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    Sunday, October 24, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Draft rewards EV new + old, link in comments

    Eternal Card Game Draft rewards EV new + old, link in comments

    Draft rewards EV new + old, link in comments

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Missing Campaign

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    I bought the Homecoming campaign with the in game currency and have been playing through it. However, when I logged in today its not letting me continue and is instead taking me to the store.

    Have I just lost all my progress and coin?

    submitted by /u/succ_out
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    I have fixed Eternal. Chaos is no more. Direwolf, look, it was this easy!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    So glad this game is still alive

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Played this game 3 years ago and loved it. Glad it's still around and being developed!

    submitted by /u/AnArmyOfSquirrels
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    Are the new draft rewards actually better?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    First and foremost I do applaud direwolf for changing the reward structure. I do think that giving players a way to go infinite is a definitely a step in the right direction. But looking at the reward structure the pure value of the rewards is actually a step down in some win loss ratios

    For the following we will assume

    1 pack=1000g

    silver chest=S=225g

    gold chest=G=500g+1 pack

    Diamond chest=D=1850g+1pack

    1 uncommon=U=0(these aren't that much dust and they are pretty much even across the board for the rewards)

    1 rare=R=600g (I feel this is fair since for most packs the rare is about 2rds of the dust anyway but since these rare rewards probably can't be premium and definitely won't upgrade i feel this is a fair estimate)

    1 legendary=L=2400g(a legendary should be 4 times more valuable then a rare just by dusting value

    So the current reward scheme is




    This is ignoring the cards that come in chests and the fact that chests can upgrade

    The New reward scheme is


    So as you can see for the first 4 wins the old system is actually better. The initial reward pool is actually so bad that the 0 win currently is as good as the 1 win in the new format. Now obviously the fact that you are getting just gold as a reward is arguably better since you can't buy campaigns with chests but I do think that this new system is very heavily geared toward people who are better at draft and dissuades newer players from trying it out.

    Draft is a very unique and arguably more difficult format than constructed. The breakeven point in pure value is still at 3 wins and its is only slightly worse than it is currently. But since draft is THE format to build a collection I feel we should make a bad run in draft less punishing and at the very least it should match what our current system gives. Im thinking something like


    So the first three wins are roughly equal to what the older format was and while the 4th win is worse it think its fair since you are getting 50% of your buy in back in gold.

    What do you guys think? Should the first few wins be worse to make up for the massive gain in value we got for 7 wins?

    submitted by /u/Erectorz
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