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    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Here's a picture I drew of Vara while we wait for the update

    Eternal Card Game Here's a picture I drew of Vara while we wait for the update

    Here's a picture I drew of Vara while we wait for the update

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Market & Expedition Changes are Live!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    The Expedition update and Market changes are live! Please relog to see the updates!

    Go make some Bargains in the new Market and sharpen those horns in Expedition!

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Which cards are you not 3+1ing anymore?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Thought it might be interesting to see what cards are actually being affected by the market change. Here's my list:

    Mind Link

    Horde Plunderer

    Glimpse the Possibilities (3 decks)

    Perilous Research

    Solar Blast

    Champion of Order

    Dramatist's Mask (3 decks)

    Combustion Cell

    First Flame

    Xenan Temple

    Diego, Elonze

    Xenan Obelisk


    Brenn, Chronicler of Ages

    Stirring Sand

    There's a few cards that I can see could be problematic as a 3+1, but overall I'm not excited about having to see how many of these decks I need to cull.

    submitted by /u/DiscoIgnition
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    Invoke in league is fun stuff.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Another (somewhat depressing) 80 boxes post for throne

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    The boxes


    Green--the deck to play in this archetype, archetype to beat.
    Yellow--competitive deck in the current meta with the proper tuning.
    Orange--not really competitive, or just worse than another variant.
    Red--not really playable anymore, here for posterity/historical record keeping.


    Aggro--combrei or yetis. Midrange: FJS carver or Xenan strangers. Control: FTJ. Combo: FTS Talir. Some 2F aggressive midrange decks are also feasible. Everything else is either not recommended, or dead.


    COMBREI: Combrei aggro is still going to be very strong. The ECQ winner didn't need to 3+1 stand together, and teacher of humility + Aamri's choice is just some next level bullshit. If you want to curve a bit higher for something like The Great Parliament, SoU, or prideleader, those options are also available to you, but I still think aggro is probably the way to go.

    ELYSIAN: community: delete golem. DWD: understood, deleting Elysian. Elysian tempo went from a really cool deck to dead practically overnight as everything along its curve got hit by no small amount (snowcrust, borderlands lookout, teacher, spellshaper, Jennev's 3+1 ability, Daring Gryffyn). That said, deadly evenhanded elysian is still a very solid deck between distillation, prideleader, and the touch of battle wipes.

    FELN: nightfall berserk depended heavily on a 3/2 Jennev merchant, her ability to 3+1, one of which included a 2-cost scream. All these things are gone, so I think this deck goes down in history now. CoCu Feln or some other high-curve midrange may be marginally playable, and then your Rost gets hit by madness and you question all your life choices. CoCu Feln that curved to big Vara is there for history's sake, and I still think reanimator will at least be ladder playable in a non-embarrassing capacity by 8-smug marketing grasping at shadows. The loss of 3+1 moves it from a green to a yellow, though.

    STONESCAR: I've seen some shrine aggro lists running around, but they felt a bit all-in and janky to me in a world of prideleaders. I still think SS aggro/mid can only be so bad when Chacha is still phenomenal, instigator's great, and so is warleader. The 4-slot getting blasted by nerfs absolutely hurts, though. Also, don't play volatility; it's not worth it. Means to an End reanimator is just there for history's sake.

    RAKANO: Rakano aggro (I.E. sharpshooter warhelm) just feels too inconsistent at doing something on a high enough power level to really feel competitive to me, gunslingers don't really have a payoff, and onis are garbage as far as aggro goes owing to lack of health increases before 4 power. On the midrange end, a deck that can play enforcer and big Icaria can only be so bad, though this is also out of a kindness to LocoPojo. I don't think valks are super-competitive owing to a whole slew of nerfs on the interaction suite (torch, defiance, vanquish all hit), privilege of rank (gutted), and two of its threats (Sediti and Rizahn), but enforcer + Icaria do a lot to carry the deck. Answer the Call here for history's sake.

    PRAXIS: Rally tokens, at this point, I think you can throw in the towel, as you just get destroyed by anything playing prideleader, or anyone else playing mandatory attachment hate because shrine to carver is insane. Maybe I'm wrong here and some daring soul will try again. On the midrange end, the HotV nerf is just too keenly felt, and if you're in Praxis, you're essentially trading away Makkar's stranger and shadow interaction for nerfed torch, Ramba, and Kairos in the market that you can't 2 or 3+1 anymore. Not a trade I'm willing to take. Praxis used to have a playable Endra deck, which is no longer the case, and death of 3+1 kills any forge decks, whether Praxis or splash P/S.

    XENAN: I suppose you can play Xenan elves, and you're not just completely reliant on sunset stone like praxis tokens leans on obelisk. However, a nerf to lookout, and the loss of the ability to 3+1 machinations means what was what I'd call bottom of yellow is now squarely in orange territory. And DWD couldn't even buff Livia. Sad panda. In the midrange category, you have the premium conventional time midrange deck of the format IMO in Xenan strangers. Makkar's stranger, Grodov's stranger, cat and Tocas in whatever quantities you wish. Terrific deck is terrific; if you're a good units junkie, this is the deck for you. Talir 1.0 is here for posterity.

    ARGENPORT: I ran into an Unseen Aggro on ladder and it wrecked me, but the deck hasn't been prolific at all. I imagine it makes some upgrades to the expedition variant, such as with a better power base, better removal (choice of suffocate and annihilate), and most likely Valkyrie Enforcer. A bit of an unknown quantity to me at this point, tentatively putting it at orange. At midrange, I'm putting in the AP valks grinder list that saw some play, but it's probably not too well-positioned these days. You don't want to play Makto when there's a tier 1 madness deck. Revenge Hour is here for posterity, no longer playable thanks to slumbering stone's expedition nerf.

    HOORU: I saw BK try to make some sort of Hooru combat tricks/blitz deck work not too long ago. Maybe there's something there. At midrange, Uelo and Jadehorn once again give reason to look at a pledge package in Hooru. In control, the usual collection of card draw and premium sweepers Hooru has access to allows you to play a classic style of control deck, but Rost isn't something I want to play into madness, Sanctum isn't something I want to play into FTJ, and the J variant lost a lot of power from the privilege nerf. FTJ essentially scratches this same itch and packs a higher power level.

    SKYCRAG: yetis are possibly the premiere aggro deck in the game right now. Lucia built an amazing deck. Going to put Skycrag dragons in yellow as a kindness to LightsOutAce (and [GC]Anyway, who was working on this archetype in discord). Ace doesn't write about garbage decks. I've run into it a few times and haven't been absolutely blown away by it, but the deck seems solid enough. In control, we have spellcrag, but between slow torch and loss of 3+1, this deck is on the verge of red tier, though I'm holding out hope that skycrag's blazing salvo market might be able to salvage it. Kennadins is here for posterity. Maybe one more good spell or dragon next to Xo, Kenna, and EoH revives it with a volatility package in the future.

    JENNEV: you can try and play Jennev midrange, but despite weathering so many nerfs when all the merchants kept getting hit, eventually, the HotV + 0/3 Auralian + slow torch nerfs finally did the trick. Still, you can play prideleader and Grodov's Stranger with peak, but you're most likely just better off playing FTJ. I've seen some Jennev temporal lists around as well in the past, but they're most likely jank and certainly not recommended by now. Jenndra is here for posterity; RIP sweet princess and all your fun combo decks. Oh, I forgot to list Diogo Combo as a red for obvious reasons.

    WINCHEST: Gunslingers used to be a deck, but power levels have just passed it by at this point. Moving onto midrange, FJS carver may be the deck to play in throne right now. I skyrocketed to master this month grinding Ackerman's (dead now that 3+1 is gone) and boxer's variants alike, and the deck is a great example of what DWD just happens to anoint as a winner. Carver gets an effective 8 copies thanks to press-gang, Kato's way undercosted, and Shrine just allows the deck to win games it has absolutely no business being in because LOL OPOP. Strange Burglar is also an absolutely obscene engine, but the 6 power for the first activation means it's relegated to the market. Winchest "midrange" has had to once again ask Icaria to carry the deck after a whopping 15 nerfs IIRC (8 targeted if memory serves, and some more from Stonescar collateral damage, and avigraft before all of those). You can't be a goodstuff deck if your best cards are above average, and the rest of your cards went from great to mediocre. Winchest Endra here for posterity (a common refrain).

    KERENDON: welp, so much for 3+1'ing machinations. I still think if you want to goof off with 3F aggro, minotaurs has enough fixing for a very simple power base that you can technically play them, and hammer of unity is still a nifty little card. I'm fairly confident there's a Dark Alessi build out there owing to similar shenanigans to what FJS carver does (press-gang for her, revive her with shadowlands guide), and Hojan + 1-cost killer provides a unit, ramp, and a huge amount of lifegain. Nevertheless, loss of 3+1 on machinations, stand, and sword of unity is going to be a major pain, and takes the deck from bottom yellow to squarely orange. TJS control was something I saw a long time ago (was never good), and Talir/Grinva is here for posterity--that deck moved to FTS now, more on it later.

    AURALIAN: whether it was rat cage or the more aggressive relic aggro, prideleader essentially seals this faction up. Auralian Elves would be more playable if the rate on their cards weren't as low as it is, since Zende + sunset stone just begs to do something very cool, but costs matter. Auralian mask of torment was something I brewed up a long time ago, and the deck is as playable as mask of torment is.

    IXTUN: not a single currently playable deck. Blitz was something to abuse palace in the market for free wins, FJP Plate existed before markets, DWD smashed Ixtun Garden with nerfs on torch, defiance, and garden itself, and any Endra combo present in these colors is deader than dead.

    FTJ / CREATION: stand together + grenadin cards might not be so bad these days, but is stand really worth losing shrine for? Probably not, IMO. Nevertheless, the big reason to be in these colors is the format's premiere control deck, which I now call FTJ Arcanum, as that's the primary common denominator, as there are various builds. Some go with the conventional Icaria package, while others go with a volatility package, as this is the only faction combination capable of running it. No matter which way you slice it, Xo juggling, Icaria, a hideously powerful site, your first Harsh Rule on demand--it's hard to ask for more here. Maybe one more draw spell in Praxis that isn't garbage.

    FTS / DESTRUCTION: so, basically, two things going on here: I remember mgallop goofing off with an FTS carver deck, with the selling point being display of destruction + shrine to carver (Karvet) being able to give a fatty like Grodov's Stranger or Azindel Revealed charge way ahead of schedule, while still getting almost all the same Karver/Kato/Shrine "OPOP" nonsense that FJS does, aside from press-gang (who, by the way, is also very scary when getting lategame-relevant 1-drops like Alessi or Carver). Last I checked, the deck also ran combustion cell. However, the real gem in this tricolor faction is Talir Combo. Long story short: 5 power + display of destruction on a merchant + Talir + last chance for said merchant = free Kairos from the market that draws 6 cards, including a bunch of time destiny units that either wipe the opponent's board while drawing you a full hand and giving you a full board, or killing the opponent outright. The only exception, spectacularly enough, is a reanimator list that's ALSO going off, but now that reanimator got kneecapped, this is probably the go-to deck for those looking to scratch that "do nothing for a few turns, then make fireworks happen" itch. Just a bit of forewarning: playing this deck is HARD. It's the reason that only Almost can pilot the carver/Kato variant, though BlackIce has a more conventional time midrange build, and I hope he'll share it on EWC soon.

    JPS / PURPOSE: nothing much going on here as far as I can tell. I suppose one can play a dark Hooru control style deck which I suppose I'd put at the bottom of orange because wisdom + honor of claws + harsh rule can only be so bad, but again, if you're after this sort of effect, FTJ just does better at scratching this itch. Dark Blitz was something Almost played at one point, but at this point, the deck needs to be drawing 2 cards every turn to function with how fast it can vomit a bunch of combat tricks which might not get it lethal. JPS never really had a combo or a midrange deck of note.

    FPS / MENACE: RIP Haunted Highway. While you can, once again, scream highwayman, and defiance isn't that amazing anymore, we're long past the point in throne that a charging champion of fury (that's now a 3/1) is an acceptable first play on turn 3. I've run into some Felnscar dragons on ladder, and I have to say, it's really underwhelming. I think we're past the point in the game's history that Black-Sky Harbinger is effective as a vanilla 6-drop. Felnscar Control existed at one point in set 1 (I won my only ETS with it =P), but any attempts to rebuild it have not gone well, and with maiden being a 2/3 (why she's not back at 2/4, especially in this carver meta is an endless source of frustration with DWD with me), this is just not an archetype you want to be near right now. And of course, pour one out for Endra's best combo form in the form of Endra Scream/Haunted Harpway/Screaming Endra Brigade. That she got blasted so soon is just so sad. The 3+1 market nerf AND nuking golem (instead of scream) might have made her decks tolerable. I personally didn't pilot this deck well enough to love it in its heyday, but I appreciated the fact that it existed. Now, it's a historical footnote.

    TJP / TRADITION: a bunch of fringe playable decks here, though none that I'd really recommend. Maybe there's a world in which you can combine JJ flyers with majestic skies, but in the reality of getting blasted by insignia up-tempo 2F decks, you put yourself at a disadvantage playing any 3F that can't generate obscene amounts of value like carver or FTJ. Good old Temporal Control is a deck you can also potentially play, but again, trading off Arcanum and best-in-class finishers (burying someone in volatility card advantage or Icaria) for Pit of Lenekta? Not where I want to be.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Eternal Highlights #155 - Self-Tribute

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    What has changed? They look exactly the same as before

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Playmat selection

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Why is it, if I go into a deck to select the default playmat, I still see the other player's mat? Selecting my own should make that the one always see, right?

    submitted by /u/Chefbarbie74
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    Miniature Rant about Market changes - My beautiful beautiful Crown

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:41 PM PDT


    I am a crazy brewer, I create things that shouldn't work but are a lot of fun when they work. One of my favorite decks of all time is the highs and lows that the Crown of Possibility brings to the table. The merchants were the only thing that made this deck somewhat viable by making it more consistent to draw a crown. With the regular merchants getting sold to the Black Market, that also negates having a spare crown in your market. This also prevents you from main decking Display of Knowledge for the Crown draw. This greatly hurts Crown in a bad way as it disallows the consistency of the inconsistency of the Crown procs from your units. Display of Knowledge is the only card that can grab Crown that isn't obscene in its cost. This also prevents Display of Knowledge being used in the market if you are also using it as removal. (Celestial Omen is the only other card that can grab crown of possibilities besides running Perilous Research and Elvish Swindler).

    If Swindler were to receive a buff that allowed him to grab relics that cost 3, it would make him a much better card and give Crown decks the tools to still somewhat function properly without taking too bad of a hit. This also enables other fun non-meta decks grab some toys as well for like Calderan Cradle. I understand it may open some other builds like grabbing Kodosh's Armor and Bloodrite Kalis (which is super off color and doesn't want to have expensive units anyways), but it enables fun strategies as well.

    If Dire Wolf is worried about the affects that grabbing a 3 cost relic is, there may be the possibility of bringing the crown of possibilities down to 2 cost that allows Elvish Swindler to grab it anyways without changing the Elvish Swindler. Maybe it is too big of a swing card to allow at a lower cost, however the Merchants have spoiled us past season 1 to get more consistent draws. Now that we cannot use the merchants to consistently grab a Crown or ways to fish for a crown, it really hurts the consistency of a really swingy deck. Maybe Dire Wolf doesn't want Crown to be any stronger than it is to avoid the Gamble, but having those swings, the high highs and the low lows is what makes Crown decks so much fun to play, and enjoyable to Pilot. I am not saying every player should enjoy it, but it is consistently one of my favorite decks to play, despite never being able to break out of Platinum.

    TL/DR - Crown of Possibility decks are getting nerfed with the Merchant update. I feel like crown decks should receive a buff to help keep them fun, and not impossible to play against Meta and non-meta decks.

    submitted by /u/ForemoleDin
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    [Throne] Hilarious Budget Rat Sac Deck

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:28 PM PDT


    Here's another fun budget list for you guys! I've been playing around with a budget Stonescar sacrifice aggro deck for a while, but nothing seemed to click or to be very consistent. Enter Shrine to Karvet. I saw someone else play this card with a bunch of cheap tokens and sac outlets, and I instantly knew that's where I wanted to be. And then I remembered that Rat Cage exists as a way to get a lot of cheap tokens. Hence, the deck was born.

    The only card I'm not sure about is Factory Quota, because it can be a nonbo sometimes with Shrine, but I felt like the deck needed another cheap relic that DOES something, and it provides lots of pressure against the right decks. If you have other ideas/suggestions, please, comment away.

    [Edit: So I was looking at other relic options.

    -Charchain Flail: not sure that's what we want to be doing in this deck.

    -Miner's Musket: possibly good, but a little expensive for a budget deck, and limited in scope

    -Curator's Spear: seems okay, but not that good.

    -Makkar's Quiver actually sounds really good, but would turn this into a not-so-budget deck.

    -Unkindness: actually seems really good. I might try this out.

    End Edit]

    submitted by /u/Musical_Muze
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