• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Announcing: Tuesday Night Eternal January Throne LEAGUE (Asynchronous event open to ALL timezones)

    Eternal Card Game Announcing: Tuesday Night Eternal January Throne LEAGUE (Asynchronous event open to ALL timezones)

    Announcing: Tuesday Night Eternal January Throne LEAGUE (Asynchronous event open to ALL timezones)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    Announcing: Tuesday Night Eternal January Throne LEAGUE (Asynchronous event open to ALL timezones)


    Hello everyone! We have heard the overwhelming feedback that more players wanted to participate in Tuesday Night Eternal events, but could not because of timezone differences. Well today we are happy to announce our first Tuesday Night Eternal Asynchronous League open to all timezones! This will be a month long round robin league where you will play three games against all the other players in your division (separated by timezone) before a cut to the top 8, which will be played on a Saturday mid-day. There are no decklists required, so sign up now before the 31st because the League kicks-off January 1!!

    • Sign up free at https://battlefy.com/tuesday-night-eternal/january-throne-league/5dee4b3aa46ac53a72363539/info?infoTab=details
    • Sign-ups open from now until Dec 31
    • League runs from Jan 1 - Jan 31, 2020
    • Players will be split among 4 Divisions based on preferred time of day/time zone. Please join the division which corresponds to the time you are most likely to play your games.
      • Primal Division: Weekdays, 8am - 4pm EST // 1pm - 9pm UTC
      • Justice Division: Weekdays, 4pm - 12am EST // 9pm - 5am UTC
      • Fire Division: Sat-Sun, 8am - 4pm EST // 1pm - 9pm UTC
      • Shadow Division: Sat-Sun, 4pm - 12am EST // 9pm - 5am UTC
    • League Format
      • Round Robin format, over the month you will play three games against each other player in your division.
      • Asynchronous event, meaning you can play your games at your own schedule in any order, they must be all completed by the end of the month.
      • Games are scheduled as direct challenges between players, scheduled at their own times.
      • Throne format, deck switching allowed, no decklist required. You may use the same deck the whole month or you may change it for each game, completely up to you.
    • Top 8 Playoff
      • At the end of the month, the top 2 players from each division will move on to a top 8 single elim playoff held on the next weekend. This top 8 will be streamed in its entirety
      • A single decklist will be required for the top 8 playoff
      • Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 8, any donations will go straight to the pot
        • donations can be made to paypal.me/tuesdaynighteternal
    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Jekk's pistol is bent

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Here's Jekk and his pistol: https://imgur.com/nnDbS1V

    And here's the image cropped and rotated to just his pistol: https://imgur.com/o404HVY

    submitted by /u/teacup-dragon
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    Expedition Masters with FJS Control

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST

    After several seasons spinning my wheels at Diamond I, I finally broke into Masters in Expedition, using a FJS Control deck. I got the skeleton from a tournament list someone posted, but I made some modifications that pushed me over the top.


    The recent additions to Expedition of Tasbu and Display of Ambition definitely push this particular faction combination to the forefront among control decks.

    Card Choices:

    Incarnus, Tasbu, Karvet, Office, Vara - These plus Shadow merchants form the core of any Shadow Midrange/Control list. You generate tons of value, overwhelming anyone in the long game. These are made even better by the inclusion of Display, which can recycle any but Office for even more value.

    Char, Defiance, Vorpex's Choice, Cast into Shadow, Display of Ambition, Cremate - Every control deck needs ways to control the board. The best part about this particular suite is the flexibility. With the exception of Defiance, every card has a mode that isn't completely dead against a low/no unit deck. Char can take out sites including Tomb and Garden. Choice can regrow a Karvet or Vestige/Brel Hammer. Cast takes out curses. Display regrows multiple threats. Cremate takes out sites. Against control make sure to aggressively Merchant Defiances, those should be your top priority to get rid of.

    8 Smugglers/Market Choices - In addition to Display, the ability to run 8 smugglers is one of the biggest draws to playing three-faction control, as it gives you a ton of flexibility, letting you get the first Vara more consistently, allowing for a turn four Tomb, letting you change out dead anti-aggro cards against control, etc. With Brel, Vestige, and Vara all in the market, this keeps your threats flowing in the lategame. If you're running into more aggro than midrange/control, you can swap Brel for Malediction to clear early aggression. Edict is strong against Elysian midrange as it can take out their most powerful units for a single power. Tomb is strong against control, ripping their answers while threatening a powerful threat if it sticks. Vestige is a sweeper, giving the deck a way to come back against opposing Varas and other insurmountable board positions in the late game, and is also a weapon to turn on Vorpex's choice. Brel is a powerful threat and can help deal with aegis units. Vara is the obvious choice for any grindy Shadow deck.

    Vara's Choice and Seek Power - Necessary to keep the deck in the power it needs to get to the late game. Choice is great at picking off a lot of one-health threats like Akko, Shen-Ra, Resolute Monk, Trail Maker, etc, but Seek Power can help hit your appropriate influence costs (especially Cremate) more reliably.

    As with any control deck, you want to keep opposing threats off the board long enough to stabilize, with the late-game core providing insurmountable card advantage. It's important to ration your removal effectively, predicting what your opponent can play versus how it stacks up with your answers is pivotal. Most of the removal has some kind of condition, and lining up conditions properly against opposing threats is a big deal. Against Elysian especially, you want to try to make sure you can keep their board clear to minimize the impact of Spellshaper and Gryff.

    submitted by /u/wildfire393
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    Bay Area Meetup

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Special shout out to Rexulus, Elyvi, Mookie, chicityshogun, and Sunyveil whom we met at the Bay Area meetup.


    Mark and I record some audio at the Bay Area meetup including a special live version of "Name That Card" with chicityshogun, our newest Patron! His generosity helped us meet our first Patreon goal and we give away a Steam gift card this week.

    Of course, we discuss the Torch and Heart of the Vault balance changes. We share our opinions and the opinions of those of you who submitted your "hot takes" to us by email or Twitter. I appreciated the high level players who had differing opinions. More importantly, I ask, "Was this too close to an ECQ to try and balance the game?" Twitter ended up being split 50/50 with over 20 total votes. Does Reddit differ?

    In the second half, Mark and I discuss building decks for a payoff. If you listen to the end, you'll hear the stakes of our next ECQ bet.

    And despite my best efforts, I only find one opportunity this week to sling mug at Farming Eternal.

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Expedition yetis, a real meta contender?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    I've been playing my budget+ decks some more, and it really seemed that the Skycrag Yeti deck is the best one of the bunch by far. So I decided to focus on playing that one. I played that deck from Diamond II to Master with a winrate of about 70% (15-5 in the last 20 games, didn't keep complete score). That's a pretty high winrate for an unrefined budgetish deck, and yet according to my experiences and the rankstar meta article nobody else is playing yetis in expedition. What gives?

    The deck is basically a tempo deck that can get good reach with powered up damage spells.It shares some DNA with the spell control skycrag deck, but imo it's much better with the yetis.

    Pioneer + Pokpok is still one of the best turn two plays in the game, and since the expedition archives update it's available in expedition.

    Blurreechaser is a decent early unit. His scouting gives more consistency to our half units/half spells deck and his quickdraw means he loves the warchief buffs.

    We have a good amount of spells to clear the way so our yetis can attack safely, which gives us more spells from snowslinger and more power from pioneer.

    Slingshot helps buff our minions so they can attack better, and with a little bit of spell damage+ the spellcraft can often also take out some annoying blockers.

    We really value the snowballs we generate, so try to bond Pokpok every time. With a crone, a smuggler or an Iceberg warchief on the board, they (and our other spells) turn into efficient removal options.

    Iceberg warchief is an underappreciated card. He can immediately turn our board of yetis into bigger threats, and if he stays alive, he turns our spells in hand into bigger threats too.

    Sodi is great because we want to be attacking anyway and if we can't do that we can always throw a snowball at their face to draw a card with her.

    Our market has an answer to a big unit, an answer to a bunch of small units, an answer to an attachment, a greed's reward to draw some cards and a prodigious sorcery/mortar to kill the opponent.

    Weaknesses: Most of the games I lost were to either sodi's spellshaper (what deck doesn't lose to this card though?) or vara's favor.

    So that's the deck. The questions now are: 'How do we improve it if we remove budget restrictions?' and 'Can it find a place in the meta after it (and everything else) had the time to get optimized?

    So how do we optimize it further? I haven't tested anything yet, and I'm posting this now because I want to give others a chance at the fun of optimizing this deck. But if you ask me: Adding some emblems probably wouldn't hurt. We could use a garden of omens some games, so having one in the market is probably better than the bore. The yeti site though, might be better to put it in the main deck. It has a similar function to the slingshot, so maybe we want to swap those out. So, here's my initial idea for how I would upgrade this deck: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/S4o_fVTSyEo/spell-yetis).

    That's it! I hope you go out and have some yeti fun!

    submitted by /u/Huldir
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    Who play first its out of control in this meta!!!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    This meta full of turn 2 must answer its much harder to play when you are not on the first, being able to torch a unit+ use your own unit the next turn was part of the reason being second was mostly bearable, and made people not play that many weak to torch units because the lost of tempo, now that torch is slow, people is playing more must answer 2 threats and that makes being second the worst feeling in the world, just my 2 cents

    submitted by /u/Popotito-Eternal
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    Meta Monday: December Week 2

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    I lost to Patrick Chapin, twice. Pity Megathread

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:52 PM PST

    Reminder: The Cardback, Totem and Avatar from the Community Store will be replaced tomorrow

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    This is just a reminder, because I know I tend to forget these things sometimes.

    If you fancy any of those cosmetics, pick them up today.

    This is also your last call to pick up the Steel Tempest card back, Copperhall Mintaur totem, or the Lieutenant Relia premium avatar before they leave!


    submitted by /u/Bento_
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    7-1 and 7-0 Draft Study by an Okay Drafter

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    7-1 and 7-0 Draft Study by an Okay Drafter

    After having won two drafts pretty close together I thought it would be interesting to talk about what worked well in each draft and why I think they came out on top - what the bomb cards/combos were based on the games I played with them. A little about me - I'm a non-competetive competitive player - I don't have time to enter into the tournaments, but I still aim for and sometimes get top 100 masters in Expedition and Throne. I usually make diamond in draft, but occasionally make masters there too, though never top 100 (yet). When I draft, I sometimes rare-draft and sometimes try extra hard, though I will almost always pick up a loose legendary floating around, even if it were, say, End of Days or Unbreakable Alliance or some other unplayable jank. To me that feels like what your average player would probably do, which is in part why I'm making this post. If enough people like it (and I keep doing well in draft) I might keep doing it. I don't always have the time to create content, though I love the game and wish I could (my streams would probably consist of my 2-year old daughter trying to say "Hi" to the camera over and over again and pressing buttons on accident). If anyone wants, I can put these on EternalWarcry along with their individual write-ups.

    Without further ado, here is the first draft deck:

    6-0, and then 7-1 (choke in the homestretch)

    I very much rare-drafted this draft, most of which didn't end up in this deck, but quickly picked up on some discard favorable cards and threw this together thinking it might get a couple wins, maybe 3. So why did it win 7? Here's what I saw:

    Main Winning Technique - Good early cards let to early advantages either in terms of aggressive cards or through power and influence through Ark of Sol and then, as the game progressed I was able to muck up the ground and my fliers and unblockable units pushed through for the final points of damage. I almost won by mill one game, but ended up still winning through damage. The deck also had enough interaction to deal with key threats only (it was important to save interaction for units that were immediate major threats and flying threats.

    Big Bombs

    Waystone Fragment - I got lucky and this came up in 4 out of my 7 games. Whether you play it on 4 or play it on 7, this was very worth it and usually won me the games.

    Tiny Bombs

    Cobalt Acolyte - Great for breaking board stalls and continuing to push damage even when the ground becomes muddy.

    3x Sunset Priest - 3/3 for 3 with the upside of sometimes getting me Icy Gaze or Faceless One - Good for early game aggression and later I could make them swing for more through Unblockable or in the sky.

    2x Crooked Alley Guide - Early aggression and still a 3/3 for 3 later.

    2x Unkindness - Once these birds came out, I could really easily push for damage - even if they had blockers in the sky, there were enough to deal chip damage

    2x Wretched Raven - Fliers are great in draft and people really hate this card and will spend valuable removal on it.

    Marsh Dragon - This is not always a tiny bomb, but in this deck with all the discard it usually came out around a 3/7 - with such a large health boost and blocking potential were great.

    Did I deserve 7-1 with this deck? I still think probably not - I got into a number of board stalls which I think could have beaten me to a pulp. This deck lost against bigger midrange decks - so many draft decks rely on their smaller card to tget the damage through, but my 1 loss was just a time/something deck that beat me up with big guys on curve, which I think other decks could have done too. That being said, one thing that helped the deck a lot was that it was CONSISTENT - having 2-3 of the same cards or the same EFFECTS made for some very reliable ways to play the deck and my path to victory was usually very similar each game.

    Here is the 2nd draft:


    This deck played like a charm and I felt pretty confident about it even though, again, I drafted some rares that had no place in this deck, just because they were rares. About midway through the draft I decided to add in primal. This went 7-0 quite easily.

    Main Winning Technique - This was a very agressive deck, often starting off with a strong amount of damage and then continuing on with damage either through large quick-draw units with weapons on them or in the sky. Exalted was very useful this game as were pump spells/weapons. Case in point, my final game had a 10/7 Double Damage Skysnapper swing in for the overkill.

    Big Bombs - Maybe I'm overblowing it, but it felt like this deck had a lot of bombs by my definition.

    x2 Skysnapper - I'm discovering that x2 of something is draft means you're likely to run into it in a game. I tried to play this once some removal had been played and the skies were clear and often it could swing in without too much trouble. 3 damage per turns sets a decent clock.

    Daring Gryffyn - One of my reasons for adding primal to this deck. It only came up in 2 games (and was only consequential in 1 of them, but boy what a difference it makes. Great card to have in Draft.

    Warhorn - this provides such board value even if you only land with the weapon once. And if you land multiple times you can very quickly flood the board.

    Mantle of Justice - it came out twice as a 3/3 once and a 4/4 the other time. Either way, it's a big weapon. I actually had 2 in the draft but decided to cut 1 not know how consistent it would be or not.

    Linebreaker's Shield - The early damage is great, and if you can hit the spellcraft, it also provide a bunch of aggressive value.

    Tiny Bombs

    x3 Acclaimed Artisans - This is a great card to have 1 of in draft and 3 of them just meant I almost always had one. And with my tricks it could usually become exalted, which lead to extra weapons later. The deck also had enough Onis for the +1 damage to be meaningful.

    Fireheart Recruit - Without much interaction to fight it, this unit took over a number of my games once weapons were put on it

    Renegade Valkyrie - I actually had two of these but decided to only have 1 in the deck - maybe that was a mistake, maybe not - I decided I wanted a better early game curve. Still, this card won me one game and helped with another. Double damage is always strong in decks with good weapons, which is one did.

    x2 Edict of Kodosh - The silence was useful when I was trying to win in the air and more than a few times it acted as a kill spell which was beautiful.

    Ghostblade Outcast - I just want to say that I love this card - giving liftesteal to a large quickdraw or flier in the midgame means you can out race any other aggro deck you run across.

    Did I deserve 7-0 with this deck? This deck seems a lot less meme-y than the previous deck with a lot of great cards and synergies. I think this deck deserved the wins and that I did well enough to get those wins. Again, a large takeaway for me is that in addition to having some really good cards, I had multiples of those card and that meant that many of my games could play out with similar win patterns.


    If you took the time to read - thank you so much! If you are a better drafter than I am I'd love to hear any advice or comments you have to give and if you have questions, please ask away and I'll be happy to try to answer. Best of luck in draft (or any other mode you choose to play)!

    tl; dr - Had some great draft games - drafting a consistent deck I believe improves ability to win. 10/7 double damage fliers are fun.

    submitted by /u/Crylorenzo
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    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    I found a pauper green blue purple (dont know fac names) that i've been enjoying, my goal is to play competitevly so should I invest in it? I don't see it on any of the tierlists so I assume it isn't good but will it be getting more support in upcoming expansions?

    submitted by /u/TheVeilOfIgnorance
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    League Beginner

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:59 AM PST

    Hi! I just started playing Eternal for a few weeks because one of my friends made the art for some cards and they posted it on their Facebook :) I've been playing Duel Links, MTG and Hearthstone but I think Eternal is my favorite! I need help on how to build a deck for the current League, I'm currently on 7-7 because I can't figure out what to focus. I've read some of the posts here so I write down my cards on Eternal Warcry. Tips are greatly appreciated!

    Here's the link:https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/eoijr2-f1Jc/2019-december-league

    submitted by /u/veaushot_
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    I am the greatest Eternal player alive...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Ok, not really but I really like this game. I know it's probably no big deal but I went 6 and 1 in my first draft ever. As someone who isn't great at TCGs and deck building this was really cool and really fun.

    submitted by /u/canOfNope
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    Good bye and Thank you

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Hello Eternal community.

    Just a little usless message to say to everyone a small goodbye.

    I had a blast with the game, fun most of the time with his meta diversity (go to Master every season with brew decks), generous (very few $ and i can play all the T1 deck), and obviously wonderfull community.

    But i go away because i really can't stand the sigil/land system. And i find an awsome game on my android: Mythgard (try it it's very good). It find an elegant solution to sigils screw or flood, and the art is so great for me.

    Again thank you for all.

    Have fun with Eternal. Hope to see you time to time if i recome to play some game :)

    submitted by /u/NimBus44
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