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    Eternal Card Game Need help to figure out which combo deck I just got owned by

    Eternal Card Game Need help to figure out which combo deck I just got owned by

    Need help to figure out which combo deck I just got owned by

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Combo looked hilarious, but the guy went too fast for me to truly understand the mechanics. Basically, he had a relic that would give him +1 power for every unit that went into his void, then he played some card that basically made him discard his whole deck until a weapon or something... then he played a site, somehow pulled two charge units from void and they had 80+ attack and insta-killed me.

    Is this description enough for you guys to figure out which deck that was? I'd like to understand what combo that was and how it works, because he really went too fast for me to truly process what actually happened. :D

    UPDATE: Looks solved, all the cards here are ones I recognize. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lightning_Shade
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    Does anybody have a clue about what that green thing in the background is?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:59 AM PST

    To purchase or not that is the question?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:07 AM PST

    Returning player still trying to catch up... I have purchased the awakening campaign with gold and now have save up 15k in gold ... In your opinion should I A: buy into sealed league B: keep saving to buy promises by firelight campaign.

    I don't have much of an end goal. Just like to collect cards and win an occasional game or two.

    submitted by /u/Diablofunrunnin
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    DARKWATER HORRORS by W4LLHUNT4 | Eternal Decks | Eternal Warcry

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    DARKWATER HORRORS by W4LLHUNT4 | Eternal Decks | Eternal Warcry


    I have been struggling to adapt to the new meta in the latest set, but I finally came up with a legitimate strategy.

    This is NOT a control deck. The plan is aggression and disruption with a clear goal in mind.

    The best matchups are tribal and aggro matchups, but you can struggle against xenan reanimator.

    I will highlight my personal favourites, strategies and synergies, but the deck still needs some adjustments.

    I kept the manabase fairly simple. 7 Waystone, 2 Sigil and 16 dual-faction Power.

    The goal is to get 3 primal/shadow influence and discard Felrauk the Outcast. It is the only influence-dependent card, which makes the deck pretty reliable.

    Tome of Horrors provides card draw and a win condition, but without a big finisher (best case Savage Incursion) you can´t go all the way.

    Milling 20 cards is quite a lot, while defending against aggro, or disrupting control, so the best way imo. is a midrange shell with anti meta cards and a clear win con.

    • Darkwater Vines is basically the most important card in the deck. It mills 4 and destroys aggro.
    • Blightmoth is a must have against any tribal, aggro, or relic deck and probably should be nerfed again.
    • Dichro´s Ruin stops some combos and charge units, but it´s mainly for the control/value decks.
    • Transpose can remove a face-aegis and search for answers.
    • Steely Resolve is my most favourite card, because everyone (except Golem decks) play 1-cost-spells. You deny a transpose, or torch, or even a seek power to manascrew them. They get blown out in combat or can´t access their win con, which gives you enough time to mill them.
    • Unstable Form works great with Elvish Swindler and Felrauk, since they already did their job entering and a random 5-drop from a Blightmoth shade can win you the game

    The market is my biggest problem, cause I don´t wanna change any of them.

    • Honor of Claws is the best choice 90% of the games. Card advantage and a discard outlet for Felrauk.
    • Silverblade Menace is the easiest way to defeat control and gains some life against aggro.
    • Turn to Seed is premium removal for annoying threats
    • Malediction is kind of anti-synergistic, but back-breaking against any kind of go-wide-strategy
    • Burglarize is strange. I never take it, because I have no time, or I don´t need it, or I just kill them.

    If you´re still there, thank you for enduring it and maybe give me your thoughts on it.

    What should I change, any important legendaries, more Mandrakes?


    submitted by /u/TooHuntingWalls
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    Tried this game out today after doing CCG research, my opinion: gl getting new players this game is toxic.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    This is the most unwelcoming toxic experience I have ever had starting out in a game. First match EVER, and I get placed against an opponent with a tier 1 net decked bullshit deck that literally does not allow me to have any board state ever. I'm no stranger to card games, I've played them all just never eternal. I cannot express how disgusting it is to face a fucking unwinnable wall the first time you queue. I've played for 3 days against AI and done a couple of campaigns, puzzles, forges and the like so It's not like I am unfamiliar. But nothing prepared me for the very obvious power differential between AI deck lists and player decks.

    The cost to benefit ratio on some of the cards I faced against were insane compared to the basic premade decks I got as rewards for doing X or Z. Yeah, I get a player made netdeck will out preform a starter deck I truly understand that concept. But, I have never played a game, as a new player, and literally been killed before I could get a single point on the board. Like the fuck is that. So oppressive, so fucking stupid of a game design to allow new players to get ganked by higher skill brainless card game players who just copy and paste a deck list and hit PLAY.

    Suffice to say I have uninstalled, the PVE fun was short lived however knowing that PVP is this toxic means grinding cards is not worth it in the slightest. I don't want to play NUCLEAR rock paper scissors, that type of balance is trash. I don't know how you mix MTG and HEARTHSTONE and get something even worse than both. MTG's been around over 20 years and can maintain power creep, why is this game so bad? FUCK its frustrating just wasted 3 days of my life to this shit experience.

    submitted by /u/GuaranteeWorried1944
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    Shadowlands Stories Bundle coming 1/13!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:40 PM PST

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