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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Eternal Draft Guide – Echoes of Eternity

    Eternal Card Game Eternal Draft Guide – Echoes of Eternity

    Eternal Draft Guide – Echoes of Eternity

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    Does anyone know the reasoning for monthly league leaderboard being mostly hidden?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I've bought into the monthly league before, but I've always only played if I thought I could move from the 9 pack to the 12 pack tier in a couple of games. Now that I'm really playing it, I'm not sure why they would do that. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Meta_Brook
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    BUG - Weapons from Exalted Can't Be Placed - Forcing the Game to Restart

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I am noticing a difficulty with Exalted effects. Every time one activates upon the death of a card like Ghostblade Outcast , the game quits and loses connection. Is anyone else noticing this bug?

    submitted by /u/OnceAndFutureMustang
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    Meta Monday - March 2020, Week 3

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    LOR review from an Eternal/MtG perspective

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Repost as the original version wasn't explicit enough in its comparisons to Eternal.

    I've been playing LoR for the last week or so, testing the waters. Thought I'd share my thoughts and how it compares to Eternal.

    Things it does better than Eternal:

    • Decks in LoR are a lot more cohesive than Eternals due to how central champions are. It plays like an interesting midpoint between Hearthstone and EDH. There are multiple factions just like in Eternal, and each has specific champion units that can either be goodstuff or solid build-arounds for a wide range of archetypes, from spellslinger control (Ezreal, Heimer) to aggro (Jinx, Elise, Zed) to ramp and stomp (Tryndamere, Hecarim) to reanimator (Kalista, Hecarim) to more oddball strats (Teemo, Kat). It captures a lot of the same feel as EDH decks, but without quite as much consistency from having your build-around always available. Compared to Eternal decks there is a lot less Goodstuff prevalence here.
    • Queues are pretty quick, even before the official global release (I sideloaded it as it isn't available yet in the US). This isn't really better than Eternal, but worth noting.
    • Mechanically, I prefer the predictable ramp (HS style) to the flood/screw issues of a lands/power based system, and 40 cards w/ 3 dupes seems like a pretty reasonable sweet spot between consistency and rng.

    Places where it comes up shorter:

    • The card pool is pretty small still, and the game is still very much in its infancy. Balance passes come frequently and change the landscape a lot, so it feels kind of risky to spend much on crafting things when they may be completely reworked. DWD has taken some flak for their management of the meta, but this is the wild west by comparison.
    • The theme / setting isn't as interesting as Eternal. Opinions will vary here, but it's set in the LoL world, kind of a cotton candy high fantasy with some occasional steampunk-ish elements. There's no lore or story specific to the card game, no campaign except a basic mechanical tutorial. You get some VO banter between different champs and units, but aside from that there's not much else going on.
    • The economy is... OK. Cards themselves are pretty spendy. Champions are basically $3 apiece bought with premium currency. You cap out at about $20-30/week on cards available to purchase, so while you don't have giant whales, that's still a lot of cash for a card game. While the introductory content is enough to get you jumpstarted into making some decent decks, LoR it isn't nearly as generous a game as Eternal even with those introductory freebies, and as the pool grows with expansions and such I can see this going the same way as HS in a hurry.
    • Beyond just quantity, the pacing of rewards doesn't feel as good. You build up points in both a given region (usually a daily reward after completing your daily quest from what I've seen) and build up points in your weekly pool, but there's nothing like the pack for your first win of the day to provide the little daily dose of whoopee.


    I'm having fun with it right now, but it's still very much early days- working on fleshing out my first real deck, playing a bit of unranked and completing my dailies. Call it a tentative preliminary endorsement- I like what I see so far, and I'll be curious to see how it continues to develop. All of that said, however, Eternal still has vastly more content at the moment (cards and story alike), more deckbuilding possibilitiies by far, and a more generous economy.

    submitted by /u/loopgru
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    A Mad Man Rant - Grodov's Stranger

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Greetings Friends,

    Listen to a mad man rant about a card for a moment. I think that Grodov's Stranger is a must have in almost any Time Deck. It doesn't have to even be a full stranger deck to get immediate value out of the card. Now, don't get me wrong, I love how they are revitalizing the Stranger decks, however I feel that this card is definitely over-performing and provides lots of tools to shut down other decks consistently. It performs too many things very well and to bring out its true strength, let's compare it to other cards.

    I know that its body as its own has already been nerfed a bit, bringing it down to a 6/6 for 6. This does put it in line with other cards. Taking all 6 cost units in the game, just the bodies for this test, I will go more into the actual affects in a moment. Its attack is 124% higher than the average 6 cost unit, and its life is 120% higher than the average 6 cost unit. That is featuring all units in all colors, ignoring the other cards.

    Including all factions and all cards – 124.9% / 120.7% Stronger than average.

    Not including commons it brings it to – 121.9% / 118% Stronger than average.

    Not including uncommons it brings it to – 114.4% / 112.9% Stronger than average.

    Not including Rare and Promos and only using Legendaries, it brings it to – 109.3% / 109.9% Stronger than average.

    I know what you are thinking. But Foremole, each color has their own identity, it isn't right to compare it to other factions. You are completely right. Here is that list of only Time cards that cost 6 as well.

    All Time cards at 6 cost – 112.5% / 105.8% Stronger than average.

    All Time cards excluding commons – 109% / 104.3% Stronger than average.

    All Time cards that are Rare or Legendary – 104.3% /100% Stronger than average.

    All Time cards that are Legendary – Straight even as there are only 3 Time Legendaries to compare it to and one doesn't remain at 4/4 for long. Gnash, Desert Prince, Mystic Ascendant, and Thundering Kerasaur. From Time Legendaries at 6 cost. This is an average card, but to the other masses of cards, it isn't overstated with its body and even at a 5/5, it would still see a lot of play.

    But let's look past the body of this card, and look at the meat and bones. We are breaking this off into two chunks. The first is the effect - "When a player plays a Stranger, they play a random Sigil from their deck." This functions in two ways. On Summon, and whenever another stranger is played. This mimics the effect of a few cards, and some others to a lesser extent. This does function the same as Amaran Archaeologist, but the sigil is not depleted. He does cost 1 more and requires 1 additional time influence, but has twice the body to show for it. Again, comparing a common card to a Legendary is a moot point, but the effect still stands. Another 6 drop that allows you to play two sigils on play is Minotaur Ambassador and it plays 1 Time Sigil and 1 Justice Sigil non-depleted. His body is only a 3/5 however. This effect applies when any stranger is played afterwards, including a 1 drop Horus Traver or any other stranger for that matter.

    Comparing it to a Legendary that fits the same niche almost in that is Worldbearer Behemoth. Only issue is it is not a summon effect but rather an attack effect. Worldbearer Behemoth gives no advantage on drop, and only gains bonuses when attacking. Grodov's Stranger provides immediate value when played, and a good transition point to the second part of his ability.

    Now, I believe this is what makes this card so powerful. The other effect is nice for stacking power to pop off crazy combos, however this is the meat of the card. "When Grodov's Stranger attacks, shuffle a void of your choice into its owner's deck, then draw two cards."

    This effect mimics only two other cards in the entire game. Lumen Reclaimer and Talir's Unwinding. The difference between these two other Legendary cards however is that Talir's Unwinding shuffles both voids into the deck and is a spell that is void bound and is super dependent on three colors. And Lumen Reclaimer costs a modest 4, but you have to choose which void to shuffle in just like Grodov's Stranger. Both of these cards were created to counter Mill decks and Void decks. They were niche and rarely used even though they completely shut down a specific type of deck, or even give their deck more ammo in the case of Crown decks and Lumen Reclaimer. Lumen Reclaimer can create 4 copies of herself, but they get shuffled into your deck which doesn't give a large chance of drawing another one. She also does not draw you more cards after putting them into your deck. The one thing they both lack though, is a body to create a strong board state. This is completely discounting the strongest part of the ability – Draw two cards. Grodov's Stranger has infinite gas with his ability and create value every single turn, and even while negating his opponent's play strategy. This is probably the most "needs an answer immediately or concede" cards in the game.

    What Grodov can do in a single attack gives that effect every single turn and than some. Why play Lumen Reclaimer when you can just play Grodov's Stranger. Not only does it shut down any deck that utilizes the void in any capacity, but it also negates Mill and gives their owner back all of their cards to redraw. Of course, the card needs to survive a turn to attack to get this off, but because of its strong body it can survive any burn spell outside of obliterate, ice bolt, and occasionally Flash Fire and Flame Blast. This is all dependent if they aren't using one of the buff strangers that provide +1/+1 or more to him. You can silence him, which negates that part, which is played in Time and Justice. You can kill him, which fits in both Justice and Shadow, but it requires keeping a card up to counter him in either aspect. Playing around a specific card is what caused other problematic cards to get nerfed in the first place. For example, every deck that could would jam Icaria right into the mix, whether it fit thematically or not.

    In a thematic sense, with the name Grodov and all the other Grodov cards, none of them alter the void in any capacity.

    2 of them interact with Exalted (Emblem of Grodov and Grodov's Burden)

    2 cards buff cards in your hand (Chant to Grodov and Anthem of Grodov)

    1 with Silence (Grodov's Favored)

    1 with charge and power fixing (Grodov's Evangel)

    1 that sends a unit back to the hand, but counters Primal or Shadow the most (Edict of Grodov)

    1 that relies on your maximum power (Ixtol, Champion of Grodov)

    None of these cards interact with the void at all, whether it is one card or the entire void. It makes little sense that a Stranger of Grodov would follow a different set than his fellow Grodov worshipers. Something that feels flavorful to Grodov as a god is by giving strangers Exalted or even when Grodov's Stranger attacks, it increases the player maximum power permanently by 1 and still draws cards. This would still make him a better version of Jotun Feastcaller, of course without Aegis. This both feels thematic and keeps true to the Grodov name. I know it is similar to Shavka's Stranger, but it feels more thematic.

    As a design space, I feel like he is an over-tuned card and his second ability doesn't make sense as Grodov's Stranger. It hard counters too many decks and has sort of made ladder un-fun to play in as it feels almost like an auto include in any Time deck. He doesn't impact the board state with an attack like his other god worshiping strangers, one who and kill a non-stranger, one who creates a 3/3 dragon with flying, one who gains temporary power, and one who doubles their power and life each turn.

    TL/DR – Grodov's Stranger provides too much value for his owner.

    submitted by /u/ForemoleDin
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    Deck or Pilot Error Draft walk through video

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Deck or Pilot Error Draft walk through video


    You win some, you lose some, but there is always a lesson to be learned. Join Jedi in the latest limited adventure taking on the Echoes of Eternity format. We go through the draft/card evaluation process, deck building, and game play!


    YouTube - EternalJourney

    Twitter - EJthePodcast


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Eternal Highlights #161 - How 'bout Them Backlashes?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Salty Brew - Even Dramatist's Mask [Throne]

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Tome of Horrors.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Is this a joke? I dont play often but just lost 5 games in a row to the same deck. How is this not nerfed yet?

    submitted by /u/xOterix
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    Help me with sealed deck

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:39 PM PDT


    I'm a filthy netdecker but I've been wanting to try draft/sealed leagues. Being a filthy netdecker, I have 0 deckbuilding skills. I would appreciate for help with this list?

    submitted by /u/tenukkiut
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    Fat fingering the wrong thing.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    IDK if any one else drinks and plays, or has big hands and plays mobile, today I drunk misclicked an important unit, Torching an enemy 1/4 vs torching their 1/1 order of the spire. Post stories of fat fingering or drunken misplays! (if you want of course)

    submitted by /u/chaosjace6
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    Can't seem to play Display of Ambitions draw from Void effect

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I click Display of Amabition, then I click my Void, and it says no valid units even though I have 2 Grenadin Drones and Grenadin in my void.

    Does "draw" literally mean they have to be on the top of the Void?

    submitted by /u/bigjmoney
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