• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Eternal Card Game [Celebration] Tricky Treats Heroic Event!

    Eternal Card Game [Celebration] Tricky Treats Heroic Event!

    [Celebration] Tricky Treats Heroic Event!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    [Celebration] Brewer's Ball: Go big! No, Bigger than That.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    It's time for the second challenge in the Brewer's Ball!

    Go Big. No, Bigger than That. We want decks that do something epic. Maybe it's a combo or maybe it's killing in a single turn with a pumped up Double Damage unit. Let's see some Fireworks!

    Post your biggest, wildest deck in the comments below, and it could be featured on stream during next week's Eternal Celebration, when every card in the game is yours to play with for FREE!

    Whaddaya got?

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    What It's Like to be an Aggro Player in Fall 2020

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    The Misplay - #53 - Artistic License

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    How big? Pretty big.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    How big? Pretty big.

    My Brewer's Ball submission. Can't get much bigger than infinite* life, infinite* damage, infinite* card-draw, and a unit with infinite* attack.



    *The game doesn't let anything go above 999, so our infinite combo is unfortunately capped.

    submitted by /u/MurderOfCrowss27
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    Returning after a Significant break (Dec 2019)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    I was addicted.

    Hours every day. Money I could not afford.

    Fully Premium decks.

    I'd like to establish a healthy relationship with this game.

    I have a fully foiled version of that deck that ran Xo, the rakano and argenport merchants, slay, harsh rule, vara (the campaign one) with martyrs chains out of the market.

    I also have a vodacombo deck, kennadins, several howling peak decks from that era, skycrag aggro, rakano midrange and armory. Oh, and temporal control.

    What should I dust? What's just not good anymore? What's should I build? I like midrangy control decks.

    I have 18k shiftstone and can buy up the new campaigns over the next couple of months, but I won't spend money on the game except campaigns anymore. (it got a bit out of hand previously).


    submitted by /u/Aeyric
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    Anyone else missing their Feln Vow?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Hello, just woke up and discovered a few decks "red Xed" due to missing 4 x Feln Vow. I know I didn't turn them into shiftstone so is anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/Shadowcran
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    Uncrowned Grenadins - entry for Go Big brew

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Jarrall Worldpyre - Brewer's Ball "Go Big, No Bigger Than That" Expedition Deck Tech & Game Play

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Why do game developers hate control decks so much.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Ok first off all, I know its about the mobile player base that like short games, but annihilating a complete archetype just to cater towards, scrubs playing on their way to work in the train etc. Feels bad in my eyes. Ok I understand that devs want to push the board interactive plays, so I get the changes but, there are far too many flaws in that plan. Coming from a background of Yugioh ,MTG, Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls Legends and Spellweaver, I played alot of card games and mostly control decks so I know my stuff. Considering that Eternal is more like a hybrid between mtg with the mana base fixing and the instants and hearthstone with board interactions mattering. I will take parts from those 2 games and try to evaluate what I say with those games.

    1. There are no value creatures for control decks at all, that makes control want to use them. Board based finishers like (Torrential Gearhulk or Scarab God do not exist, Which makes the term wincon relatively vage here the win con is either draw you deck(which you gutted), Channel face(which again you gutted, or hitting face with a weapon like SotSK, or grinding out your opponent with infinite value aka Grodovs burden, Cookbook etc(which also benefits midrange decks that are greedy). Next to that there is no real controlly statted unit that a control player would want to play to have a board interaction that give you constant value over a longer time. Auralian Merchant was like the only creature I would consider running in a control deck, but not only because of her stats, but also the fact that she ramped (which benefited ramp midrange decks as well) and its a market card, which back then was mostly a control deck mechanic. That Problem of not having valueable creatures is really harsh in a format like Expedition: Lack of Removal, Sweepers while Aggro and midrange decks keep getting new support from the campaigns while control gets absolutely nothing. How to deal with board swarm decks, in a colour that has no sweeper like Auralian for example. Lightning storm does not do the trick as even aggro creatures are buffed out of range.(Milos and Jekk) Which brings me to my next point:

    2. Aggro creatures are far too overstatted and aggro is far too efficient. Lighting storm for example is a card that is supposed to counter aggro decks that swarm the board, but in Skycrag aggro apart from champion of fury, no creature in that deck actually dies to it. (Milos, Jekk, Siege Train, etc) but again control decks don´t have alternatives to combat those board swarm strategies as most units are not worth using. Focussing single target 1 for trade with Sear, Lightning Strikes and Icebolts in that case. But having to 1 for 1 against a board swarm deck feels absolutely awful. If aggro creatures would actually be aggro and not midrange statted that would be great. typical aggro creatures are like 4/1, 2/1 not 3/3 or 6/4s. And trade poorly. If you want to do that fine, but then give control the tools to combat them either on board or removal.

    For that I want to mention another game for comparision, Spellweaver TCG, all the top tier decks are aggro, but the game actually has units that control decks want to use as they benefit from it. Another point is that a spell like Torch(Fireball in Spellweaver) kills like 80% of the creatures in the game, making single target removal trade far more efficient, and thus a lack of Sweepers not that detrimental. Spellweaver has both good creatures that gain you advantage in cards, or board or value in other points and spells that are never bad because powercreep is never that high so those spells rarely become dead. Also with creatures not getting powercreeped and staying in the range of removal, means you have to print less removal and can focus on more creatures that are actually good in a control deck. Also that game peaks at 6 mana and lvl 4 for most finishers.

    1. Pushing Control decks away from the meta because they feel like worse midrange most of the time. Recent Tournaments showed that most decks were midrange or combo orientated, Menace Sacrifice, Argenport Armory, Jennev flyers , Winchest Shrine etc. Control is in such an awkward state that its more or less better to just cut the control aspect from decks, like card draw ,mass removal, and just build it straight midrange. Decks like Jennev which were really good in Jennev peaks in the throne format, entirely shifted to a midrange flyer shell. While Jennev control just don´t work in expedition. Elysian control is another thing, on paper it just looks and feels like a midrange deck with a tech in Solar Blast to wipe a board(which apparently makes a deck control nowadays), another decks are Worldpyre decks, which I would say are more combo than control, because you actually just try to get Pyre active and swing the game from there, you can win in turn 4 or 5 with that, without ever removing anything or preventing your opponent from getting his wincondition assembled, which is not really what a control deck usually does.

    2. What is a control deck: There are a lot of misconceptions on what a control deck is, there are some die hard MTG vets that still believe unitless = control and anything that is having creatures in it is already considered midrange. No the gameplan of a control deck is to keep your opponents board in check, playing your own creatures to defend you and stall time, to find answers. You can do that by playing alot of creatures paired with key removal spells, or you can go full on unitless. As long as your playstyle is mostly reactive and you care more about what your opponent is doing than what you are doing, its a control deck. Armory for example, ppl call armory control but its just midrange, because it does not play reactive, does not deny opponents from building up a board and they are focussed on assembling their buffed weapon to trade away creatures to hit face in the next turns. A deck like Xenan Control actually played like a control deck just with creatures, and had mindful decisions on when to use removal, when it is better to react to a board with your own creature and in the end grind your opponents out of ressources. While Armory would not want to do nothing for a turn, because its tempo loss. Xenan could actually not play anything as long as the opponent did not play anything. Using its ressources with caution and smart. Comparing that to Paladin control in Hearthstone, it was a control deck that lacked removal and thus had to use it wisely. To not get overrun by aggressive decks it had to play creatures to block for it. The win con was simply use as less cards per turn as possible while making your opponent spend alot of ressources, while you played defensive preparring for your removal to do the trick. And then grind your opponent out with Uther of the Ebonblade. It was slow but relied on creatures to stay alive instead of removals. I know for a mtg player calling control paladin , control actual makes you cringe. But realize that mtg had a different gameplan. You could react what you opponent did, while he did it. In Hearthstone you can´t interact with the opponent in his turn. So you had to find alternative ways to play a deck like a control deck. So lets say I want to recreate the paladin control archetype in a game like Eternal do I have the tools to do it. How many efficient creatures do I have for that?

    Ok final words, I am a fan of control decks and the word control comes from Board control, Which most control decks nowadays seriously lack. Grindy control decks that play creatures paired with removal, but can drag a game long. Or spellbased control deck with less creatures or no creatures, both are legit control decks. They have the same gameplan but with different methods.

    For expedition: Control needs a rebranding as the "typical" just play spells control deck is obviously not what DWD wants. To make control into what DWD wants it to be and to still feel like a control deck alot of things have to be done before that change would be effective. Midrange decks need to be split clearly from control decks. A deck greedier or grindier than a control deck can´t be considered midrange(between aggro and control). Also we need more efficient creatures that combat aggressive boards to give control deck more interaction possibilities on board. Also to make a creature based board interactive game, you need to make sure that board swarm is not that powerful and you also need to make sure that a game does not need sweepers like Harsh Rules or Shenra Speaks to be viable(Sultai control in MTG had no sweepers and is pretty good in modern) it just needs efficient creatures that win you the game in the long run paired with good removal and a gameplan for a longer game). I think its possible to bring a more sultai control orientated playstyle into Eternal Expedition format to reshape what control is all about.

    submitted by /u/Hjerbrg
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    Wanting to try out dragons

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    Are they any good for ladder or a they just a bust

    submitted by /u/ClayAndros
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    Git Gud

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I am currently playing this shadow deck in Throne and it is fun. Trying to be good against any type of deck.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:56 PM PDT

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