• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    Eternal Card Game New Promo: Talir, Timejumper

    Eternal Card Game New Promo: Talir, Timejumper

    New Promo: Talir, Timejumper

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Definitely not salty I spent 12.8k shiftstone on Kitaxius

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Do you want Xultan coronavirus? Cuz this is how you get Xultan coronavirus.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    A few new decks you can try

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:13 AM PST

    4,194,304 damage on turn 4 - Eternal Brews is officially in session

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    The Tribes of EOG

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Hey, thought this might help some people to figure out themes in limited. If you've looked carefully, the themes present themselves pretty clearly, but if you're just jumping in, this might help.

    There are five three-color tribes supported in EoG:

    • Valkyries: Fire Justice Shadow
    • Mandrakes: Time Primal Shadow
    • Soldiers: Time Justice Primal
    • Sentinels: Time Justice Fire
    • Grenadin: Fire Primal Shadow

    Soldiers and Sentinels have very minor synergy to be aware of as well.

    In addition, some mechanics have a tilt towards specific tricolor combos:

    • Amplify is in all colors, but "amplify matters" is in Primal, Time, Fire, in order of most to least support.
    • Regen is in Justice, Primal, and Shadow.

    Hopefully this helps when you draft or sealed EoG!

    submitted by /u/troglodyte
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    Re: The new search feature: Can we get a toggle?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Searching for a card in-game used to only return a set of cards that had certain qualifiers (i.e. New, Hero, etc.) or cards that contain the chosen text in their name or rules text. In the most recent patch, searching for a term now also returns results if the text appears in any of that card's keywords.

    Example: Searching for "New" used to return cards that were new to you and fringe cards like Banewolf and Begin Anew. Now it also returns every card with the Transmute keyword, because that keyword contains the text "When you reach the listed power amount, if this is in your hand or deck, it transforms into a new card."

    Example 2: Want to find a card that will draw cards? Searching for "draw" will also include all cards that contain the keywords Plunder or Fate because of their rules text.

    Both of these scenarios make it more difficult to find what you need. Can we get a UI toggle that will not search for text in keywords?

    Is anyone else bugged by this?

    submitted by /u/JaxxisR
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    The Six Cards that Will Be Nerfed from Empire of Glass

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST


    On this week's FECast, Worlds competitors Stormblessed and myself go over the best cards from the new set!

    This week on FECast, Empire of Glass has just released! Sunyveil and Stormblessed complete reviewing its cards that stand out to them. Suny shares the six new cards that he believes will be nerfed. Which cards will make waves in constructed? Which cards have the nerfhammer looming over them? Tune in to find out!

    Join the Friends of Eternal Discord (and the Piloting Club)! https://discord.gg/kp9vZjY

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    00:00:00 Intro

    00:01:41 Ep 54: The Six Cards That Will be Nerfed from Empire of Glass

    00:04:39 Overloader

    00:06:10 Diabolic Machinations

    00:09:10 Incineration

    00:11:08 Pesky Wirechewer

    00:12:12 Scythe Slash

    00:12:35 Barricade Basher

    00:13:49 Pyrotech Explosion

    00:16:09 Opum, the Gemblazer

    00:18:27 Siege Supplier

    00:20:14 Coretap Maximizer

    00:23:19 Glimpse Another Age

    00:25:08 Vine Tangler

    00:26:38 Venomous Nightshade

    00:27:26 Bastion Garrison & Tactical Superiority

    00:30:04 Send an Envoy

    00:32:49 Builder's Decree

    00:37:25 Bastion Gatekeeper & Forge Sanitizer

    00:39:58 Partnership Agreement

    00:42:38 Lord Steyer's Tower

    00:48:47 Plea for Aid

    00:50:58 Daru Lee

    00:53:52 Cyber Combustion

    00:55:22 Pinnacle of the Reach

    00:56:32 Realign the Stars

    00:58:12 Darkwater Vines

    01:00:04 Exploit

    01:02:03 Shadowcreeper

    01:03:31 Shadowsea Rising

    01:05:08 Reappropriator

    01:07:48 Arach, Razorshaper

    01:10:04 Shoal Stirrings

    01:12:21 Krull, Xumuc Occultist

    01:16:15 Shoaldredger

    01:18:04 Opum's Technique

    01:23:24 Powercell

    01:25:07 Tesseract's Technique

    01:27:16 Shorthopper

    01:30:22 Clear the Way

    01:35:37 Customs Officer

    01:37:45 Argo's Technique

    01:40:19 Align the Tesseract

    01:43:14 Cast Iron Furnace

    01:43:35 The Speaking Circle

    01:47:56 Cards we think will get nerfed

    01:55:09 Outro

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    EoG draft first impressions

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:26 AM PST

    I wanted to jump start a thread on EoG draft and see what folks were thinking and finding about the format with a couple days to play. What is working for you, what are you seeing from your opponents, and how are you liking the format so far?

    Some random observations; feel free to agree or disagree because this is first impressions through only like six drafts:

    • Wow, there are a lot of little flyers. Most of my losses are the result of insufficient ways to stop the death from a thousand cuts in the air. Steyer's Beckoning has been phenomenal for me. I'm also finding that some archetypes need to prioritize antiair more than others-- the sentinel that flies on your turn, for example, has been much better than it appears for me, since it's on-tribe and can stop wide flyer strategies.
    • Snipe is better than it seems because of regen, but also because of these little flyers. I still can't include it maindeck, but I've been impressed with the cards that cast it.
    • Very tribal set, and I usually find myself happily in three colors to support my tribe. Bannerman doubles up as a soldier and fixing and I expect it to climb in pick rate for that reason.
    • Amplify is dope. It's always been a good mechanic, but it's got a lot of support and some crazy good effects. My one build around it didn't really work, but as support for tribal decks it's been amazing.
    • I haven't been drawn to primal at all yet, and it's by far the least represented faction in my opponents' decks. Anyone have any experience with it?
    • What the fuck is going on with Stormhalt Warden? It's shockingly bad, even accounting for conservative design on a common market card. There's no reason for it to be so much worse than Counterfeiter... It could cost 4 or swap any card for any card and it would still be pretty lackluster. Super weird that it's so garbage.
    • Muster just doesn't work that well, especially in a format that isn't really emphasizing Spellcraft. If possible, I'd expect and hope they are removed from the draft packs. They're overwhelmingly filler without the support to make an archetype, and it just feels... Almost sad to see them try to force a weak mechanic like this.

    So far I've drafted sentinels twice (both 5-3), soldiers twice (2-3, 7-1), Valks once (6-3, but I forced it so I didn't have any bombs) and a weird no-tribal Amplify deck that didn't really work. (1-3). Gives you a sense of how my drafts have shaken out. Overall I like it so far; while my success has been mixed, it feels like a very linear, archetype based format so far, and I generally like those more than formats where drafting good stuff is better than drafting synergies.

    submitted by /u/troglodyte
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    Does winning Forge/Gauntlet in Masters earn you a rank up reward?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST


    I can't remember if winning Forge/Gauntlet in Masters earn you a rank up reward.

    I would probably skip playing Forge in Masters if that's the case.

    submitted by /u/FafaPapa
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    Tribal Fate-draw and bottoming interaction

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:42 PM PST

    If you draw cards such as cyber hound and other new ones that can draw cards based on tribe( valk/grenadn/sentinel/mandrake/soldier) by using a card that lets you select it from the top and bottom the rest (like cull the deck or display of menace) the card that they draw on fate doesn't come into your hand; instead it goes into the bottom of the deck. Be careful while casting cull the deck/display of menace.

    submitted by /u/Forged_in_Blood
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    Almost there

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:18 AM PST

    What happen when my card that created from "Beacon of the reach" plundered or marketed?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:54 AM PST

    So I will never get the new card from Beacon because the lastest one gone?

    submitted by /u/old_Anton
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    Expedition Streak Achieved (deck in comments

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:50 PM PST

    Mandrake 3 color is an absurd value deck in expedition, decklist

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:35 PM PST


    Thanks to the promo of Merriest Mandrake, this deck is a crazy value engine. You can play with all the ultimate synergies and buff your units. Silences? No problem, your units are still mandrakes and keep getting buffs. If you like having a field of deadly, lifesteal, killer units then this deck is for you!

    This version also plays haunting screams for extra recursion for flying, charge units that can ultimate again. This is also good against the mirror which tends to have a large board that is hard to attack into without evasion.

    There is a couple of 1ofs in market and deck for the mirror matchup. Shoal is an incredible value card and can be put into your deck with broker for maximum fate and value from it. I hope this decklist gives you an idea for how to build this deck!

    submitted by /u/HotSipOfColdTea
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    The Misplay - #57 - That New Set Smell

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:09 PM PST

    Salty Brew - No Legion [Throne]

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I'm having trouble remembering the subtypes of these new cards, any tips?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:35 PM PST

    so Sling of the Chi isn't so OP after all, huh?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Devs: Create a new mode (Classic to go alongside Expedition and Throne) that only allows the first 3 to 6 months of cards that you released, or make daily quests and free pack achievable in the gauntlet only (no PVP)

    Ah, think back a month ago when many of us thought Sling of the Chi was too powerful of a card. This new expansion takes the cake. I just got killed on turn 6 by a 36/4 lifesteal/regen unit that did 36 damage to me directly after I blocked it (Snapyx and Diabolic Machinations combo). He amplified his health down to 1, but of course gained 36 life after the attack. I had two 5/5 sentinels out to block, but guess blocking is pointless...

    This is following a previous game where the guy cast 7 elementals (a 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, and 7/7) on turn 6 (had another creature that reduced amplify costs by 1). Why does Inferno Dance only cost 1 power? What were the devs thinking?

    Why completely imbalance EVERY amplify card created in the game before now by adding a card that reduces amplify costs by 1? I can't even find the card in the collection...

    I love this game... I started playing last December and played 10 to 20 hours per week. Rapidly losing interest...

    Devs, please please please make the quests not involve PVP at all. Let me play Guantlet to get my quests done and win my daily pack. Or add a new type of game that involves only the first few sets (Classic mode?) so it's back to a balanced game where someone can't auto-win on turn 6...

    submitted by /u/detrickster
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    EoG Draft Video - Ambition

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:53 PM PST

    EoG Draft Video - Ambition


    Eternal's Empire of Glass is out and with it comes a brand spanking new draft format! Jedi dives right in experimenting with a new card that might just force him to splash a third color in an aggressive deck! Will it pan out? Will he make the mistakes so you don't have to? Tune in and find out!!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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