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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Eternal Card Game The Eternal Card Art Tournament - Final Round!

    Eternal Card Game The Eternal Card Art Tournament - Final Round!

    The Eternal Card Art Tournament - Final Round!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Bracket Link


    Round #63 Poll


    Congratulations to those who voted for Talir's Unwinding and Substitute! Both cards have advanced to the finals!

    submitted by /u/SirDuckingtonV
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    Science: Yeti Taunt Patrol v. reddit comments

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Feln Control got new toys! (Expedition)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Ralph you son of a gun!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I'm not one for raging but god darn it Ralph, you got me good in that last Draft game you tricky son of a gun!

    Tried to add you afterwards for a friendly chat after you destroyed my soul with you exactly lethal sigil->favour->sigil->sigil play with Midias on the board. That swing for 14 total cut deep.

    Anyways hope you see this, great game, well played! Here's to more epic games friend! xD

    Edit:Megajenius in game btw ;)

    submitted by /u/Don88
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    Started playing in March

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Don't know many people who play and wanted somewhere to celebrate. Started playing in March and just hit #1 today. The game is real fun and the community is overall great. Edit: in draft https://imgur.com/gallery/7KWFE7q

    submitted by /u/Stonedmiser420
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    Meta Snapshot before the balance changes

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Meta Snapshot before the balance changes

    Breakdown of the Meta since the last Meta snapshot. Shaded regions in the main graph indicate 5% of the meta, any particular deck archetype encompassing more than 5% of the meta is labeled, factions are shown if they make up more than 2.5% of the meta. Decks making up more than 5% of the metagame were plotted on the Reactivity and Otherzoniness metrics.

    This week I have nothing to complain about, participation in the survey was great and I would have been able to post on Saturday, but since todays balance patch was announced decided to push publication to now so that we get a clear before and after comparison.

    Thanks to everybody who contributed data:

    In total there were 130 expedition and 236 throne games submitted.

    In expedition almost a 5th of the meta was Rakano surge, the deck hit most directly by the balance changes as it plays all 3 nerfed cards to great effect. it is followed by Mono fire aggro, a deck that benefited from the Ruffian nerf as removing such a potent source of lifegain from the top deck made aggro strategies more viable. Whether the deck survives the balance changes remains to be seen, but I would not expect it to fade away completely.

    Elysian decks have become less popular, but are still mostly built around Helios and Mother of Skies. I would expect these decks to gain in popularity if it weren't for the change to Helios. I don't think it is a huge issue, but 6 is a lot more than 5.

    Skycrag is next and it has a popular token strategy which I've dubbed Edge of Uprising here, though it could just as well be named after Mother of Skies or Throne Room. Along with Rakano surge these decks are pretty aggressive midrange decks, while our next entry is Argenport midrange, which has slightly picked up numbers from last time. It still gets to use all of the shadow toys alongside Rolant, Svetya, and Ruffian. The deck shares many cards with the FJS midrange decks two spots below it and taken together these would make it to the second most popular spot behind Rakano. It's likely that the nerf hitting Ironthorn and FILP makes the addition of fire not worth it anymore and I would consider this a contender for the spot of the most popular deck in the next snapshot.

    I skipped over Vox, which is popular enough to make it into the named decks. There's not a lot to say here, apart from noting that we have a deck that strays from the usual strong correlation between being reactive and otherzony. It's not as otherzony as a pure combo deck would be.

    In throne the top dog is Stonescar aggro. That deck has received a boost through the buff to Buh-ton, who already saw play in some versions of the deck. If the most popular deck does not only dodge any nerfs but gets a buff, I would expect it to retain its position in the format. Since the deck was already close to Rakanos popularity in Throne, let me also predict threads calling for a nerf to Jekk or Milos on this very subreddit in the weeks to come.

    Rakano surge in throne has had to fight a deeper format, but as it turns out eminently playable cards like Hojan, Baby Icaria, and Sediti slot right into the deck and make it competitive. Since Stonescar just got better and the Nerfs hit Surge I think it won't survive in throne.

    The third most common faction pairing like in expedition is split between two decks. Xenan either plays a relatively fair midrange strategy building towards an endgame with Severin or it plays Reanimator combo.

    Argenport comes next with midrange being popular. But there is a sizable number of Even Paladins in the mix as well. In throne this is directly followed by FJS midrange, which packs more removal, more smugglers, and (so far) more surge, leading to fairly different positions on the reactivity vs. otherzoniness plot. With the balance patch I would expect the two decks to converge a bit more and we will probably see something akin to classic FJS mid rise in popularity.

    Skycrag aggro comes next, though in throne it has a hard time keeping up with the other aggro decks. Both Yeti tribal and wider strategies showed up here.

    Hooru Hatebears tells you right away what won't happen. Cards won't leave markets or voids, weapons won't be played, they will never lose their face aegis, and depending on which Svetya they just drew you won't play spells and weapons or units for a while. At the same time Hojan or some evasive unit hits you until you are dead. I've been constantly impressed with the deck when somebody brought it against me and while it loses a lot of value from Silverblade Intrusion, I expect it to stick around.

    That's it for this week, as last time I'll post when I reach 200 games or in a week (unless DWD releases another balance patch next Wednesday...).

    submitted by /u/susuexp
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    PSA: You may now dust the original 5 scions!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I noticed this today, when I made an alt, that now, new players receive Argent Depths scions in their starter decks, so I went over to my main, looked at my Scions, and I was able to disenchant them! So if anyone wants a free 4000 shiftstone, there you go! This might be common knowledge, and I might just be dumb, but hey!

    submitted by /u/Marymatician
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    7.0 Draft.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I was super proud of this draft deck it went 7/0. This is only my second ever 7/0 draft, but I felt as if the first required much more luck than this deck. This deck seemed to be all gas. Is there anything you would not have played?

    1 Contaminating Ritual (Set8 #118)

    1 Ruinous Burst (Set8 #5)

    1 Ankle Cutter (Set4 #8)

    1 Beseech the Throne (Set9 #212)

    2 Flameheart Patroller (Set9 #9)

    1 Relentless Pursuit (Set9 #11)

    1 Song of War (Set1 #18)

    1 Volatile Grenadin (Set9 #12)

    1 Yeti Cookmaster (Set8 #12)

    1 Burningcore Drake (Set8 #14)

    1 Corrosive Dagger (Set9 #14)

    1 Devouring Shadow (Set0 #36)

    2 Mightweaver (Set9 #16)

    1 Rally (Set1 #33)

    2 Rebel Sharpshooter (Set1 #30)

    1 Redmask Warrior (Set9 #17)

    1 Skeletal Dragon (Set8 #132)

    1 Slagfury Berserker (Set9 #20)

    1 Oni Battledriver (Set9 #25)

    1 Wretched Rats (Set9 #170)

    1 Flash Fire (Set0 #6)

    2 Grizzled Quickshot (Set9 #29)

    1 Gun Down (Set2 #26)

    1 Inferno Zealot (Set8 #23)

    1 Thunder of Wings (Set8 #24)

    1 Skyfire Hellkite (Set7 #28)

    9 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)

    1 Fire Symbol (Set9 #1)

    5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    I know I didn't draft anything else that was worth playing, but are any of the cards utter junk that I should have steered away from.

    submitted by /u/Zuladel
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    Are merchants legal in expedition now?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Title says it all. Is this new? Suprised me is all, wasn't expecting it and would've thought folks would've made more comments...

    submitted by /u/Glytched1
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