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    Friday, November 12, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Eternal: Cold Wrath

    Eternal Card Game Eternal: Cold Wrath

    Eternal: Cold Wrath

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:26 AM PST

    Glorious Gathering needs an animation on win.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:03 AM PST

    No joke, not only it takes a while to set up but there's also no unique animation when you win using that card.

    It just looks like the enemy concedes and it's bothering me lol, I just want a special animation to play when you score a win with Glorious Gathering, that's all.

    submitted by /u/Send_Doots_And_Noods
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    I just love that there is a card called DINOMIGHT

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 09:37 AM PST

    Cold Hunt $5K Draft Open

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Cycles of power

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 12:01 PM PST

    What do you all feel about what DWD has done with multifaction power over the past few sets?

    Tomes were introduced this set, and not only are they one of four incomplete cycles of power currently in the game but the factions with Tomes have two more power cards than those without Tomes since the Tome factions also have Vows and Paintings. From my experience, it was already hard to create a deck in Cylix factions, and now it's likely going to further push the balance of power further away from those factions.

    submitted by /u/TheIncomprehensible
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    Is Dangerbot bugged?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:49 AM PST

    What is "non-battle damage"? Because it seems like it's all damage. Or is this intended?

    submitted by /u/Pwngulator
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    I was upset about the delay but this set is soooooo good I just couldn't stay mad!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:46 AM PST

    DW you've done it again! Another amazing card set!!! I was upset I couldn't play Wednesday, but you won me over as soon as I looked through the new cards.

    It's really good. You guys are truly the best at this stuff. Sorry I got mad.

    submitted by /u/Gernburgs
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    Set 12 first impressions

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:51 AM PST

    So...another stream of consciousness.

    1) Serpent Hive is for real: namely--you can prod sorc it, you can volatility it (you shouldn't, because skycrag can draw enough cards without volatility), and also...you can draw it with Grenahen. I'm not sure if there's a Grenahen and Jarrall list out there, but...CoCu mom Feln seems to be...a deck, though I'm not sure how to optimize it.

    2) Iadria is ALSO for real. In the funniest of ways: so...Iadria...permanent withering witch. Pair her with mother of skies and you basically have a bunch of "deadly" cloudsnakes. Also, come to think of it, pair her with Dr. Zytrom, and even deadly units will be awful blockers (looking at you, Rolant).

    3) Lore prediction--Vara and Svetya are going to be a pair: given how Blizzard revealed that the face of Overwatch--Tracer--was gay, and that Riot has both Leona/Diana, but a lore more importantly, Vi/Cait--aka two leading characters in their new hit show Arcane, be almost confirmed to be a pair (it'll be the biggest queerbait if they aren't), it sort of feels like DWD's leaning in that direction with Vara/Svetya. Here's the logic: mechanically, they're basically polar opposites. Aegis vs. its suppression. Buff/play from deck vs. play from void. Justice vs. Shadow. Proper/formal attitude vs. devil-may-care. Green/gold vs. purple/black. It really seems like DWD's setting Vara and Svetya up both mechanically and lorewise, so I think we'll get some developments here.

    4) Inscribe and Contract feel AMAZING in draft: Pretty much straight to the point here. These mechanics are legitimately wonderful in limited, and I wish we had a few more of them tuned for throne play. PSulli still has Recurring Insights video series on SCG's youtube page, and from what I've experienced in draft, it's a pleasure to play. That said...stealth? YUCK. Not a particularly fun mechanic to play around in limited. In throne, it's "oh, obvious 5 cost Xenan stealth unit is Azindel", but in limited, god knows what it can be. I can't wait until Set 11 rotates out and our expedition format is fully Myrian again.

    5) NO MARKETS IN EXPEDITION.: :icuUgh: :icuNo: :icuS: :icuCry: :icuBaka: Seeing lists without markets at the end makes me twitch. I get that contract and inscribe are supposed to be an experiment trying to cram more flexibility into the maindeck, but there's still something that rubs me the wrong way about eschewing one of the most fundamentally unique parts of Eternal--namely all of the interaction with markets. It makes trying to get into expedition off-putting.

    6) One Sylly story: Face of Betrayal -> End of an Era -> Syl, No Regrets -> Victimless Crime. Syl moving up in the world--by having others move down. Namely, by defenestrating them. RIP Dizo, we barely knew ye.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    i lost a card to a BUG

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 05:45 AM PST

    i lost a card to a BUG

    was about to play my wyatt but didnt have 2 fire influence, i didnt get the inscribe nor play him and the card was invisisble in my hand and couldnt be played

    invisible wyatt

    submitted by /u/thaiuz
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    what a choice!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 12:53 PM PST

    Well, this is going to be interesting.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:32 AM PST


    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:48 AM PST

    When I play a card with inscribe, it plays it as a sigil automatically but I want to play the card itself but won't let me. Is this correct or am I doing it wrong?

    submitted by /u/ElbowDeep1886
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    Severin, Inevitably bugged

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:16 AM PST

    New Severin is bugged. I ran across 2, possibly related, ones:

    First: Playing a Unit that creates and plays tokens on summon doesn't allow you to take debt for the last created token, since that token will already be a Nightmare when you get to it. Because as soon as you take debt for any other unit played right then, the last token will be turned into a Nightmare. The other units do not change their type when they get buffed, but they do get the buffs. Tested with both Azindel, Revealed and Grenadin Drone. This bug is pretty broken and abusable, as you can rebuff them whenever they get back, effectively giving them Inquisitor Makto's subtext as long as you replay them while you have a Severin and are willing to take 2 debt.

    Second: This bug needs further testing. I played Display of Destruction to create the three Cultists, and was given the possibility to take debt for every single one of them. But neither did any of them get a buff, nor did their type change. I still got the debt. I don't know if it's a general thing with spells creating multiple tokens, or if it's because they are exhausted. Spells creating single tokens seem to work as intended (tested via the Time 1-cost Market spell). Assembly Line will be tested soon.

    Already reported them ingame, but I wanted to warn people because of its abusability.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    eternalwarcry.com - Cold Hunt set added

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:55 PM PST

    What is happening!?

    Cold Hunt set added! I'm pretty sure I got everything but please let me know if anything was missed or if anything got mixed up and I'll try and get them fixed asap!

    Also got all the Hero badges on the hero cards for the site!

    /u/mlntn is the best, much appreciated with all the help.

    Updated the deck builder so the URL will now be even smaller thanks to /u/papacapricorn smallening/shortening url thingy. All your older deck builder URLs will still work though so no need to worry about those!

    View all the cards on ewc: https://eternalwarcry.com/cards?cardset=12&ref=reddit

    Do ya'll even like these updates? Are these updates useful? Sorta why I stopped posting the previous updates but I had some actual updates to the site with this update!

    Thanks to all the Patreons that help support the site, I really appreciate it. Anything helps! https://www.patreon.com/stevercakes If you do pledge any amount from $1 and up, once your account on eternalwarcry.com is associated with your Patreon account, and while your pledge is active, the ads will be removed for your account!



    Previous Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/comments/lhzv6z/eternalwarcrycom_buried_memories_cards_added/

    submitted by /u/Stevercakes
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    Dragon's Greed Achievement - Doesn't trigger

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I tried to do the Dragon's Greed achievement (Play all three cards drawn with Draconic Looting). I have done it several times now but I don't get the achievement. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/TheDoomfarer
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    Hour of Glass campaign help

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:47 AM PST

    I'm a returning player and was planning to get up to speed on Expedition by getting the cards from the Hour of Glass campaign. Little did I realize that I need an expedition deck to play it. Does anyone have a recommendation for a small budget deck that can get me through the campaign?

    submitted by /u/Varigg
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    Opening packs - Not so fun....

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:25 AM PST

    I find it boring and annoying having to open multiple packs (50+). Why can't we have an open all button? Could we at least have speedier animations.

    Also, feels bad man when you open 64 packs and only get 3 Legendaries. :( Not a big fan of that opening packs RNG either, but it is what it is.

    submitted by /u/TheDoomfarer
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    Bang, Sheriff of Dunehill does not remove influence costs of the weapons he plays.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Just letting people know that unlike most other cards that give you cards he leaves the influence requirements intact. This may be important if you are playing cards that return cards from the void since you may not be able to play those cards after returning them.

    submitted by /u/BackwoodsPhoenix
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    Cold Hunt is now live!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Bugged cards

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 09:34 AM PST

    Have come across 2 bugs. Can't remember card names, but there's a 2 power fire grenadine with revenge supposed to get attack for every non battle damage towards the opposing player, however it gets attack for any damage dealt to the opponent, which is fairly imba.

    Also, there's a 4 power shadow spell with inscribe that's supposed to steal the enemy void after having your opponent discard two cards, the latter part doesn't occur though. Pretty useless like that.

    submitted by /u/louenberger
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    Cold Hunt Draft Tier List (and how to make your own)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:55 PM PST

    The Tier List

    A newly released set, improved draft rewards, and a big draft tournament just over a week away? There's only one thing to do, and that's draft! I know that for less experienced drafters it can be daunting to make a pick when there are cards you've never seen before. But don't despair; I've rated every card in Cold Hunt so that you can know what's good and what's bad.

    I use an A-F letter grading scale (basically identical to the one Eternal Journey uses for their set reviews):

    • A: The best cards in the set. Bomb rares and legendaries.
    • B: Great first picks. Efficient removal and overstatted units.
    • C: Solid playables. Will usually make the final deck.
    • D: Mediocre filler. Understatted, overcosted, or situational. Frequently cut from the final deck.
    • F: Unplayable cards.

    You should take multifaction cards a little lower than their grade on your first few picks, since they might not make your deck if you don't end up in those exact factions.

    As a disclaimer, I haven't played with many of the cards in the set yet (it just came out today after all) and I'm not quite on the level of top drafters like Kasendrith, bettorup, and isomorphic. But these ratings should at least serve as a good starting point. Feel free to disagree with any of the ratings.

    If you're interested in making your own tier list, just make a copy of this template and add your own ratings. I would encourage you to share your tier list if you do. Even if you aren't the best drafter, it should lead to some interesting discussions.

    submitted by /u/anklecutter
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    Guantlet now features decks with Cold Hunt

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 06:09 PM PST

    The Misplay - #81 - What He Said ft. Telemokos

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:19 PM PST

    Thank you so much to the community! We received over 200 responses. Like we said last year, we acknowledge we didn't go to survey making school. We took your feedback and tried to make the survey better. This survey is incredibly useful for us. We hope you find value in looking at the full results. We hope DWD finds value (or at least looks).


    What did we learn?

    1. Most people just don't like podcasts :(

    2. 28.9% of you live in EST.

    3. 45.1% of the population identifies as free-to-play.

    4. 57% play no other CCG.

    5. Content creators still looking for more love.

    And more...

    Listen to the show for for a full breakdown! We compare answers year to year.

    Because we're not experts (and we said we would), we're sharing the raw survey data with anyone that wants to review it and make better conclusions than we did. It's okay; we don't mind. It's why we're releasing it. Save a copy to your Drive. If you're a visual person and you want to see the pie graphs, you can. Open the raw data (link below), select a column, and go to View > Chart.

    Results can be found here:

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Discord | Website | Twitch

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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