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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Deck Check - Charge Rod Ramp (THRONE)

    Eternal Card Game Deck Check - Charge Rod Ramp (THRONE)

    Deck Check - Charge Rod Ramp (THRONE)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    When Reality itself breaks

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    New Player, worth it?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:26 AM PST

    So, as some of you may know, the Elder Scrolls Legends got put into maintenance mode the other day. I spend many hours and hard earned money into that game so I am looking for an alternative.

    I notist the player base seems really small, so they might pull the plug out of this game aswel?

    Also, as a new player you are always really far behind. Is it worth even starting? I do not wish to spend hundreds of euros at the start.

    submitted by /u/ShirAhnNL
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    DWD: "We Want to Give Aggro Decks a Chance" -- My Overview of Aggro in Eternal (pros and cons of each faction and why they may or may not see play). Part 1--the five basic factions.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:52 AM PST

    So, as we know, DWD has, in the past, given lots and lots of nerfs to midrange and control decks (Winchest holds the record with 14 nerfs between directed and collateral) so that aggro decks may have a chance to flourish more competitively. While this policy may have marginally succeeded, nerfs to Stonescar and yetis mean that getting competitive with decks that trade cards for the opponent's life total is still a challenging (though feasible and maybe rewarding, IMO) task as far as trying to make a day 2 ECQ or climbing into the top 20 on ladder. Here's my breakdown of aggro in Eternal--starting from basic singular factions, going all the way through the 20 2 and 3F factions.

    Essentially, with aggro decks, we're looking for 4 separate aspects:

    1) Effectiveness of interaction or combat tricks--some of your opponents will play threats and blockers of their own. How efficient are you at removing them?

    2) Resilience--anti-aggro spells can be brutal. Namely, defiance, snowball, jotun hurler, hailstorm, and the like. How well does a faction deal with them?

    3) Reach--your opponent just powered down to sweep the board while at low life. How well can you punish them?

    4) Threat rate. You're an aggro deck. How hard can you hit, and how well can you just swing past blockers because your units are just plain bigger? For starters, let's call it the teacher test--namely that you're on the draw against a turn 2 teacher. How do your units stack up?

    Let's get going.


    Pros: fire is the king of reach. Fire's damage-based interaction is unique among interaction that can remove units or players alike. Also, fun trivia fact: fire has at least one unit with charge at every single cost up to 8. It also has the only basic merchant that can hit for her cost, which is vital to a good aggressive strategy.

    Cons: fire pays for its ability to go face with its interaction with the downside of having very poor interaction for large units. With torch's nerf to slow speed, its ability to address ambushers or enemy chargers is very poor now. A bunch of 1-drops that die to snowball, and no 3/2 for 2 to speak of outside of yeti pioneer (who has reckless) means fire decks need to look elsewhere for vital early game units.


    Pros: justice has a fair amount of aegis units at reasonable rates (namely Crownwatch Paladin, Kosul Battlemage, and Marley, respectively), the best combat trick in finest hour, and vanquisher's blade provides a nasty piece of removal against large units. Justice also has the ever-useful valkyrie enforcer for dealing with particularly nasty enemy text boxes on enemy units. Furthermore, if you're on the play, Auric Runehammer can be a particularly nasty beatstick that can blow up almost any 3-drop in existence, and then attack again if there's no counterattack forthcoming. Furthermore, if your opponent doesn't play Vara's favor or snowballs, Hojan is an absolutely phenomenal card.

    Cons: with the nerfs to vanquish (2 -> 3) and avigraft (3 -> 4), Justice's early interaction suite went from reasonable to anemic. Mono-justice units are small, so if you don't have the time to put weapons or combat tricks on them, you'll be fairly miserable. A flying plan gets shut down hard by Gnash 2 (Desert Prince). Tocas's existence means plans around combat tricks face a big problem.


    Pros: time has units that punch above their cost class at every spot on the curve. Borderlands lookout, teacher of humility, Gnash 3, Lunar Magus, and Cykalis offer massive unit efficiency for their costs. Resolute Monk hits for 5 in the absence of snowballs. Initiate of the sands can jump you up the curve, and now that torch is nerfed, Amaran Stinger can still savagely highroll people. Furthermore, time has one of the most unique aggressive units in the game in the form of sand warrior--a 0 cost 3/3--that requires TTT. However, between the evangel cycle (aka a cycle of 2/2 for 2 "fate bears" that give you their influence for free) or trail maker, it's quite possible to be able to drop a 2-drop and one or more sand warriors as early as turn 2! For instance, consider the following sequence: turn 1 borderlands lookout. Turn 2: trail maker + sand warrior. Turn 3: Cykalis. OUCH! And of course, good old Sandstorm Titan accelerated ahead of curve is still the biggest, baddest, most nastiest unit at that cost, and will take out chunks of your opponent's life total with few questions asked. Furthermore, if you play a go-wide strategy, such as with rats or grenadin, time provides permanent board-buffing relics such as Xenan Obelisk and Clock of Stolen Hours.

    Cons: While time decks have one phenomenal unit at 1 and 2, the rest of the options are somewhat lackluster. Furthermore, what time possesses in raw unit rate, it makes up for with its rancid interaction that's just plain unable to permanently deal with enemy units. Be Gone and Phase Out both leave the opponent with the unit in some capacity (either with the ability to be replayed the next turn, or coming back in 3 turns), and Praxis displacer's nerf from a 3/2 for 4TT to a 3/3 for 5TT effectively made it unplayable. Killer effects use up your unit's attack for that turn, and demand that your unit be bigger than the enemy that it's attacking, meaning they don't line up with an aggro deck's plan at all. Furthermore, while Auralian Merchant upon release was awkward at contributing to an aggro deck's plan, as an 0/3 after 2 nerfs, it's just not a card you should play at all, meaning you'll have to look to smugglers or secondary faction merchants to provide your market technology. If you depend on board-buffing relics, sabertooth prideleader says "I'm about to end this deck's whole career".


    Pros: 2-drops, and very solid mono-faction interaction. Suffocate and annihilate have seen consistent play throughout Eternal's history, and desecrate was so good it had to be nerfed (time will tell if it's still playable). Argenport Instigator, and Ripknife Assassin both pass the teacher test immediately, and a blackhall warleader that can hit the enemy player once or twice can run away with the game while growing itself out of hailstorm range. A timely sabotage out of the market can also pick off a key card that your opponent depends on to stabilize the board against you. Crooked Alleyguide confers the same benefit as nimble conscript (a 1-cost shift unit that swings for 3), but gives you scouting on top of that! Nice! Furthermore, depending on the meta, if you're firmly in the beatdown position, Rhysta is a clean 2 for 1 that allows you to draw power for more expensive finishers while continuing to apply pressure.

    Cons: Ultimately, shadow aggressive plans are godawful against control plans. Its efficient interaction is conditional, and rots dead in the hand when a proper target doesn't present itself. Furthermore, its units possess neither aegis nor charge, meaning that they're dead in the water against removal spells. While the one exception is Cabal Countess, a 3-drop that trades down with any unit outside of investing a sky-high 7 power over two turns (just to get picked off by a snowball) has simply not withstood the test of time due to the advent of ways to trade away Jotun Hurler's body, or other snowball generators in primal. Lastly, Kerendon Merchant, as a 2/1 deadly, is an absolutely atrocious card when it comes to furthering any aggressive gameplan beyond discouraging an opponent to trade their expensive midrange blocker for it. Rhysta's inability to block means that she's awful against opposing aggro decks, and the rest of the elves (lethrai ranger, direwood slasher, Tavia, and territorial elf) are all mediocre for their own reasons, ranging from dying to snowball for a tempo loss to failing the teacher test.


    Pros: Primal has the only merchant that's resilient to spells thanks to its aegis. Furthermore, dusk raider and gift of battle convey the highly-coveted berserk keyword, allowing you to push an absolutely disgusting amount of damage where combat tricks are involved. Permafrost is perhaps the best 1-cost removal in the game, and ice bolt is an extremely efficient 2-cost removal (provided your opponent can't use the additional power). Levitate is also another great way of pushing damage, while Emblem of Linrei is a fantastic 3/1 aegis unit. Essentially, when it comes to being the "support bitch" for an aggro strategy, primal provides a pretty good secondary faction.

    Cons: Primal is essentially the complete opposite of time in this regard. Whereas some time units have amazing rate but are backed by horrid interaction, primal provides great support, but absolutely nothing in the way of threatening units owing to the nerfs on snowcrust yeti (2/1 -> 1/1) and Jennev merchant (3/2 -> 2/2). And while negation effects are terrific against some spells, they're equally awful against opposing units. Furthermore, for how good ice bolt is at taking out a unit now, the last thing you want to do in a meta full of decks looking to smash you with value bombs is to actively ramp opponents there. Additionally, while permafrost is great at removing blockers, it's equally bad at dealing with either endurance units, or units with global effects, such as ramp units (one being Tocas, who also shuts down gift of battle and combat tricks to exploit it). Essentially, the moment a primal aggro deck runs into a time midrange deck, it's going to have a very uphill climb.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Aamris choice not working as intended?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:08 AM PST

    currently playing combrei and aamris choice clearly says "or select an enemy creature, silence it and put it back into the opponents hand". however, this doesn't seem to work for me. whenever I try to use aamris choice on enemy minions I just can't select them. It doesn't let me. What am I missing?

    EDIT I'm playing the game in german and it looks like the german translation is wrong. the english translation has "silence an attacking enemy unit" in it, whereas the german verison does not.

    submitted by /u/DropHack
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    What features would you most like to see added to Eternal client?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:32 AM PST

    I thought it might be good to create a thread for people to post Eternal game client improvement ideas. Other users could up-vote the ones they were most interested in. Might help DWD to see which of our ideas have the most support. I've been leaving feedback using the in-game "suggestion" tool. However, I'm not sure whether I'm just overloading someone's mailbox at DWD customer support.

    I'm thinking you could reply with a suggestion you'd like to see implemented, along with why. And up or downvote suggestions as you like. But whatever works.

    I searched this subreddit and didn't see anything like this, so hopefully this is a helpful idea. If it's not, feel free to down-vote the thread. I did see some threads about whether giving feedback in this subreddit is useful and constructive and I'm hoping it will be. So let's definitely keep this just as constructive suggestions related to the client program.

    If you'd like to create a similar thread around game design or other feedback areas please do, but I'm hoping to keep this thread useful to a DWD employee and more focused.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Flame of Xulta Draft 2.1 Gameplay

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Flame of Xulta Draft 2.1 Gameplay


    Direwolf Digital release a new change up for the draft format by adding 40 new cards to the Eternal Card Game draft packs as well as switching up the order having Flame of Xulta packs be packs 2-3 now. Jedi attacks this format with exciting new vigor as we try to adjust to the new limited format together!


    Twitter, YouTube - EJthePodcast


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN


    iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eternal-journey/id1441261645

    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/eternal-journey-476372610

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    PvP with Gauntlet Boss Powers

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST

    I was just playing the gauntlet boss where everytime you play a unit the cost of the units with the same type are reduced by one. Since I had a janky cultist deck it was surprisingly fun. I could see enjoy playing against other players in that mode.

    Has there ever been a tournament where there is a defined bonus similar to the gauntlet boss powers that everyone is building decks against? Because I would play the hell out of that.

    submitted by /u/winecan
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    Awful league Pool. Come cry with me.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    Can we Fix it? #1

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:38 AM PST

    Week 2 Sealed help ... should I switch?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:48 AM PST

    After week 1 I had a Stonescar Dragon deck, only played a couple games and won both, but after opening the next couple packs I'm thinking I need to make the switch to Argenport or TJS. Thoughts?

    POOL - https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/o4PxJKXHip8/league-chapter-37-pool

    Week 1 Deck - https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/IrFeCfzXWwo/chapter-37-deck-1

    Thanks for any help/advice!

    submitted by /u/RedKamel76
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    Farming Eternal AMA episode with top drafter HatsonLamps next week!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:54 PM PST

    Aside for some shameless self promotion, HatsonLamps, better known as "sometimes rank #1 draft master", and I (not really known for anything) thought that with all the big changes to the draft format this week that this week would be a good time to do an AMA on the new draft format (or anything else).

    If you don't listen to our show, Farming Eternal, you should. We talk about draft--a lot.

    We are taking any and all questions so hopefully someone here on Reddit has a question for us or it's going to be a very quiet episode.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/patomaru
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    Congrats to my opponent (Firebomb through Aegis loss)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Ridiculous matchup, so glad I won vs 'his bs' of 3 Sodi and two of the Muster Draw2 guy. Was ridiculous.

    But real unfortunate for him, he was trying real hard to stabilize, while I was doing everything I could to finish him. But between all his draws and stuns, it seemed pretty rough going for me.... until his own dudes drew him into a Firebomb.

    I cried. Noooo he has face aegis.... wait -4 MINUS FOUR. It counts as his own card, RIP. Feels bad man. Thanks for equivocate into Grendin Coalscrounger for that random entomb firebomb.

    edit: note sorry if I came off as a dick, not intentional. But also he gave me a 20 cost Siditi and a 16 cost Regent Tomb while drawing cards. If that isn't bs I don't know what is lol. The muster stuff is strong when it goes off.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    Sediti bug?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:49 AM PST

    Hi just wondering if i am going crazy or if there is something i missed.

    Two different opponents payed a 7/7 Sediti but it appears no buff were played including coin any sites or anything in the void causing the game to become impossible to win due to wingbreaker no longer killing .

    Just wondering if there is an argenport buff i have missed that could cause this?

    edit turns out it was baby Icaria thanks.

    submitted by /u/oozlin
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    Rewards Clarification

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:26 AM PST

    After the overwhelming response to my last post, I re-downloaded and came back to the game after 1.5 years. It has been pretty fun, catching up on the new mechanics and sets. Surprisingly, hopping into my first draft in the new pool, I ended 7-1, so it's nice to know that there are still some familiar good cards in the format. I also made an expedition deck and have been playing in that format as well, which brings me to my question... rewards? The chapter end rewards as well as the daily ones. Is everything connected? I noticed it would say "throne win" or "expedition win" depending on the mode. Are there separate silver chests up for grabs in both modes or are the silver chests shared? And what about the chapter end? Do you get the rewards for the highest rank out of either mode or both? I haven't bothered trying to climb seriously in both modes yet.

    submitted by /u/zeox100003
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    I would really like to see a torch 2.0 printed

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    So a lot of people have a lot of opinions on the torch nerf, but what I haven't seen anyone mention is that this opens the door for what we refer to in magic as a "functional reprint," as in, it has the same functionality, but slightly different (whether it be by name, color or cost).

    Personally I'd like to see this card printed:

    Torch 2.0 2R Fast Spell Deal 3 damage to a unit or player.

    This would be a great tool for red aggro decks and red burn decks in throne (which have never really existed the same way we've seen them in mtg). Would also pose the question to deckbuilders, "which is better, 1 power slow or 2 power fast?".

    Anyways, I think it would be a great addition to the game, and wouldn't be too overpowered or anything.

    edit: literally everyone making the comparison with conflagerate. the card I described would hit players (thus making it functionally the same as torch). conflagerate does not hit players, (aka not the functionally equivalent to torch) which is why no one plays it (outsideof a few evenhanded decks which are low on options). Mortar has seen more play than conflagerate in throne, and it's a way lower rate, but it hits face making it a lot more playable

    submitted by /u/Ninja_can
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    Destroy HotV to craft Icaria?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST


    I crafted 4 HotV a while ago. I see icaria is in loads of top decks atm. Is it worth swapping to Icaria while I can get a full refund ?

    submitted by /u/wetkhajit
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