunch of decks recently that are based around cheating the power system to do extremely powerful things. DWD as far as I can tell actually seem to condone this and INTEND for these cards to be the "stars of the show" - Felrauk somehow didn't get touched and they nerfed S!Icaria instead (WTF?), They didn't touch Krull for the longest time before finally giving the card a paltry SS requirement, Praxis Trove combo hasn't been touched (but is still relatively "new" to be fair), and I will never for the life of me understand why Overloader was never changed prior to the Expedition tournament.

    Perhaps this post is less of a focused point and more of a collection of rants about what has been bothering me over the past year about the Eternal Throne metagame, but either way, I hope it can kickstart some discussion about the state of the game over the past year and whether Throne will ever be the place for Timmys again or not.

    Hope you enjoyed my long rant!

    submitted by /u/PieAway2914
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    Congrats to the winner of TNE Spring Challenge 7!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Congrats to the winner of TNE Spring Challenge 7!

    Congrats Portich on Menace Krull!

    In the first Expedition tourney since the Open, we get a chance to see how everyone approached the new meta - Overloader Combo, Aggro, Menace Value? All viable options as well as a few sweet brews!

    Thank you to u/marvin_the_imp for the fantastic co-host!

    The next challenge is Tuesday, Apr 27 @ 7p EDT. Registration is open at http://battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal

    Reminder that Challenge #10 has been rescheduled from Tue, May 11 to Wed, May 12.

    Youtube Vods: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFNaTbzAV8Mk-0mhWCxcJiYUK8tWNnb3

    Decklists: https://eternalwarcry.com/tournaments/d/8umDVkkKUrI/tne-spring-challenge-7-expedition-top-13




    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    So I think I played this game for 10 or 20 hours...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Stupid jack meme deck that has been entertaining me all day.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    That Dam Deck

    The first publicly listed FJS Blow the Dam Deck! Copypasta incoming...

    Not many Blow the Dam decks on here, and none of them with Justice as a third faction, so here it is! The deck is insanely fun to play, fragile, and not recommended for ladder play. Though you will sh*t on some ladder player's day if you win.

    I would love input on making it a bit more competitive.

    I should have named it Schadenfreude with how much I giggle like a little girl when it wins.

    EDIT: DAMNIT! Jank, not jack.

    submitted by /u/Chefbarbie74
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    Pinnacle of the meme [Throne]

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Stonescar Hand Buff - Throne Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    Mean Players Epidemic

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    This needs to be said, sadly: the players in this community kinda suck. I've been playing for years now, and not only do players often insult you and rope, they frequently taunt you after victory.

    Here's a situation from a moment ago: I'm playing a meme deck and I'm going against tiered decks. That's totally fine; I've chosen to play this janky pile of cards and try to combo kill with 'Blow the Dam'. The last 5 matches, I've lost. Again, understandable, but I'm enjoying playing the cards. But after every match, I'll say 'Thanks for the Game' and am greeted with any of the following: 'BWAHAHAHAH' , 'Very Impressive' , 'Oops'.

    And these 5 matches aren't aberrational. I very rarely get back a thank you greeting or a good game greeting variation. Call me an oversensitive guy, a noob, whatever, but if this game is to survive, the player base as a whole needs to change.

    I like this game a lot, but I fear that the player base is dissuading people from sticking around, and honestly, I don't blame them. Please, eternal influencers, try to push players to be courteous and friendly. The community needs more of that.

    submitted by /u/eternalFrustratedGuy
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