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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Eternal Card Game For Filthy Netdeckers Like Myself, Use This One Trick to *Power* Your EWC Searches

    Eternal Card Game For Filthy Netdeckers Like Myself, Use This One Trick to *Power* Your EWC Searches

    For Filthy Netdeckers Like Myself, Use This One Trick to *Power* Your EWC Searches

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    So, let's see here...someone at DWD asked me to try and teach the community some things. Now, while a whole guide on playing better, how to think about the game, sequencing your lines would take a while, something that I think the community could use, as far as low-hanging fruit go, is a way to efficiently search for the most up-to-date decks.

    Essentially, oftentimes, when I might write an 80-boxes post, someone might ask me "do you have a list?", and the answer is that many of said lists are most likely lost to history but might be able to be found with great effort in EWC's archives (I could not find JPS reanimator, though). Certainly, all ETS decks are archived, as are ECQs.

    However, one very efficient trick I've found to search for deck archetypes on Eternal Warcry is essentially searching by a deck's power base. Namely, searching by an insignia will essentially narrow down the list of viable decks immediately to a particular 2F (outside of shenanigans like playing Combrei banner for a market Arcanum in a maindeck Praxis deck). And then after that, all you need is a couple of cards that define the archetype.

    For instance, let's say I want to get all the recent Rakano Aggro stock lists.

    I just go to https://eternalwarcry.com/decks, and then under Includes Cards, I just type in "Rakano Insignia", and then maybe an aggro card like Crownwatch Paladin and Hojan (since Paladin is in expedition, apparently) and my search immediately narrows, like this

    Also, for those that don't care about expedition, you can list the format under Type.

    For instance, I know for a fact that Feln nightfall berserk hasn't been updated in a long time. Why? Because there are no decks running feln insignia, haunting scream, and gift of battle in the same deck.

    On the flip side of things, if you're searching for 3Fs, just search by a combination of crests. Odds are, most 3F decks will have at least 2 different ones, which makes your search a lot easier.

    Hope this helps!

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Salty Brews - Slepher Control Master 25

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

    Another 80 boxes post! Green = decks to beat. Yellow = can beat them. Orange = can be played, but not to good results. Red = for history's sake or "cards theoretically exist". Black = Never existed. If 2+ decks in box and one is in bold, it's the reason why box is that color. (EG SS rally != t1.)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Justice Ramp Whispers of the Ancestors 20-1 event farming deck

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:59 PM PST

    Do you want to crush the event? Ever wondered how does it feel to have 10+ more power than your opponent without playing Kairos? Want to perpetuate the "being OP is Justice identity" meme? Here's the deck to do all of that and more: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/M5Vmawi16BE/devotion-to-power-95-winrate

    I've been tinkering with a J list for the current event and came up with what I believe is the deck to beat in this format right now. The basic premise behind the deck is that instead of playing bad cards (like [[Reap]]) or ignoring the event power you can play Justice and get the best of both worlds. This is the third version of the deck, focused even more on playing like a typical throne Justice ramp deck and using the free Invokes to get bury your opponent in piles of free cards. The deck has been insanely great, completely annihilating almost everything that I've seen

    The best cards in the deck are (in order): Telut, Icaria, Reclaim and Ironthorn. No one plays enough removal so your threats tend to stick way more often than they should and generate incredible value thanks to the free Invoke. The only decks that can remove threats on time are Shadow and the mirror, the latter of which I've yet to face. So far the most common deck I've battled against was Time, sometimes with off-faction Reap package, and that deck is very unlikely to manage a win against J ramp. Shadow also isn't too hard since even though their removal is better they have no good way of abusing the event power or closing the game fast enough. Oddly enough, getting paired against Justice is also fantastic for this deck as most of the J players seem to be on a more aggressive build that, again, is neither fast or resilient enough to compete. After removing Defiance (which may or may not be a mistake) the hardest matchup is definitely Fire. Don't get me wrong, I still think they're the underdog but a slow hand without merchant can be fatal if the opponent gets a above average draw. So far I'm 4-1 against Fire but of the four wins two were pretty close and could've gone either way.

    I know there are some very notable omissions in the list but I'm fairly certain that the majority of them are a right call for this event. Also, please don't run Evangels or Strangers in your decks if you want to win. A single influence is worth 1/3 of an event trigger so assuming that Invoke is worth 3/4 of a card you're paying 2 power for a 2/2 with "Draw a quarter of a card" on summon. That principle actually applies to the entirety of the event - just play good cards that synergize with event instead of trying to use it as an excuse to put terrible cards into your 75.

    I like this deck and I'd want to make it even better so if anyone wants to discuss particular card choices or suggest an alternative please go ahead.

    submitted by /u/Sauronek2
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    New player - what do i spend on?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:52 AM PST

    Started playing, completed some gauntlets, forge and a draft. Could craft something like this https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/_GW4glpHnX0/extreme-budget-deck-rakano-warcry rakano warcry aggro deck. So about 4.5k stones.

    I like playing more aggressive or tempo decks rather than control.

    But I'm a bit overwhelmed:

    If I would spend money, what should i get? What is best value or what fits best with my preferred playstyle?

    submitted by /u/TiesMorskate
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    quick question about skycrag spell control

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:45 PM PST

    I see some people running strategize instead of second sight. What's the reason behind this? Isn't second sight much better for this deck since it combos with static bolt and jotun hurler?

    submitted by /u/raging_peenoise
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    Gamebreaking bug

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    I just lost a game because I disconnected, then when I reconnected I couldn't play cards. I couldn't hover over any cards to read their text or drag them onto the field of play. Incredibly frustrating!

    submitted by /u/CzechmateAtheists
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