• Breaking News

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Eternal Card Game QoL Suggestion: On Mobile, move the 'Attack/Ability' buttons, or make them up/down, not Left/Right.

    Eternal Card Game QoL Suggestion: On Mobile, move the 'Attack/Ability' buttons, or make them up/down, not Left/Right.

    QoL Suggestion: On Mobile, move the 'Attack/Ability' buttons, or make them up/down, not Left/Right.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Too many times when using a unit with an ability to attack on tiny mobile screen, missing the attack button, or forgetting it was going to pop up, and tapping 'ability' and wasting power or activating a useless ability, when you want to attack.

    PLEASE DWD, some UI changes are needed.

    submitted by /u/Aarinfel
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    Tuesday Night Eternal Holiday Invitational! 12/17 at 8:30p EST

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:29 AM PST

    Tuesday Night Eternal Holiday Invitational! 12/17 at 8:30p EST


    Happy Holidays everyone! In the spirit of celebration and to close out the year, we are holding the first ever Tuesday Night Eternal invitational. Participants in this event earned their qualifications through making the top 4 of any of the Tuesday Night Eternal challenges this fall. 16+ players will compete on Dec 17th in a special mixed format for the title of Invitational Champion and a prize pool of $250!! Be sure to check out your favorite players in action on Tuesday night at twitch.tv/telemokos!

    submitted by /u/Telemokos
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    Farming Eternal Ep 40: Set 7.1??? Breakdown

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep. 40. There was a big shake up this week in draft and we are here to break it down for you. DWD changed the pack order, added cards, changed the boosted cards, and boosted the boosted rate. How will this affect the meta going forward? Listen to find out.

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep 40: https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep40-set-71-breakdown

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/157UEfcJziT5U-V6uhwTXe8dGnwW6JuP8JJ33zXDuwK8/edit#gid=1169127952

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Help with a cool Expedition Deck

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    Hi guys.
    I had an idea for a Deck utilizing Killer and Preyfinder with a few exalted units.
    Unfortunately i need some help, need to fit a Merchant in the Deck, and maybe some other things I did not consider yet.
    Up until now I am pretty happy with it, but I bet it can get better.

    submitted by /u/Bango_Bangholo
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    Content Creator Showdown 7

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Content Creator Showdown 7


    On episode 7 of the Content Creator Showdown we have two limited power houses battling it out for their chance to stay in the tournament! eMoney_bags brings an aggressive Praxis deck hoping to attain value through the warp mechanic, while Patomaru has the Farming Eternal three color control brew. Who will reign victorious? Will deck composition or top level game play seize the day? Tune in and find out! As always make sure to follow, like, and share these great content creators so we can continue to grow our amazing community!

    Jedi brings several of the best content creators and influencers for the Eternal Card Game made by Direwolf Digital and has them battle it out for your enjoyment! Meet know content creators, follow them, support them, consume there content and share this fantastic game we all enjoy with your friends! This first season has the below mentioned influencers competing in a Pauper Tournament, which means they are building decks with only commons! See what kind of fun decks they brew and how well they pilot them!


    You can follow me:

    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | Discord

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Qol - please count alt art in profile

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST

    Please count the alt-art cards towards set completion in the profile.

    I should show a full set of xulta and was scrubbing through my collection to figure out what was missing then realized I have alt art cards that I don't have pack cards for as I dusted them.

    I am a competionist by nature and my ocd is kicking in not seeing the 100% ><

    submitted by /u/Rboll2
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    Please help with my league deck

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    Rank 12 - Combrei Aggro

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    Rank 12 - Combrei Aggro

    Hey there Eternal Community,

    I just finished climbing through the top 50 Masters ... I mean Diamond 1 ... to enter Masters at Rank 12, using the list below. It felt very much like I was fighting for top Masters the whole way through Diamond 1, however. Opponents were mostly top 100 masters players, including the rank 2, rank 8, and rank 5 players at the time.

    I'm posting this here so that others can try the deck-list as well, if they want. It's proven to be effective for me, so I expect it would work well for others as well. (In other words, not posting it to brag; posting it so others can try it if they would like to give it a spin as well.)

    This deck is well-positioned to take advantage of torch being slow, while also having a great way to deal with board clears. I've never been even remotely close to this high masters before, but this deck (plus my extensive experience playing the deck) got me there this month!

    Tip: It's not the easiest of aggro lists to play, especially in aggro mirrors. Against other aggro decks, you're the defender, which can feel pretty strange. Anyways.

    Here's the list. Proof of rank below:


    submitted by /u/TheScot650
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    juego trucado o cuenta marcada.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Hasta la polla estoy de que me marqueis la cuenta para empezar segundo (tengo un 80% de posibilidades de empezar siempre segundo sabiendo que el que empieza segundo tiene mas % de perder) hasta la polla que de 10 partidas 8 sea empezar segundo y esto no me ha pasado 1 o 2 veces, si no mas de 40 o hasta 50 veces! pero claro, empezar primero solamente 2-3 partidas de seguidas a lo sumo, estoy hasta los cojones de que hagais perder a gente que tiene mucho winrate por esta forma tan rastrera, y siempre que me pase lo voy a subir para que la gente vea a que tipo de juego trucado juegan (porque estoy seguro que a mas gente le pasa esto)




    Me encanta este juego pero que me tengais la cuenta marcada (porque a veces meto dinero al juego por apoyaros y me haceis esto? iros a la mierda, no creo que os vuelva a donar nada) porque de vez en cuanto meto dinero para apoyaros? y haceis esto? pues que os den por el culo, creo que voy a pasar de meter pasta a este juego y como me sigais jodiendo directamente lo dejo y asi os quedais los 4 gatos que aun juegan a este juego que cada vez son menos gente los que se quedan y encima haceis esto para que la gente se fruste y que os meta pasta, no teneis verguenza.

    submitted by /u/matanew
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    Help for Week 2 League!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:50 AM PST

    Appreciate any thoughts people have on which direction to go here...


    submitted by /u/FIFanatic
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    Need help for the League. Week 2

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    Combo Decks (Throne)??

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    I know historically DWD murder nerds any combo decks but are there any out there right now even remotely competitive?

    I tried the rod list and it seems pretty sub par.

    Also I'm looking for true combo - not an aggro/mid deck with synergy and not a control deck with a combo finisher.

    submitted by /u/ChaatedEternal
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    Expedition seems very,very boring

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:43 AM PST

    With a lot of shistone in my pockets after the nerfs, i decided to craft myself a nice expedition deck and play a bit of expedition format... my choice went on the fjs deck that is quite popular now with incarnus and tasbu. After a while i noticed something.... almost every single game i am against the same elysian deck with no variations, the same exact list every.single.time. I dont know how people can like to play and face the same exact deck over and over again, personally i am tired of that, also because that elysian deck runs varius copies of that damn 4cost gryffin making removal and board clears completely useless, it feels very unfair (i added the spell thst gives all -3/-3 and it works well vs decks that use "glorified" units... still useless vs the griffin, obviously,there is no way to deal with that early on)

    submitted by /u/shallaz
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