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    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Eternal Card Game When you have an empty hand and get an idea...

    Eternal Card Game When you have an empty hand and get an idea...

    When you have an empty hand and get an idea...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Why Curtain Call is the BOMB for Gauntlet!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:41 AM PDT


    Maybe this is common knowledge but CC is absolutely amazing in Gauntlet.

    For one, giving lifesteal to 2 creatures is amazing. Helps you come back from many games.

    Then, adding +2 attack to 2 creatures is also awesome, gives you a big chance to trade up!

    Lastly, If you have 4 orange, your creatures dont die (at all) but also, unlike quickdraw/immune, the AI seems not to know, and blocks!

    So I love CC in my xenan decks (can post a lifesteal one or two if people want) and hop it's never nerfd!

    submitted by /u/Trump4Prison2020
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    Xenan Hand Buff Dwayne The Arach Johnson - Throne Game Play

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Now this is how you Align the Tesseract properly

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Idea for monetization: players designing cards, player designed expansion, hear me out.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Eternal players

    This is my suggestion: have players be given the option to enter a card creation process for say, 50 dollars, with obviously DWD having the final say and even potentially involving the community in voting for decisions. Say 1 card per person per 3-6 months? Brainstorming. The idea is that once enough cards are created, a player created expansion is launched. Again, just an idea. I would gladly pay 50 dollars to have the opportunity to have a card creation discussed. Are you liking this idea?

    Have a great day


    submitted by /u/Osidan23
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    Why do you hate sacrifice decks?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    I'm not asking why anyone hates on Shrine. I love that card, but holy shit. I should not be able to win a game with a 3 drop from the market. I think the only reason it hasn't been nerfed, is you kind of telegraph the plan by playing stonescar, kato, and carver. I get that hate.

    No, I'm asking why anyone who hates sacrifice as an archetype - with or without Shrine - does so. If you don't hate sacrifice, cool, please don't speculate.

    Edit: "frustration," isn't really sufficient. I understand the frustration of the aggro player with the control player and vice versa. They're very different strategies and philosophies of game play.

    I enjoy the decisions playing sac creates. I enjoy having my units be an additional sort of resource I can call upon to cast spells or pay for summons. I think sac mechanics add a layer to play.

    I began this post with the admission that I know the flag ship card of the archetype in the current format is busted as hell, I feel like asking why the arch is hated on more broadly is a perfectly reasonable question.

    With Shrine, I feel the frustration is similar to that brought about by amplify combo, but absent that, I need something more that "frustration."

    submitted by /u/6FootHalfling
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