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    Thursday, November 18, 2021

    Eternal Card Game One of my decks on the builder has an * type mark?

    Eternal Card Game One of my decks on the builder has an * type mark?

    One of my decks on the builder has an * type mark?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 08:43 AM PST

    Just curious only been playing about a month. Made allot of decks. Couple tri-color decks. But the one I made yesterday has an asterisk type symbol top left corner on the list of decks. What's that for?

    submitted by /u/AdhesivenessAway852
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    Bhodi & Rhox love Sweepers

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 03:34 AM PST


    This Deck was actually planned to be a Temporal Control Deck, but after running into too many Send an Agent, I threw this idea out of the window. Neither did I plan using Bhodi & Rhox Foreverbut after running into themselves and being completely lost, I chose to use them too.

    To be honest, my Power-base building skills are rather abysmal. But this deck works pretty good, partly because of the many cards you can use to get more power (A New Beginning, Call for Aid, Petition and, of course, Bhodi and Rhox).

    Both Banish and Send an Agent are conditional removal for both Units and Relics, the latter part can be very crucial if you run into an opponent running Dichro's Ruin. Slay is just an amazing removal spell, especially since it's fast now. Very importantly, it can hit your own units. That's something you have to keep in mind if you have both your Merchant and a Bhodi & Rhox in play. Slay your Merchant before you play Harsh Rule, or when your opponent plays a removal spell on Bhodi & Rhox, or whenever you somehow need to save them by killing your Merchant. It happens more often than one might expect.

    The Market is very wonky. I am sure I want to get rid of The Great Parliament. The Last Word is amazing, but also very vulnerable. Pit of Lenekta is also very good as a finisher, and most likely turns every Bhodi & Rhox you draw into 2 7/7 Worms. Having an additional Boardwipe in market can save your hide, and Disjunction can both recur your relic wincons and get rid of an enemy attachment that annoys the hell out of you.

    So, yeah, I'd be happy to hear opinions and possibilities to improve this deck!

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    OS Monterey

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 11:24 PM PST

    I am playing on an iMac through Steam. Has any mac users upgraded to OS Monterey and does the game still work OK? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dogger136
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