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    Eternal Card Game Draft pack changes and what the mean for Expedition

    Eternal Card Game Draft pack changes and what the mean for Expedition

    Draft pack changes and what the mean for Expedition

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:18 AM PST

    So with 56 new cards entering the curated draft packs very soon official list here, I thought it would be a good idea to share my opinions as to the impact of these new cards on the expedition format, as well as highlight the fun cards that are now able to be brewed within a lower-power format that tends to be more friendly to jankier decks. WIthout further ado, here we go from A-Z:

    • [[Aamri's Choice]]: This is a fairly potent combat trick, especially when pushing damage through chump blockers. I'd expect this to be an autoinclude in any agressive Combrei deck, which we might see experimented with considering the new minotaur from the campaign.

    • [[Aerialist Trainer]]: We once saw this played in a Hooru Mother of Skies deck. I don't think there are enough. With this, there's Smuggler/Shelterwing/Vorlunk/Aerialist/Nesting raven, making for 20 copies of unit's I'd potentially put into such a deck. That may be enough to actually play, though it looks like it'd be a deck that wants to play Helio but struggles to get enough influence to make it there reasonably

    • [[Answer the Call]]: The only weapon I'd want to play with this is Pale Rider's Timepeice, and I doubt that Answer is good enough without a weapon to combo with the unit

    • [[Barrel Through]]: Draft

    • [[Be Gone]]: Pause for Reflection is many times better

    • [[Blitrock, Linrei's Listener]]: First of the listener cycle we're getting and a very fun card when you give her Deadly, which is possible thanks to Touch of Battle. Don't see her being played that much, though some heavy-Primal valuetown lists might want her ability to both invoke and ping specific targets down.

    • [[Bolster]]: Probably really bad, but could possibly blow someone out once if you're playing a Combrei beef deck with the new minotaur

    • [[Cindermaw Tota]]: Probably Draft

    • [[Crill, Merciless Pillager]]: Will likely still run into the same problem she's always had: waay to expensive, and also Stonesmelt Dragon does almost the same thing but also flies, so outside of a meme build I don't think she's relevant

    • [[Crown of Possibilities]]: Clockroaches are in expedition, so I guarantee you 100% a variety of people will try to make this work. WIll it be competitive? Probably not. Fun? Absolutely

    • [[Display of Ambition]]: Singlehandedly brings FJS back into expedition as a force to be reckoned with. Good luck to figuring out exactly what type of FJS it is, however

    • [[Display of Honor]]: One of the worse displays, and I doubt there's an Ixtun deck that really makes a great use of at least two of the modes

    • [[Display of Instinct]]: Generally pretty handy Jennev spell, there's a good potential for FTP midrange to become relevant thanks to the new Skycrag relic, and this has always been a great card in those kinds of decsk.

    • [[Display of Knowledge]]: Great in Aurelian relics, might possibly see play in Extotia as well to assemble the combo

    • [[Display of Vision]]: Honestly very neat Kerendon card, will likely be run in place of (or in addition to) petition in all those TJS piles in expedition thanks to its ability to play cylixes and clean up most sacrifice tokens / aggro

    • [[Eye for an Eye]]: Draft

    • [[Ezuzi, Kodosh's Listener]]: Another listener, but this one's a 1/1 for 4. Don't play him

    • [[Felrauk's Choice]]: There aren't that many unit curses in expedition right now, so may not be particuarly relevant

    • [[Forbidden-Rider Outcast]]: This is one of my favourite Hooru Curses cards, and adds even more multifaction units to the pile of Hooru Mother. No Patriarch, however - you'll have to find a new source of draw for curse decks.

    • [[Galai, Shavka's Listener]]: Great in Fire-based aggro decks that want 4-drops that keep the pressure on. Any deck that can play Jekk has the potential to play this, though Jekk's existence does reduce the likelihood Galai will be played

    • [[Grenadin Drone]]: The classic 2 bodies in 1 card, possibly sees play in FTS shrine, almost 100% in Stonescar shrine

    • [[Hatchery Hunter]]: Draft

    • [[Honor the Ancestors]]: Probably not good enough for constructed seeing as you'll almost never get the tribute, and Soldrain Smithing exists

    • [[Horn of Plenty]]: Draft

    • [[Impatient Pyromage]]: Has seen occasional play over time in Fire agressive builds, probably sees play in mono-F right now

    • [[Incarnus, Makker's Listener]]: This deck made Xenan bonkers the last time it was in Expedition. likely to be very important in heavy-Shadow still

    • [[Jekk's Choice]]: Draft

    • [[Kairos' Choice]]: There's probably a few Praxis lists that want this instead of sear

    • [[Lida's Apprentice]]: Helps Yojimba not silence himself, I guess

    • [[Locust]]: Draft

    • [[Marisen's Disciple]]: Quite versatile, probably won't see play though

    • [[Marsh Dragon]]: We saw this used quite effectively as a market option in an FTS Reactor Shrine deck during the last chance qualifiers, expect to see this as a Crack the Earth market option

    • [[Master Cartographer]]: Feln Reanimator? Probably won't be relevant, I'm guessing

    • [[Mating Call]]: Funny card, probably useless

    • [[Oni Quartermaster]]: If there's ever an Oni deck, this is in it. I don't think there's an Oni deck.

    • [[Parul's Choice]]: There are a fair few curses when you include relics, and this can fetch the lot of them. If there's a curse deck, this has 4x of them. If there's a Hooru Kira list, you're playing Bubble Shield.

    • [[Privelidge of Rank]]: Ever since it was nerfed, this has seen the occasional play, but nothing ver convincing recently

    • [[Quicksilver Ooze]]: Draft

    • [[Rat Cage]]: Ratteriez will be happy. No pitfall trap, so its usage will likely be more FTS rat-sacrifice than the classic Aurelian Rats we all know and love

    • [[Reinforced Tower Shield]]: Not even Draftable

    • [[Research Assistant]]: Has the potential to cheat out some power as well as activating tribute, I guess. Not particuarly excited

    • [[Sapphire Dragon]]: Draft

    • [[Scavenge]]: 3 power for 3 tokens is nice, though the fact that they can't block can be irritating sometimes. Probably playable in some kind of shrine list

    • [[Shard of the Spire]] Redundancy for Combrei beef, I guess

    • [[Siege Breaker]]: Saw outstanding performance in Skycrag Chonkers, with the new relic maybe it sees new play?

    • [[Soothing Shortbeak]]: Best when combined with Felrauk's Choice and Archgryffyn Patriarch, which we, unfortunately, have only one of. WIth the new shadow unit that pumps your board when enemies lose attack, curses might be possibly playable

    • [[Steward of the Past]]: Graveyard hate, I guess

    • [[Street Urchin]] Occasionally quite popular shadow dude, can ping face for quite a lot on occasion, as well as replacing itself with an enemy card

    • [[Swindle]]: Don't you dare play this

    • [[Vodakahn, Temple Seeker]]: Best known in Talir Combo, funnily enough the one card we're missing from the original Talir Combo is Talir Herself.

    • [[Voprex's Choice]]: Fun removal, there's a surprising amount of potential dragons in Expedition, so this may be relevant in that, as well as potentially FJS weapon lists.

    • [[Wanted Poster]]: I take everything I said about Felrauk's Choice being bad, this is quite good when paired with Felrauk's Choice

    • [[Wild Cloudsnake]]: Saw a bunch of play back when elysian fliers was everywhere. Humbug swarm and Majestic Skies are still in expedition so Elysian skies might be back on the menu

    • [[Wild Rider]]: Not even Draft

    • [[Withering Witch]]: Great in combination with effects that ping the whole board, probably not doing enough for a feln deck?

    • [[Woda, Grodov's Listener]]: Last listener, probably still not good enough to see expedition play even after the buffs, but I could be very wrong.

    submitted by /u/Sunsfury
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    Is there a limit to Amplify in this case? If I spend 30 power is there even a unit with 30 power?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    League Help

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:34 PM PST

    My Friend Registered, But didn't get their 5 Decks

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Basically the title.

    My friend registered so he could get the card packs & decks, but he only got the 3 card packs.

    The 5 Decks & 1 Free Forge Ticket are missing.

    Any reason why this might happen?

    submitted by /u/Asapps
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    When is this event supposed to be over?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:46 AM PST

    The site says November 1st, but here it is the second and I still have every card. Kind of anxious to return to normal.

    submitted by /u/Chefbarbie74
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    Question about Expedition legality

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST


    I haven't played for a long time but I've got a large collection of cards.

    I've built an expedition deck today and I noticed that I can use very few different power cards (only the basic Sigils & the Symbols).
    But, when playing in Expedition versus an opponent, they were using Seats, Favors… which I don't see in my deckbuilding screen, when Expedition is activated.
    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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    Any news on when they'll proc the updates to formats?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Got 2 draft tickets from the bundle and want to use one on the new format, not Empty Throne

    submitted by /u/mageta621
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    Bundle cards missing?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    I might be missing something obvious (and if so, I'm sorry), but I purchased Whispers of the Throne a couple of days ago, and now that we've returned to normal as far as cards are concerned (i.e., no unowned cards available) my Blightmoths are gone from my collection... yet Whispers of the Throne is still marked as purchased (and my 25000 gold is gone, of course).

    Could it be a bug related to the "all cards available" turning back to normal? Or am I missing something? I don't want to bother the support people if this is somehow my fault.

    submitted by /u/Eldomir
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    [Bastion Rising] - City Constructor

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    No Twitch drops today?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    I haven't seen any drops today, just wondering if they are still happening.

    submitted by /u/FMBrazuca
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    Are we missing out on Shiftstone?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:13 AM PST

    I know that crafting has been frozen for this occurrence, but when I open a pack now the stonometer displays a +100 effect but the counter doesn't go up. Are we forfeiting our stone bonus by opening packs right now? I ask because I just joined the new league...

    submitted by /u/phredtheterrorist
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    Forge Power Needs To Be Changed

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:25 PM PST

    In forge, you should really be able to choose how much power to run. You are forced to run 15 no matter what cards are in your deck; sometimes you take a lot of high drops and then you get power-screwed most games and just lose. Does anyone feel the same about this, or am I a loud voice in a small room here?

    submitted by /u/caseyGenericName
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    Help to improve deck/ideas for new deck

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Hi, am relatively new to the game and used this deck to got to very low masters from gold during the time when all cards were available.

    Argentport Deck

    Am looking for ways to improve it or recommendation for fun (and hopefully cheap) fast-paced decks! thanks

    submitted by /u/MrFrosty2172
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    Help for a regular Magic player, novice eternal player?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Hey guys, seasoned magic player here taking a break. Wondering if I can get some help building my league deck? I have no idea what I should be looking for in building a deck. I had put a bunch of justice and shadow cards together and then played against a deck that had some really great synergies and figured I might be missing something in my pool.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    here is my pool

    submitted by /u/Taouen
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    Wanting help with my Echo Makto Gauntlet Deck please!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:36 AM PST

    So I've been trying to build a fun janky deck abusing Inquisitor Makto for a while now ever since I started playing Eternal about a year ago. I quickly found out about the old meta deck with him and Elysian Pathfinder, so I focused my deck around those two. Since I've never been a big fan of competitive play I've primarily played Gauntlet to enjoy Eternal, only eveer playing any form of PvP for quests. However, I'm wanting to improve on my current Makto deck, and would greatly appreciate any feedback about how I could improve it!

    EDIT: Just noticed I never linked the decklist itself!: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/4bE0XeIK050/maktos-infinite-rush

    submitted by /u/The_Card_Wielder
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    Gallery of Draft Pack changes w/ weightings for the 11/2 update

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    Destroying Scions for Shiftstone.... Some help please.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    So I have heard that you can safely destroy some of the Scions as they can't be played. I don't exactly understand which ones can be destroyed and why? I thought all cards where legal? Can someone help me out here?

    submitted by /u/sjgold
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    New Imbue Deck Idea

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I've been experimenting with an Imbue deck with Danica, Ruined Witch, and Roshi, the Entrancer recently because I have a lot of opportunities right now. Pity its gonna end today...

    What do you think of the deck? Suggestions?

    The image is one of the better rounds

    submitted by /u/Illuminati0602
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    Help with my league deck.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:53 PM PST


    1 Bring to Justice (Set9 #74) 1 Calibrate (Set8 #31) 2 Chemical Rounds (Set9 #3) 1 Contaminating Ritual (Set8 #118) 2 Ensnare (Set8 #60) 1 From Beyond (Set9 #147) 1 Nesting Raven (Set8 #88) 1 Noble Protector (Set9 #80) 1 Pause for Reflection (Set8 #33) 1 Precision Plunge (Set8 #34) 1 Ruinous Burst (Set8 #5) 1 Shadow Etchings (Set9 #149) 1 Shatter (Set9 #114) 1 Apprentice Mage (Set9 #45) 1 Audacious Ruse (Set9 #82) 1 Badge of Honor (Set9 #83) 1 Beseech the Throne (Set9 #212) 1 Chainwhip Bludgeoner (Set9 #84) 1 Covetous Stranger (Set8 #6) 1 Feral Mandrake (Set9 #47) 2 Flameheart Patroller (Set9 #9) 1 Frost (Set9 #117) 1 Greenstone Officer (Set9 #85) 1 Majestic Skies (Set8 #161) 2 Monument Curator (Set8 #63) 1 Overheating Minibot (Set9 #10) 1 Soldrain Smithing (Set8 #9) 1 Steely Stranger (Set8 #66) 1 Two-Face (Set8 #126) 1 Unfamiliar Interloper (Set8 #202) 1 Biting Winds (Set8 #94) 1 Display of Destruction (Set8 #183) 2 Fanatical Stranger (Set8 #127) 1 Felrauk's Infiltrator (Set8 #128) 1 Fire Conjuring (Set8 #16) 1 Gravewatch Ancestor (Set8 #43) 1 Hired Gun (Set9 #160) 1 Land's Edge (Set9 #50) 1 Midnight Hunt (Set9 #161) 1 Pack Conjuring (Set8 #131) 1 Prism Golem (Set9 #213) 1 Razor Lash (Set9 #162) 1 Rectifier (Set8 #46) 1 Silverblade Reaper (Set9 #164) 1 Silvercrest Purifier (Set9 #93) 1 Siphoner Paladin (Set9 #94) 1 Skeletal Dragon (Set8 #132) 1 Slagfury Berserker (Set9 #20) 1 Strange Rider (Set8 #167) 1 Touch of Force (Set8 #19) 1 Touch of Wild (Set8 #101) 1 Vorpal Cutter (Set9 #165) 2 Water Conjuring (Set8 #98) 1 Worldly Cleric (Set9 #54) 1 Acedonis, Untainted (Set8 #153) 1 Acrid Scorpion (Set9 #131) 1 Bladecrafter (Set8 #20) 1 Blurhaze Wurm (Set9 #55) 1 Brightling (Set9 #56) 1 Hearty Warrior (Set9 #133) 1 Promising Pupil (Set8 #79) 1 Runemarker (Set8 #106) 1 Succumb (Set8 #136) 1 Trailtorch Cinderpaw (Set9 #27) 1 Elias, Shadow Wing (Set9 #172) 1 Enchanted Platemail (Set8 #83) 1 False Demise (Set9 #173) 1 Inferno Zealot (Set8 #23) 1 Rageheart Paladin (Set8 #84) 1 Seed of Creation (Set9 #64) 1 Sorcerer's Wand (Set8 #199) 1 Unbreakable Tradition (Set9 #102) 1 Abyssal Scrying (Set8 #112) 1 Backbreaker (Set9 #171) 1 Blade of the Worthy (Set9 #176) 2 Spore-Spitter (Set8 #145) 1 Stonepowder Bomber (Set8 #26) 1 Bhodi & Rox (Set8 #57) 1 Hunting Allosaur (Set9 #70) 1 Jotun Iceslinger (Set9 #144) 1 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249) 1 Fire Symbol (Set9 #1) 2 Justice Symbol (Set9 #73) 1 Praxis Vow (Set9 #181) 1 Primal Symbol (Set9 #109) 1 Time Symbol (Set9 #37) 1 Token of Destruction (Set8 #181) 1 Token of Tradition (Set8 #196)

    submitted by /u/Woeden
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