• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Common/Uncommon Charity Tournament by Eternal Journey

    Eternal Card Game Common/Uncommon Charity Tournament by Eternal Journey

    Common/Uncommon Charity Tournament by Eternal Journey

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Common/Uncommon Charity Tournament by Eternal Journey


    Charity Tournament for Child's Play


    Who: Jedi_EJ and YOU

    What: Common/Uncommon Constructed, TBT Round Swiss, Single Elim Top 8, Best of 3, no play/draw rule

    When: 09 January 2021, 1000CST Stream Start, 1030CST Tournament Start

    Why: To raise a donation for Child's Play (Providing entertainment to kids in medical facilities)

    Where: http://www.twitch.tv/jedi_ej / https://battlefy.com/eternal-journey/eternal-journey-peasant-tournament/5f615d7681f14f561bd6668a/info?infoTab=details

    Greetings Knights, Padawans, and all the great people of the Eternal Community. I think we have a fantastic group of people here and would like to do a couple of things that generate a lot of synergy and high value. I wanted to create an event that can bring us together regardless of play skill, collection size, global location, and allow us to be creative (deck building), test our play skill, do some additional good in the world and have fun while doing it. So this is an attempt at creating something bigger than ourselves (or just me at least). Ok enough about the setup, on to the nuts and bolts.

    09 JANUARY 2021 at 1100 CST (Saturday) I and the rest of the Eternal Journey Team will be hosting an Eternal tournament for charity. The tournament is FREE to join located in the links within this post and will consist of a COMMON/UNCOMMON ONLY (PEASANT) format. This allows any player that wants to participate to join regardless of collection, use of normal shiftstone fodder build arounds, appeal to limited players, and create another challenge for those creative brewers. All cards in Eternal are legal excluding campaigns, the conjuring cycle from Echoes of Eternity, as well as any cards that create a randomly generated card to hand or to market. It was a tough decision to ban such cards as they do brew creativity, but sadly the fact that we are unable to control their ability to generate potential legendaries can lead to very one sided game play, thus taking away from the overall spirit of the format. You can find the actual banned list down below. The tournament will consist of a to be determined (based on participation) number of swiss rounds with a cut to a single elimination Top 8. All rounds will be best of 3 with no play / draw rule and the Top 4 matches will be played sequentially.

    Prize support will be based on community contributions and will be distributed to first through fourth place along with the potential team rewards variant. (I'll explain in a moment) Of note we will also be giving away various prizes throughout the stream to the chat simply for showing up and supporting the cause and community. Additionally I like how tight knit the Eternal community is and would like to somewhat continue this with a little inner community competition between the various Eternal Teams that have been created. So if a minimum of five (5) teams participate with a minimum (but not limited to) three (3) players each, I will reward 10USD each to the top three finishers of the winning team! Teams consist of any of the known entities with a title and have been represented in previous Eternal Tournaments such as [Misplay] [TNT] [Barbarian Camp] and the many others. Scoring for the team event will simply be adding the rank of the top three (3) finishes for the team together and the lowest total wins. Example… 2nd, 7th, 11th place finishes equal a score of 20 for that specific team. I do encourage players to support and cheer on their teammates, streamers, and friends!

    Child's Play is the organization we will be fundraising / donating to. They focus on supplying video game consoles and age appropriate video games for groups of children that are in hospitalized care for an extended period of time to help distract them from such tough times. Anyone can donate as soon as this post is live and can continue to do so until the end of the tournament this Saturday. The link is a third party that is designed for fundraiser campaigns and is independent from my own content, so feel free to click the link below if you decide you'd like to contribute. Thank you in advance for donating and/or for reading this far.

    Broadcast of the tournament will be on my Twitch channel (www.twitch.tv/jedi_ej) and will be streaming on a 10 minute delay to avoid the players of any feature matches feeling like they are at a disadvantage. I do encourage anyone that is curious or interested in seeing some great and new players innovate deck design as well as show off piloting prowess to tune in and cheer on your favorites! We encourage everyone participated in the event to join our discord (link down below) as we will have a tournament specific channel setup for our organizers to better assist players and facilitate a smoothly run tournament.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact me in this thread or on discord. =)









    Banned List:

    1 Good Idea at the Time (Set6 #140) 1 Unstable Form (Set1 #189) 1 Xumuc Whisper (Set10 #338) 1 Vicious Overgrowth (Set10 #368) 1 Watchwing Support (Set10 #382) 1 Earth Conjuring (Set8 #44) 1 Fire Conjuring (Set8 #16) 1 Fluctuate Reality (Set10 #81) 1 Pack Conjuring (Set8 #131) 1 Scrapmetal Fury (Set10 #337) 1 Water Conjuring (Set8 #98) 1 Wind Conjuring (Set8 #73) 1 Xumuc Coercion (Set10 #346) 1 Air Support (Set10 #14)

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Event leaderboards bug

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Hello guys, i ve waited 2 bug patchs and it seems guys are not solving the problem i had the past weekend event, i ve got a 35-5 result and instead of getting the first place i ve got the second because somehow the game seems to take a 35-7 récord as better than a 35-5 record wich is obviously a bug or a misscoding in the leaderboard, i ve already reported the bug but i didnt got an answer. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Popotito-Eternal
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    EJ93 AD Sunset Show

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:14 AM PST

    EJ93 AD Sunset Show


    Time to say farewell to the Eternal Argent Depths limited format. The Eternal Journey crew does it with honors as we give our highs and lows of the format. Included are shout outs, p1p1, and what's the play.



    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    47 Cards to Go: Drafting Legendaries in Empire of Glass | article by Schaab

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    New version of the copper conduit reanimator deck I posted a few months ago. It got some great additions this expansion!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    [Exp] Gleeful Amplify Combo

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:02 AM PST

    [Exp] Gleeful Amplify Combo


    My take on the Amplify combo in Expedition. Dear opponent, I hope you packed your Exploits XP


    Hey everyone! Sunyveil here, and if you don't know who I am, I won the Spring Throne Championship last year and do a weekly competitive podcast with fellow Worlds competitor Stormblessed. Be sure to follow me on Twitch, Twitter, and join the Friends of Eternal Discord!

    The goal here is to play Overloader, dump all of your amplify spells to generate power, then Pyrotech Explosion for lethal. Starting a turn with 7 power, Overloader, Hardiness, Celebration, Realign the Stars, and Pyrotech Explosion is a kill through a removal spell. Any hand that can generate a ton of power, then play any one of Realign the Stars, Pyrotech Explosion, or Brilliant Idea is usually a kill. It's not uncommon to hit for 999 damage on turn 5 or 6 if everything goes according to plan!

    As is common for these types of decks, there are three different categories of cards for this deck: the enablers, the power generators, and the payoffs. Below, I've listed them within their sections from best to worst. Here's the breakdown:

    The Enablers

    4 Overloader: The key card in the deck. You're not winning without it, so make sure you only play it when you're either a) comboing or b) sure that they're not able to kill or silence it. Fortunately, it's usually not too tough to spare one extra power the turn you combo, but if you hit your opponent with Builder's Decree you can sometimes run it out there the turn earlier and get one more power for your first amplify.

    3 Plea for Aid: Strictly Overloader 5-7 in this deck. Obviously it feels pretty bad to be paying 4 for a card that normally costs 1, but a) you need Overloader to win, b) you can tutor it up with Realign the Stars, and c) it's actually not as bad as it sounds. Theoretically you can get a Gleeful Firebrand with this, but I haven't needed to.

    The Power Generators

    4 Reactor Forge: This gets you going. Hopefully you can play one on turn 2, and it will really speed you up. The life loss isn't such a huge deal with this deck most of the time because you kill them in one go.

    4 Hardiness: Your best amplify card. Play it on your Overloader and amplify it for everything you've got the turn you plan on going off. Also my most common find with Realign the Stars. Generates 2(x-1) power, so 5 becomes 8, 6 becomes 10, 7 becomes 12, etc.

    4 Martial Efficiency: Keep in mind that you can amplify multiple times on the same enemy units, but they do have to have a unit out for this to work. Also, don't be too shy about just throwing it on a Gleeful Firebrand to take something down in combat.

    4 Celebration: You don't care about the unit, unless you're desperate. Being a 2-cost amplify 1 card that doesn't have a limit on how much you can amplify it is plenty useful, though. Generates 2(x-2) power, so 5 becomes 6, 6 becomes 8, 7 becomes 10, etc.

    4 Vicious Overgrowth: This can generate power if you have two Overloaders out, but most of the time it's just removal for the early game. The flexibility is nice.

    The Payoffs

    4 Brilliant Idea: Draws lots of cards and replenishes some power to get started again (if you have Overloader in play). It's not uncommon to play this for 12, draw 8 cards, hit Hardiness, and use the 6 power you get afterward to jump-start another chain. Honestly, this is better than your actual wincon because it actually does something at 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 power.

    4 Pyrotech Explosion: The killing blow; does lots of damage. Don't be afraid to use it as removal early on, as the one you win with is often not in your starting hand.

    The Other

    4 Realign the Stars: Ties the whole deck together and gets what you need. Often times this is just Hardiness 5-8, getting Brilliant Idea or Pyrotech Explosion isn't uncommon either.

    4 Gleeful Firebrand: This card does a little bit of a lot of different things you need. When you get going, almost every spell you play triggers the Firebrand. I lost a lot of games with amplify combo until I added this card. It blocks, plunders early on for power, plunders late for treasure troves, and acts as removal or a little bit of extra reach, whichever you need.

    4 Builder's Decree: Technically an amplify card, though here it's basically just disruption. Playing this the turn before you go off all but guarantees that your opponent can't interact with you on your critical turn. Also, when amplified it creates a nice blocker/attacker that can put in a lot of work.

    Moving Forward

    Whenever I build decks, I always have unanswered questions. The things I wonder most about this deck are:

    -Is Builder's Decree worth the slot, and what should I replace it with?
    -Is the powerbase appropriate? Right now it's at 28 no seeks. Theoretically this deck could also play Fire Etchings, but idk if you can get up to four fire easily for market access. Speaking of...
    -Is no market the way to go? Feels weird, especially for a combo deck, but that might just be the way things are.
    -How many Plea for Aid should I play? It's not great, but I feel like it might just be necessary.

    Wow, that was way longer than I thought it was going to be. Hope you enjoyed, and best of luck!

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    12/17 Update

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Tuesday Night Eternal

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:07 AM PST

    A destruction Ooze cycle! (Hypothetical cards)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Grenadin Throne Room!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST

    DECKLIST: here

    With the introduction of all the new grenadin from Empire of Glass, it's time to abuse their ability to send a lot of independant damage pings to your opponents face though one simple trick: The Throne Room!

    This deck's overall gameplan is to generate value through sacrifice effects, like most similar decks, but this one has a more agressive tint to it: with Dissassembler and Rotoscavenger you'll be dealing damage to the enemy face and/or their units in order to smack in with all your little bots. Grubbot can generate tons of value, but remember: it's mostly a lot of trasaure troves - which take a lot of time to turn into real cards

    GLHF out there and do please remember to tell people that the clans of grenadin stand united!

    submitted by /u/Sunsfury
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    What’s up with digital games and RNG card creators?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:17 AM PST

    I don't know why digital card games do this. Hearthstone, elder scrolls legends, and even eternal now, making constructed playable sources of RNG. It's the real suck in my playtime. Does anybody like it when RNG power screws then? No? So why do developers create cards that make random cards? If absolutely no one enjoys the bad RNG of being power screwed, why would anyone enjoy experiencing extra card RNG? I don't enjoy beating my opponent when he's power screwed. That's a non game. I hate it even more when I'm watching my opponent beat me with completely random cards.

    All this time I spend deducing the cards in someone's deck, the likelihood that they'll have a certain card in their hand, playing around those cards, the reward I get for winning because I outplayed my opponent, the lessons I learn when I lose from from making the wrong deductions. Out the window. Just throw some random cards in there that no one can think to play around. Then capitalize on the insane power level RNG threw in someone's lap. Where is the skill in that? Where is the strategy?

    Ok I get it. A good portion of card game players enjoy random effects. They like gambling. They like loot boxes and dice rolling. They don't care to outsmart their opponents in chess. They want to outluck them with RNG at the slot machine! Well here's what I think. Slot machines are independent games. You sit in front and roll the RNG to your hearts content. You have no control over the outcome and hence you don't interact with people when you play. High level randomness doesn't belong in competition. Power screw is bad enough, but at least you controlled your mulligan and how much power you put in your deck. You create the probability before you play. Like in poker. You play the hands and bet when your odds are good, and you fold when they are not. RNG card creation is a whole extra level of gambling. It's the slot machine. You put your coin in and watch the machine spit out whatever the machine does. It's toxic. People get addicted to the adrenaline high of high rolling randomness.

    Here's what I think. RNG card creation should stay out of player interaction. It robs the players of their decision making. Keep the cards that generate random cards out of constructed playability. Make their power costs and power levels restrictive for constructed play. Let the players who enjoy them play them in formats that don't have rank. Or against the AI. As slot machines.

    submitted by /u/RockstarCowboy1
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    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Cast Iron Furnace

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Hey guys I theory crafted a deck to utelize the broken legendary power but I'm out of shiftstones to play test it myself. I would appreciate your feedback to improve the list. looks good on paper

    Here's the deck: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/ZylYzsRUGn4/cast-iron-furnace-mono-shadow

    submitted by /u/Forged_in_Blood
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    Xbox friends with PC

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:07 PM PST

    So I want to compete in a Tuesday Night Eternal competition, but I need to be able to add friends to do this. Does anyone know if it's possible to make cross-platform friends like this or am I just out of luck.

    submitted by /u/beast5749
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