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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Eternal Card Game 1.51.3 Patch Notes

    Eternal Card Game 1.51.3 Patch Notes

    1.51.3 Patch Notes

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Patch Notes

    After a brief delay, the Draft Preview Event and Argent Depths Pre-Order Bundle are rolling out now in the 1.51.3 patch!

    Should be live shortly!

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Worldly Cleric

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    With all these "Influence Matters" cards being printed, can we have a way of searching for them more easily in the collection?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    In my opinion, doing a search for the word "Influence" should show you anything where an Influence symbol is printed in the card's text. Here's what I mean:

    Right now, searching for Influence gets you cards that say the word in their card text, like Timekeeper and Mantle of Justice. This makes sense. But...

    A card like the Badge of Honor spoiler would not be included in your search, because it says "Gain <Justice symbol>." And the Bubble Shield or Bartholo's Keepsake spoilers, where the Influence matters for the extra effect, also wouldn't appear. Same goes for all the "Fixing strangers" we already have now. They all give you Influence, but there's no way, as far as I know, to search for that in the collection manager right now.

    Open to other suggestions for this. Just trying to help our friends in Denver with some community feedback!

    submitted by /u/Alomba87
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    Rust Machine

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    You've Heard Of Vegemite. Get Ready For Totamite - Throne Eternal

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Echoes of Eternity Draft + Matches Finale

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    To see the last Echoes Draft (that I am playing) before the amazing preview event, go here:


    We will soon be moving into the preview event for Argent Depths Draft. This is our last draft in the Echoes Draft environment (though there are likely to be EoE packs in the preview event.) I'm excited to play one last draft in this amazing format. It seems like yesterday Echoes came out, but let's give it a fun last run!

    To see the full decklist please visit Eternal Warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/QOi5NZaPDBQ/echoes-of-eternity-draft-matches-finale

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Comprehensive Battle Skill Ranking

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I've been thinking a lot about how much stronger Surge is than Empower, and I wanted to make a rankings chart to show just how much better it is (and how much Mentor sucks). Before I can do that, it would be remiss if I did not first address Battle Skills since they're much easier to rank in a vacuum. This ranking is totally subjective based on what singular battle skill adds the most utility when added to an otherwise vanilla unit. Rankings do not take into account the theoretical unit's stat total, nor other battle skills or abilities that unit may have. As such, abilities that are always useful are better than abilities that rely on stats.

    The Battle Skills are Aegis, Berserk, Charge, Deadly, Double Damage, Endurance, Exalted, Flying, Killer, Lifesteal, Overwhelm, Quickdraw, Reckless, Revenge, Unblockable, and Warcry. If you want an explanation of the individual skills, check out https://eternalwarcry.com/cards/abilities.

    1. Aegis

    To the surprise of no one, Aegis is totally busted. Even a 1/1 Aegis unit can hold weapons and other buffs safely, all while staying mostly safe from opposing removal. Aegis is also obviously the most powerful battle skill to add to a highly statted unit, since it nearly guarantees that unit will survive to do something with.

    2. Charge

    In much the same vein as Aegis, Charge ensures that the unit you played will get to attack. It loses out to Aegis because a 1/1 Charger isn't the business, but anything larger can do some real damage when appropriately costed. Attacking is what units are for, and getting to attack immediately and so "dodge" slow removal helps you get immediate value out of your units.

    3. Killer

    In third place we have the weaker version of Charge. Killer gives your unit immediate board impact, but relies on your opponent having a smaller unit or other factors to really get battle. Unlike charge, you can't just dump it on an open board. These three abilities give units resilience or immediate impact, and as such stand head and shoulders above the rest.

    4. Revenge

    If you roll well, recasting the revenged unit for free and drawing a card is a ton of card advantage, but if your roll poorly it's like the card had no text. Add that to the wide array of silence and transform effects that can prevent you from getting value, and you have a battle skill that a significant step down from the Big Three.

    5. Exalted

    The newest battle skill, Exalted plays VERY well with itself (and even better with Aegis). Scales extremely well with other battle skills, but that's not how we're raking things, so the fact that you need another unit on the board that survives whatever killed the Exalted unit to get value is what puts it below Revenge, despite Revenge's randomness.

    6. Unblockable

    All the battle skills that remain affect combat, and the king of them is the one that allows you to sidestep it entirely. Unblockable is the trump card in the evasion game, and it totally ignores all non-killer enemy units. Unblockable + Aegis has the original patent on F U N___A N D___I N T E R A C T I V E gameplay.

    7. Double Damage

    While other battle skills scale with your stats, Double Damage is the only one that actually affects them. Doubling your strength turns even a lowly 2/3 into a fearsome attacker (didn't we have a merchant like that?) and it scales really well with anything else that increases your stats. It's not evasion, but no other battle skill increases the raw damage you deal to the opponent's FACE. Let's be honest, creature combat is just the foreplay before you smash (face).

    8. Berserk

    Double damage! Sort of…

    Capable of doing huge bursts of damage out of nowhere and sort of doubling your attack stat, poor man's Double Damage still does damage. Like Double Damage, even small units are deadly with pump spells and weapons, but unlike Double Damage you can only use it once and it does nothing on defense. Pick your spot!

    9. Flying

    If you can't hit your opponent, what good is your unit? Flying trades unblockable's, er, unblockability for the ability to stop other fliers on defense, and as such is much worse. Still, ignoring some units is better than none and it can't be chumped by grounded units, unlike the other kinds of pseudo evasion.

    10. Deadly

    Deadly units win every combat (bar invulnerable to damage nonsense or quickdraw) and as such makes your attack stat irrelevant. This makes even a lowly 1/1 useful where other 1/1s wouldn't be. However, it doesn't do much to protect your unit – if your opponent wants to trade, they will. Combined with doing nothing if your opponent has nothing in play, that keeps it from being higher on the list.

    11. Quickdraw

    Essentially functioning as a poor man's Unblockable, while you have the largest unit its very tough to block a Quickdraw unit. However, unlike Unblockable, your opponent can chump block any time they feel like it and Quickdraw without tricks is useless if your unit isn't the biggest. It also does nothing on defense, making it less versatile than Deadly.

    12. Lifesteal

    If you can't kill your opponent, you might as well keep yourself alive. Lifesteal is one of the few battle skills that has impact beyond the combat phase, giving you a nice health buffer to spend as you totally ignore the blocking mechanic. It doesn't do anything to help your unit in actual combat, but it does keep you alive, and that gives it the nods over other abilities that also don't help you win combat.

    13. Decay

    I totally forgot about this the first time skill the first time I wrote this. Decay works kind of a like a worse version of Deadly, where your units won't be blocked unless your opponent really wants to, and it also needs actual stats to do much. Decay does add up, but you'd generally rather have something with more impact, and again it's flavor text on an empty board.

    14. Endurance

    If you can't kill your opponent, you might as well keep yourself alive. I'm running back the quote, and if it sounds worse the second time around, that's because the ability is worse too. Sticking around to block after attacking is great… if your units survive the attack and can make profitable blocks. Still, it does at least give Permafrost immunity.

    15. Warcry

    It doesn't help you attack, it doesn't help you block, and it doesn't help your unit on the board at all. What it does do is give you a slightly better chance of winning the game, IF you draw your warcried unit or weapon. That's not great, but at least Warcry is good in multiples and plays well with itself. It's still better than the next two…

    16. Overwhelm

    We've reached the bottom of the barrel. Overwhelm is essentially flavor text on anything smaller than a 4/4 (and realistically, a 6/6) and it does absolutely nothing to help you win combat or stay alive. The only time it does anything is when your opponent is chumping, in which case you're winning anyways.

    17. Reckless

    To the surprise of no one, the one battle skill that is a downside comes in last! Needing to attack means nothing if you were attacking anyways… and it's horrible if you weren't. At least this usually comes with Berserk.

    There you have it, my arbitrary Battle Skill ranking! First and last were obvious, but a lot of the middle is debatable. I look forward to reading your comments and look forward even more to figuring out how the heck I'm going to rank things that aren't battle skills. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/aReNGeeEternal
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    Shavka's Lute

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    I've been brewing some single faction stuff lately and really enjoyed the relics. One of the more fun decks I played was a Grodov and Shavkas mixture with Grenadines. (https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/9exSunm5pkw/shavkas-song?view=list)


    • Playing Grodovs weapons from your sacrifices stacks warcrys from Shavka's. Having 3 Shavka's, Grodovs, and 2 Grenadins plays a 9/9, warcry 9, flying, overwhelm, exalted dragon.

    • Attack with infernus and sac at the end of the turn with a grenadin for cheap dragons.

    • Lumen reclaimers replenish the deck and also make good sacrifice targets so they multiply.

    • Sacing Devotee of the sands when they emerge creates an exalted weapon with unlockable.

    • Using Lumen will return all of the infernus' to your deck, ensuring you don't run out of dragon fuel.

    • Even getting swept leaves your entombed units out for targets of all the Grodovs weapons


    • Unitless

    • Not getting a Grodovs when you need to start making dragons

    • Timely removals before you have Grodovs out.

    That was pretty much what I struggled with. Open to any suggestions, hope you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/EightPaws
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    Sealed League - Splash Time? Or stay Stonescar?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I sat out the first week, then went 13-7 with this deck: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/VlPjeOcGH-k/sealed-june-monthly

    I didn't see anything jawdropping in my 3rd week packs, so I decided to stay stonescar with minor tweaks: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/hbJ-mHRHBI0/june-sealed-league-week-3 . I've gone 1-3 with this deck, so I don't love it.

    Here is my full pool: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/aoGXo8BbmaI/june-sealed-league-week-3-full-pool

    Some questions: Is edict of shavka worth playing?

    Should I splash yellow? -2x Magnificent Stranger -Vara's Choice -Champion Grappler -Powerbreach Sentinel -Bhodi & Rox -Sandglass Sentinel -Scourstone Sentinel

    I feel like my current deck is a midrange deck. The problem is I lose games both to aggro low cost unit go wide decks, and to harder controll-y decks.

    Any and all thoughts appreciated!

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    League: Last week of June

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Since "Argent Depths" is coming June 23rd, shouldn't the last 2 packs we open for league be from that set? Since 23 is one week from end of month, it makes sense to give the 2 packs on that date. It might just stimulate more interest in the mode.

    submitted by /u/Shadowcran
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