• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    Eternal Card Game QCP Event Schedule - Nov/Dec 2019

    Eternal Card Game QCP Event Schedule - Nov/Dec 2019

    QCP Event Schedule - Nov/Dec 2019

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    As per a suggestion from u/NeoAlmost, we're posting this as a sticky post so everyone can keep track of the events that are coming up. I'll try to edit this from time to time to keep it up to date and strikethrough the dates that have passed.

    QCP-granting events:

    • 11/1 – 11/4: Throne Duel & Expedition Melee
    • 11/8 – 11/11: Expedition Melee
    • 11/15 – 11/18: Throne Duel (also Exp ECQ this weekend)
    • 11/22 – 11/25: Expedition Melee
    • 11/29 – 12/2: Throne Duel
    • 12/6 – 12/9: Throne Duel
    • 12/13 – 12/16: Expedition Melee
    • 12/20 – 12/23: Throne Duel
    • 12/27 – 12/30: Expedition Melee


    • 11/16 - 11/17: Expedition
    • 12/14 - 12/15: Throne




    Notes from NeoAlmost:

    • QCP-granting events allow 6 runs of 7 games
    • Past ECQs had an ~18 game qualifier stage
    submitted by /u/Alomba87
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    Announcing the November Throne Challenge (11/19) and the Tuesday Night Eternal Holiday Invitational!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    Announcing the November Throne Challenge (11/19) and the Tuesday Night Eternal Holiday Invitational!


    First I would like to thank everyone so much for all the helpful feedback and suggestions from the survey - we had a ton of responses and really helpful ideas. Some of which we will begin implementing immediately, and others we will work into our plan for 2020! We have a lot to cover with this announcement, so I split them up into sections!

    • Key Feedback and changes coming to Tuesday Night Eternal
      • Additional tournaments/timeslots. A common request was to offer weekly tournaments and alternate timeslots for those that cannot participate on Tuesday evenings. This is something we definitely want to do next year in 2020, but will not happen before the end of the year. The key to making this happen is having a few volunteers would be interested in T.O.ing for weekend tournaments. If you are interested in helping with this, please let me know here, on discord, or at [tuesdaynighteternal@gmail.com](mailto:tuesdaynighteternal@gmail.com)
      • Additional curated content. Another common request was the desire for more curated content - deck techs, winner interviews, etc. We have some ideas on how to begin building these out but don't have anything created quite yet. You may see a little bit before the end of the year, but this will be a major goal of 2020.
      • Series events / leaderboard. Part of the draw to these events is that they are easy to join and a fresh start to each one, however there is also some desire from the community to have some sort of leaderboard or series attached to the events. We will discuss more for 2020, but for now we will be implementing an exciting new tournament with the Holiday Invitational (more details below).
      • Stream Delay. The drawback of a stream delay is that it severely limits the ability to have an active chat during the events, and entertainment for the viewers is the top goal of this series. However, the feedback was overwhelming to add a stream delay so that players felt more comfortable during the tournament. For this next tournament we will be testing a 3-minute stream delay and will adjust accordingly to find the best fit for everyone.
      • Decklists & Timing. Decklists will now also be posted to the Discord channel at the start of the tournament so that everyone has quick access to them - players will only need to use the Battlefy site and discord for all of their information during the event. Based on the timing of the last few events, we will now run the semifinal matches simultaneously.
      • There is a ton more feedback which we are working through and planning to implement and you will continue to see more improvements as we go. If you have more feedback or did not get a chance to respond to the survey, feel free to send me a message or email anytime.
    • Upcoming Tuesday Night Eternal Tournaments!
      • 11/19 - November Throne Challenge
      • 12/03 - December Expedition Challenge
      • 12/17 - Holiday Invitational
    • The Tuesday Night Eternal Holiday Invitational
      • On December 17th we will be holding our final tournament of 2019, and we will be closing out the year with a bang.
      • The Holiday Invitational will be a special tournament and invites will be granted to all competitors who have finished in the top 4 of any Tuesday Night Eternal event! If you have not finished in a top 4 yet, you still have the November Throne Challenge and the December Expedition Challenge to do so. A full list of already qualified competitors can be found below.
      • The format of the Holiday Invitational will be both Expedition and Throne - Expedition in the swiss rounds, Throne in the top 4 playoff. Both decklists will be required for the event. All other tournament rules will follow as normal.
      • Participants already qualified for the Holiday Invitational on 12/17:
        • ArconteSoze
        • Brody138
        • CaptainTeembro
        • CertifiedBronze
        • Doc28 🏆
        • FireBee
        • Gold47 🏆🏆
        • Illegalism
        • Jedi_EJ
        • Johnholio
        • KeithPelig
        • LocoPojo
        • Majormajormajor 🏆
        • Marvin_the_imp
        • Mattyocre
        • MonoJ
        • Noverb
        • PapaCapricorn 🏆
        • TempestDragonKing
        • TonyGeeeee 🏆
        • YurickYu 🏆

    • November Throne Challenge!


    With DWD formalizing the road to the 2020 World Championship, there is tons of great Eternal ahead of us. What better way to test out your deck and get some much needed practice than our November Throne Challenge! Join us at 8:30p Eastern on November 19th and bring your best Throne deck in a winner-take-all brawl. Tuesday, November 19 @ 8:30pm ET! Minimum 75 cards, markets legal, Throne legality.

      • We will be testing a 3 minute stream delay with this event based on player feedback
      • To keep things moving, we will play the semifinal rounds simultaneously
      • No draws permitted
      • All decklists will be posted in Discord at the beginning of the event
    • Tuesday, November 19 @ 8:30p Eastern
    • 100% Free to Enter
    • Coverage at www.twitch.tv/telemokos begins at 8:15p Eastern.
    • Minimum 75 card decks + legal markets
    • Maximum 4 copies of each non-sigil card in your deck
    • Decks must follow the Throne legality
    • Prize pool begins at $1 per player, will increase with any donations.
      • Donations are welcome at paypal.me/tuesdaynighteternal
      • All donations are welcome and will go directly to the pot
      • Winner-take-all, if 20+ competitors, runner-up will also receive $10
    • 4 rounds of swiss followed by top 4 playoff
    • Best-of-3 rounds, finals will be Best-of-5
    • Participants must allow spectating mode for coverage
    • EternalWarcry decklist links required
    • Vods of previous events can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAjPKvwPRFaHl_SIXSASag
    • Congrats to previous champions!
      • November Expedition (FoX): PapaCapricorn
      • October Expedition (FoX): TonyGeeeee
      • Ranked (FoX): Gold47
      • Expedition (ToG): Doc28
      • Ranked: Gold47
      • Singleton: MajorMajorMajor
      • Pauper: YurickYu
    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Wallpaper Wednesday!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Into each of your devices, some wallpaper rain must fall, or else this baby doesn't get named.

    Linrei's Kiss

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    2 Months of Rakano Top 100 Masters

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    It saddens me a little every time I see the Meta Breakdown and see Rakano Tier 2 or Tier 3, mainly because it's currently all I play in Throne and it's gotten me solidly to Top 100 masters now for 2 months in a row. Does that mean it's Tier 1? Probably not, it's just uniquely situated as being able to have a decent winrate against the Top Tier decks and a great winrate against the others that try to counter the top tier decks. I updated the decklist and comments to show what I currently play (and play against).

    The most important piece of advice I can give is that, depending on your hand, it's okay to have 2 power hands. Sharpshooter should only be played on turn 2 if there is literally no other play. Smuggler into Inquisitor's Blade is the most exchange and currently there is little to no counter to it. People aren't really playing Snowballs that much anymore.

    Best of luck on the ladder! I ran straight to Masters on an 11 game winning streak - hope you can do it too!


    submitted by /u/Crylorenzo
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    Farming Eternal Ep37: Avoiding Train wrecks

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Hey friends, we are back with episode 37 of the Farming Eternal podcast. Farming Eternal is a podcast specifically related to the draft format of Eternal. In Ep37 Patrick and HatsonLamps discuss draft strategies to help avoiding train wrecks. This format can sometimes lead to some messy drafts with no clear signals. They also review the top 10 commons from FoX and the boosted cards.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists to farmingeternal@gmail.com Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week. You can also post your 7-win decks in our Discord.

    Farming Eternal Ep37: https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep37-avoiding-trainwrecks

    Check out the website for links to the 7-win deck lists, statistics on the cards in the deck lists and links to the podcasts. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    [Sub Wiki] - Podcast info added

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PST

    Podcasters and listeners, I've added a section to our subreddit Wiki for the current list of Eternal Podcasts.

    If anyone wants their podcast listed, please send us a Modmail. Please note that we'd like to see that you have a few podcasts under your belt before you get added to the list. In addition, if the links I added are not the ones you want displayed, please also let us know what you'd like posted.

    The list is at the bottom of the resources page: https://www.reddit.com/r/EternalCardGame/wiki/resources#wiki_eternal_podcasts

    PS: If I missed anyone, I apologize, but I did a quick search into sub history to see who is still actively producing and to quickly find links.

    PPS: Also, I'm still at work, so I'm hoping the links I posted are the correct links, but I can't access them all on my work VPN >_<

    submitted by /u/Alomba87
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    Lingnoi_401's Grenadin featuring Tasbu

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    Hi everyone

    Today I present the deck after found last jigsaw for my deck.

    Here,my deck list


    I must thank you the member in Eternal Card Game THAILAND COMMUNITY in facebook

    The grenadin deck has problem about has a few card drawing card.

    Even has quarry and devour,it is not enough when players encouter many mass removal.

    I tried to fix that by put Tasbu as draw engine.

    However the prototype version of this deck has problem about damage from Tasbu that can kill you when you have many unit in play and opponent uses mass removal

    I tried to find the solution to solve this problem.

    Finally I found solution to prevent you die by Tasbu

    After I discussed with member in group about Dizo's office why it appears number one in Legendly craft guide.

    One of member in the group told me it exist in many deck that has shadow influence

    I tried to use it and it works!.

    About gameplay,this deck like other grenadin deck but no Quarry and Tasbo as draw engine instead

    The solution to prevent the player is killed by Tasbu is the Dizo's office

    How? If Tasbo's ability trigger while player has Dizo's Office,and Tasbo has lifesteal

    You still get damage,but you gain life too;It works like no damage.

    Also,Gearcruncher works like life gaining card if your opponent has unit,because it has lifesteal

    But you can use Bloodrite Kalis is another win condition too

    I think you might has question about why I put melt down,even I have bore in market

    It's because Avigraft that can shutdown this deck if opponent use it on grenadin token and I think only one relic removal is not enough

    About Dizo's office,I put it in market instead cause the game can end early before your power is 7 or more

    About dual power I use it because insane Tasbu's requirement

    I hope you have fun with my deck and thank for play it.

    Another deck by me

    Lingnoi_401's Hooru curse


    Lingnoi_401's Xenan Midrange


    Lingnoi_401's Karendon Control V.2.0


    submitted by /u/lingnoi_401
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    Horse on playmat is not a horse?!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:23 PM PST

    On the Halloween playmat, a horseman invisibly walks around the field and leaves purple hoof prints. But... There is only one hoof appearing at a time! Always at the front! Which leads me to believe, it's not a horse at all, but just a drunk guy with horse shoes on. Am I the only person who has noticed this?

    submitted by /u/shwahooehmzie
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    Combrei Ramp isn't dead! Masters 297. This deck for anyone who wants to play off meta

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST

    proof of rankhttps://i.imgur.com/yN9i5lj.png

    Deck I used to climb the ranks:https://eternalwarcry.com/deck-builder?main=1-74:2;1-332:4;1-513:3;1003-7:4;4-274:1;4-67:2;5-51:1;4-70:4;7-45:2;6-75:4;1-166:2;4-131:4;1-338:3;1-174:4;1-346:3;1004-12:3;5-110:4;1-126:8;1-63:3;3-51:2;1-424:4;6-230:4;0-58:4;&market=4-50:1;1-338:1;7-52:1;1-346:1;5-74:1;

    Deck I'll ideally have once I get 5000 more shards


    The reason I created this deck was because I was getting tired of all the meta being the same. I have no ill will towards FTJ ramp decks, but Combrei Ramp was the original so I stubbornly tried to make a deck that would make it competitive and I think this is it.

    It's a very expensive deck, but you have a lot of options and an amazing amount of synergy. You have 5(potentially 6 win options, but I'll get into that later).

    Beginning of the game: I typically like 3 power cards and ideally some combination of teacher of humility, find a way, Tocas, Initiate, Desert Marshall or sherrif. But definitely try to shuffle until you get 3 power cards, because a lot of your early game will depend on that.

    Teacher of Humility rush can end a game quick(win condition number one), and if she appears later in the game, she makes a great card to get something out of the market. Eager Offering is a nice draw mechanism but the reason I really like it is that it has a lot of synergy with Sheriff Marley. It's actually happened a lot where I turn 3 Eager offering and am able to draw 4 Sherrif and use silence right away. This also puts less pressure on you to use Desert Marshal for silence since you have this option. Desert Marshal + Sherrif potentially gets 6-8 silences a game and that makes a huge difference.


    Just play defensively and ramp. This is why Sheriff Marley I think is a pivotal card in this deck. Both with it having aegis and summoning an infinite 1/1s with aegis. Having your opponent use two removals goes a long way with getting the momentum on your side. Always wait until you have 5 power and 1 power card to play Marshal Ironthorn. Nowadays he gets removed after one turn, but going from 5 - 7 makes a huge difference, because of

    Late game:

    Telut!!(second win condition) What an amazing card with this deck. The 3/3 weapon on your unit is nice, but the -1 weapon is what I find most useful. It can shift an entire game with one move and along with ramping up to 9, this card is amazing. I'm debating getting 4 instead of 3, but I'll come back to that later after trying it out.

    Martyr's chain(third win condition). And your ultimate trump card. This card rocks. With how much power you'll be getting out your deck it completely wins the game in a turn or two. If you can prioritize any card, it's definitely this one.

    If you have ramped up, have power cards, and your units are removed, pit is an amazing 4th win condition. I find it's a nice anti justice mechanism because they'll typically play harsh rule early, while you can easily keep building up sand wurms. Its synergy with Sherriff is great because the 1/1 squires hold off while you build an army of powerful sand wurms.

    the fifth condition is The Great Parliament. With how many justice decks are out there, it's sometimes difficult to get this out as a win condition, so that's why I don't worry and play with less than 8 power if it's my only unit option. I found it's most useful against Shadow because it forces them to use their removal spells on an army you can summon over and over since they tend to not have much anti flying countermeasures.

    Finally the sixth and last resort win condition is Marshall Ironthorn's ultimate. If you get really lucky with your ramp, he has saved me a few times, but it's rare.

    Finally all the all other cards have great synergy. Sandstorm scarf is permanent anti air for a lot of the time, Desert Marshal is an amazing silencer(and I prefer it over Valkyrie for ambush). Once I craft sword of unity I think it'll add a 7th win condition and will really make this deck compete at a top level.

    Here ya'll go! I have a really fun time with this deck and I think since a lot of people don't expect it, you can catch them off guard. Hope you all have fun with it too

    submitted by /u/Astsai
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    I’d love to see more exclusive cardbacks outside of sealed

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:04 AM PST

    Last night I played against Scarlatch (who probably let me win because I suck at this game) and it gives you an exclusive card back design, and it was the only time I've ever felt surprised and excited playing Eternal because I knew you could get the card back design if you won, so freaked out a little bit

    I'd love to see Eternal incorporate more stuff like that, because even though I love the game it can often feel very dry.

    Rewarding exclusive card back designs for completing certain achievements like this would be an easy way to keep the game fresh and exciting, and reward egos because we all love to show off at the end of the day

    Anyone can pay 12k for sealed or craft major decks, but having that exclusive card back is the ultimate "status symbol" that keeps people coming back to games like this, everyone loves to hunt that super rare thing

    submitted by /u/Cloudmarshal_
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    Bargaining ark of sol not working on cell phone

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PST

    This bug is getting on my nerves

    submitted by /u/Popotito-Eternal
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    [Bug] AI attacks minion with Relic Weapon even if it is going to die

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    Twitch Drop Boosters

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:11 AM PST

    I recall someone mentioning once that Twitch Drop boosters always have legendaries and DWD confirming in the same thread. I confirmed later that day when I opened a pack and got a legendary. This always seemed to be the case until FoX came out. I haven't gotten any since. It's this still true, or am I misremembering all of these events?

    submitted by /u/KingCommaAndrew
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    Campaign Problems

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:45 PM PST

    Having serious problems completing the campaigns for Dead Reckoning, Homecoming, and Into Shadow. I'm on the last boss for both Dead Reckoning and Into Shadow.

    Any tips? Am I missing something here?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I realized I'm nowhere near the end on any of those campaigns, and I'm utterly frustrated

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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    Any cards that draw a spell of your choice from the deck?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:08 PM PST

    Have a couple legendary spells on a budget that I want to search for to get them out without using the market.

    submitted by /u/SHUTYOURDLCKHOLSTER
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    Dormant Players Showing as Master Rank

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    As the title says. I have friends who haven't played in months and are unranked. However, starting today, when I look at my friend's ranks, they show as master rank.

    submitted by /u/sirtroymoon
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    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

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